ok is trying to alienate teachers?

Yet your plan has them going down to the school during working hours and watching 6 hours of video of their kid in class.
Who says they will watch when they are at work?

Your excuses are getting even more lame and I didn't think that was possible.
it doesn't have to be live but it could be.

All you have to do is seat the kids behind the sight line of the cameras so they aren't seen at all.

You could also mic the teacher so the voices of the kids are not prominent on the recordings

I see no reason why any teacher would object to parents knowing exactly what is taught to their kids.
Teachers get marked down in observations if we did not circulate throughout the classrooms during instruction. It cuts down on discipline problems, ensures all students are on task and allows you to address students directly without having the whole class from suffering through it.
And to think, back in the early 1970s' queers were deemed mentally ill, now LGBTQWXZ123%$#` Is being forced upon us all the time. Every show, and i mean every show has some sort of faggotish episode of either man with man, or woman with woman, even though homosexuality is .01% of the population while the other 99% are straight. Why is this being done. The push of Marxists on this country to tear it apart.

Define Marxism for us.
Think any of these things would have happened had the classroom been streaming? And that's a very small sample, it goes on a lot more than people think.

And yet all those things were found out. The book not being found for 5 years is a failing on the parents not looking at what their kids are given as assignments.
People work, parents have jobs.
And when they come home from those jobs they will spend the next 6-12+ hours watching video tape of their neighbor's kids? Instead of making dinner for their own kids, helping them with their homework, or sleeping a few hours before going back to work? Just admit you're stuck on a stupid idea that is impractical, unaffordable, and largely illegal and leave it at that.
Teachers get marked down in observations if we did not circulate throughout the classrooms during instruction. It cuts down on discipline problems, ensures all students are on task and allows you to address students directly without having the whole class from suffering through it.
Why would any teacher have a problem with a parent watching a video of their classes?
Such is the authoritarian, neo-Nazi left.

FIFY. You're welcome.
Think any of these things would have happened had the classroom been streaming? And that's a very small sample, it goes on a lot more than people think.

Wow! 3 examples out of how many children in public schools?
Who says they will watch when they are at work?

Your excuses are getting even more lame and I didn;t think that was possible.

Which then brings us back to a student knowing adults are going to be sitting around watching a tape of what they state in class. Many have a difficult enough time speaking up in class.
And when they come home from those jobs they will spend the next 6-12+ hours watching video tape of their neighbor's kids? Instead of making dinner for their own kids, helping them with their homework, or sleeping a few hours before going back to work? Just admit you're stuck on a stupid idea that is impractical, unaffordable, and largely illegal and leave it at that.
Yeah we all know why you don;t want people to see what you do when you say you're teaching their kids.
Which then brings us back to a student knowing adults are going to be sitting around watching a tape of what they state in class. Many have a difficult enough time speaking up in class.
So what?

That's life best prepare the kids for it now.

Any more lame ass excuses?

Kids will forget there are cameras in the class in a short time anyway not that they even have to know at all.
Why would any teacher have a problem with a parent watching a video of their classes?

I think the problem more lies with the parents of the students not wanting them filmed while in the classroom.
You are the one that had the plan of them going to the school and watching the video.

That could be done when not at work couldn't it?

And in reality it's a better way than having a parent sit in a classroom because the mere presence of a parent in a class will change the dynamic.

People tens to forget about cameras, especially if they are discreet
So what?

That's life best prepare the kids for it now.

Any more lame ass excuses?

Kids will forget there are cameras in the class in a short time anyway not that they even have to know at all.
Oh, now you want secret cameras? You are making more and more of an ass of yourself by clinging to this stupid idea.

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