OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

Let me get this straight. You want me to prove that some of the people who inherit money are deadbeats?

If you know they are deadbeats, you must know it somehow. You must have a source.

Great. Let's see it!
I posed it already. See: Trump. Do you want a link to his bankruptcy?

How does bankruptcy make him a deadbeat? Bankruptcies are common in business. If he was a deadbeat, he wouldn't have any bankruptcies because he just would have spent all the money he inherited.
Did I say all those that inherit money are spoiled rich deadbeats? No, but enough are and there's no reason to not tax inheritance.

Any Inheritance Tax that is imposed is a minimum of Double Taxation, in other words it's called stealing...

Money generally gets taxed by income tax whenever it changes hands, like if you use your taxed wages to buy a bagel. The bagel salesman pays tax on his profit. Is that stealing, too?

If I leave my wife, children, niece or nephew what I have already earned, yes it's Double Taxation and it's stealing. If I am buying a good or services they are taxed, the difference is simple, I earned it and I am giving it to whom ever I want, I am not buying something. The Federal Government, State or Local has no business taxing an individual multiply times. Furthermore if it is such a just tax why not attach it to all monies instead of a select amount and higher?
Let me get this straight. You want me to prove that some of the people who inherit money are deadbeats?

If you know they are deadbeats, you must know it somehow. You must have a source.

Great. Let's see it!
I posed it already. See: Trump. Do you want a link to his bankruptcy?

How does bankruptcy make him a deadbeat? Bankruptcies are common in business. If he was a deadbeat, he wouldn't have any bankruptcies because he just would have spent all the money he inherited.

Like a deadbeat dad who won't pay his child support, only worse. You know, a deadbeat. An idle or disreputable person. He has money, he just doesn't want to pay his debts.
Yep, prove it, I know people that have inherited money and worked just as hard as their parents, so put up or shut up, because you are acting like a loser that is bitter over their lot in life.
I worked hard and have plenty and still hate repub scum that have their jackboots on the throats of those who have less them them

But Democrats that inherit their money are okay, right? :rolleyes:
Read how the trump POS cut his brothers family out of the fathers money??

Again his claim is all that inherit are deadbeats and are lazy, you got proof other than saying but Trump! But Trump! But Trump! Or does that sum up your whole argument?
He said some of them are deadbeats, liar.

Dummy, he said this, “That's how it works, except in the case of spoiled rich deadbeat kids getting a big fat inheritance. They are excused. “

So he didn’t say some, you liar!
I’m getting tired of your lies, you have proof that those that inherit money as deadbeats? Of course you don’t, it is because you are dishonest and are just trolling along.

Unless you have proof positive, you are nothing but a bigot who is jealous and envious of what others have. You opinion is worthless.
Let me get this straight. You want me to prove that some of the people who inherit money are deadbeats?

Yep, prove it, I know people that have inherited money and worked just as hard as their parents, so put up or shut up, because you are acting like a loser that is bitter over their lot in life.
I worked hard and have plenty and still hate repub scum that have their jackboots on the throats of those who have less them them

But Democrats that inherit their money are okay, right? :rolleyes:

Hater dupe!
Let me get this straight. You want me to prove that some of the people who inherit money are deadbeats?

Yep, prove it, I know people that have inherited money and worked just as hard as their parents, so put up or shut up, because you are acting like a loser that is bitter over their lot in life.
I worked hard and have plenty and still hate repub scum that have their jackboots on the throats of those who have less them them

But Democrats that inherit their money are okay, right? :rolleyes:
Read how the trump POS cut his brothers family out of the fathers money??

He didn't cut anybody out of anything. He didn't have the ability to do that. If you need proof, just ask, I have the article in my FactCheck folder.

He, like Franco are liars, they don’t give a damn about the truth, all they have is hate and lies.
I worked hard and have plenty and still hate repub scum that have their jackboots on the throats of those who have less them them

But Democrats that inherit their money are okay, right? :rolleyes:
Read how the trump POS cut his brothers family out of the fathers money??

Again his claim is all that inherit are deadbeats and are lazy, you got proof other than saying but Trump! But Trump! But Trump! Or does that sum up your whole argument?
He said some of them are deadbeats, liar.

Dummy, he said this, “That's how it works, except in the case of spoiled rich deadbeat kids getting a big fat inheritance. They are excused. “

So he didn’t say some, you liar!
So go ahead and post where I said "Again his claim is all that inherit are deadbeats"
Yep, prove it, I know people that have inherited money and worked just as hard as their parents, so put up or shut up, because you are acting like a loser that is bitter over their lot in life.
I worked hard and have plenty and still hate repub scum that have their jackboots on the throats of those who have less them them

But Democrats that inherit their money are okay, right? :rolleyes:
Read how the trump POS cut his brothers family out of the fathers money??

He didn't cut anybody out of anything. He didn't have the ability to do that. If you need proof, just ask, I have the article in my FactCheck folder.

He, like Franco are liars, they don’t give a damn about the truth, all they have is hate and lies.

leftists are liars which is all they have to fuel their hate
If your father hands you $10,000 in cash, would you report it to the government as income? I didn't think so.

What kind of American are you that thinks the government is more deserving of ones wealth after he or she dies than the family? You ask what the kids did to earn that money, and I ask you what government did to earn that money?

What exchanges happen within the family are family matters--not government matters. Perhaps you want government sitting at your dinner table, and when you pass the biscuits to your daughter, government is there to take their few biscuits first before they pass the plate to your daughter. It's ridiculous.

People work hard to try and make their children's life better than theirs. They didn't go to work every day, take risks, only to hand their hard work over to government.

And learn how to read. The definition is usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor. I even highlighted the important part of the definition.
Do you know what usually means? It means it's usually from capital or labor, but can be from other things. The bottom line is income is income. Inheritance is income that is currently excused from taxation. If I were a rich deadbeat, of course I'd report it. The risk is too great and I'd still be a millionaire deadbeat afterwards, just with a few less million. I didn't have to work for any of it anyway. You can whine all you want to protect your rich deadbeat heroes, but you're basically a clown grasping at straws, especially with your "Do you understand the term INCOME TAX? It means tax on income." crap and your inability to read and comprehend a basic English sentence.

Governments will always control the money that THEY create and enforce. If you think it's none of their business, then the rich should be barred from using the government for enforcing their property rights. So if someone kills them to steal their money, the government should just ignore them. After all, you say it's none of the government's business. That wasn't Trump's tune when he was getting bankruptcy protection from the government!

Yes, it says usually measured in money--not usually measured from capital or labor. It's always measured in capital and labor. Usually measured in money means it could be from stock options given to a CEO or perhaps in profit sharing.
That's not how the sentence is written. The sentence says it's a gain or recurrent benefit usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor. For usually to apply only to money and not to capital or labor, the sentence would have to be written with the following commas:
a gain or recurrent benefit, usually measured in money, that derives from capital or labor

Those commas are not there, so you are wrong.
The government doesn't create money--it only creates the notes that represent wealth. Wealth is created by the individual which gives currency it's value. Without people giving those notes value, they are nothing more than worthless pieces of paper.
The government is what controls the money supply and enforces property rights. Without that, you'd see any wealth associated with the money go down the toilet.
So now somebody dies in your family and leaves you with a 300K house. Should government force you to give them 100K in order to keep that house?

It should be taxed, yes.

Thank you for admitting that Comrade. All property should belong to the government.
You're an illiterate moron, which is why you keep attributing comments I never made to me. For example, here you imply that I said all (100%) of property should belong to the government, when all I said was it should be taxed (in response to a 33% tax question).

So Joe millionaire dies and leaves behind 9 million dollars. Joe has three children each who had two children of their own. Joe wanted the money to be divided equally, so they each got one million dollars.

What you're saying is that is unfair. Government should get 3 million of those dollars, and his heirs should get a little over 650K each. So government got over four times the amount than his children and grandchildren got, and you think that's appropriate?
Did I say all those that inherit money are spoiled rich deadbeats? No, but enough are and there's no reason to not tax inheritance.

Any Inheritance Tax that is imposed is a minimum of Double Taxation, in other words it's called stealing...

Money generally gets taxed by income tax whenever it changes hands, like if you use your taxed wages to buy a bagel. The bagel salesman pays tax on his profit. Is that stealing, too?

If I leave my wife, children, niece or nephew what I have already earned, yes it's Double Taxation and it's stealing. If I am buying a good or services they are taxed, the difference is simple, I earned it and I am giving it to whom ever I want, I am not buying something. The Federal Government, State or Local has no business taxing an individual multiply times. Furthermore if it is such a just tax why not attach it to all monies instead of a select amount and higher?
You would be taxed once on it when you earn it. Your kid would be taxed once when he receives it. Neither one person would be taxed "multiply times" on the inheritance.
But Democrats that inherit their money are okay, right? :rolleyes:
Read how the trump POS cut his brothers family out of the fathers money??

Again his claim is all that inherit are deadbeats and are lazy, you got proof other than saying but Trump! But Trump! But Trump! Or does that sum up your whole argument?
He said some of them are deadbeats, liar.

Dummy, he said this, “That's how it works, except in the case of spoiled rich deadbeat kids getting a big fat inheritance. They are excused. “

So he didn’t say some, you liar!
So go ahead and post where I said "Again his claim is all that inherit are deadbeats"

For Christ sake, some of you are awfully fricken petty...no one give a shit whether you said all or not. We pretty much know the game, make a statement, then argue over some petty tiny piece of your statement.
Do you know what usually means? It means it's usually from capital or labor, but can be from other things. The bottom line is income is income. Inheritance is income that is currently excused from taxation. If I were a rich deadbeat, of course I'd report it. The risk is too great and I'd still be a millionaire deadbeat afterwards, just with a few less million. I didn't have to work for any of it anyway. You can whine all you want to protect your rich deadbeat heroes, but you're basically a clown grasping at straws, especially with your "Do you understand the term INCOME TAX? It means tax on income." crap and your inability to read and comprehend a basic English sentence.

Governments will always control the money that THEY create and enforce. If you think it's none of their business, then the rich should be barred from using the government for enforcing their property rights. So if someone kills them to steal their money, the government should just ignore them. After all, you say it's none of the government's business. That wasn't Trump's tune when he was getting bankruptcy protection from the government!

Yes, it says usually measured in money--not usually measured from capital or labor. It's always measured in capital and labor. Usually measured in money means it could be from stock options given to a CEO or perhaps in profit sharing.
That's not how the sentence is written. The sentence says it's a gain or recurrent benefit usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor. For usually to apply only to money and not to capital or labor, the sentence would have to be written with the following commas:
a gain or recurrent benefit, usually measured in money, that derives from capital or labor

Those commas are not there, so you are wrong.
The government doesn't create money--it only creates the notes that represent wealth. Wealth is created by the individual which gives currency it's value. Without people giving those notes value, they are nothing more than worthless pieces of paper.
The government is what controls the money supply and enforces property rights. Without that, you'd see any wealth associated with the money go down the toilet.
So now somebody dies in your family and leaves you with a 300K house. Should government force you to give them 100K in order to keep that house?

It should be taxed, yes.

Thank you for admitting that Comrade. All property should belong to the government.
You're an illiterate moron, which is why you keep attributing comments I never made to me. For example, here you imply that I said all (100%) of property should belong to the government, when all I said was it should be taxed (in response to a 33% tax question).

So Joe millionaire dies and leaves behind 9 million dollars. Joe has three children each who had two children of their own. Joe wanted the money to be divided equally, so they each got one million dollars.

What you're saying is that is unfair. Government should get 3 million of those dollars, and his heirs should get a little over 650K each. So government got over four times the amount than his children and grandchildren got, and you think that's appropriate?
Other people get far less and actually work for it. These people got it for nothing. Why should they be exempt?
If you know they are deadbeats, you must know it somehow. You must have a source.

Great. Let's see it!
I posed it already. See: Trump. Do you want a link to his bankruptcy?

How does bankruptcy make him a deadbeat? Bankruptcies are common in business. If he was a deadbeat, he wouldn't have any bankruptcies because he just would have spent all the money he inherited.

Like a deadbeat dad who won't pay his child support, only worse. You know, a deadbeat. An idle or disreputable person. He has money, he just doesn't want to pay his debts.

Why should he use his personal money to repay debts acquired by one of his businesses? It's a perfectly legal strategy for companies or individuals who find themselves in financial trouble.
Read how the trump POS cut his brothers family out of the fathers money??

Again his claim is all that inherit are deadbeats and are lazy, you got proof other than saying but Trump! But Trump! But Trump! Or does that sum up your whole argument?
He said some of them are deadbeats, liar.

Dummy, he said this, “That's how it works, except in the case of spoiled rich deadbeat kids getting a big fat inheritance. They are excused. “

So he didn’t say some, you liar!
So go ahead and post where I said "Again his claim is all that inherit are deadbeats"

For Christ sake, some of you are awfully fricken petty...no one give a shit whether you said all or not. We pretty much know the game, make a statement, then argue over some petty tiny piece of your statement.
Tell them that. I'm arguing the meat of the issue, they're whining about my supposed bigotry regarding rich people.
Yes, it says usually measured in money--not usually measured from capital or labor. It's always measured in capital and labor. Usually measured in money means it could be from stock options given to a CEO or perhaps in profit sharing.
That's not how the sentence is written. The sentence says it's a gain or recurrent benefit usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor. For usually to apply only to money and not to capital or labor, the sentence would have to be written with the following commas:
a gain or recurrent benefit, usually measured in money, that derives from capital or labor

Those commas are not there, so you are wrong.
The government doesn't create money--it only creates the notes that represent wealth. Wealth is created by the individual which gives currency it's value. Without people giving those notes value, they are nothing more than worthless pieces of paper.
The government is what controls the money supply and enforces property rights. Without that, you'd see any wealth associated with the money go down the toilet.
So now somebody dies in your family and leaves you with a 300K house. Should government force you to give them 100K in order to keep that house?

It should be taxed, yes.

Thank you for admitting that Comrade. All property should belong to the government.
You're an illiterate moron, which is why you keep attributing comments I never made to me. For example, here you imply that I said all (100%) of property should belong to the government, when all I said was it should be taxed (in response to a 33% tax question).

So Joe millionaire dies and leaves behind 9 million dollars. Joe has three children each who had two children of their own. Joe wanted the money to be divided equally, so they each got one million dollars.

What you're saying is that is unfair. Government should get 3 million of those dollars, and his heirs should get a little over 650K each. So government got over four times the amount than his children and grandchildren got, and you think that's appropriate?
Other people get far less and actually work for it. These people got it for nothing. Why should they be exempt?

Because a family member created that wealth, that's why.

And you didn't answer the question, so one more time: Is it appropriate that government gets over four times the wealth of a person over a family heir? If you think so, you are in the wrong country. You need to move to Cuba or North Korea where government has all the wealth and people have nothing.

Great. Let's see it!
I posed it already. See: Trump. Do you want a link to his bankruptcy?

How does bankruptcy make him a deadbeat? Bankruptcies are common in business. If he was a deadbeat, he wouldn't have any bankruptcies because he just would have spent all the money he inherited.

Like a deadbeat dad who won't pay his child support, only worse. You know, a deadbeat. An idle or disreputable person. He has money, he just doesn't want to pay his debts.

Why should he use his personal money to repay debts acquired by one of his businesses? It's a perfectly legal strategy for companies or individuals who find themselves in financial trouble.
I never said it was always illegal to be a deadbeat. I just said he was a deadbeat. I consider not paying your debt when you have so much money to be a quality of a deadbeat. The fact that he may have used an entity to sign for the debt or used government-provided protection to help him avoid paying it doesn't change that.
But Democrats that inherit their money are okay, right? [emoji57]
Read how the trump POS cut his brothers family out of the fathers money??

Again his claim is all that inherit are deadbeats and are lazy, you got proof other than saying but Trump! But Trump! But Trump! Or does that sum up your whole argument?
He said some of them are deadbeats, liar.

Dummy, he said this, “That's how it works, except in the case of spoiled rich deadbeat kids getting a big fat inheritance. They are excused. “

So he didn’t say some, you liar!
So go ahead and post where I said "Again his claim is all that inherit are deadbeats"

I posted what you said, you didn’t say all, you didn’t say some, I can’t read a dumbshit’s mind, sorry.

I noticed where you ran away from proving anything, dishonest hack.
Again his claim is all that inherit are deadbeats and are lazy, you got proof other than saying but Trump! But Trump! But Trump! Or does that sum up your whole argument?
He said some of them are deadbeats, liar.

Dummy, he said this, “That's how it works, except in the case of spoiled rich deadbeat kids getting a big fat inheritance. They are excused. “

So he didn’t say some, you liar!
So go ahead and post where I said "Again his claim is all that inherit are deadbeats"

For Christ sake, some of you are awfully fricken petty...no one give a shit whether you said all or not. We pretty much know the game, make a statement, then argue over some petty tiny piece of your statement.
Tell them that. I'm arguing the meat of the issue, they're whining about my supposed bigotry regarding rich people.

It is not supposed bigotry, you are a bigot, because you have a negative, unprovable stereotype of rich people that inherit money. So either put up or shut up because your whole argument unravels because of your bigotry.
That's not how the sentence is written. The sentence says it's a gain or recurrent benefit usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor. For usually to apply only to money and not to capital or labor, the sentence would have to be written with the following commas:
a gain or recurrent benefit, usually measured in money, that derives from capital or labor

Those commas are not there, so you are wrong.The government is what controls the money supply and enforces property rights. Without that, you'd see any wealth associated with the money go down the toilet.It should be taxed, yes.

Thank you for admitting that Comrade. All property should belong to the government.
You're an illiterate moron, which is why you keep attributing comments I never made to me. For example, here you imply that I said all (100%) of property should belong to the government, when all I said was it should be taxed (in response to a 33% tax question).

So Joe millionaire dies and leaves behind 9 million dollars. Joe has three children each who had two children of their own. Joe wanted the money to be divided equally, so they each got one million dollars.

What you're saying is that is unfair. Government should get 3 million of those dollars, and his heirs should get a little over 650K each. So government got over four times the amount than his children and grandchildren got, and you think that's appropriate?
Other people get far less and actually work for it. These people got it for nothing. Why should they be exempt?

Because a family member created that wealth, that's why.
And? If he hires his kid to work for him, I guess they should be exempt from employer taxes and income taxes, too?

It's still income to the kid. The money changes hands and changes title. You're not even grasping at straws anymore. Now you're making bullshit rules up as you go along.
And you didn't answer the question, so one more time: Is it appropriate that government gets over four times the wealth of a person over a family heir? If you think so, you are in the wrong country. You need to move to Cuba or North Korea where government has all the wealth and people have nothing.
Each kid would pay 33%. I don't see anything wrong with that. People pay taxes on their income all the time and that's money they actually worked for. Not sure what NK or Cuba has to do with it. Are you against taxation/government? The United States hasn't been an anarchy/without a government for a long time at least.
How many laws for harassing Hispanics have been called unconstitutional by the courts, idiot?

I can't think of any because there are no laws that specifically target hispanics. Your claim otherwise is a lie.

Just Google Anti illegals laws deemed unconstitutional and you will find pages of this, dupe...
Why Trump's Immigration Rules Are Unconstitutional - POLITICO Magazine
Politico › magazine › story › 2017/02

Feb 1, 2017 · An executive order or law displays unconstitutional animus and thus violates the ... state constitution—deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Romer v.

Arizona SB 1070 - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Arizona_SB_1070

In June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the case Arizona v. United States, upholding the provision requiring immigration status checks during law enforcement stops

You know hispanics only make up about 60% of illegals, right? The rest come from virtually every country in the world. Like I said there are no laws that specifically target hispanics, but feel free to continue your lies and I'll continue to laugh at you.

Actually Hispanics are over 75% of illegals. And the only way to stop illegals coming in is a SSID card that can't be faked, and Republicans have blocked forever, Dupe.

You prove over and over that you're just not very smart. Anything created by man can be replicated by other men. And laws against illegals are NOT aimed specifically at hispanics, they are aimed at all illegals. The first lame link you posted was about muslims and the second was a State case having nothing to do with the feds and it was long before Trump.

Now, would you like to get back on topic, it's about tax cuts.

I don't care if they're Muslims or Mexicans or what. If they are worthy they can stay. Now pass the dam SS ID card and end it.

As for taxes, it's ridiculous to cut taxes on the rich again. The non rich need tax cuts and help. You dupes are out of your mind.

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