ok is trying to alienate teachers?

Yeah because ALL students over the age of 6 do nothing but play games in class.

Gee here's a real complicated solution to your playing games excuse.

Point the cameras at just the front of the classroom and have the kiddies play their games out of the line of sight of the cameras.

You really can't seem to problem solve very well maybe that's why you don;t want parents seeing what you do in the classroom

So now, rather than crawling away, you come back to say just run classroom activities out of the sight line of the camera. Thus defeating the entire purpose.

Great. You should have gone when you were only miles behind
You're assuming it would be available for anyone from the public to view it? Why? It could be a secure link that only parents of children in that classroom have access to, it's not a complicated concept. They can also make it so that there is no capability for doing a screen shot or recording it in any way, there would be no opportunity for misuse. Based on the expense alone, it's not really a viable concept, but I'm guessing that in years down the road that is what will be a part of every classroom.
It's an expensive and unnecessary concept. Are you willing to pay an IT specialist for each school?

Why would any parent want to see me teach algebra? No radical concepts there!
So now, rather than crawling away, you come back to say just run classroom activities out of the sight line of the camera. Thus defeating the entire purpose.

Great. You should have gone when you were only miles behind
No it's not because the audio will still be up.

This is all about monitoring what YOU do and you don;t like that one bit do you?

And tell me is that all you do is play games in class? I see no problem with audio only for parts of a class period.
No it's not because the audio will still be up.

This is all about monitoring what YOU do and you don;t like that one bit do you?

And tell me is that all you do is play games in class? I see no problem with audio only for parts of a class period.

No. I often have 25 kids playing different recorder parts all at one time.

I will have that audio shipped directly to your house. You game? Or how about when an entire class of kinders is playing drums?

Gosh. Your idea gets better and better
There are many things you are taxed to support that you probably don't use. Are we over taxed and over lawed? Yes, I agree with that. But are you equal opportunity?
What don't you understand about the imperatives of natural and constitutional law relative to the ideological liberty of the individual?


Are you a robot?
So that would be no, you're not willing to pay for it. Let someone else pick up the tab for what you want.
I don;t have kids in public schools and yet I pay taxes to support them.

And there is always money that can be found especially in our wasteful government run insitutions.

I'm just wondering why any teacher would be against it.
What don't you understand about the imperatives of natural and constitutional law relative to the ideological liberty of the individual?


Are you a robot?

Oh, a purist.

Yes, it always works in theory. I know.
I don;t have kids in public schools and yet I pay taxes to support them.

And there is always money that can be found especially in our wasteful government run insitutions.

I'm just wondering why any teacher would be against it.

Maybe because it was fomented by idiocy

Just spitballing here
If they have that little trust, they should homeschool. I'm being serious.

They didn't do their homework in the school, the district, the teachers and the community, and they don't know their children well enough.

Period, end of sentence.

I usually agree with you on most topics Sue, and I'm sure you're an awesome teacher, but not every teacher is trustworthy, there are a lot of bad teachers out there. I've seen video after video of kids that filmed their teachers saying very inappropriate things that later were fired for it. I've seen articles describing completely inappropriate assignments being given to children to complete, and children told not to share them with their parents. One recently was where they had to write some kind of a thesis about fantasizing about orgasms, this was a high school class! Parents and the public are paying for their children's education, and there are very secure ways to allow access for only a parent that has a child in that classroom and no one else outside of that. I really don't understand the children not being able to move around? If you have children in school where the parents forbid them to be filmed then place all of those children together in a classroom together without any filming. There are ways it could be worked out to keep the teachers honest, keep the children safe, and keep the parents informed.
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I don;t have kids in public schools and yet I pay taxes to support them.

And there is always money that can be found especially in our wasteful government run insitutions.

I'm just wondering why any teacher would be against it.

You have been answered. There would be people out there picking over every little thing a teacher says. If they are not watching every hour of the day, many things can be taken out of context also. Teachers are busy enough without having to address every little busy body complaint.
As it is we have a blistering teacher shortage that is only getting worse. It was bad before the pandemic. Now it's just something like I never imagined.

I work in a good district. Say, long about 15 years ago, we had hundreds--no exaggeration--of applications for a single elementary grade level teaching position. It was ridiculous. Now, it's a bidding war. Even before the pandemic, young people were not going into it. Now? Tumbleweeds everywhere.

My fellow conservatives who bash ALL teachers have no idea what they're bringing on. Yes, some of it is deserved. But in 10 years when the teachers we do have are even worse, because they basically must hire high school drop outs to do it, don't say we didn't warn you.

And don't even get me started on Special Ed. Just....don't.
When you say Special Ed, i think of this guy.

No. I often have 25 kids playing different recorder parts all at one time.

I will have that audio shipped directly to your house. You game? Or how about when an entire class of kinders is playing drums?

Gosh. Your idea gets better and better

Oh so now it's music class and not "games" in every class? I don't really think parents care about how their kids sound on those little plastic recorders.

But no matter what you teach there is no reason why you should be against people knowing exactly what you do in the classroom.
My fellow conservatives are going to do to schools what Leftists did to the criminal court system and law enforcement with "Defund the police"

Are you proud of that, Mac?
Until we rid the schools of marxist trainers, we need to cull as many teachers as we can. Does it mean homeschooling for a while, yes, but then if we dont and we go full on Socialist, then every teacher will be assigned by the government, every doctor, every farmer, get the idea?

That was exactly what happened in the Soviet Socialist States of Russia.

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