OK, I admit it....was I ever wrong

I never could have predicted Trump, but I knew Jeb Bush had no chance ever. I'm shocked he didn't get the message much earlier.

I had a gut feeling that Trump was not just talking through his @ss this time, since he has spent the last few years positioning himself as a rightie, when he's been a leftie all his life.

But what I didn't predict was his ability to strengthen his base by insulting everyone. So far he's spared the Jews and Blacks, but.....going off on the Pope was his latest volley. ..... Never saw this happening.
Just remember gw's email scandal with Alberto "I don't recall" Gonzales.

You mean like this?

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Don't hate the rich jealously looks bad on you

Oh I don't hate the rich. I love TRUMP!!
At least you finally admit the GOP candidates all suck.

Trump should pick Kim kardashian or Ryan seacreat for VP.

Omg you guys are nuts.

But at least you've admitted in South Carolina the GOP SUCKS. Thanks

Where did I admit that? The GOP voters in South Carolina handed Trump a landslide victory. I love the people of South Carolina.
I always prided myself on being able to pick the republican candidate years in advance. It was so easy, Republicans always went with the safe pick, the guy who came in second the last time, the well known candidate. There were no Carters, Clinton's or Obamas coming out of nowhere for the Republicans

I was positive Bush would win the nomination easily

I underestimated Trump and how easily he would dismantle Bush. Bush looked like a sputtering idiot next to Trump. I also overestimated Jebs charisma.......there was none. No charm, no wit.....not the guy you would want to have a beer with

I really blew this one

Jeb's the smart Bush. Now, considering the fact that, these days at least, GOP base is actually collectively dumber than Jeb's brother, is it any wonder he didn't stand a chance?
Several reasons:

1. He's a Bush.
2. He's an establishment candidate.
3. He's a progressive.
4. He's soft on illegals.
5. He supports common core.

In short, he's the opposite of what the bulk of the GOP voters want.

Uh.....how many votes did you cast for Jeb's sibling?

Irrelevant, but I voted for him twice.


It is a reflection of your judgement.......atrocious....

Only in your uninformed opinion, but it's still irrelevant, moron.

Are you suggesting that you DIDN'T apply your judgement in deciding to cast 2 votes for the worst POTUS of the modern era?

Did you toss a coin?

Worst Potus of the modern era?

Tough call

Jimmy Carter
Barrack Hussein Obama

Honestly Jimmy as glad to see the other 2 as someone who would enter the conversation as the worst.
I always prided myself on being able to pick the republican candidate years in advance. It was so easy, Republicans always went with the safe pick, the guy who came in second the last time, the well known candidate. There were no Carters, Clinton's or Obamas coming out of nowhere for the Republicans

I was positive Bush would win the nomination easily

I underestimated Trump and how easily he would dismantle Bush. Bush looked like a sputtering idiot next to Trump. I also overestimated Jebs charisma.......there was none. No charm, no wit.....not the guy you would want to have a beer with

I really blew this one

Jeb's the smart Bush. Now, considering the fact that, these days at least, GOP base is actually collectively dumber than Jeb's brother, is it any wonder he didn't stand a chance?

Here's your typical Dim voter:

I never could have predicted Trump, but I knew Jeb Bush had no chance ever. I'm shocked he didn't get the message much earlier.

So why did you believe Jeb "had no chance ever"?

Several reasons:

1. He's a Bush.
2. He's an establishment candidate.
3. He's a progressive.
4. He's soft on illegals.
5. He supports common core.

In short, he's the opposite of what the bulk of the GOP voters want.

When are all of you Common Core critics going to get the message? It's gone! History! Out of there! Congress shit-canned it and Ohdumber signed it!

Ignorance has won another hard fought battle.

If Trump and Hillary get the nominations, that will be the ultimate battle of ignorance.

I am just waiting for the rending of garments and gnashing of teeth when your property taxes increase to cover the cost of new curriculum and textbooks aligned to those new standards.

Bull shit. It's still being taught in public schools. FACT.

Of course it is still being taught. Where did I say it wasn't? It is no longer required. You don't drop something like that overnight!

I hope your school system drops it and has to spend millions to replace it. May your property tax bill increase to cover those costs make you so very proud of your collective ignorance.
I always prided myself on being able to pick the republican candidate years in advance. It was so easy, Republicans always went with the safe pick, the guy who came in second the last time, the well known candidate. There were no Carters, Clinton's or Obamas coming out of nowhere for the Republicans

I was positive Bush would win the nomination easily

I underestimated Trump and how easily he would dismantle Bush. Bush looked like a sputtering idiot next to Trump. I also overestimated Jebs charisma.......there was none. No charm, no wit.....not the guy you would want to have a beer with

I really blew this one

Jeb's the smart Bush. Now, considering the fact that, these days at least, GOP base is actually collectively dumber than Jeb's brother, is it any wonder he didn't stand a chance?
You are probably right

He seemed to be laying back waiting for saner minds to prevail.........there weren't any
2008 was the begining of style over substance for Presidential nominees and I don't see it ending anytime soon.
You must have missed Reagan in 1980
He actually had substance as well as style so did Bill Clinton. Obama, Trump, Sanders, H Clinton not so much

Substance...Let business so whatever they want.
Two recessions later...

Still rather have that over the Carter years (shudder).

How do GDP and employment growth under Carter compare to that under Reagan?

Just post the numbers, we'll figure out which are larger....

There's a thing they came up with in the Carter years. It was called the Misery Index.

US Misery Index - Index by President

You know, those things that affect how people live.

Carter ended his presidency with 7.18% unemployment and rising. Reagan ended with 5.49% and falling.

GDP under Carter went from 5.73T to 6.5T. Under Reagan from 6.5T to 8.61T.

Yeah, it's really not hard to see which was better.

You know I think you're the first moron I've ever heard defend Jimmy. Obviously you didn't live through the Carter years. Fortunately one of the family owned a gas station, so we never had the problems most of the rest of the country suffered through, but we saw it plain enough.
Lines are already forming in Atlanta to see and hear Trump speak at 4:00 p.m. The crowd is expected to number some 55,000 people. Trump will win the Presidency by a landslide.

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I thought the Mexicans were going to pay for the wall. Won't they use their own workers or will we have to deport some back to them?
We design the wall and possibly build it; the Mexicans pay for it or we tariff their goods to make up the cost.
That's not TOO difficult to comprehend.
You must have missed Reagan in 1980
He actually had substance as well as style so did Bill Clinton. Obama, Trump, Sanders, H Clinton not so much

Substance...Let business so whatever they want.
Two recessions later...

Still rather have that over the Carter years (shudder).

How do GDP and employment growth under Carter compare to that under Reagan?

Just post the numbers, we'll figure out which are larger....

There's a thing they came up with in the Carter years. It was called the Misery Index.

US Misery Index - Index by President

You know, those things that affect how people live.

Carter ended his presidency with 7.18% unemployment and rising. Reagan ended with 5.49% and falling.

GDP under Carter went from 5.73T to 6.5T. Under Reagan from 6.5T to 8.61T.

Yeah, it's really not hard to see which was better.

You know I think you're the first moron I've ever heard defend Jimmy. Obviously you didn't live through the Carter years. Fortunately one of the family owned a gas station, so we never had the problems most of the rest of the country suffered through, but we saw it plain enough.

I remember people shooting other people at gas stations for cutting the lines.
And then there was the Odd/Even License Plate days.

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