OK Brainiacs, how would YOU prevent future school shootings?

Those in red text are already in place. I assume you were just joking about this.
Actually, I claim ignorance.
Sorry for posting on this. I stand corrected, thanks.
You weren't as wrong as you think.....in fact..I think you had the gist of it.

Nope. You are just as confused as the other poster.
Sometimes...it's pretty clear that you say shit just to say it. You know I'm right..in fact..in the post previous to this..you as much as admitted I'm correct, factually..in your lame and maudlin rebuttal.
How will you stop private sales? Pass a law the everyone knows is unenforceable?
What good will changing the age do? It would have prevented one school shooter, and that was the last one.
How will you fix the problem of the system being broken? Pass another useless law?
So, I get charged with assaulting someone I am banned from defending myself for life? There is a reason why these are misdemeanors.

Nice try..demoted to j.g.---just another butter bar...lol!

No. I destroyed your feeble attempts to pass unenforceable and useless laws to solve problems that are already addressed. Try reading for comprehension. That seems to be your downfall.
I was going to let it alone..but:
Look Ens.---
Let's here it from all you gun control freaks...
Eliminate the sale of AR-15's and other repeating rifles to the general public.

No selling of guns at gun shows without background checks.

Must be 21 or older to buy any gun.

Anyone with a mental health problem cannot buy a gun.

Anyone found guilty of violence of any kind banned from having a gun.

Those in red text are already in place. I assume you were just joking about this.
You can buy a gun at a gun show as long as the seller is not a registered dealer--the so-called gun show loophole
You can buy a long gun at 18
Sure..if the problem is diagnosed and is entered into the system..and the system is checked
Felony violence....you can have 20 misdemeanor assault and batteries..and buy a gun.
I just listed some facts as pertains to current laws in the United States...I did this in response to your misstatements regarding same. You stated that Jackson's proposals were already law...they are not.

I attached no political context to anything..nor did I propose any new laws.

Get a grip...reading comprehension...really???
Actually, I claim ignorance.
Sorry for posting on this. I stand corrected, thanks.
You weren't as wrong as you think.....in fact..I think you had the gist of it.

Nope. You are just as confused as the other poster.
Sometimes...it's pretty clear that you say shit just to say it. You know I'm right..in fact..in the post previous to this..you as much as admitted I'm correct, factually..in your lame and maudlin rebuttal.
How will you stop private sales? Pass a law the everyone knows is unenforceable?
What good will changing the age do? It would have prevented one school shooter, and that was the last one.
How will you fix the problem of the system being broken? Pass another useless law?
So, I get charged with assaulting someone I am banned from defending myself for life? There is a reason why these are misdemeanors.

Nice try..demoted to j.g.---just another butter bar...lol!

No. I destroyed your feeble attempts to pass unenforceable and useless laws to solve problems that are already addressed. Try reading for comprehension. That seems to be your downfall.
I was going to let it alone..but:
Look Ens.---
Let's here it from all you gun control freaks...
Eliminate the sale of AR-15's and other repeating rifles to the general public.

No selling of guns at gun shows without background checks.

Must be 21 or older to buy any gun.

Anyone with a mental health problem cannot buy a gun.

Anyone found guilty of violence of any kind banned from having a gun.

Those in red text are already in place. I assume you were just joking about this.
You can buy a gun at a gun show as long as the seller is not a registered dealer--the so-called gun show loophole
You can buy a long gun at 18
Sure..if the problem is diagnosed and is entered into the system..and the system is checked
Felony violence....you can have 20 misdemeanor assault and batteries..and buy a gun.
I just listed some facts as pertains to current laws in the United States...I did this in response to your misstatements regarding same. You stated that Jackson's proposals were already law...they are not.

I attached no political context to anything..nor did I propose any new laws.

Get a grip...reading comprehension...really???

Yes, reading comprehension. You have none.

The vast majority are laws. Anything you pointed out would be useless and repetitive.
I like guns actually, it's funny about that. I just don't hold them in the same high regard as the rest of you. I wondered about this earlier. What do we do about mass shootings in America? Smarter people than all of us aren't being heard over the din of us shouting at each other. I am open to solutions.
It appears that the tips are being given to LE, it's just not being investigated. That should be dealth with immediately! And...Why did these surrogate parents allow the boy to have the guns?
They were scared, he was of age..and the weapons..at least the one used in the crime, was purchased and owned legally.

As for the FBI, social services and local LEA...some of those should go straight to jail.
Atually, I didn't know they were scared. I thought they were actually surprised he did the shooting. I was under the impression he was well mannered at home.
Did you see the backyard of the home he was supposedly staying at? It looked like a shooting gallery....and I don't mean guns. Those friends lost no time slapping his brother into an institution and applying to gain control of their inheritance.
Make murder illegal!!
OK. I thought you said make murder legal. I misread your post, but, that would end this after all. Why not? We seem to be going that way already. Get a licence to kill, say you have a limit depending on your income. Your parents can buy you a hunting licence for children. The NRA would get rich, think of all the possibilities! Hunting blacks, or gays, even. Boggles the mind. After all, there is 7 Billion people on this planet, we cull animals with the less numbers for humanitarian reasons...Wow, that opens up all sorts of opportunities.
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Make murder illegal!!
OK. I thought you said make murder legal. I misread your post, but, that would end this after all. Why not? We seem to be going that way already. get a licence to kill, say you have a limit depending on your income. Your parents can buy you a hunting licence for children. The NRA would get rich, think of all the possibilities? Hunting blacks, or gays, even. Boggles the mind.

How would the NRA get rich by making murder legal?
Make murder illegal!!
OK. I thought you said make murder legal. I misread your post, but, that would end this after all. Why not? We seem to be going that way already. get a licence to kill, say you have a limit depending on your income. Your parents can buy you a hunting licence for children. The NRA would get rich, think of all the possibilities? Hunting blacks, or gays, even. Boggles the mind.

How would the NRA get rich by making murder legal?
At least they would be more honest about it, don't you think? Murder Inc., sleazy hoodlums, hit men all could form unions instead of hiding and join the NRA. Mass murderers could form unions, too, think about it. School shooters families get pensions and say, special bulk stores they can flash their cards and get discounts. Let's don't leave out random muggers or burglars, they need guns, too. Guns empower so many people in that unique American way, who could critique THAT?
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I like guns actually, it's funny about that. I just don't hold them in the same high regard as the rest of you. I wondered about this earlier. What do we do about mass shootings in America? Smarter people than all of us aren't being heard over the din of us shouting at each other. I am open to solutions.
It appears that the tips are being given to LE, it's just not being investigated. That should be dealth with immediately! And...Why did these surrogate parents allow the boy to have the guns?
They were scared, he was of age..and the weapons..at least the one used in the crime, was purchased and owned legally.

As for the FBI, social services and local LEA...some of those should go straight to jail.
Atually, I didn't know they were scared. I thought they were actually surprised he did the shooting. I was under the impression he was well mannered at home.
Did you see the backyard of the home he was supposedly staying at? It looked like a shooting gallery....and I don't mean guns. Those friends lost no time slapping his brother into an institution and applying to gain control of their inheritance.
I didn't know that. Thank you.
Make murder illegal!!
OK. I thought you said make murder legal. I misread your post, but, that would end this after all. Why not? We seem to be going that way already. get a licence to kill, say you have a limit depending on your income. Your parents can buy you a hunting licence for children. The NRA would get rich, think of all the possibilities? Hunting blacks, or gays, even. Boggles the mind.

How would the NRA get rich by making murder legal?
At least they would be more honest about it, don't you think? Murder Inc., sleazy hoodlums, hit men all could form unions instead of hiding and join the NRA. Mass murderers could form unions, too, think about it. School shooters families get pensions and say, special bulk stores they can flash their cards and get discounts. Let's don't leave out random muggers or burglars, they need guns, too. Guns empower so many people in that unique American way, who could critique THAT?
Here's a thought....how about we put criminals and the dangerously insane people in secure facilities....instead of turning our country into a facility? You people insist on letting crazies and criminals free run of our streets and schools.....then blame when rural fucking us when they access a weapon. We aren't the crazy ones. Stop mainstreaming criminals and lunatics. Then we will talk. Not until then and honestly listening to you whackjobs convinces me I need more guns. You are a threat to humanity.
Make murder illegal!!
OK. I thought you said make murder legal. I misread your post, but, that would end this after all. Why not? We seem to be going that way already. get a licence to kill, say you have a limit depending on your income. Your parents can buy you a hunting licence for children. The NRA would get rich, think of all the possibilities? Hunting blacks, or gays, even. Boggles the mind.

How would the NRA get rich by making murder legal?
At least they would be more honest about it, don't you think? Murder Inc., sleazy hoodlums, hit men all could form unions instead of hiding and join the NRA. Mass murderers could form unions, too, think about it. School shooters families get pensions and say, special bulk stores they can flash their cards and get discounts. Let's don't leave out random muggers or burglars, they need guns, too. Guns empower so many people in that unique American way, who could critique THAT?
Here's a thought....how about we put criminals and the dangerously insane people in secure facilities....instead of turning our country into a facility? You people insist on letting crazies and criminals free run of our streets and schools.....then blame when rural fucking us when they access a weapon. We aren't the crazy ones. Stop mainstreaming criminals and lunatics. Then we will talk. Not until then and honestly listening to you whackjobs convinces me I need more guns. You are a threat to humanity.
My dear, you are onto something. Would you inform us what it is?

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