ok is trying to alienate teachers?

If they have that little trust, they should homeschool. I'm being serious.

They didn't do their homework in the school, the district, the teachers and the community, and they don't know their children well enough.

Period, end of sentence.
You should have no problem with parents wanting to know exactly what you are teaching their kids.

That you do tells me you are hiding something.,
You should have no problem with parents wanting to know exactly what you are teaching their kids.

That you do tells me you are hiding something.,

I do when it extends to a live feed in my classroom, for ALLLL the reasons I have given you here. I have very serious doubts about your ability to work with young children when your response is "oh poor babies, you don't get to play your games."

Right. So you would destroy good teaching and good education so you can film it. Idiocy. Straight up.
You should have no problem with parents wanting to know exactly what you are teaching their kids.

That you do tells me you are hiding something.,

Here is a crazy idea for you....ask the kid, help the kid with their homework, look at the thing the kid brings home from school. Do that and they will know exactly what the teachers are teaching their kids.
Hey Blues Man.

Don't you give private music lessons?

If kids HATE my class, they never, ever, ever sign up for yours. You dummy.

But sure, chairs in rows, skill and drill note reading. Those 7 year olds will LOVE IT. I will tell them, "you poor babies, don't get to play your games. But hey, smile for the camera! At least my horrid teaching is being filmed!"
No I don;t do that anymore but I would have absolutely no problem taping a class for the parents of any student. Why would I?

Besides performing in front of people is something everyone who wants to play an instrument needs to learn to handle.
Here is a crazy idea for you....ask the kid, help the kid with their homework, look at the thing the kid brings home from school. Do that and they will know exactly what the teachers are teaching their kids.

This in spades.

And to go further. If you have a niggle, trust that entirely. Reach out to the teacher, preferably in person. Get a good read. If you don't get satisfactory answers, here's where Mama/Papa Bear kicks in. Take it as high as you have to go to get what you need for your child. It is not only your right as a parent, it is your responsibility.
Here is a crazy idea for you....ask the kid, help the kid with their homework, look at the thing the kid brings home from school. Do that and they will know exactly what the teachers are teaching their kids.

Kids don;t tell their parents everything and you're naive if you think they do.

No teacher should have a problem with any parent being able to watch them teach. The question is why do you?
No I don;t do that anymore but I would have absolutely no problem taping a class for the parents of any student. Why would I?

Besides performing in front of people is something everyone who wants to play an instrument needs to learn to handle.

I have done hundreds and hundreds of performances with children.

See if you can figure out the difference between, say, risers and a classroom.

Just for starters.
Kids don;t tell their parents everything and you're naive if you think they do.

No teacher should have a problem with any parent being able to watch them teach. The question is why do you?

I don't. TAPE EVERYTHING. Have it available for viewing after, should any parent request it.

Crawl away
So, voice only, do you think the students do not know each other's voices? Same deal happens, little Susie is called upon to answer the question and she really messes it up, now there is a recording of it for everyone to share and laugh at.

You're assuming it would be available for anyone from the public to view it? Why? It could be a secure link that only parents of children in that classroom have access to, it's not a complicated concept. They can also make it so that there is no capability for doing a screen shot or recording it in any way, there would be no opportunity for misuse. Based on the expense alone, it's not really a viable concept, but I'm guessing that in years down the road that is what will be a part of every classroom.
Seriously, just crawl away.

I was even willing to meet you halfway and say do it like cop cameras. Record everything and archive it. But no, you had to mock young children and their penchant for games. You will destroy THEIR education to get your grubby mitts on the teachers.

Crawl away. Do it now

Yeah because ALL students over the age of 6 do nothing but play games in class.

Gee here's a real complicated solution to your playing games excuse.

Point the cameras at just the front of the classroom and have the kiddies play their games out of the line of sight of the cameras.

You really can't seem to problem solve very well maybe that's why you don;t want parents seeing what you do in the classroom
Kids don;t tell their parents everything and you're naive if you think they do.

No teacher should have a problem with any parent being able to watch them teach. The question is why do you?

The teachers entire time would be taken up by someone always complaining about something.

I recall a teacher in 6h grade thought we were old enough to hear a little Cheech and Chong. Nobody was harmed but holy cow, I could imagine some parents today.
And to think, back in the early 1970s' queers were deemed mentally ill, now LGBTQWXZ123%$#` Is being forced upon us all the time. Every show, and i mean every show has some sort of faggotish episode of either man with man, or woman with woman, even though homosexuality is .01% of the population while the other 99% are straight. Why is this being done. The push of Marxists on this country to tear it apart.

What about the other ,99% you failed to account for?

You claim homosexuals are only one in a thousand?
Why would the students be watching the tapes of the classes?

You only give access to the parents of the kids in those classes and the school administrators.

It really isn;t as tough as you think.

you can use directional mics that won;t pick up the audio from the students and/or you could mic the teacher and only play that audio on the recordings.

This is all easy stuff to do
All he ever does is laugh at anything he doesn't understand. :dunno:
The teachers entire time would be taken up by someone always complaining about something.

I recall a teacher in 6h grade thought we were old enough to hear a little Cheech and Chong. Nobody was harmed but holy cow, I could imagine some parents today.
Yeah it'd be a shame if teachers had to answer to the parents of the kids they teach huh?

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