OK, I admit this proves Biden has Dementia

Drooling joe, dementia, senility, staring into space, alzheimers, medical problems, mental problems. He needs to be placed in a rest home. This is what you would expect from a responsible family. Drug head leech son, wife who has to correct him in public. What a disgrace to this country.
Sounds more like you are describing yourself.

Looks like your emotions and feelings thumped you in the head again. No, those are facts about ukraine joe.
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

He doesn’t have dementia like people who oppose him constantly say, however he is prone to gaffs and he’s corrupt to the core.
The OP is clearly ignorant on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease. Those afflicted often have periods of lucidity. That in no way negates the fact they are losing their mind.

He found a short video where Crazy Joe isn’t drooling on himself, and he pronounces him cured.
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I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

So President Trump wasn't hysterically xenophobic enough?
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

Get control over the virus? Lol code word for more control over free people.. democrats SLAVERY IS OVER GO AWAY
Joe biden “ I’m The only one that can beat Joe Biden”. Lol
Seems Joe Biden is perfectly lucid and coherent when it comes to convincing Americans that Trump is providing disastrous leadership during COVID and is unsuited to lead our country in time of crisis
If Joe Biden is lucid and capable why does he need an appointed soy boy making his points for him? Shouldn’t he be able to lay out his argument himself? Clearly he can’t.

And on another note why do all democrat men ( especially in the entertainment industry) look like they are 12?
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

That is definitely a different Joe Biden that we have seen up till now. Sounds a lot like the old days....

The problem is the message is bullshit and most people know it....the USA is opening up without the Dems permission. Most people understand that destroying the economy is more lethal than the virus is....it's a no brainier. The little faggot in the zoot suit is a great mouth piece but his talking points are old and tired....the democratic establishment has been screaming this same message for the past four months almost word for word.....it produces YAWWWWWWN AT BEST.

Barking up the wrong tree I'm afraid. The Message sounds great but people already know it's bullshit.

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I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

That is definitely a different Joe Biden that we have seen up till now. Sounds a lot like the old days....
The problem is the message is bullshit and most people know it....the USA is opening up without the Dems permission. Most people understand that destroying the economy is more lethal than the virus is....it's a no brainier.

Barking up the wrong tree I'm afraid. The Message sounds great but people already know it's bullshit.


Evidently, his message is not bullshit

Trump has been tanking in the polls in recent weeks and it seems Biden’s message is spot on

Trump is not fit to lead. Even someone with full on dementia can articulate it
Libs please, okay Trump/Biden debate next week on national tv deal?? No we didn't think so, run and hide you clowns.
a reminder that Trump lost all 3 debates with Hillary in 2016... is in order.... :rolleyes-41:

And Trump has no new material... same ole same ole schicht..... that's no longer shocking or funny....

Trump was an outsider in 2016. Now he has to run on his record.

It will not be pretty
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

So he still hasn’t explained how he would overcome the virus. His “leadership” will magically do it. Yet he says “no miracles are coming”.

No shit Joe. The only thing that will get us through the virus is herd immunity. But I guess his plan is for everyone to stay at home locked up, not working, defaulting on their mortgage or not paying their rent. No food production or transportation, food will just magically appear for everyone as they sit at home. Who needs electricity? We don’t need people going to work to provide these things, Old Joe will deliver it with his “leadership”.

Herd immunity? Really? Did any other countries take that approach? How did it work out?

Yes, really. Epidemiologists have been indicating since early on that this is in reality the only actual way "out". That term has also become maligned and misrepresented. Herd immunity can be approached from many different angles, it does not mean simply going whole hog and taking no precautions. I could post articles on how it can be managed if people actually cared.

And yes, Sweden took that more relaxed approach and, while they have also been largely maligned for it, their per capita death rate curve looks remarkably similar to ours.

I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

That is definitely a different Joe Biden that we have seen up till now. Sounds a lot like the old days....
The problem is the message is bullshit and most people know it....the USA is opening up without the Dems permission. Most people understand that destroying the economy is more lethal than the virus is....it's a no brainier.

Barking up the wrong tree I'm afraid. The Message sounds great but people already know it's bullshit.


And you, (as in the general sense of you right wingers) are destroying our chances of economic recovery by the opening up too early, and when open, not wearing masks and keeping the 6 ft of separation.....

there is no economic recovery without the pandemic mitigation and recovery.... both have to have a plan and be addressed at the same time.

Go ahead and pat yourself on the back, silly one, but it is gravely misplaced!

the chicken has come home to roost, and its nest is filled with death.... :(
Drooling joe, dementia, senility, staring into space, alzheimers, medical problems, mental problems. He needs to be placed in a rest home.

I have to agree with you

As the video in the O.P. clearly shows, Biden is incapable of speaking.

I didn't even need to watch the video. His problems are well documented.

So what?

Biden didn't do that speech for you or anyone like you. You will vote for trump no matter what. You would vote for the devil if there was an R next to his name.

That video was made for people like me. Independents who would rather cut my arm off before I vote for trump but also don't want to vote for Biden.

Videos like that show Independents like me that all the right wing garbage about Biden and his mental capabilities is more about trump than Biden. That video shows Independents like me that Biden is perfectly fine and is capable of a coherent and intelligent speech. Something that trump is incapable of doing.

That video does it's job very well.

When the campaigning started Biden was second to last on my list. trump being last. I didn't vote for him in the primary. I didn't want to vote for him in the general election.

Video after video. Speech after speech. Rational and mature interview after interview, is making me and people like me much more comfortable with voting for Biden.

It's a very effective video.

It doesn't matter if you or anyone like you watches it. That video isn't for you.
Libs please, okay Trump/Biden debate next week on national tv deal?? No we didn't think so, run and hide you clowns.
a reminder that Trump lost all 3 debates with Hillary in 2016... is in order.... :rolleyes-41:

And Trump has no new material... same ole same ole schicht..... that's no longer shocking or funny....
According to who?
all reporting, all polling, and all independent groups that were interviewed who watched the debate....

it was no mystery....at the time...

everyone knew on the right and left, who won the debates... Hillary.

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