OK, I admit it....was I ever wrong

His numbers shrank after the "Kim Davis Issue" was introduced at the 11th hour just before yesterday's primary. Look for more of that in Texas and the Super Tuesday states. It was the first time Trump's numbers took a significant hit. It was either the rebel flag issue, which SC voted to ban on public grounds. Or it was the gay marriage issue; where SC voted to exclude non mother/father pairs.

People get grumpy when their self-governance is taken away and their Christians plopped in jail all so two dudes can force children to be without a mother for life as a matter of binding contract. It's an issue that crosses all demographics except the far left. It bleeds into Hillary's supporters too; I guarantee it; since I myself used to support Hillary up and until the moment she saddled up with the Rainbow Reicht.

Trump is not going to be the GOP nominee. I'll admit, it's a bit of a mystery who it actually will be. But it won't be Donald Trump. The gay marriage issue took pounds of flesh off him this time; and that was when the ad was really weak and wimpy. If they bump up the heat on that issue, introduce Kim Davis and motherless/fatherless kids....Trump calling the gay marriages he's attended "beautiful" ...and proclaiming it's a dead legal issue...that's going to come back to haunt him.

You are absolutely correct, everyone whose career or job is permanently gone will NEVER forget Kim David and will therefore vote for another Republican who will make even more Americans lose their income.
You can now relax and stop posting until after the 2016 election.

Kasich is all about jobs for the working class. If he runs "Trump soft on gay marriage ads"...look out...
Didn't you post the same thing in post 48?
I never could have predicted Trump, but I knew Jeb Bush had no chance ever. I'm shocked he didn't get the message much earlier.

I must admit I was wrong too. I knew Bush wouldn't make it, but I predicted he would stay in much longer than he has. The question now is who gets his support? I think Kasich will benefit from this if he doesn't drop out as well.
You guys are able to admit when you are wrong? Where was that honesty on Iraq or when bushanomics put us into a recession?

You'll get that honesty when the left admits the recession was caused by liberals wanting to put more minorities in their own homes whether they could afford it or not.
They had jobs and were paying their mortgages until bush sent their jobs overseas.

Oh, and I agree, the Clinton's signed NAFTA. One reason Bernie and trump are popular.

No, they had people living paycheck to paycheck owning homes with a variable mortgage. Interest rates only had one place to go, and that was up. When that happened, that was the start of the housing collapse.

Lower income people were so giddy with being able to have a house that they never questioned (or were intelligent enough to) what it would cost them if the rates went up by only 1%. And as supply and demand dictates, when there is less supply than demand, prices increase, so people were buying homes to flip that were overpriced as it was. Others bought overpriced homes just because they could finally buy a house.

I know, I lost two good tenants because of 0% down. Both purchased overpriced homes and regretted later that they didn't listen to me. They were both over extended on their credit, lived paycheck to paycheck and had little money saved.
2008 was the begining of style over substance for Presidential nominees and I don't see it ending anytime soon.
You must have missed Reagan in 1980
He actually had substance as well as style so did Bill Clinton. Obama, Trump, Sanders, H Clinton not so much

Substance...Let business so whatever they want.
Two recessions later...
Yes something I don't expect blind partisans who parrott party talking points to understand.
While it wasn't difficult to see the growing divisions in the GOP, I don't think anyone could have predicted this campaign season.

it has been coming for a long time now

we have been promised one thing after another

with the same old excuses for far too long

the remaining establishment republicans best learn this

or they too will be tossed in the dust bins of history

What they promise you will never happen in this country?

Abortion will never been banned.

Gay marriage is now legal everywhere.

The spending that needs to be cut the most is Military as we have 10x more firepower than we will every need.

Terrorism is not a real thread to the average american. It is minuscule compared to real issues like infrastructure, income inequality, climate change and global warming.

The biggest lie -- that Muslims are gonna git ya. It's about playing on your fears.
I always prided myself on being able to pick the republican candidate years in advance. It was so easy, Republicans always went with the safe pick, the guy who came in second the last time, the well known candidate. There were no Carters, Clinton's or Obamas coming out of nowhere for the Republicans

I was positive Bush would win the nomination easily

I underestimated Trump and how easily he would dismantle Bush. Bush looked like a sputtering idiot next to Trump. I also overestimated Jebs charisma.......there was none. No charm, no wit.....not the guy you would want to have a beer with

I really blew this one

You and me both.
I never could have predicted Trump, but I knew Jeb Bush had no chance ever. I'm shocked he didn't get the message much earlier.

I must admit I was wrong too. I knew Bush wouldn't make it, but I predicted he would stay in much longer than he has. The question now is who gets his support? I think Kasich will benefit from this if he doesn't drop out as well.
You guys are able to admit when you are wrong? Where was that honesty on Iraq or when bushanomics put us into a recession?

Because there is no honesty in anything you just said. In Iraq, we all knew that there were WMDs, during the election year the democrats pretended they didn't know, and nothing Bush did caused the collapse in the economy. In fact Bush warned the democrats in congress about the coming disaster 5 times and they refused to do anything about it.

THAT is honesty right there.
I never could have predicted Trump, but I knew Jeb Bush had no chance ever. I'm shocked he didn't get the message much earlier.

So why did you believe Jeb "had no chance ever"?

Several reasons:

1. He's a Bush.
2. He's an establishment candidate.
3. He's a progressive.
4. He's soft on illegals.
5. He supports common core.

In short, he's the opposite of what the bulk of the GOP voters want.

Uh.....how many votes did you cast for Jeb's sibling?

Irrelevant, but I voted for him twice.
Would all those present heaping dirt on Jeb's grave who also cast two votes for his imbecile brother please raise their hands.......

Rustic......don't be shy now....

Amazin', ain't it?

I voted for the imbecile twice.

Option 1 - Al Gore, who said NYC would be under water right now.
Option 2 - John Kerry, who may be the dumbest man walking the earth

Take the imbecile every time in those 2 choices.....which is sad.

More consequential......

Some Gore quote you made up, or

"you've covered your ass now"?

Given the above, I don't think we need to linger on your judgement of Kerry's intelligence....

Didn't have to make that Gore quote up. The person who wants to "save the planet" and has become fantastically wealthy with that scam. From his Nobel Prize speech (which along with Barrack Hussein Obama winning one shows you how devalued that award has become).

Last September 21 (2007), as the Northern Hemisphere tilted away from the sun, scientists reported with unprecedented distress that the North Polar ice cap is "falling off a cliff." One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years.

The Iran deal is proof positive how stupid Kerry is. Or how Putin is making him look even dumber (which admittedly is pretty hard to do).
2008 was the begining of style over substance for Presidential nominees and I don't see it ending anytime soon.
You must have missed Reagan in 1980
He actually had substance as well as style so did Bill Clinton. Obama, Trump, Sanders, H Clinton not so much

Substance...Let business so whatever they want.
Two recessions later...

Still rather have that over the Carter years (shudder).
His numbers shrank after the "Kim Davis Issue" was introduced at the 11th hour just before yesterday's primary. Look for more of that in Texas and the Super Tuesday states. It was the first time Trump's numbers took a significant hit. It was either the rebel flag issue, which SC voted to ban on public grounds. Or it was the gay marriage issue; where SC voted to exclude non mother/father pairs.

People get grumpy when their self-governance is taken away and their Christians plopped in jail all so two dudes can force children to be without a mother for life as a matter of binding contract. It's an issue that crosses all demographics except the far left. It bleeds into Hillary's supporters too; I guarantee it; since I myself used to support Hillary up and until the moment she saddled up with the Rainbow Reicht.

Trump is not going to be the GOP nominee. I'll admit, it's a bit of a mystery who it actually will be. But it won't be Donald Trump. The gay marriage issue took pounds of flesh off him this time; and that was when the ad was really weak and wimpy. If they bump up the heat on that issue, introduce Kim Davis and motherless/fatherless kids....Trump calling the gay marriages he's attended "beautiful" ...and proclaiming it's a dead legal issue...that's going to come back to haunt him.

You are absolutely correct, everyone whose career or job is permanently gone will NEVER forget Kim David and will therefore vote for another Republican who will make even more Americans lose their income.
You can now relax and stop posting until after the 2016 election.

Kasich is all about jobs for the working class. If he runs "Trump soft on gay marriage ads"...look out...

Kasich is a nice guy and I would vote for him.
After I do all the Blue Collar guys I know will kick my ass after he opens the Southern Border.
I never could have predicted Trump, but I knew Jeb Bush had no chance ever. I'm shocked he didn't get the message much earlier.

So why did you believe Jeb "had no chance ever"?

Several reasons:

1. He's a Bush.
2. He's an establishment candidate.
3. He's a progressive.
4. He's soft on illegals.
5. He supports common core.

In short, he's the opposite of what the bulk of the GOP voters want.

When are all of you Common Core critics going to get the message? It's gone! History! Out of there! Congress shit-canned it and Ohdumber signed it!

Ignorance has won another hard fought battle.

If Trump and Hillary get the nominations, that will be the ultimate battle of ignorance.

I am just waiting for the rending of garments and gnashing of teeth when your property taxes increase to cover the cost of new curriculum and textbooks aligned to those new standards.

Bull shit. It's still being taught in public schools. FACT.
Would all those present heaping dirt on Jeb's grave who also cast two votes for his imbecile brother please raise their hands.......

Rustic......don't be shy now....

Amazin', ain't it?

His brother was the lessor of two evils in the general. I doubt anyone here voted for him in the primaries. I could never vote in a Republican primary because I was a registered Libertarian.
His numbers shrank after the "Kim Davis Issue" was introduced at the 11th hour just before yesterday's primary. Look for more of that in Texas and the Super Tuesday states. It was the first time Trump's numbers took a significant hit. It was either the rebel flag issue, which SC voted to ban on public grounds. Or it was the gay marriage issue; where SC voted to exclude non mother/father pairs.

People get grumpy when their self-governance is taken away and their Christians plopped in jail all so two dudes can force children to be without a mother for life as a matter of binding contract. It's an issue that crosses all demographics except the far left. It bleeds into Hillary's supporters too; I guarantee it; since I myself used to support Hillary up and until the moment she saddled up with the Rainbow Reicht.

Trump is not going to be the GOP nominee. I'll admit, it's a bit of a mystery who it actually will be. But it won't be Donald Trump. The gay marriage issue took pounds of flesh off him this time; and that was when the ad was really weak and wimpy. If they bump up the heat on that issue, introduce Kim Davis and motherless/fatherless kids....Trump calling the gay marriages he's attended "beautiful" ...and proclaiming it's a dead legal issue...that's going to come back to haunt him.

You are absolutely correct, everyone whose career or job is permanently gone will NEVER forget Kim David and will therefore vote for another Republican who will make even more Americans lose their income.
You can now relax and stop posting until after the 2016 election.

Kasich is all about jobs for the working class. If he runs "Trump soft on gay marriage ads"...look out...

Kasich is a nice guy and I would vote for him.
After I do all the Blue Collar guys I know will kick my ass after he opens the Southern Border.

What makes you think Kasich is "nice," the fact that he saddled the children and grand children of Ohio's citizens with huge Medicare taxes?
I always prided myself on being able to pick the republican candidate years in advance. It was so easy, Republicans always went with the safe pick, the guy who came in second the last time, the well known candidate. There were no Carters, Clinton's or Obamas coming out of nowhere for the Republicans

I was positive Bush would win the nomination easily

I underestimated Trump and how easily he would dismantle Bush. Bush looked like a sputtering idiot next to Trump. I also overestimated Jebs charisma.......there was none. No charm, no wit.....not the guy you would want to have a beer with

I really blew this one

Yep, Jeb was a slug. I applaud your honesty.
2008 was the begining of style over substance for Presidential nominees and I don't see it ending anytime soon.
You must have missed Reagan in 1980
He actually had substance as well as style so did Bill Clinton. Obama, Trump, Sanders, H Clinton not so much

Substance...Let business so whatever they want.
Two recessions later...

Still rather have that over the Carter years (shudder).

We'll be OK if we stop the crap with all of our
His numbers shrank after the "Kim Davis Issue" was introduced at the 11th hour just before yesterday's primary. Look for more of that in Texas and the Super Tuesday states. It was the first time Trump's numbers took a significant hit. It was either the rebel flag issue, which SC voted to ban on public grounds. Or it was the gay marriage issue; where SC voted to exclude non mother/father pairs.

People get grumpy when their self-governance is taken away and their Christians plopped in jail all so two dudes can force children to be without a mother for life as a matter of binding contract. It's an issue that crosses all demographics except the far left. It bleeds into Hillary's supporters too; I guarantee it; since I myself used to support Hillary up and until the moment she saddled up with the Rainbow Reicht.

Trump is not going to be the GOP nominee. I'll admit, it's a bit of a mystery who it actually will be. But it won't be Donald Trump. The gay marriage issue took pounds of flesh off him this time; and that was when the ad was really weak and wimpy. If they bump up the heat on that issue, introduce Kim Davis and motherless/fatherless kids....Trump calling the gay marriages he's attended "beautiful" ...and proclaiming it's a dead legal issue...that's going to come back to haunt him.

You are absolutely correct, everyone whose career or job is permanently gone will NEVER forget Kim David and will therefore vote for another Republican who will make even more Americans lose their income.
You can now relax and stop posting until after the 2016 election.

Kasich is all about jobs for the working class. If he runs "Trump soft on gay marriage ads"...look out...

Kasich is a nice guy and I would vote for him.
After I do all the Blue Collar guys I know will kick my ass after he opens the Southern Border.

What makes you think Kasich is "nice," the fact that he saddled the children and grand children of Ohio's citizens with huge Medicare taxes?

Is Ohio not running a surplus?
2008 was the begining of style over substance for Presidential nominees and I don't see it ending anytime soon.
You must have missed Reagan in 1980
He actually had substance as well as style so did Bill Clinton. Obama, Trump, Sanders, H Clinton not so much

Substance...Let business so whatever they want.
Two recessions later...

Still rather have that over the Carter years (shudder).

We'll be OK if we stop the crap with all of our
His numbers shrank after the "Kim Davis Issue" was introduced at the 11th hour just before yesterday's primary. Look for more of that in Texas and the Super Tuesday states. It was the first time Trump's numbers took a significant hit. It was either the rebel flag issue, which SC voted to ban on public grounds. Or it was the gay marriage issue; where SC voted to exclude non mother/father pairs.

People get grumpy when their self-governance is taken away and their Christians plopped in jail all so two dudes can force children to be without a mother for life as a matter of binding contract. It's an issue that crosses all demographics except the far left. It bleeds into Hillary's supporters too; I guarantee it; since I myself used to support Hillary up and until the moment she saddled up with the Rainbow Reicht.

Trump is not going to be the GOP nominee. I'll admit, it's a bit of a mystery who it actually will be. But it won't be Donald Trump. The gay marriage issue took pounds of flesh off him this time; and that was when the ad was really weak and wimpy. If they bump up the heat on that issue, introduce Kim Davis and motherless/fatherless kids....Trump calling the gay marriages he's attended "beautiful" ...and proclaiming it's a dead legal issue...that's going to come back to haunt him.

You are absolutely correct, everyone whose career or job is permanently gone will NEVER forget Kim David and will therefore vote for another Republican who will make even more Americans lose their income.
You can now relax and stop posting until after the 2016 election.

Kasich is all about jobs for the working class. If he runs "Trump soft on gay marriage ads"...look out...

Kasich is a nice guy and I would vote for him.
After I do all the Blue Collar guys I know will kick my ass after he opens the Southern Border.

What makes you think Kasich is "nice," the fact that he saddled the children and grand children of Ohio's citizens with huge Medicare taxes?

Is Ohio not running a surplus?

Yes we are, but at the expense of cities and towns all across the state.
You must have missed Reagan in 1980
He actually had substance as well as style so did Bill Clinton. Obama, Trump, Sanders, H Clinton not so much

Substance...Let business so whatever they want.
Two recessions later...

Still rather have that over the Carter years (shudder).

We'll be OK if we stop the crap with all of our
His numbers shrank after the "Kim Davis Issue" was introduced at the 11th hour just before yesterday's primary. Look for more of that in Texas and the Super Tuesday states. It was the first time Trump's numbers took a significant hit. It was either the rebel flag issue, which SC voted to ban on public grounds. Or it was the gay marriage issue; where SC voted to exclude non mother/father pairs.

People get grumpy when their self-governance is taken away and their Christians plopped in jail all so two dudes can force children to be without a mother for life as a matter of binding contract. It's an issue that crosses all demographics except the far left. It bleeds into Hillary's supporters too; I guarantee it; since I myself used to support Hillary up and until the moment she saddled up with the Rainbow Reicht.

Trump is not going to be the GOP nominee. I'll admit, it's a bit of a mystery who it actually will be. But it won't be Donald Trump. The gay marriage issue took pounds of flesh off him this time; and that was when the ad was really weak and wimpy. If they bump up the heat on that issue, introduce Kim Davis and motherless/fatherless kids....Trump calling the gay marriages he's attended "beautiful" ...and proclaiming it's a dead legal issue...that's going to come back to haunt him.

You are absolutely correct, everyone whose career or job is permanently gone will NEVER forget Kim David and will therefore vote for another Republican who will make even more Americans lose their income.
You can now relax and stop posting until after the 2016 election.

Kasich is all about jobs for the working class. If he runs "Trump soft on gay marriage ads"...look out...

Kasich is a nice guy and I would vote for him.
After I do all the Blue Collar guys I know will kick my ass after he opens the Southern Border.

What makes you think Kasich is "nice," the fact that he saddled the children and grand children of Ohio's citizens with huge Medicare taxes?

Is Ohio not running a surplus?

Yes we are, but at the expense of cities and towns all across the state.

Let me get this right...
What good for Wall Street is not necessarily good for Main Street.

What's good for a State BUDGET is not necessarily good for the majority of it's Municipalities.

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