OK, I admit it....was I ever wrong

I never could have predicted Trump, but I knew Jeb Bush had no chance ever. I'm shocked he didn't get the message much earlier.
He didn't because there was no clear front runner.

Honestly it should have been bush or Christie or kasich.

The only two now should be rubio and trump. Kasich will stick around in case rubio chokes again
While it wasn't difficult to see the growing divisions in the GOP, I don't think anyone could have predicted this campaign season.

it has been coming for a long time now

we have been promised one thing after another

with the same old excuses for far too long

the remaining establishment republicans best learn this

or they too will be tossed in the dust bins of history
Consider the Republicans are all unpopular because of their unpopular candidates in the house and senate. Cruz and rubio are a part of a very unpopular government. Not to mention voters clearly did not want to go back to a bush

actually i liked the gusto of cruz

but then came to realize he is just another playar

it became confirmed

when he acted like a progressive and sent out his very own

version of "card check" to the voters in Iowa

then the stunt declaring carson quit

the cheap photo chopping of rubio

and more
I never could have predicted Trump, but I knew Jeb Bush had no chance ever. I'm shocked he didn't get the message much earlier.

I must admit I was wrong too. I knew Bush wouldn't make it, but I predicted he would stay in much longer than he has. The question now is who gets his support? I think Kasich will benefit from this if he doesn't drop out as well.
While it wasn't difficult to see the growing divisions in the GOP, I don't think anyone could have predicted this campaign season.

it has been coming for a long time now

we have been promised one thing after another

with the same old excuses for far too long

the remaining establishment republicans best learn this

or they too will be tossed in the dust bins of history
Consider the Republicans are all unpopular because of their unpopular candidates in the house and senate. Cruz and rubio are a part of a very unpopular government. Not to mention voters clearly did not want to go back to a bush

actually i liked the gusto of cruz

but then came to realize he is just another playar

it became confirmed

when he acted like a progressive and sent out his very own

version of "card check" to the voters in Iowa

then the stunt declaring carson quit

the cheap photo chopping of rubio

and more

That was a "progressive" stunt?

Does the name Karl Rove ring a bell with you?
I never could have predicted Trump, but I knew Jeb Bush had no chance ever. I'm shocked he didn't get the message much earlier.

So why did you believe Jeb "had no chance ever"?

Several reasons:

1. He's a Bush.
2. He's an establishment candidate.
3. He's a progressive.
4. He's soft on illegals.
5. He supports common core.

In short, he's the opposite of what the bulk of the GOP voters want.
While it wasn't difficult to see the growing divisions in the GOP, I don't think anyone could have predicted this campaign season.

it has been coming for a long time now

we have been promised one thing after another

with the same old excuses for far too long

the remaining establishment republicans best learn this

or they too will be tossed in the dust bins of history
Consider the Republicans are all unpopular because of their unpopular candidates in the house and senate. Cruz and rubio are a part of a very unpopular government. Not to mention voters clearly did not want to go back to a bush

actually i liked the gusto of cruz

but then came to realize he is just another playar

it became confirmed

when he acted like a progressive and sent out his very own

version of "card check" to the voters in Iowa

then the stunt declaring carson quit

the cheap photo chopping of rubio

and more

That was a "progressive" stunt?

Does the name Karl Rove ring a bell with you?

carl is a progressive big government guy as well

can you say makes me wanna puke
While it wasn't difficult to see the growing divisions in the GOP, I don't think anyone could have predicted this campaign season.

it has been coming for a long time now

we have been promised one thing after another

with the same old excuses for far too long

the remaining establishment republicans best learn this

or they too will be tossed in the dust bins of history
Consider the Republicans are all unpopular because of their unpopular candidates in the house and senate. Cruz and rubio are a part of a very unpopular government. Not to mention voters clearly did not want to go back to a bush

actually i liked the gusto of cruz

but then came to realize he is just another playar

it became confirmed

when he acted like a progressive and sent out his very own

version of "card check" to the voters in Iowa

then the stunt declaring carson quit

the cheap photo chopping of rubio

and more

Cruz and Rubio are still in there and may be until the end. I just don't like Cruz because he comes off as such a phony. Every time he starts to talk, I picture him saying Friend, Romans and Countrymen......

I guess I just don't like actors. Rubio is more realistic, but he too has planned replies and comes off like a little kid learning he can't go out to play. Rubio needs to speak more like Reagan in a calm tone while still delivering the impact of his message.
While it wasn't difficult to see the growing divisions in the GOP, I don't think anyone could have predicted this campaign season.

it has been coming for a long time now

we have been promised one thing after another

with the same old excuses for far too long

the remaining establishment republicans best learn this

or they too will be tossed in the dust bins of history
Consider the Republicans are all unpopular because of their unpopular candidates in the house and senate. Cruz and rubio are a part of a very unpopular government. Not to mention voters clearly did not want to go back to a bush

actually i liked the gusto of cruz

but then came to realize he is just another playar

it became confirmed

when he acted like a progressive and sent out his very own

version of "card check" to the voters in Iowa

then the stunt declaring carson quit

the cheap photo chopping of rubio

and more

Cruz and Rubio are still in there and may be until the end. I just don't like Cruz because he comes off as such a phony. Every time he starts to talk, I picture him saying Friend, Romans and Countrymen......

I guess I just don't like actors. Rubio is more realistic, but he too has planned replies and comes off like a little kid learning he can't go out to play. Rubio needs to speak more like Reagan in a calm tone while still delivering the impact of his message.

i didnt see it at first but realized the cruz is a phony
I always prided myself on being able to pick the republican candidate years in advance. It was so easy, Republicans always went with the safe pick, the guy who came in second the last time, the well known candidate. There were no Carters, Clinton's or Obamas coming out of nowhere for the Republicans

I was positive Bush would win the nomination easily

I underestimated Trump and how easily he would dismantle Bush. Bush looked like a sputtering idiot next to Trump. I also overestimated Jebs charisma.......there was none. No charm, no wit.....not the guy you would want to have a beer with

I really blew this one
I underestimated Trump and how easily he would dismantle Bush. Bush looked like a sputtering idiot next to Trump.

Actually, no one on The Deep Bench could possibly anticipate how aggressively Trump would Steamroll to Stupid....for several cycles now, the GOP nomination has been a race for a critical mass which represents the bottom of the US electorate barrel.....It might normally have taken another cycle or two to reach this level, but with the back to back of Scrub and the Fuligene, the Reactionary Crackup accelerated.....Trump's "genius" is nothing more than the reality that he has no price to pay for saying

a) the outrageous (wall at the border, no muslims, e.g.)

b) the blasphemous truth (Scrub was a disaster and a war criminal)

candidates with any ambition of remaining within the sphere of what passes for "GOP sane" couldn't hope to keep up....
I never could have predicted Trump, but I knew Jeb Bush had no chance ever. I'm shocked he didn't get the message much earlier.

I must admit I was wrong too. I knew Bush wouldn't make it, but I predicted he would stay in much longer than he has. The question now is who gets his support? I think Kasich will benefit from this if he doesn't drop out as well.
You guys are able to admit when you are wrong? Where was that honesty on Iraq or when bushanomics put us into a recession?
While it wasn't difficult to see the growing divisions in the GOP, I don't think anyone could have predicted this campaign season.

it has been coming for a long time now

we have been promised one thing after another

with the same old excuses for far too long

the remaining establishment republicans best learn this

or they too will be tossed in the dust bins of history
Consider the Republicans are all unpopular because of their unpopular candidates in the house and senate. Cruz and rubio are a part of a very unpopular government. Not to mention voters clearly did not want to go back to a bush

actually i liked the gusto of cruz

but then came to realize he is just another playar

it became confirmed

when he acted like a progressive and sent out his very own

version of "card check" to the voters in Iowa

then the stunt declaring carson quit

the cheap photo chopping of rubio

and more

Cruz and Rubio are still in there and may be until the end. I just don't like Cruz because he comes off as such a phony. Every time he starts to talk, I picture him saying Friend, Romans and Countrymen......

I guess I just don't like actors. ....... Rubio needs to speak more like Reagan in a calm tone while still delivering the impact of his message.

Yup......there it is......in a nutshell...
I never could have predicted Trump, but I knew Jeb Bush had no chance ever. I'm shocked he didn't get the message much earlier.

So why did you believe Jeb "had no chance ever"?

Several reasons:

1. He's a Bush.
2. He's an establishment candidate.
3. He's a progressive.
4. He's soft on illegals.
5. He supports common core.

In short, he's the opposite of what the bulk of the GOP voters want.

Uh.....how many votes did you cast for Jeb's sibling?
While it wasn't difficult to see the growing divisions in the GOP, I don't think anyone could have predicted this campaign season.

it has been coming for a long time now

we have been promised one thing after another

with the same old excuses for far too long

the remaining establishment republicans best learn this

or they too will be tossed in the dust bins of history
Consider the Republicans are all unpopular because of their unpopular candidates in the house and senate. Cruz and rubio are a part of a very unpopular government. Not to mention voters clearly did not want to go back to a bush

actually i liked the gusto of cruz

but then came to realize he is just another playar

it became confirmed

when he acted like a progressive and sent out his very own

version of "card check" to the voters in Iowa

then the stunt declaring carson quit

the cheap photo chopping of rubio

and more

That was a "progressive" stunt?

Does the name Karl Rove ring a bell with you?

carl is a progressive big government guy as well

can you say makes me wanna puke

So how many votes did you cast for Karl's most recent GOP candidate client?
We may be living in a time where the American People are seizing more direct control of their political parties; on both sides of the aisle.

If the effect is real... and I tend to think that it is... then I would label our present environment as a Populist Rebellion.

Now, whether it's real, or whether it's just a 'phase', or whether it will endure, or prove sustainable, are all up for debate, and arguable.

But there's no escaping the idea that we are, indeed, in the midst of a Popular Rebellion, and it's fun to speculate on possible Populist outcomes.

America hasn't had a good, cleansing burst of Populism on the national stage for many decades, and it's encouraging to see that The People can still be roused, to get off their dead asses, and participate in their own governance.

Interesting times.
it has been coming for a long time now

we have been promised one thing after another

with the same old excuses for far too long

the remaining establishment republicans best learn this

or they too will be tossed in the dust bins of history
Consider the Republicans are all unpopular because of their unpopular candidates in the house and senate. Cruz and rubio are a part of a very unpopular government. Not to mention voters clearly did not want to go back to a bush

actually i liked the gusto of cruz

but then came to realize he is just another playar

it became confirmed

when he acted like a progressive and sent out his very own

version of "card check" to the voters in Iowa

then the stunt declaring carson quit

the cheap photo chopping of rubio

and more

That was a "progressive" stunt?

Does the name Karl Rove ring a bell with you?

carl is a progressive big government guy as well

can you say makes me wanna puke

So how many votes did you cast for Karl's most recent GOP candidate client?
Slave owners love embarrassing their slaves. I wonder if the koch brothers laugh every time their boy Ben carson speaks.

Did you notice he wasn't used to walking through a door first? That because in the koch plantation whites always go first
I never could have predicted Trump, but I knew Jeb Bush had no chance ever. I'm shocked he didn't get the message much earlier.

So why did you believe Jeb "had no chance ever"?

Several reasons:

1. He's a Bush.
2. He's an establishment candidate.
3. He's a progressive.
4. He's soft on illegals.
5. He supports common core.

In short, he's the opposite of what the bulk of the GOP voters want.

When are all of you Common Core critics going to get the message? It's gone! History! Out of there! Congress shit-canned it and Ohdumber signed it!

Ignorance has won another hard fought battle.

If Trump and Hillary get the nominations, that will be the ultimate battle of ignorance.

I am just waiting for the rending of garments and gnashing of teeth when your property taxes increase to cover the cost of new curriculum and textbooks aligned to those new standards.
Consider the Republicans are all unpopular because of their unpopular candidates in the house and senate. Cruz and rubio are a part of a very unpopular government. Not to mention voters clearly did not want to go back to a bush

actually i liked the gusto of cruz

but then came to realize he is just another playar

it became confirmed

when he acted like a progressive and sent out his very own

version of "card check" to the voters in Iowa

then the stunt declaring carson quit

the cheap photo chopping of rubio

and more

That was a "progressive" stunt?

Does the name Karl Rove ring a bell with you?

carl is a progressive big government guy as well

can you say makes me wanna puke

So how many votes did you cast for Karl's most recent GOP candidate client?
Slave owners love embarrassing their slaves. I wonder if the koch brothers laugh every time their boy Ben carson speaks.

Did you notice he wasn't used to walking through a door first? That because in the koch plantation whites always go first

Libs still enjoy exploiting their current slaves.

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