OK gun grabbers you have your mandatory gun registration

Liberals are unteachable

They simply refuse to learn that more laws is not the answer

They'll learn soon enough.

The first big gun ban was passed in the 20's in response to banks being robbed by better armed criminals.

90 years




Liberals can not learn. They've had 90 years to learn more gun laws do not work. What makes you think they will figure it now?
Liberals are unteachable

They simply refuse to learn that more laws is not the answer

They'll learn soon enough.

The first big gun ban was passed in the 20's in response to banks being robbed by better armed criminals.

90 years




Liberals can not learn. They've had 90 years to learn more gun laws do not work. What makes you think they will figure it now?

Well, their's always hope.
Meh, serves them right for either voting those progressive idiots into office or staying in that screwed up state after they took over.
One thing's for certain, if that ever happens in Florida, they can kiss my ass. I'll never ever register.
Meh, serves them right for either voting those progressive idiots into office or staying in that screwed up state after they took over.

I'm sitting on the fence on this one, they deserve everything that is coming their way, but they are American citizens that should have their rights protected. Hell I guess they'll just have to fight this one
We're getting hit from another front folks

Just got this today

BREAKING: CA Court of Appeals: 2A Doesn't Apply to AK Platform Rifles | The Truth About Guns

California’s 4th District (Division 1) Court of Appeal just held that the Second Amendment does not apply to semi-automatic firearms like “AK” platform rifles. Click here to read the decision. “We construe Heller as standing for the proposition that the right secured by the Second Amendment is ‘not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose’ (Heller, supra, 554 U.S. at p. 626), but is instead the right to possess and carry weapons typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes such as hunting or self-defense . . . We agree with James that the ban on AK series rifles does not impinge on rights protected by the Second Amendment because assault weapons ‘are at least as dangerous and unusual as the short-barreled shotgun’ (James, supra, 174 Cal.App.4th at p. 677), which Miller concluded (with apparent approval from Heller) was outside the scope of the Second Amendment’s guarantee. (James, at pp. 674-675.)”
I have been arguing since Heller that is was not a victory for the second amendment, now here's the evidence.
We're getting hit from another front folks

Just got this today

BREAKING: CA Court of Appeals: 2A Doesn't Apply to AK Platform Rifles | The Truth About Guns

California’s 4th District (Division 1) Court of Appeal just held that the Second Amendment does not apply to semi-automatic firearms like “AK” platform rifles. Click here to read the decision. “We construe Heller as standing for the proposition that the right secured by the Second Amendment is ‘not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose’ (Heller, supra, 554 U.S. at p. 626), but is instead the right to possess and carry weapons typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes such as hunting or self-defense . . . We agree with James that the ban on AK series rifles does not impinge on rights protected by the Second Amendment because assault weapons ‘are at least as dangerous and unusual as the short-barreled shotgun’ (James, supra, 174 Cal.App.4th at p. 677), which Miller concluded (with apparent approval from Heller) was outside the scope of the Second Amendment’s guarantee. (James, at pp. 674-675.)”
I have been arguing since Heller that is was not a victory for the second amendment, now here's the evidence.

That needs to be challenged in court. The 39 decision ruled that weapons in use of use are what the 2nd protects. Our forces use ak-47's in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Let's see how it will stop crime or gun violence

Resident of Connecticut reluctantly stood in line in order to sign up for the mandated gun registry that goes into effect January 1, 2014. Gun owners feel not only that the registry is unconstitutional but also that this could be a sign of bigger things to come.

Connecticut Gun Owners Line Up For Unconstitutionally Mandated Gun Registration // Mr. Conservative
You can bet the farm I will be watching this very closely.

its constitutional. Good luck fighting it.
Let's see how it will stop crime or gun violence

Resident of Connecticut reluctantly stood in line in order to sign up for the mandated gun registry that goes into effect January 1, 2014. Gun owners feel not only that the registry is unconstitutional but also that this could be a sign of bigger things to come.

Connecticut Gun Owners Line Up For Unconstitutionally Mandated Gun Registration // Mr. Conservative
You can bet the farm I will be watching this very closely.

its constitutional. Good luck fighting it.

No it is not.
We're getting hit from another front folks

Just got this today

BREAKING: CA Court of Appeals: 2A Doesn't Apply to AK Platform Rifles | The Truth About Guns

California’s 4th District (Division 1) Court of Appeal just held that the Second Amendment does not apply to semi-automatic firearms like “AK” platform rifles. Click here to read the decision. “We construe Heller as standing for the proposition that the right secured by the Second Amendment is ‘not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose’ (Heller, supra, 554 U.S. at p. 626), but is instead the right to possess and carry weapons typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes such as hunting or self-defense . . . We agree with James that the ban on AK series rifles does not impinge on rights protected by the Second Amendment because assault weapons ‘are at least as dangerous and unusual as the short-barreled shotgun’ (James, supra, 174 Cal.App.4th at p. 677), which Miller concluded (with apparent approval from Heller) was outside the scope of the Second Amendment’s guarantee. (James, at pp. 674-675.)”
I have been arguing since Heller that is was not a victory for the second amendment, now here's the evidence.

That needs to be challenged in court. The 39 decision ruled that weapons in use of use are what the 2nd protects. Our forces use ak-47's in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I think they are talking about the semi automatic versions.
Let's see how it will stop crime or gun violence

Resident of Connecticut reluctantly stood in line in order to sign up for the mandated gun registry that goes into effect January 1, 2014. Gun owners feel not only that the registry is unconstitutional but also that this could be a sign of bigger things to come.

Connecticut Gun Owners Line Up For Unconstitutionally Mandated Gun Registration // Mr. Conservative
You can bet the farm I will be watching this very closely.

step one to confiscation
Let's see how it will stop crime or gun violence

Connecticut Gun Owners Line Up For Unconstitutionally Mandated Gun Registration // Mr. Conservative
You can bet the farm I will be watching this very closely.

its constitutional. Good luck fighting it.

No it is not.

yes it is. There have already been rulings on these type of things, which you already knew, because we've been over it a few dozen times.

but once again state rights get tossed out the window because on this certain issue you decided it didnt work in your favor. Yet on the next ( insert subject) you will cry about the federal government over reaching and state rights.

i know you tend to only stay in the shallow pond.
Let's see how it will stop crime or gun violence

Resident of Connecticut reluctantly stood in line in order to sign up for the mandated gun registry that goes into effect January 1, 2014. Gun owners feel not only that the registry is unconstitutional but also that this could be a sign of bigger things to come.

Connecticut Gun Owners Line Up For Unconstitutionally Mandated Gun Registration // Mr. Conservative
You can bet the farm I will be watching this very closely.

step one to confiscation

Yes it is, gun grabbers got what they wanted, let's see how it works for them.
its constitutional. Good luck fighting it.

No it is not.

yes it is. There have already been rulings on these type of things, which you already knew, because we've been over it a few dozen times.

but once again state rights get tossed out the window because on this certain issue you decided it didnt work in your favor. Yet on the next ( insert subject) you will cry about the federal government over reaching and state rights.

i know you tend to only stay in the shallow pond.

It is not constitutional. Where in the second amendment does it say gun registration is constitutional or anywhere in the constitution?
This v v v v v v v v v v v v

The paranoids have teamed up with us in our mass conspiracy to take away all your rights. This only thing left to do is to join a militia, buy some camaflage clothes, move to Idaho, and do your paramilitary training in the woods, while you feed off of each others hyper nonsense. However, you should be made aware that we have infiltrated your movement, and you can not trust each other any more than you can trust us. Billy Bob, and Bubba are both spies for us, and we know where you keep your ammo depot, and your Bud Light, so give up. Resitance is futile.
Resident of Connecticut reluctantly stood in line in order to sign up for the mandated gun registry that goes into effect January 1, 2014. Gun owners feel not only that the registry is unconstitutional but also that this could be a sign of bigger things to come.

It will be a waste of money, and will not stop gun related crimes. Criminals will not register their guns. Canada recently scrapped their gun registry after realizing that it was a waste of money and a waste of police officers time. We should learn from this experience instead of just throwing money away and penalizing law abiding gun owners.

Gun registration and licensing are pushed as a way to trace those who supply these illicit weapons. Yet, to see the problem with these regulations, one only needs to look at how ineffective they have been in solving crime. Canada just recently ended its long gun registry as it was a colossal waste of money.

Beginning in 1998, Canadians spent a whopping $2.7 billion on creating and running a registry for long guns -- in the US, the same amount per gun owner would come to $67 billion. For all that money, the registry was never credited with solving a single murder. Instead, it became an enormous waste of police officers' time, diverting their efforts from traditional policing activities.

UN gun control treaty will reveal gun laws Obama really supports | Fox News

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