ok is trying to alienate teachers?

A teacher doesn't just stand still in a class. So are you going to pay for a camera system in every schoolroom that would follow the teacher and edit out any replies from the students?

I can see Facebook........"Lol, did you see the answer this kid gave today in science class"?
Easily addressed as i have said before.

You can mic a teacher with a directional and nothing that is not spoken directly into that mic will be picked up

And the teacher does spend most of the time at the front of the class. They did when I was in school and I doubt that has changed very much.

What is it with you people that have a problem with knowing exactly what goes on in a public school?

Shit if I was a parent I would certainly want to know.
Yeah, cause there would be public access for all to see and posted on fakebook... :cuckoo:

How is that not the solution being forwarded here?

The fact that that's where your mind goes at all just shows the lack of any intelligent thought on the subject to begin with. Nice strawman, let's all argue against something that would never happen to begin with!

LOL, of course it would.
Yeah, cause there would be public access for all to see and posted on fakebook... :cuckoo: The fact that that's where your mind goes at all just shows the lack of any intelligent thought on the subject to begin with. Nice strawman, let's all argue against something that would never happen to begin with!
No there wouldn't be public access.

Only the administrators of the schools and the parents of the kids in the class would have access. It's easy not to allow downloading and sharing of video
Since you do not have kids you would not know this, but the kids talk in class, they answer and ask questions and even get up and write things on the white board behind the teacher.
So what?

All easily addressed.

As I have said may times before.
Easily addressed as i have said before.

You can mic a teacher with a directional and nothing that is not spoken directly into that mic will be picked up

And the teacher does spend most of the time at the front of the class. They did when I was in school and I doubt that has changed very much.

What is it with you people that have a problem with knowing exactly what goes on in a public school?

Shit if I was a parent I would certainly want to know.

I knew what was going on. I asked my kids. I checked their homework. I went to teacher/parent conferences.
How is that not the solution being forwarded here?

LOL, of course it would.

So you're claiming that Blues is advocating for complete public access to classrooms, i.e. anyone, anywhere can view any feed in any classroom in America? :cuckoo:

Explain in detail how that would happen.
It's highly unlikely the kid taking the lesson would want the whole world watching them mess up.
Who says the whole world will see it?

only school administrators and the parents of the kids would be allowed access.
Well, it's a proposed law.

It has to be voted on by the state legislature before it becomes a real law.

The guy who proposed the law thinks this will get him reelected. And if there's a lot of likeminded people in his district, it will.
I knew what was going on. I asked my kids. I checked their homework. I went to teacher/parent conferences.

You didn;t know exactly what was going on.

You only knew what your kids or the teacher told you.

The proposed act, named the “Students’ Religious Belief Protection Act” mean parents can demand the removal of any book with perceived anti-religious content from school. Subjects like LGBTQ issues, evolution, the big bang theory and even birth control could be off the table.

Teachers could be sued a minimum of $10,000 “per incident, per individual” and the fines would be paid “from personal resources” not from school funds or from individuals or groups. If the teacher is unable to pay, they will be fired, under the legislation.

i simply cannot believe the absolute stupidity of trying to fine teachers...in the age of everyone is offended by something

There is no worry. THis bill will not pass as is.
I support the general theme of it, but it would have to exclude teaching evolution and any other scientific subject that is contrary to religious belief. That is stone age thinking.
But I have no issue with removing any non scientific books that target religious beliefs exclusively. Or purposefully.
But the guy is doing it for attention... and it is apparently working.
No there wouldn't be public access.

Only the administrators of the schools and the parents of the kids in the class would have access. It's easy not to allow downloading and sharing of video

They obviously know nothing about technology, or they have to create their own little strawman to fight since they don't have a logical argument against what is actually being suggested.
They obviously know nothing about technology, or they have to create their own little strawman to fight since they don't have a logical argument against what is actually being suggested.
Yeah the excuses are about a lame as lame can be
You didn;t know exactly what was going on.

You only knew what your kids or the teacher told you.

I knew what their homework assignments were. I also don't have a problem with kids being exposed to other ideas, other than the ones I present to them.

An insulated kid does not make for a good adult.
Yeah, cause there would be public access for all to see and posted on fakebook.

If they parents can get into it, then the kids will be able to also, hell a lot of parents will give their kids access.

It is not needed and does not solve any problems

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