ok is trying to alienate teachers?

Inappropriate prompts in Hudson High School writing book went unnoticed for five years

Female teacher played video about orgasms to class of boys dismissed

Up until Monday, a book called "642 Things to Write About was being used by students in Hudson High School's Senior College Credit Plus Writing class.

That's because on Friday, the district and parents became aware of some inappropriate writing prompts in the book.

"'Write a sex scene you wouldn't show your mom. Rewrite the sex scene from above into one that you'd let your mom read,'" parent Monica Haven read from the book.

Other prompts in the book include asking the writer to describe their favorite part of a man's body using only verbs, imagine they are a serial killer, and describe a time they wanted to orgasm.

They're everywhere...

Odd, somehow people heard about what she was teaching.
Well that's the reaction and often times reactions swing just as far the other way as the intial action did.

Teachers and schools that pushed identity politics and social justice agendas and critical race theory in schools are now getting push back. They took things too far and abused things, so the reaction to that action is going to be equal.

For every action there is a equal reaction.
Not the same as actually seeing the class being taught. And parents have jobs so why shouldn;t they be able to see a video of the class being taught?
So school is just babysitting to you. You want busy parents provided baby monitors. Only they have to go to the school to watch these ultra-secure videos. Maybe the school could watch their kids even more while they watch these teacher videos? Else all could just home school, right? How about providing monitors in homes so the teachers can make sure students are doing their homework?
So school is just babysitting to you. You want busy parents provided baby monitors. Only they have to go to the school to watch these ultra-secure videos. Maybe the school could watch their kids even more while they watch these teacher videos? Else all could just home school, right? How about providing monitors in homes so the teachers can make sure students are doing their homework?
I happen to think parents have a right to see classes being taught. Why do you think they don't?
They already have the right. They can go sit in on the class any time they like

Think any of these things would have happened had the classroom been streaming? And that's a very small sample, it goes on a lot more than people think.


The proposed act, named the “Students’ Religious Belief Protection Act” mean parents can demand the removal of any book with perceived anti-religious content from school. Subjects like LGBTQ issues, evolution, the big bang theory and even birth control could be off the table.

Teachers could be sued a minimum of $10,000 “per incident, per individual” and the fines would be paid “from personal resources” not from school funds or from individuals or groups. If the teacher is unable to pay, they will be fired, under the legislation.

i simply cannot believe the absolute stupidity of trying to fine teachers...in the age of everyone is offended by something
They need to quit and leave that 3rd world hell hole.

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