ok is trying to alienate teachers?

So what?

That's life best prepare the kids for it now.

Any more lame ass excuses?

Kids will forget there are cameras in the class in a short time anyway not that they even have to know at all.

The best way to prepare kids is to introduce them to many different ideas and concepts. That's really what people like you are trying to stop.

Oklahoma bill would fine teachers $10k for teaching anything that contradicts religion​

Under Senator Rob Standridge’s Students’ Religious Belief Protection Act subjects like LGBT issues, evolution and the big bang theory, even birth control could be off the table​

". . .The act will be introduced into the Education Committee next week, but it doesn’t specify which religious beliefs will be used to prosecute offending teachers.

Referring to the act as “necessary for the preservation of the public peace,” if passed the law will take effect immediately, states the bill.

Just over a month ago, Senator Standridge introduced a bill to ban books with references to identity, sex and gender from public school libraries.. . "

Obviously, it is a dumb idea, and I would be shocked if the bill even gets out of committee, but it is pretty obvious what this move is all about. . .

The left has over played their hand in trying to reform education in trying to deal with societal implicit bias in the work place, in government, school and all other places in society. The best places to program that out of a person is when folks are young. . . but how young? And the question remains, how much of the morals and ethics of the STATE versus the family, do social engineers get to press onto the children? What say do parents have?

Obviously, families have been left out of the equation when the Left, in their ivory towers, have re-engineer the pedagogy. SO? Whenever the political radicals in society make moves, you can always expect, like weeds after a good rain, the reactionaries are going to capitalize on those shifts in the establishment government and workplace.

This. . . . Oklahoma Senator, I honestly don't think believes a lot of these proposals will even get anywhere. Hell, I was in student government, model UN, etc. A lot of times, it was the most outlandish proposals that got the most interest, but then were jaw-boned down into something realistic for what folks expected of change.

BUT? The upshot, the REAL change, was the person that proposed them. . . they were the folks that got the limelight. That is what we should pay attention to. It is this guy, this Senator Standridge that is probably the story. The proposal? That is just for clicks and ad revenue, it is outrage porn, and won't, in all likelihood go anywhere. It is only to get his name out there for the future.

As soon as he appears in articles with say. . . Ronna McDaniel? Then you will know what this is about. . . . IMO.
Why aren't parents with a religious bee up their butt move their kids to religious private schools?
I happen to think parents have a right to see classes being taught. Why do you think they don't?
I haven't seen that one delineated anywhere. However, I have seen communities treat teachers like crap before multiple times. Pretty ugly stuff. Education suffers. Everyone loses.
You got that right. Jones is a slogan spouter, an empty suit, a pseudo-intellectual, full of high sentence but a bit obtuse, but mostly he's a two-bit-punk statist bootlick sans a lick of empathy.

Lefty regards the public education system as his domain by divine right. He opposes the educational liberty of school choice, incessantly imposes the vile, oppressive degeneracy of cultural Marxism, and cynically characterizes resistence as censorship.


I say burn it all down.

The only thing leftists will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.
School choice is a great idea. All public schools should have the choice to accept or keep students.
Like I said umpteen times you can easily exclude the kids from being on the video

ant more lame ass excuses?

as long as the teacher does not move, the kids do no talk or move out of their chairs
The best way to prepare kids is to introduce them to many different ideas and concepts. That's really what people like you are trying to stop.
Says you.

I think parents have the right, you don't
According to the bill.... if they offer an opposing view to the religious beliefs held by students.

So, if a teacher who is a Southern Baptist says the Pope is not an infallible representative of God, they can be sued. If a teacher who is a Catholic says that Sunday is the day of Worship then they can be sued by a 7th Day Adventist. And the Mormon kids parents can pretty much sue every teacher
Well, they certainly thought that through, didn't they? :heehee:

And in reality it's a better way than having a parent sit in a classroom because the mere presence of a parent in a class will change the dynamic.
But your secret camera wouldn't, right? The fact that you seem increasingly obsessed with secretly filming children is more than a little disturbing.
Says you.

I think parents have the right, you don't

It's been pointed out to you many times they already do. You can't give people the right to something they already have. Your argument is many do not want to take the time. Too bad then.
Wish I had a $1 for every time you post these pics like they're representative of mainstream conervative Americans, I'd have enough for a tropical vacation! I feel sorry for you, truly I do, for someone to be so obsessed over one man to the point that he's in their thoughts every single day. :itsok:
You are free to post pics of Democrats/Leftists flying NAZI flags.
It's been pointed out to you many times they already do. You can't give people the right to something they already have. Your argument is many do not want to take the time. Too bad then.
No they don't have the right to watch any class so stop saying they do.

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