OK, Liberals, Let's See What Has Happened After Tax Cuts Since the Early 1900s

wow, revenue grew, so did the debt...

Uh, you didn't actually read the OP, did you?

The debt did not grow after the Clinton tax cuts and after the Harding-Coolidge-Mellon tax cuts, and the budget was nearly balanced thanks to the JFK tax cuts.

The debt has only grown after tax cuts when the government has gone on a spending spree and cancelled out the revenue hike. When the government has not done so, the budget has either been balanced or the deficit has been reduced considerably.

Free your mind.

Revenues have only gone down year over year in the last 72 years since the end of WWII, whether we had tax cuts tax hikes or no changes.

Claiming tax cuts increase revenues is like claiming the celebration of Christmas causes two months of cold weather.

You got it bassackwards NY...............I am NOT claiming it causes revenue to rise.....eventhough revenue has risen.

It is YOU people who claim it causes revenue to DROP, and the charts show it hasn't!

Doubt me?

Then show us a government website that shows revenue DROPPED after a federal tax cut. That is all you have to do, show us that table from our government.

You see, we are NOT the ones who have to prove that revenue rises. YOU are the ones that have to prove that revenue falls, because that is the basis for your dislike of the cuts. You claim it is going to cost revenue. OK, prove it! Show us where it did before-)

Cutting taxes DOES cause revenues to decrease, if you look at the tax cuts by themselves. It's a mathematical certainty.

Then explain why that didn't happen under EVERY tax cut since the one done by Coolidge! I know why, and I am certain you know why to and are just trying to muddy the waters. But just to make it fair, I will come back to you with this-------->then you are stating our government is lying to us, and all historical data is false?

If that is your position; that the government is lying, then praytell, why would you want more of it-)
Postage Stamp went from 33¢ to 44¢ & gasoline went from $1 to $5, House prices tripled, Gold from $250 to $1930 under Bush, but nooo, there was no inflation!!!!!

I will ask you the same question I asked NY---------->if that is your position, then you are claiming the government is lying.

If you believe the government is lying and all their data is bogus, then why do you want more of it-)
wow, revenue grew, so did the debt...

Uh, you didn't actually read the OP, did you?

The debt did not grow after the Clinton tax cuts and after the Harding-Coolidge-Mellon tax cuts, and the budget was nearly balanced thanks to the JFK tax cuts.

The debt has only grown after tax cuts when the government has gone on a spending spree and cancelled out the revenue hike. When the government has not done so, the budget has either been balanced or the deficit has been reduced considerably.

Free your mind.

Revenues have only gone down year over year in the last 72 years since the end of WWII, whether we had tax cuts tax hikes or no changes.

Claiming tax cuts increase revenues is like claiming the celebration of Christmas causes two months of cold weather.

You got it bassackwards NY...............I am NOT claiming it causes revenue to rise.....eventhough revenue has risen.

It is YOU people who claim it causes revenue to DROP, and the charts show it hasn't!

Doubt me?

Then show us a government website that shows revenue DROPPED after a federal tax cut. That is all you have to do, show us that table from our government.

You see, we are NOT the ones who have to prove that revenue rises. YOU are the ones that have to prove that revenue falls, because that is the basis for your dislike of the cuts. You claim it is going to cost revenue. OK, prove it! Show us where it did before-)

No you have to prove cause and effect between the tax cut and the revenue increase.

btw, revenues fell year over year in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2008, and 2009.

See Table 1.3

Historical Tables
wow, revenue grew, so did the debt...

Uh, you didn't actually read the OP, did you?

The debt did not grow after the Clinton tax cuts and after the Harding-Coolidge-Mellon tax cuts, and the budget was nearly balanced thanks to the JFK tax cuts.

The debt has only grown after tax cuts when the government has gone on a spending spree and cancelled out the revenue hike. When the government has not done so, the budget has either been balanced or the deficit has been reduced considerably.

Free your mind.

Revenues have only gone down year over year in the last 72 years since the end of WWII, whether we had tax cuts tax hikes or no changes.

Claiming tax cuts increase revenues is like claiming the celebration of Christmas causes two months of cold weather.

You got it bassackwards NY...............I am NOT claiming it causes revenue to rise.....eventhough revenue has risen.

It is YOU people who claim it causes revenue to DROP, and the charts show it hasn't!

Doubt me?

Then show us a government website that shows revenue DROPPED after a federal tax cut. That is all you have to do, show us that table from our government.

You see, we are NOT the ones who have to prove that revenue rises. YOU are the ones that have to prove that revenue falls, because that is the basis for your dislike of the cuts. You claim it is going to cost revenue. OK, prove it! Show us where it did before-)

Cutting taxes DOES cause revenues to decrease, if you look at the tax cuts by themselves. It's a mathematical certainty.

Then explain why that didn't happen under EVERY tax cut since the one done by Coolidge! I know why, and I am certain you know why to and are just trying to muddy the waters. But just to make it fair, I will come back to you with this-------->then you are stating our government is lying to us, and all historical data is false?

If that is your position; that the government is lying, then praytell, why would you want more of it-)

I said, if you only look at the tax cut itself. Revenues aren't affected by ONLY tax policy. Jesus.
Postage Stamp went from 33¢ to 44¢ & gasoline went from $1 to $5, House prices tripled, Gold from $250 to $1930 under Bush, but nooo, there was no inflation!!!!!

I will ask you the same question I asked NY---------->if that is your position, then you are claiming the government is lying.

If you believe the government is lying and all their data is bogus, then why do you want more of it-)

If we cut federal taxes to ZERO, would revenues still increase?
Postage Stamp went from 33¢ to 44¢ & gasoline went from $1 to $5, House prices tripled, Gold from $250 to $1930 under Bush, but nooo, there was no inflation!!!!!

I will ask you the same question I asked NY---------->if that is your position, then you are claiming the government is lying.

If you believe the government is lying and all their data is bogus, then why do you want more of it-)

If we cut federal taxes to ZERO, would revenues still increase?
Yes, what they don't understand is that with every tax cut, the fees or other cost the govt. charges increases...
As many economists have pointed out, every major tax cut since the early 1900s has been followed by substantial increases in federal revenue due to economic growth, as anyone can confirm by looking up federal revenue data. And when the government has not gone on a spending spree after tax cuts, the deficit has either been cut or the budget has even been balanced, and when the government has done the opposite, we have had larger deficits--so tax cuts have never "caused" deficits.

Bush Tax Cuts

Bush's 2003 tax cuts generated a massive increase in federal tax revenue and were followed by 52 consecutive months of economic growth. From 2004 to 2007, federal tax revenue increased by $780 billion, the largest four-year increase in American history. Total federal revenue from 2003 to 2007:

2003 -- $1.78 trillion
2004 -- $1.88 trillion
2005 -- $2.15 trillion
2006 -- $2.40 trillion
2007 -- $2.56 trillion

Total federal revenue for 2008 dropped slightly, down to $2.52 trillion, because of the recession that started that year, but revenue was still substantially higher than it was in 2003 or 2004. During the same period, income tax revenue rose dramatically, going from $925 billion in 2003 to $1.53 trillion in 2007. As with other types of federal revenue, income tax revenue dropped slightly in 2008, down to $1.45 trillion, due to the recession.

All of the fatal flaws in your argument are in your post itself.

The above gives the Bush tax cuts the CREDIT for revenue increases, but in the years revenues fell, the above shifts the blame to the economy,

blaming the revenue decreases on the recession. Having it both ways, so to speak.
As many economists have pointed out, every major tax cut since the early 1900s has been followed by substantial increases in federal revenue due to economic growth, as anyone can confirm by looking up federal revenue data.

Bullshit. What we've seen is that deficits ballooned and we got recessions soon after.
wow, revenue grew, so did the debt...

Uh, you didn't actually read the OP, did you?

The debt did not grow after the Clinton tax cuts and after the Harding-Coolidge-Mellon tax cuts, and the budget was nearly balanced thanks to the JFK tax cuts.

The debt has only grown after tax cuts when the government has gone on a spending spree and cancelled out the revenue hike. When the government has not done so, the budget has either been balanced or the deficit has been reduced considerably.

Free your mind.

Revenues have only gone down year over year in the last 72 years since the end of WWII, whether we had tax cuts tax hikes or no changes.

Claiming tax cuts increase revenues is like claiming the celebration of Christmas causes two months of cold weather.

You got it bassackwards NY...............I am NOT claiming it causes revenue to rise.....eventhough revenue has risen.

It is YOU people who claim it causes revenue to DROP, and the charts show it hasn't!

Doubt me?

Then show us a government website that shows revenue DROPPED after a federal tax cut. That is all you have to do, show us that table from our government.

You see, we are NOT the ones who have to prove that revenue rises. YOU are the ones that have to prove that revenue falls, because that is the basis for your dislike of the cuts. You claim it is going to cost revenue. OK, prove it! Show us where it did before-)

No you have to prove cause and effect between the tax cut and the revenue increase.

btw, revenues fell year over year in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2008, and 2009.

See Table 1.3

Historical Tables

Sorry, I took it from the government site. Government Tax and Revenue Chart: United States 1960-2022 - Federal State Local Data

It shows conclusively that revenue rose every year after the Kennedy cuts, and every year after the Reagan cuts. Government says it is true. You want to call them liars, go ahead-)
The CPI is a lie altered by buying habits. Since Reagan/Bush Weimar Republican tax cuts US citizens could not afford as much Steak so they ate Chicken, Since 2006 they can't even afford as much chicken, so now they eat more rice & grass. Soon we can all just eat dirt.

Beef Steak & Chicken consumption rose under Clinton tax increase.

Now we have a tiny house craze because people can't afford a real home.
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wow, revenue grew, so did the debt...

Uh, you didn't actually read the OP, did you?

The debt did not grow after the Clinton tax cuts and after the Harding-Coolidge-Mellon tax cuts, and the budget was nearly balanced thanks to the JFK tax cuts.

The debt has only grown after tax cuts when the government has gone on a spending spree and cancelled out the revenue hike. When the government has not done so, the budget has either been balanced or the deficit has been reduced considerably.

Free your mind.

Revenues have only gone down year over year in the last 72 years since the end of WWII, whether we had tax cuts tax hikes or no changes.

Claiming tax cuts increase revenues is like claiming the celebration of Christmas causes two months of cold weather.

You got it bassackwards NY...............I am NOT claiming it causes revenue to rise.....eventhough revenue has risen.

It is YOU people who claim it causes revenue to DROP, and the charts show it hasn't!

Doubt me?

Then show us a government website that shows revenue DROPPED after a federal tax cut. That is all you have to do, show us that table from our government.

You see, we are NOT the ones who have to prove that revenue rises. YOU are the ones that have to prove that revenue falls, because that is the basis for your dislike of the cuts. You claim it is going to cost revenue. OK, prove it! Show us where it did before-)

No you have to prove cause and effect between the tax cut and the revenue increase.

btw, revenues fell year over year in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2008, and 2009.

See Table 1.3

Historical Tables

Sorry, I took it from the government site. Government Tax and Revenue Chart: United States 1960-2022 - Federal State Local Data

It shows conclusively that revenue rose every year after the Kennedy cuts, and every year after the Reagan cuts. Government says it is true. You want to call them liars, go ahead-)

I gave you government charts. Can't you read?
As many economists have pointed out, every major tax cut since the early 1900s has been followed by substantial increases in federal revenue due to economic growth, as anyone can confirm by looking up federal revenue data.

Bullshit. What we've seen is that deficits ballooned and we got recessions soon after.

Oh, so those expansion years of Reagan didn't happen, lol. Those years of Clinton didn't happen either! Kennedy, nah, it was a fairy tale.

These leftists are sooooooooooo against things, they actually have to denounce what the government they so love says happened in their historical data.

Get some popcorn folks, and watch the leftists lambast the government they so desire to make bigger-)
Uh, you didn't actually read the OP, did you?

The debt did not grow after the Clinton tax cuts and after the Harding-Coolidge-Mellon tax cuts, and the budget was nearly balanced thanks to the JFK tax cuts.

The debt has only grown after tax cuts when the government has gone on a spending spree and cancelled out the revenue hike. When the government has not done so, the budget has either been balanced or the deficit has been reduced considerably.

Free your mind.

Revenues have only gone down year over year in the last 72 years since the end of WWII, whether we had tax cuts tax hikes or no changes.

Claiming tax cuts increase revenues is like claiming the celebration of Christmas causes two months of cold weather.

You got it bassackwards NY...............I am NOT claiming it causes revenue to rise.....eventhough revenue has risen.

It is YOU people who claim it causes revenue to DROP, and the charts show it hasn't!

Doubt me?

Then show us a government website that shows revenue DROPPED after a federal tax cut. That is all you have to do, show us that table from our government.

You see, we are NOT the ones who have to prove that revenue rises. YOU are the ones that have to prove that revenue falls, because that is the basis for your dislike of the cuts. You claim it is going to cost revenue. OK, prove it! Show us where it did before-)

No you have to prove cause and effect between the tax cut and the revenue increase.

btw, revenues fell year over year in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2008, and 2009.

See Table 1.3

Historical Tables

Sorry, I took it from the government site. Government Tax and Revenue Chart: United States 1960-2022 - Federal State Local Data

It shows conclusively that revenue rose every year after the Kennedy cuts, and every year after the Reagan cuts. Government says it is true. You want to call them liars, go ahead-)

I gave you government charts. Can't you read?

Why should I go through links for everyone when my chart has it right there, making it soooooo easy for everyone to follow along-)
Government Spending for Every Quarter of Trump & Repubtards are HIGHER than ANY for Obama & Democrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. Are you serious? Repubs had to agree to higher spending because the Democrats were threatening to force a government shutdown if spending was not hiked. And look at the spending proposals that the Democrats put forward: If the Dems had had their way, spending would have been even higher. The same thing happened in 2016. In every budget debate, the Dems wanted vastly higher spending levels than the Repubs did, and anyone who dared to suggest a freeze or, gasp, a net spending cut, was accused of being heartless and cruel.

At least we're not hearing much of the old argument that the revenue increases after the Reagan and Bush tax cuts do not matter because federal revenue as a percentage of GDP dropped compared to cherry-picked earlier periods. Yeah, libs used to that argument a lot--until, that is, federal revenue as a percentage of GDP dropped hugely under Obama.

In fact, federal revenue as a percentage of GDP depends on how the economy is doing more than anything else. After the Reagan and Clinton tax cuts, it rose substantially. Then, there was a recession. And after the Bush tax cuts, it rose again. Of course, the whole argument is phony. The ratio of revenue of GDP has nothing to do with whether or not federal revenue rises or falls after this or that piece of tax legislation.
wow, revenue grew, so did the debt...

Uh, you didn't actually read the OP, did you?

The debt did not grow after the Clinton tax cuts and after the Harding-Coolidge-Mellon tax cuts, and the budget was nearly balanced thanks to the JFK tax cuts.

The debt has only grown after tax cuts when the government has gone on a spending spree and cancelled out the revenue hike. When the government has not done so, the budget has either been balanced or the deficit has been reduced considerably.

Free your mind.

Revenues have only gone down year over year in the last 72 years since the end of WWII, whether we had tax cuts tax hikes or no changes.

Claiming tax cuts increase revenues is like claiming the celebration of Christmas causes two months of cold weather.

You got it bassackwards NY...............I am NOT claiming it causes revenue to rise.....eventhough revenue has risen.

It is YOU people who claim it causes revenue to DROP, and the charts show it hasn't!

Doubt me?

Then show us a government website that shows revenue DROPPED after a federal tax cut. That is all you have to do, show us that table from our government.

You see, we are NOT the ones who have to prove that revenue rises. YOU are the ones that have to prove that revenue falls, because that is the basis for your dislike of the cuts. You claim it is going to cost revenue. OK, prove it! Show us where it did before-)

I did that. You ignored it.
We mustn't let a thread which proves the whole leftist argument on tax cuts a mute point, and phony-baloney to boot. Therefore, BUMP-)
The problem with your analysis is that none of those tax cuts you are talking about were tax cuts to the corporate tax rate as well as for individuals.

In 1987 corporate rate was cut to 27%, followed by recessionary economy and in 1993 it was raised to 35% followed by big growth.

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