Ok 9-11 conspiracy theorist, 1 simple question, WHY?

You know he asked 1 simple question
And I have asked one simple question

and you go on a rant of name calling and slander that makes no sense to me what so ever

hell we might be on your sidehttp
I ask one simple question:
what was GWB intent?

If any-one was smart enough to plan this event, load these buildings up with explosives, time it perfect with the jets
and forget to leave a little yellow cake in Iraq?

a little yellow cake ?....you would need to show a little more than ...oh look a piece of yellow cake in this guys pocket sarg...No if you could not show a real and verifiable wmd
better to find nothing...and what harm to Bush did not finding wmds cause...did the war stop ?...was Bush charged as a war criminal ?....No....even Opera still loves him...it was all just a good laugh

The white house correspondents dinner, Where the president is invited every year to basically roast himself. DUH.

he lied and murdered innocent people.. sent in troops to be killed and maimed and made a joke of it at a roast....it is evil and sick and so is anyone that condones it
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So you don't want to tell us what the writers of the 911CR claim they were lied to about?

Must not disprove any of the main points. That's about what we figured....

who you and candycorn ...lol
So you don't want to tell us what the writers of the 911CR claim they were lied to about?

Must not disprove any of the main points. That's about what we figured....
You mean like the main points that that the US was attacked on 9-11? Or that 2 planes demolished 3 buildings in damn near freefall speed? Or that the pentagon was indeed attacked, and another plane did crash in PA? You hang your hat on on stuff like this and are satisfied with it, so be it it just goes to show you don't have the guts to see this whitewash thrown right in your face. Like I said in another reply to you, this has been rehashed over and over, it has become common knowledge, you are either severely behind the curve on this topic, or just willfully ignorant..I'm leaning towards the latter on this one.

David Ray Griffin

9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - washingtonpost.com

9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - washingtonpost.com

The 9-11 commission doesn't believe the government, why do you?

Still can't quote any inaccuracies in the report can you? Too bad, so sad.

Did you hear? Bush won Ohio Twice. Just thought I'd remind you. He he he.

You mean like the main points that that the US was attacked on 9-11? Or that 2 planes demolished 3 buildings in damn near freefall speed? Or that the pentagon was indeed attacked, and another plane did crash in PA? You hang your hat on on stuff like this and are satisfied with it, so be it it just goes to show you don't have the guts to see this whitewash thrown right in your face. Like I said in another reply to you, this has been rehashed over and over, it has become common knowledge, you are either severely behind the curve on this topic, or just willfully ignorant..I'm leaning towards the latter on this one.

David Ray Griffin

9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - washingtonpost.com

9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - washingtonpost.com

The 9-11 commission doesn't believe the government, why do you?

Still can't quote any inaccuracies in the report can you? Too bad, so sad.

Did you hear? Bush won Ohio Twice. Just thought I'd remind you. He he he.


Using an opinion from the Washington Compost does more harm to your theory than anything could

I have asked one simple question that without answering dis proves your "theories"
What was the purpose of using 19 people with "Ties" to OBL?

Then claim Saddam had ties to it, but after all of this elaborate scheme, you just leave the Saddam portion of it hanging and you spend the next 18 months letting the world watch every move you make

Of course for the 50th time, I'll ask you to name a single inaccuracy in the report--quoting the damn thing--and you will run like the little bitch that you are from the question. Won't you?
And for the 50th time you need to be told that the people on the commission have rejected their own report,
All Commissioners have signed off on the report. They stand behind it today. For the 50th time, whenever an investigation is done, the investigators are going to get differing stories; unless it is a very unusual circumstance. Using your brand of juvenile logic; there would never be a finding of fault or conviction of any kind because the investigators got different stories. What planet do you live on?

So, please point to one inaccuracy about the major points that is found in the 9/11 Commission Report.

Actually it's thanks to the non-pussified warriors our country has produced that went over there and killed the terrorist scum you think are your friends. We should send your sorry ass over there and let you see them upclose. They hate us and you'll feel right at home you piece of shit.

It's stupid fucks like you that swig the propaganda BS and pat yourself on the back while extolling your fake patriotism that are the shit stains on this country, you're a prime example of a pussy of the 1st degree, you aren't even man/women or whatever the fuck you are enough to admit you were lied to, instead you continually side with the enemies of the American people, always at the ready to misinform, and mislead, while ridiculing people who still love their country and show it by pointing out to you the lies of 9-11, what is wrong with it, and the government, and why it matters.
You hate this country and everything it stands for. That much is obvious to everyone who reads your posts. Remember the lie you told about the US planting WMDs in Iraq? Just one of hundreds of lies you've told. You say the report is inaccurate yet you can't quote any inaccuracies. Your actions are the very essence of dishonesty. You probably can't recognize it any more since you've devoted your sorry life to your quest to bring everyone down to your level.

Just so you know; nobody has missed your contributions since you've made none; ever.

It's fucks like you that are the enemy and should be sent over there to see them up close and personal.
I have family and friends who went there and elsewhere, and fought in the wars for sorry fucks like you, only to be treated like shit when they were no longer of any use.
Hear that Ollie, Mr. Jones is on your side! I bet thats news to you!

The 9-11 attacks and conspiracy was made up by the criminals who rode to power on the wave of ignorant left/right paradigm voting fools like yourself, and all you can do is tout how the 9-11 commission is right on all the major points?
Okay, point out how the text is wrong. You can't. You won't. You're powerless on this board too. Too bad; so sad.

You would be funny if you weren't such a despicable fucking treasonous scumbag.
Only a traitor to the nation would be satisfied with a report like that, and refuse to admit how flawed and unreliable it is, as stated by the people who fucking wrote it!
The fact is you have more in common with the enemies of this country, and you prove it every time you post your boot licking bullshit.
Sounds like you missed your afternoon hit. Money problems?

If anyone wants to start their own research on the 9-11 attacks, or anything else I would strongly recommend steering clear of propaganda spewing trolls like you.

When the government fears the people there is liberty, but when the people fear the government, there is tyranny-Thomas Jefferson

Its always hilarious when dumb fucks like you try to invoke the founding fathers. You guys used to compare yourselves to Galileo--remember that?

Bottom line is this:
I win; I always do.
of course for the 50th time, i'll ask you to name a single inaccuracy in the report--quoting the damn thing--and you will run like the little bitch that you are from the question. Won't you?
and for the 50th time you need to be told that the people on the commission have rejected their own report,
all commissioners have signed off on the report. They stand behind it today. For the 50th time, whenever an investigation is done, the investigators are going to get differing stories; unless it is a very unusual circumstance. Using your brand of juvenile logic; there would never be a finding of fault or conviction of any kind because the investigators got different stories. What planet do you live on?

So, please point to one inaccuracy about the major points that is found in the 9/11 commission report.

you hate this country and everything it stands for. That much is obvious to everyone who reads your posts. Remember the lie you told about the us planting wmds in iraq? Just one of hundreds of lies you've told. You say the report is inaccurate yet you can't quote any inaccuracies. Your actions are the very essence of dishonesty. You probably can't recognize it any more since you've devoted your sorry life to your quest to bring everyone down to your level.

Just so you know; nobody has missed your contributions since you've made none; ever.

Hear that ollie, mr. Jones is on your side! I bet thats news to you!

Okay, point out how the text is wrong. You can't. You won't. You're powerless on this board too. Too bad; so sad.

you would be funny if you weren't such a despicable fucking treasonous scumbag.
Only a traitor to the nation would be satisfied with a report like that, and refuse to admit how flawed and unreliable it is, as stated by the people who fucking wrote it!
The fact is you have more in common with the enemies of this country, and you prove it every time you post your boot licking bullshit.
sounds like you missed your afternoon hit. Money problems?

if anyone wants to start their own research on the 9-11 attacks, or anything else i would strongly recommend steering clear of propaganda spewing trolls like you.

when the government fears the people there is liberty, but when the people fear the government, there is tyranny-thomas jefferson

its always hilarious when dumb fucks like you try to invoke the founding fathers. You guys used to compare yourselves to galileo--remember that?

Bottom line is this:
i win; i always do.

you have won nothing troll ...except perhaps in your own pathetic imaginings
So you don't want to tell us what the writers of the 911CR claim they were lied to about?

Must not disprove any of the main points. That's about what we figured....
You mean like the main points that that the US was attacked on 9-11? Or that 2 planes demolished 3 buildings in damn near freefall speed? Or that the pentagon was indeed attacked, and another plane did crash in PA? You hang your hat on on stuff like this and are satisfied with it, so be it it just goes to show you don't have the guts to see this whitewash thrown right in your face. Like I said in another reply to you, this has been rehashed over and over, it has become common knowledge, you are either severely behind the curve on this topic, or just willfully ignorant..I'm leaning towards the latter on this one.

David Ray Griffin

9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - washingtonpost.com

9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - washingtonpost.com

The 9-11 commission doesn't believe the government, why do you?

this thread starter needs to stop asking "why are you so afraid to answer a question?" when he is afraid to admit it was an inside job and is not only afraid to look at your links and read a book, but to watch videos as well.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo: the loyal Bush dupe also ignores that he needs to demand Cheney and Bush be put under oath and tried in a REAL investigation and be put under a lie detector since THEY are the ones that have all the answers since they were the ones that pulled it off.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: the logic of the OCTA'S.:lol:
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You mean like the main points that that the US was attacked on 9-11? Or that 2 planes demolished 3 buildings in damn near freefall speed? Or that the pentagon was indeed attacked, and another plane did crash in PA? You hang your hat on on stuff like this and are satisfied with it, so be it it just goes to show you don't have the guts to see this whitewash thrown right in your face. Like I said in another reply to you, this has been rehashed over and over, it has become common knowledge, you are either severely behind the curve on this topic, or just willfully ignorant..I'm leaning towards the latter on this one.

David Ray Griffin

9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - washingtonpost.com

9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - washingtonpost.com

The 9-11 commission doesn't believe the government, why do you?

Do you guys ever read what you post?

First off Your Dr Ray is a truther who believes that 6 of the hijackers are still alive. this has been debunked hundreds of times. That's where i quit reading his BS.

Then you provide a link that only talks about the pentagon either lying or mistaking the times that jets were scrambled or the times planes were being tracked.

None of this proves any conspiracy.

None of this proves that any main points were wrong.

None of it proves there were any controlled demolitions.

In fact none of it proves anything at all.
And you positively absolutely know for sure that all the hijackers are dead? If so can you prove this?

So you don't believe the members of the 9-11 commission are telling you the truth when they say it is not an accurate report? That was your original questioning, then you try to sidetrack that topic and toss in CDs lol! and try to ridicule the source by calling Dr. Griffin a "truther" as if there's something bad about that :lol:
The report is bullshit, they admitted it, get over it already :cuckoo:

"For the most part," says Hoffman, "people completely ignore contrary information" and are able to "develop elaborate rationalizations based on faulty information."

"We refer to this as 'inferred justification,'" says Hoffman. Inferred justification is a sort of backward chain of reasoning. You start with something you believe strongly (the invasion of Iraq was the right move) and work backward to find support for it (Saddam was behind 9/11). "For these voters," says Hoffman, "the sheer fact that we were engaged in war led to a post-hoc search for a justification for that war."

For an explanation of this behavior, look no further than the psychological theory of cognitive dissonance. This theory holds that when people are presented with information that contradicts preexisting beliefs, they try to relieve the cognitive tension one way or another. They process and respond to information defensively, for instance: their belief challenged by fact, they ignore the latter. They also accept and seek out confirming information but ignore, discredit the source of, or argue against contrary information, studies have shown.

But some of the loudest opposition is the result of confirmatory bias, cognitive dissonance, and other examples of mental processes that have gone off the rails.

Why We Believe Lies, Even When We Learn the Truth - Newsweek

Fuck it why bother with people like you, you ask for links, this and that then admit you don't bother to read anything because of stupid reasons. You just here for the company? You are a waste of time.

Yeah he is so much brainwashed and afraid to look at the links you provide him that thats the best thing to do is just ignore the troll and go on to someone else.He is definetely one of those brainwashed Bush dupes that Hoffman was talking about that you mentioned who ignore contradictory information and thats because as we both know,they only see what they want to see.they are that person Jack Nicholson spoke of in the movie A FEW GOOD MEN when he said-You cant handle the truth.Thats who he was talking about.these Bush/Obama dupes.
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You know what? When you have some actual proof. You know, something besides conjecture and opinion. You let me know and we'll discuss it. But none of you are yet to prove anything.

And if you can't prove anything with the internet at your fingertips then 911's book certainly isn't going to help.

Personally I'm getting bored proving the same old BS is simply BS.
Personally I think you are just afraid to admit the 9-11 commission is BS, and you resort to the same crap you usually do, sidetrack the topic, attack the messenger, and/or run away from answers to your own questions, etc.. It's right there in your face and you still refuse to acknowledge what is mainstream news?

The 9/11 Commission co-chairs don't believe the 9/11 Commission Report, they said it still you can't process that fact.
The 9/11 Commissioners knew that military officials lied to the Commission, and considered recommending criminal charges for such false statements, yet didn't bother to tell the American people .
The co-chairs of the Commission now admit that the Commission largely operated based upon political considerations.
Chairman Thomas Kean says that the CIA intentionally impeded the 9/11 Commission's investigation and says “I’m upset that [the government] didn’t tell us the truth.”
Co-chair Hamilton says of the CIA's cover up and destruction of tapes of interrogation of people allegedly connected with 9/11:

"Did they obstruct our inquiry? The answer is clearly yes," says Lee Hamilton, who co-chaired the 9/11 Commission, in the wake of reports the CIA destroyed videotapes of interrogations of two al-Qaida suspects. "Whether that amounts to a crime, others will have to judge," adds Hamilton.
Hamilton also says "I don't believe for a minute we got everything right", that the Commission was set up to fail, that people should keep asking questions about 9/11, that the 9/11 debate should continue, and that the 9/11 Commission report was only "the first draft" of history.
So why are you incapable of seeing this and at the least getting pissed off? Good God.... Too many years of fluoridated water maybe?

George Washington's Blog: The 9/11 Commission Doesn't Believe It: Why Do You?

(CINCINNATTI, Ohio) - When 9/11 Commission Chief Counsel, John Farmer, released his book, The Ground Truth, debunking his own 9/11 commission report and was supported by Chairman Thomas Kean and commission member Senator Bob Kerrey with no dissent, the cover story of 9/11 died.
This leaves us with these inescapable facts:

* We no longer have an official answer to questions about 9/11.

* Perjured testimony and falsified information given to the original commission is a criminal act and demands a Grand Jury investigation and Special Prosecutor.

* Hundreds of respected leaders of the military, law enforcement, intelligence and scientific communities question the credibility of an investigation now proven beyond a doubt a conspiracy in itself.

* The institutions of government, including all 3 branches, Executive, Judicial and Legislative have combined in an unexplainable way in their failure to respond to circumstances that legally require action.

* The press has continued a pattern of distortion of facts, suppression of news and has engaged in a systematic campaign of deception.

Outfoxing the 9/11 Coverup - Salem-News.Com

The above was taken from a collection of articles by American Patriot Gordon Duff. He is a (REAL) Marine combat veteran and a regular contributor to Veterans Today. He specializes in political and social issues. You can see a large collection of Gordon's published articles at this link:
Veterans Today


that says it all right there.just watch,he'll come back and start asking irrelevent questions instead of taking the time to read what you posted.Like all OCTA'S,he only sees what he WANTS to see.Move on to someone else and ignore this troll.
All Commissioners have signed off on the report. They stand behind it today.
No they don't haven't you been keeping up? Take your head out of your ass and read some of the posts and links about how they really feel about the report.

So, please point to one inaccuracy about the major points that is found in the 9/11 Commission Report.
I have linked quotes and links answering this for you and the others, it doesn't seem to matter to you that the writers of the report are dissatisfied with the outcome, and you are content with the "major" points, what a way weak way to try to overcome such a glaring revelation, shows what a true pussy you are. Instead of standing with the American people on this you choose to continue to side with the enemies of the people. It's obvious you are nothing but a shill, probably a true agent of disinformation installed behind a keyboard to do your part to keep the people here and on other information boards confused.
Your BS doesn't work well here anymore, the fight for truth is slowly shifting as the lies that have been told to us are revealed, and trolls like you are exposed for the scumbag enemies of the American people that you are.

You hate this country and everything it stands for. That much is obvious to everyone who reads your posts.
:lol: I am not the one trying desperately to deny what is mainstream news, it is clear that you are against the truth and justice that the people deserve, those with any intelligence will see right through your disinformation tactics and realize you are not concerned with the truth or the nation, you only spew the corrupted criminals propaganda. The criminals in the government and trolls like you are the enemies of the people.

Okay, point out how the text is wrong. You can't. You won't. You're powerless on this board too. Too bad; so sad.
Yeah okay, that's why you piss your self like an incontinent little troll and resort to character assassination and various other tactics you are trained in. The 9-11 commission panel rejects its own report, and you don't care to address this fact, an obvious observation by your posts.
Sounds like you missed your afternoon hit. Money problems?
See what I mean, you're a weak sissy that resorts to shit like this :lol:

When the government fears the people there is liberty, but when the people fear the government, there is -Thomas Jefferson
Its always hilarious when dumb fucks like you try to invoke the founding fathers. You guys used to compare yourselves to Galileo--remember that?
The above quote is true and you are a scared pussy that would rather lick the boot of your nations enemies instead of standing with the American people. You are a traitor.

Bottom line is this:
I win; I always do.
You win nothing to be proud of, your low self esteem is pathetically apparent. :cuckoo:
Dude candytroll is not only a government shill, but an attention seeker,the WORST thing you can do is take his bait and reply to him giving him the attention he seeks.You should have put him and divecunt on ignore YEARS ago.btw,wonder where that other troll attention seeker divecunt is.He hasnt been on here in the last few days amazingly.thats a miracle.
All Commissioners have signed off on the report. They stand behind it today.
No they don't haven't you been keeping up? Take your head out of your ass and read some of the posts and links about how they really feel about the report.

So, please point to one inaccuracy about the major points that is found in the 9/11 Commission Report.
I have linked quotes and links answering this for you and the others, it doesn't seem to matter to you that the writers of the report are dissatisfied with the outcome, and you are content with the "major" points, what a way weak way to try to overcome such a glaring revelation, shows what a true pussy you are. Instead of standing with the American people on this you choose to continue to side with the enemies of the people. It's obvious you are nothing but a shill, probably a true agent of disinformation installed behind a keyboard to do your part to keep the people here and on other information boards confused.
Your BS doesn't work well here anymore, the fight for truth is slowly shifting as the lies that have been told to us are revealed, and trolls like you are exposed for the scumbag enemies of the American people that you are.

:lol: I am not the one trying desperately to deny what is mainstream news, it is clear that you are against the truth and justice that the people deserve, those with any intelligence will see right through your disinformation tactics and realize you are not concerned with the truth or the nation, you only spew the corrupted criminals propaganda. The criminals in the government and trolls like you are the enemies of the people.

Yeah okay, that's why you piss your self like an incontinent little troll and resort to character assassination and various other tactics you are trained in. The 9-11 commission panel rejects its own report, and you don't care to address this fact, an obvious observation by your posts.
See what I mean, you're a weak sissy that resorts to shit like this :lol:

When the government fears the people there is liberty, but when the people fear the government, there is -Thomas Jefferson
Its always hilarious when dumb fucks like you try to invoke the founding fathers. You guys used to compare yourselves to Galileo--remember that?
The above quote is true and you are a scared pussy that would rather lick the boot of your nations enemies instead of standing with the American people. You are a traitor.

Bottom line is this:
I win; I always do.
You win nothing to be proud of, your low self esteem is pathetically apparent. :cuckoo:

So what in gods name are you trying to say?
Jet planes
turned into scud missiles
flew into 3 buildings and one field

Anything more than that one would medication on a full time basis to state as such. To start with why would anyone go thru all of that trouble to invade a country in which Opium is its main cash crop? and that Sharia law is the law of the land?
I keep asking one simple question and everyone ignores it
So what in gods name are you trying to say?
Jet planes
turned into scud missiles
flew into 3 buildings and one field
This appears to be the "main points" of the report you are satisfied with, and walk away content with this explanation? There's a whole lot more to research man, so do some research!
Anything more than that one would medication on a full time basis to state as such. To start with why would anyone go thru all of that trouble to invade a country in which Opium is its main cash crop?
The pipelines, read the PNAC ....

and that Sharia law is the law of the land?
Whats this got to do with anything?
I keep asking one simple question and everyone ignores it
You would think youd get the hint by now that a simple bit of effort on your part will answer your questions, I've provided you with links and information and you pretend you don't know how to look stuff up...sorry man I don't know what else to tell you...:cuckoo:
the same pipelines from long before 2001?
TASHKENT, Uzbekistan - Afghanistan in the midst of a grinding war may not look like an investor's paradise. Yet oilman Joseph Naemi sees the conflict - and America's involvement - as a potential opportunity for vast riches.

The 39-year-old executive plans to invest hundred of millions of dollars over the next five to seven years developing oil and natural gas fields in neighboring Uzbekistan, in hope eventually of selling oil and gas to and through Afghanistan by pipeline.

"If the United States' presence continues in the region, (Sept. 11) is probably the best thing that could have happened here for the Central Asian republics," said Naemi, managing director of Chase Energy, a small oil company based in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

America's efforts to replace the puritanical Taliban and bring stability to Afghanistan are resurrecting hopes for a controversial proposal for trans-Afghanistan oil and natural gas pipelines, once strongly backed by the United States. And wildcatters such as Naemi are lining up to capitalize on what may be the most valuable, inaccessible stretch of land in Central Asia.

"This region in terms of oil economics is the frontier for this century," said Naemi. "And Afghanistan is part and parcel of this."

In 1998, the Taliban signed a $2 billion agreement for a proposed 890-mile natural gas pipeline that would start in Turkmenistan's Dauletabad fields, snake through Taliban-controlled areas in Herat and Kandahar, Afghanistan, and end in Quetta, Pakistan. A $2.5 billion oil pipeline stretching 1,000 miles through Afghanistan also was considered.

The pipelines would provide the most direct route from Central Asia's oil and gas fields to Arabian Sea ports such as the Pakistani city of Karachi. They would link oil and gas fields in land-locked Central Asia to lucrative markets in Asia and Australia, and could free up more Middle East oil to flow to the United States and Europe. They also could reduce U.S. dependence on oil from OPEC nations, which have dictated oil prices for decades.

The proposal has been seriously batted around in corporate boardrooms from Texas to Saudi Arabia since the mid-1990s. But given Afghanistan's 22 years of war, there were serious doubts that the pipelines would be built. Now, with the United States vowing to uproot the Taliban, the project seems more possible.

"The oil companies have never stopped thinking about the Afghan pipeline, but they all lowered it on the list of priorities," said a U.S. Embassy commercial officer in Almaty, Kazakhstan, who has close contacts with American energy firms there. "But now they are re-evaluating it with the possible political change happening in Afghanistan." The officer spoke on condition of anonymity.

In recent weeks, the English-language newspaper Baku Sun in oil-rich Azerbaijan has published stories discussing the hopes for proposed Afghan pipelines. Last week, Turkmenistan's president, Saparamurad Niyazov, asked the United Nations to help revive the project, saying it would be "advantageous for all the neighboring countries, and primarily Afghanistan," according to Turkmenistan's official news agency.

Some Central Asian oil consultants are publicly lobbying for the pipeline to be a key part of any post-Taliban "Marshall plan" for the United States to help rebuild Afghanistan.

"It should be an absolute must for the U.S. to pursue this option," said Rob Sobhani, president of Washington-based Caspian Energy Consulting and a former consultant in Central Asia for Amoco, which is now part of British Petroleum. Sobhani has pushed the pipeline on various U.S. television programs.

The Afghan pipelines would make it cheaper and faster for Naemi and Chase Energy to get their oil and natural gas to Asian markets. Currently, they are planning to use railroads along long, circuitous routes via the Caspian Sea region and Turkey.

At war since the Soviets invaded in 1979, Afghanistan has never been able to fully tap its significant deposits of natural gas, oil and coal. Conflict after conflict has shattered its infrastructure, eroded its economy and spawned one of the world's largest refugee populations.

All that seemed to be forgotten when the Taliban grabbed power in 1996, bringing stability to much of the country. By then, an international consortium of oil companies led by Houston-based Unocal Corp. was wooing the hard-line Islamic regime to sign the pipeline deal.

The group included companies from Saudi Arabia, Russia, South Korea, Japan and Pakistan. The Argentine firm Bridas also was competing for the rights to build a pipeline through Afghanistan.

Unocal pulled out of the pipeline consortium in December 1998, after the U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania and the subsequent American military strikes on Osama bin Laden's training camps in Afghanistan. The civil war in Afghanistan, low oil prices and pressure at home from U.S. women's groups protesting the Taliban's subjugation of women also played roles.

The State Department was helping Unocal, despite the Taliban's brutal human-rights record and its harboring of bin Laden. U.S. officials said they hoped the Taliban would moderate their policies and the pipeline would boost Afghanistan's crippled economy.

According to the Washington-based Heritage Foundation, a conservative public policy organization, the American diplomatic dance with the Taliban was partly an attempt to prevent the construction of a pipeline through Iran and to reduce Russian leverage over Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.

U.S. ties with the oil-producing former Soviet republics are closer after the Sept.11 terrorist attacks. Uzbekistan's government, which hopes that a stable Afghanistan will open direct routes for its oil and natural gas, and its neighbors have supported the American-led anti-terrorism coalition.

Although the United States is talking about buying oil from Russia, it also is supporting the proposed construction of a pipeline from Baku, Azerbaijan, to the Turkish seaport of Ceyhan, which would allow the Caspian Sea nations to lessen their reliance on Moscow.

While modern-day wildcatters such as Naemi are betting on the Afghan pipelines, larger oil companies aren't jumping in so soon. A Unocal spokeswoman said the company had no plans to invest anywhere in Central Asia in the near future.

"The prospects are there, the potential is there," said Abdul Raheem Yaseer, the assistant director of the Center for Afghanistan Studies at the University of Nebraska in Omaha. "But first the Taliban have to be removed, then the terrorists have to be removed. Then the Afghans have to be helped to form their own government, and then they'll need a lot of money for reconstructing their country. Then they will talk about oil projects."
Oh yes, it's all about OIL!!!!

That must be why we can't drill in the Gulf of Mexico but next month Cuba will be drilling less than 50 miles off our shore......

Dude candytroll is not only a government shill, but an attention seeker,the WORST thing you can do is take his bait and reply to him giving him the attention he seeks.You should have put him and divecunt on ignore YEARS ago.btw,wonder where that other troll attention seeker divecunt is.He hasnt been on here in the last few days amazingly.thats a miracle.

divecunt is on stress leave...so they brought this babbling jrk loser
Dude candytroll is not only a government shill, but an attention seeker,the WORST thing you can do is take his bait and reply to him giving him the attention he seeks.You should have put him and divecunt on ignore YEARS ago.btw,wonder where that other troll attention seeker divecunt is.He hasnt been on here in the last few days amazingly.thats a miracle.

divecunt is on stress leave...so they brought this babbling jrk loser

Makes perfect sense.Divecunt is so stressed out getting his ass handed to him on a platter like he and all the other OCTA trolls here do everyday,that he could not take the stree anymore and had to take a vacation for a while,so they brought this other dumbfuck troll in to replace him.:lol: It totally makes sense since he appeared just shortly after divecunt left.:lol:
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Dude candytroll is not only a government shill, but an attention seeker,the WORST thing you can do is take his bait and reply to him giving him the attention he seeks.You should have put him and divecunt on ignore YEARS ago.btw,wonder where that other troll attention seeker divecunt is.He hasnt been on here in the last few days amazingly.thats a miracle.

divecunt is on stress leave...so they brought this babbling jrk loser

Makes perfect sense.Divecunt is so stressed out getting his ass handed to him on a platter like he and all the other OCTA trolls here do everyday,that he could not take the stree anymore and had to take a vacation for a while,so they brought this other dumbfuck troll in to replace him.:lol: It totally makes sense since he appeared just shortly after divecunt left.:lol:

What world did you say you lived on?
divecunt is on stress leave...so they brought this babbling jrk loser

Makes perfect sense.Divecunt is so stressed out getting his ass handed to him on a platter like he and all the other OCTA trolls here do everyday,that he could not take the stree anymore and had to take a vacation for a while,so they brought this other dumbfuck troll in to replace him.:lol: It totally makes sense since he appeared just shortly after divecunt left.:lol:

What world did you say you lived on?

its a place just outside of the matrix you live in....
So what in gods name are you trying to say?
Jet planes
turned into scud missiles
flew into 3 buildings and one field
So you are comparing commercial aircraft to a genuine Scud missile? What in Gods name are YOU trying to say?
The only thing they have in common is the possible use of kerosene as fuel, which we all know burned up in the first few minutes of impact with the WTC towers. Your point?

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