ok is trying to alienate teachers?

this is reaction to the insane left. if they can ban shit without full agreement or authority, the right is showing they can too.

and on queue, the left cries foil.

so the old if you cannot beat them, join them philosophy!
What if a parent does not approve of their child being filmed? In our district we have to sign a release to even have their picture used.

I can just see this going all kinds of south. Some poor kid gets called on to answer a question and they mess up the answer and BOOM the video of them being wrong is now spread around on the social media network of the other students and everyone gets a good laugh
It's easy enough to blur the faces of the kids or to just have the cameras focus on the teacher. Audio only might be an option as well.
What are you talking about? The prevailing system is tyrannical. I don't use it, yet I am taxed to support it. May it burn to the ground.

How the hell does that make me opposed to educational liberty?

There are many things you are taxed to support that you probably don't use. Are we over taxed and over lawed? Yes, I agree with that. But are you equal opportunity?
What if a parent does not approve of their child being filmed? In our district we have to sign a release to even have their picture used.

I can just see this going all kinds of south. Some poor kid gets called on to answer a question and they mess up the answer and BOOM the video of them being wrong is now spread around on the social media network of the other students and everyone gets a good laugh

In their quest to play GOTCHA with teachers, right to privacy means nothing.

Imagine if these loons knew the first thing about special education laws and privacy. And yes, loons, there are special ed kids in every single gen ed classroom
I didn't say I agreed with it, I'm saying it's human nature.

pointing out why I believe something is happening doesn't mean I support the move.

I was not really referring to you specifically, more then "right" in general
Are you talking about a live feed?
it doesn't have to be live but it could be.

All you have to do is seat the kids behind the sight line of the cameras so they aren't seen at all.

You could also mic the teacher so the voices of the kids are not prominent on the recordings

I see no reason why any teacher would object to parents knowing exactly what is taught to their kids.
What if a parent does not approve of their child being filmed? In our district we have to sign a release to even have their picture used.

I can just see this going all kinds of south. Some poor kid gets called on to answer a question and they mess up the answer and BOOM the video of them being wrong is now spread around on the social media network of the other students and everyone gets a good laugh

Okay I just read this. Note the exception for "special ed". Right because of privacy law. LOLCATZ there are special ed children in every single classroom.

This is a hot mess.
Okay I just read this. Note the exception for "special ed". Right because of privacy law. LOLCATZ there are special ed children in every single classroom.

This is a hot mess.
Easily worked around as I have stated earlier
Easily worked around as I have stated earlier

So, voice only, do you think the students do not know each other's voices? Same deal happens, little Susie is called upon to answer the question and she really messes it up, now there is a recording of it for everyone to share and laugh at.
Sweeping, very generalized statements like this are frankly lazy. They lead to disasters like "defund the police". You're doing the same to education. While you seek to burn down the enclaves in say, Brooklyn and Berkeley, you're also setting fire to small town elementary schools in Oklahoma that can't get actual teachers, let alone subs. And here you are, wanting to put a live camera feed on teachers making beans just out of college--the very few teachers we can actually get in the profession, which diminishes every year. A million times worse, live camera feeds on SIX year olds. I can't argue with you on this anymore; it's patently insane and rife for being abused by pedophiles. But whatever. You're just as crazy-eyed as the people on the Left salivating about defunding the police. Burn it all down. Count the cost later.

We live in one of the most insane, stupid eras in history. And that's saying a mouthful.
You're catching on. If you step back a bit, you may notice that the left actually supports the police as much as the right. They have unions too.. which are often part of the trade unions.
it doesn't have to be live but it could be.

All you have to do is seat the kids behind the sight line of the cameras so they aren't seen at all.

You could also mic the teacher so the voices of the kids are not prominent on the recordings

I see no reason why any teacher would object to parents knowing exactly what is taught to their kids.

GG is exactly right though. You realize the custody issues we have these days? We have lots of kids who cannot even be photographed or filmed for any reason. If you think there is anyone who can blur the faces of LIVE CHILDREN in all those classrooms....that's insane. Really, it's insane.

The entire thing is insane and the upsides are too small to consider when factoring in all the downsides. The only thing I can see as reasonable is film everything in the classroom, fine, but not on a livestream. Then parents can access it PRIVATELY under certain circumstances if they have questions. That way teachers are kept "under account" or whatever you folks want to do, but blurring faces in a live stream and other absurdities are not even given the time of day.
So, voice only, do you think the students do not know each other's voices? Same deal happens, little Susie is called upon to answer the question and she really messes it up, now there is a recording of it for everyone to share and laugh at.

That is exactly why special ed classrooms are exempt. Almost without exception Sp Ed parents know the law.

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