OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

No, I'm gonna tongue his ass even more..mmmmmmmmmm
HE hasn't done a single thing I don't like........

but hey you had your mouth crazy glued to his dick.........for 8 years.......
Go for it I hear you're the pro around here

yep I am.....oh here's a wipe for that Obama jizz...you have a little in the left corner of your mouth
It's your calling. You stick to talking about sucking dick and wiping jizz.

Leave income taxation to the adults like me.

it's ok, you can live in your commie dreamworld.......but we'll take freedom and low taxation...no one is stopping you from giving more to the feds......show us how important you think they are!

look bucky you ah Everyone wants lower taxes but why should trump and friends score millions while white trash like you get scraps??

Scraps in, scraps out.
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...
Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.


and therein lies the rub, and the actual heart of the argument

in the mind of the typical leftist; everything belongs to the State, Whatever the subjects of the State are allowed to have access to; they should be humbly grateful for...
Oh no. Not that stupid fucking asrgumrent you America hating dipsticks use.

None of you want to support your country in paying taxes. " The government is stealing my money Whaaaaa whaaaaaa"

Fuck you people.

I support my country & I pay my tars without being a whiny little girl.

Soooo, do those 47% who doesn't pay federal income taxes support their country?
Here's the original exchange, note the only topic I have is Inheritance Tax...

Did I say all those that inherit money are spoiled rich deadbeats? No, but enough are and there's no reason to not tax inheritance.

Any Inheritance Tax that is imposed is a minimum of Double Taxation, in other words it's called stealing...

Below you followed up with your money changing hands excuse...

Money generally gets taxed by income tax whenever it changes hands, like if you use your taxed wages to buy a bagel. The bagel salesman pays tax on his profit. Is that stealing, too?

And here below in bold, italicized and underlined is the full text that you tried to use to support your lie, in the proper perspective, your terrible at this, stick with tiddlywinks...

Your stupid explanation that the money changes hands is the reason of merit to tax it again, I would urge you to remove your head from that pile of shit surrounding it or commit harikari, both will have the same affect...

Right here, dumbass:

Your stupid explanation that the money changes hands is the reason of merit to tax it

That's income taxation in general. That's how income taxation generally works: money gets taxed when it changes hands. That's because money comes in when it changes hands, hence, income. If you think that's stupid, that's a statement against income taxation in general. But I realize someone as stupid as you might be unable to figure it out.

You suck at this, grow up, maybe you should stick to the children boards...

If I get my paycheck & put it in the bank it has been taxed.

If I then hire my neighbor to paint my house & write him a check, he pays income tax on that money with was already taxed.

Your double taxation argument is stupid.

You don't understand the difference between income and gift.

If you hire your neighbor, he is working for you and creating income for himself. If your father has a car, and he buys another one and gives his old car to you, that is a gift and should not be taxed.
Income is income. Any pay you have ever received is obviously a gift.

Correct, income is income and a gift is a gift.
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...
Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.


If aftet the tax cut bill, Trump pays $40 million less in takes, that bill gave him that money.
Now you asswipes can try to play semantics all you want but that would be the truth.

That tax bill (in other words Trump) gave Trump 40 million plus. And you morons love it. All you " OMG OMG the deft the debt!!" people love it.

You know it is a bad bill but your heads are so far up Trumps ass that you can't even bitch about it.

You can give something that belong to you.

Nope, that bill didn't gave him money. Bill took less money from him.
Here's the original exchange, note the only topic I have is Inheritance Tax...

Below you followed up with your money changing hands excuse...

And here below in bold, italicized and underlined is the full text that you tried to use to support your lie, in the proper perspective, your terrible at this, stick with tiddlywinks...

You suck at this, grow up, maybe you should stick to the children boards...

If I get my paycheck & put it in the bank it has been taxed.

If I then hire my neighbor to paint my house & write him a check, he pays income tax on that money with was already taxed.

Your double taxation argument is stupid.

You don't understand the difference between income and gift.

If you hire your neighbor, he is working for you and creating income for himself. If your father has a car, and he buys another one and gives his old car to you, that is a gift and should not be taxed.
Arent the exemptions non taxable for gifts to children capped at 14k for each parent 28 for both?

That I'm not sure of. I always paid for my own cars. But if if there is taxation on it, that's completely wrong. Government is getting too involved in our family life.
You are allowed 14k from each parent to each child tax free Been doing it under the direction of my CPA for years

I can't verify it but I recall somebody (perhaps my tax preparer) saying something about the option to be able to give up to a million dollars as a one-time gift instead of giving a little bit year by year.
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...
Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.


and therein lies the rub, and the actual heart of the argument

in the mind of the typical leftist; everything belongs to the State, Whatever the subjects of the State are allowed to have access to; they should be humbly grateful for...

"A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell

And an American hating POS wants to use all the government programs without paying for it.

That's some skewed reasoning.

I don't want those programs to even exist, so leechers like you wouldn't use them.
Yeah you can, by inheriting it for example. Seriously, how stupid are you?

Who ever inherited billions? Not Trump.

You're such a dummy! That's a monetary transfer, not wealth creation. Whatever wealth existed in the world existed before and after you won.

So people who had jobs created that wealth? If you build a movie theater and make a lot of money, you did so because people came to your theater to watch movies. That's creating wealth. You can't say that wealth was not created because the movie goers always had money. That's complete stupidity.

That's a different song you're singing to the one you sang before, where you said "Every year we have more and more wealthy people in this country. It has nothing to do with government."

It doesn't have anything to do with government. Property rights are just that--rights. Government can't do anything to stop us from owning property. Titles are legal records of ownership of property, but government is not doing you a favor by allowing anybody to own property.

Knowing there is a chance you'll get mugged and killed walking outside doesn't make the mugger or murderer any better. Likewise, it doesn't make Trump any less of a deadbeat.

If you hate rich people so much, WTF do you care who Trump didn't repay?

Lending institutions know that X amount of people will file bankruptcy and they will not get their money back. It's all part of business. They know it ahead of time.

Last year over 800,000 bankruptcies were filed; 24,000 of them were businesses.

How many people filed for bankruptcy in 2016? - NBF

Everyone pays in higher banking & loan costs.

Yes they do, it's all part of the business structure. Just like we all pay higher cell phone bills so that lowlifes can have free cell phones. It's all figured out in the business plan.
You bitch about those poor people but love Trump for his bankruptcies. Why is that?

Nobody bitch about poor people. Bitching is about leechers like you who abuse the system.

His bankruptcies? Like his own?
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...
Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.


If aftet the tax cut bill, Trump pays $40 million less in takes, that bill gave him that money.
Now you asswipes can try to play semantics all you want but that would be the truth.

That tax bill (in other words Trump) gave Trump 40 million plus. And you morons love it. All you " OMG OMG the deft the debt!!" people love it.

You know it is a bad bill but your heads are so far up Trumps ass that you can't even bitch about it.

Excuse me dumb ass, how can the government give you something that's already yours? If they are taking less, they aren't giving you anything, they're just taking less.


Prior to passing the tax cut bill, you would owe $5500.00 in personal income tax. You pay that tax from your savings account & it was then $3500.00 in your account.

After passing the tax cut, you only owed $4500 in income taxes, leaving $4500 in your savings account.

You have that extra $1K because of the tax bill. The passing of that bill gave it to you.

You people are such assholes.

If I go to the store & the item I went to buy was on sale with a 20% discount, now costing $80.00. You would parade around screaming OMG OMG that sale did not give me anything. I save $20 of my own money.

Suppose I went to that store & there was a 20% rebate. I paid the full price of $100 & I got a $20 check in the mail the following week. The store gave me that money & you fucktards can't say it was my money that I saved.

Yet the result is exactly the same. I now have $20 more in my wallet.


Man the fuck up & admit it. Quit pretending they did not borrow over a trillion dollars. Quit pretending they did not hand rich people YOUR tax dollars.

The idea you love it provrs what a pack of duped morons you are.

And that's how simple mind works...

If the item that store sells was any good, they wouldn't need to give discount to sell it. The only way they could get you to buy it is if they "give" the discount, so you don't go across the street to the competitor store to buy it for $81 at regular price.

Second, do I get the choice not to buy item at all?

Third, do I have to have minimum deposit in your store in order to shop there?
Last edited:
You bitch about those poor people but love Trump for his bankruptcies. Why is that?

Donald Trump never declared bankruptcy. As you well know.

If he had, what difference would that make?
What is their fair share? Wealthy people use more government services than poor people do. How much government money is spent regulation things like the stock market & protecting US corporations? How many poor people use airports & our banking systems?

I am not the one whining. It was you. Man the fuck up & support your own country.

Why should all households not contribute the running of our government?

I'm certainly not rich, not in my description anyway. Yes, when I was working, I used our airports, banking systems, and highways a LOT.

What I did NOT use were any of the 67 programs the federal government has for low-income households. No welfare, food stamps, housing, cell phone, free computers, cut-rate cable and on and on, and on!

How many regulations have been taken off the sweating backs of small business and large business since President Donald Trump?

Allowing corporations to pollute more, provide a less safe work environment, endanger the well being of people. treat their employees worse is really nothing to brag about.

Tearing shit down takes nothing.

BS! Your opinions are just that and you can get reinforced by any left wing rag. Let me know when you get a legitimate hard news source.
I worked for my money. I pay taxes on it. If I pay my neighbor to paint my house, he pays income txes on my money for which I was already taxed.

If I give my kid a million dollars this year, he pays taxes.

Ending the inheritance tax was a billion dollar gift to the Trump family. No wonder he was all for it. It certainly has no stimulus effect, just rich people rewarding themselves on your tax dollar.

Nope, according to the current tax code, he doesn't. You pay gift tax, he pays nothing.
If I go to the store & the item I went to buy was on sale with a 20% discount, now costing $80.00. You would parade around screaming OMG OMG that sale did not give me anything. I save $20 of my own money.

You're starting to catch on now. The store took less of your money, therefore you saved twenty bucks--not got back twenty bucks.

Suppose I went to that store & there was a 20% rebate. I paid the full price of $100 & I got a $20 check in the mail the following week. The store gave me that money & you fucktards can't say it was my money that I saved.

Terrible analogy. Mine is better.

If you and I are neighbors and you walk your dog for a half hour every day at the same time, but once a week I sneak into your house and steal $100.00. After a while I feel guilty, so instead of taking $100.00 from your dresser drawer, I only take $80.00. Did I just give you $20.00?

Your story is only right about one thing. You are a thief. You want government without paying for it.

I did now have $20.00 that your change in stealing habits gave me.

Well I happen to think governments are thieves. Theft is the act of taking ones property agains their will leaving them with no reasonable alternative.

If I'm walking down the street one night and somebody points a gun at me demanding my money, he is taking my property against my will. My only choices are to give him my valuables or get shot and he takes my valuables.

I support government that governs, not a government that forces charity. Our founders never wanted federal government for wealth distribution reasons. But my tax money goes to fund my HUD neighbors next door in our suburb, it goes to fund all those daycare centers in our city, it goes to fund PBS, Planned Parenthood and NPR, it goes to fund unneeded bureaucracies which act against our Constitution, and I'm against all of it.
Support your country or pack up your shit & leave. I am sick & tired of your constant whining. But hey, being against ediucartionb is a Trumpette thing.

Then you are such a dick you don't get that the money paid to PP is for services rendered through Mediaid & Medicare.

Should people who don't pay federal income tax, and there are 47% of them, all pack their shit and leave, since they don't support their country?
No, it's not theft. I may feel it's unjust, but it certainly wouldn't be theft. Who is to say the fact that your house is titled to you isn't theft by virtue of the fact that it excludes others from being on that property? Why is the house where you live "your" house other than that it just happens to be titled to you according to the government?

Because I paid for it.
Well, Trump didn't pay for his gifts or his inheritance, so what made any of that "his" and somehow deserving to be exempt from normal income taxation applied to almost all other transactions, like wage income?

If his father paid for it then it's his. HIs father bought it, he paid taxes on it, and he gave it to his family.

I worked for my money. I pay taxes on it. If I pay my neighbor to paint my house, he pays income txes on my money for which I was already taxed.

If I give my kid a million dollars this year, he pays taxes.

Ending the inheritance tax was a billion dollar gift to the Trump family. No wonder he was all for it. It certainly has no stimulus effect, just rich people rewarding themselves on your tax dollar.
They are special rules which basically benefit worthless rich deadbeats. If I do tangible work that benefits people, I am taxed on the proceeds. If deadbeat Trump gives his kid money for nothing, they are excused from the same rules.

If you call all those rich are worthless deadbeats, I'm just interested, what should we call you?
Trump used government bankruptcy protection services to the tune of over $1 billion.

Why do you continue to lie?

Donald Trump never declared bankruptcy.

How many fewer new businesses would we have in America today if our Constitution did not demand that it be available? Our founding fathers wanted to do away with the Debtors Prisons popular in Europe at the time. It is a major contributing factor to the greatness of America today.

When you own & run a company & that company files bankruptcy, I have news, you have gone bankrupt.

And yes, you just fucked your creditors out of money.

That's fake news. :D

Company went bankrupt. Creditors are in business of taking risk.
So what happens if government decides to change title on your house, your car, your boat, your daughter? That is not theft in your eyes because government claimed it was theirs instead of yours?
No, it's not theft. I may feel it's unjust, but it certainly wouldn't be theft. Who is to say the fact that your house is titled to you isn't theft by virtue of the fact that it excludes others from being on that property? Why is the house where you live "your" house other than that it just happens to be titled to you according to the government?

Because I paid for it.
Well, Trump didn't pay for his gifts or his inheritance, so what made any of that "his" and somehow deserving to be exempt from normal income taxation applied to almost all other transactions, like wage income?

If his father paid for it then it's his. HIs father bought it, he paid taxes on it, and he gave it to his family.

I worked for my money. I pay taxes on it. If I pay my neighbor to paint my house, he pays income txes on my money for which I was already taxed.

If I give my kid a million dollars this year, he pays taxes.

Ending the inheritance tax was a billion dollar gift to the Trump family. No wonder he was all for it. It certainly has no stimulus effect, just rich people rewarding themselves on your tax dollar.
I thought they just doubled it to 24 million for a couple
Here's the original exchange, note the only topic I have is Inheritance Tax...

Did I say all those that inherit money are spoiled rich deadbeats? No, but enough are and there's no reason to not tax inheritance.

Any Inheritance Tax that is imposed is a minimum of Double Taxation, in other words it's called stealing...

Below you followed up with your money changing hands excuse...

Money generally gets taxed by income tax whenever it changes hands, like if you use your taxed wages to buy a bagel. The bagel salesman pays tax on his profit. Is that stealing, too?

And here below in bold, italicized and underlined is the full text that you tried to use to support your lie, in the proper perspective, your terrible at this, stick with tiddlywinks...

Your stupid explanation that the money changes hands is the reason of merit to tax it again, I would urge you to remove your head from that pile of shit surrounding it or commit harikari, both will have the same affect...

Right here, dumbass:

Your stupid explanation that the money changes hands is the reason of merit to tax it

That's income taxation in general. That's how income taxation generally works: money gets taxed when it changes hands. That's because money comes in when it changes hands, hence, income. If you think that's stupid, that's a statement against income taxation in general. But I realize someone as stupid as you might be unable to figure it out.

You suck at this, grow up, maybe you should stick to the children boards...

If I get my paycheck & put it in the bank it has been taxed.

If I then hire my neighbor to paint my house & write him a check, he pays income tax on that money with was already taxed.

Your double taxation argument is stupid.

Double taxation is not what you think it is.
Here's the original exchange, note the only topic I have is Inheritance Tax...

Below you followed up with your money changing hands excuse...

And here below in bold, italicized and underlined is the full text that you tried to use to support your lie, in the proper perspective, your terrible at this, stick with tiddlywinks...

You suck at this, grow up, maybe you should stick to the children boards...

If I get my paycheck & put it in the bank it has been taxed.

If I then hire my neighbor to paint my house & write him a check, he pays income tax on that money with was already taxed.

Your double taxation argument is stupid.

You don't understand the difference between income and gift.

If you hire your neighbor, he is working for you and creating income for himself. If your father has a car, and he buys another one and gives his old car to you, that is a gift and should not be taxed.
Arent the exemptions non taxable for gifts to children capped at 14k for each parent 28 for both?

That I'm not sure of. I always paid for my own cars. But if if there is taxation on it, that's completely wrong. Government is getting too involved in our family life.
You are allowed 14k from each parent to each child tax free Been doing it under the direction of my CPA for years

Actually, you are allowed to gift without being taxed $14k to as many people you want, each year
By getting the fruits of the labor of all the people who worked to build the home and the yacht. The government could have used its money to direct them to construct smaller homes for themselves instead. That way, the workers benefit from their work rather than benefiting some rich, worthless orange fuck like Trump.

You think that government job is to direct what to build, where, how big and with someone else money.

Where are you from originally, Soviet Union or Cuba?

The government we elect, dipshit.

Who the fuck should decide where to run the pipeline or build that airport

You just love government control, dont you?

We elected new government in 2016, soyboy. How come you don't like government control anymore?
If I get my paycheck & put it in the bank it has been taxed.

If I then hire my neighbor to paint my house & write him a check, he pays income tax on that money with was already taxed.

Your double taxation argument is stupid.

You don't understand the difference between income and gift.

If you hire your neighbor, he is working for you and creating income for himself. If your father has a car, and he buys another one and gives his old car to you, that is a gift and should not be taxed.
Arent the exemptions non taxable for gifts to children capped at 14k for each parent 28 for both?

That I'm not sure of. I always paid for my own cars. But if if there is taxation on it, that's completely wrong. Government is getting too involved in our family life.
You are allowed 14k from each parent to each child tax free Been doing it under the direction of my CPA for years

I can't verify it but I recall somebody (perhaps my tax preparer) saying something about the option to be able to give up to a million dollars as a one-time gift instead of giving a little bit year by year.

Anything over $14k a year will be taxed to you. Unless you pay someone's medical bill or for education.

You could loan it at the current interest rates and it won't be taxed.
If I get my paycheck & put it in the bank it has been taxed.

If I then hire my neighbor to paint my house & write him a check, he pays income tax on that money with was already taxed.

Your double taxation argument is stupid.

You don't understand the difference between income and gift.

If you hire your neighbor, he is working for you and creating income for himself. If your father has a car, and he buys another one and gives his old car to you, that is a gift and should not be taxed.
Arent the exemptions non taxable for gifts to children capped at 14k for each parent 28 for both?

That I'm not sure of. I always paid for my own cars. But if if there is taxation on it, that's completely wrong. Government is getting too involved in our family life.
You are allowed 14k from each parent to each child tax free Been doing it under the direction of my CPA for years

Actually, you are allowed to gift without being taxed $14k to as many people you want, each year
Didn't know that just did it for my children

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