Ok, now that Baghdadi is dead, do we...

How about we just keep killing more terrorist shitheads until they're all dead? That would give me a woody. :04:
We can't, we partner with them when we're not killing them.

No...we partner with them when democrats are in power!

Let's review a partial list of our partners, shall we?

al Qaida
al Nusra
The genocidal Israelis
The genocidal (Yemen) radical Islamist public square beheading journalist liquefying Saudis
73% of the worlds dictatorships

Bipartisan all along the way, oh, did I leave out neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

Many on your list benefited from ' The Magic Negro' Administration; with the help of McShitstain and other RINO's too!
A mass murdering rapist blew himself to smithereens while crying & whimpering like a filthy animal.

Good enough for me! :banana:

Then we did it again just for kicks :auiqs.jpg:

That. It'll make for great Youtube videos once they declassify it.

I want to see the expression on Bag Daddy's face when that big bad war doggie takes a chunk out of his ass, and chases hum down the spider hole.

Also thank God he used 3 Satan Spawn children as human shields and took them with him!

That's three less terrorists we'll have to kill later.

So much WINNING I can hardly stand it. :banana:
America will never run out of people to slaughter, it's who we are, it is after all how we became america.

Thank you for paying your taxes. :salute:
How about we just keep killing more terrorist shitheads until they're all dead? That would give me a woody. :04:
We can't, we partner with them when we're not killing them.

No...we partner with them when democrats are in power!

Let's review a partial list of our partners, shall we?

al Qaida
al Nusra
The genocidal Israelis
The genocidal (Yemen) radical Islamist public square beheading journalist liquefying Saudis
73% of the worlds dictatorships

Bipartisan all along the way, oh, did I leave out neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

Many on your list benefited from ' The Magic Negro' Administration; with the help of McShitstain and other RINO's too!

Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?
A mass murdering rapist blew himself to smithereens while crying & whimpering like a filthy animal.

Good enough for me! :banana:

Then we did it again just for kicks :auiqs.jpg:

That. It'll make for great Youtube videos once they declassify it.

I want to see the expression on Bag Daddy's face when that big bad war doggie takes a chunk out of his ass, and chases hum down the spider hole.

Also thank God he used 3 Satan Spawn children as human shields and took them with him!

That's three less terrorists we'll have to kill later.

So much WINNING I can hardly stand it. :banana:
America will never run out of people to slaughter, it's who we are, it is after all how we became america.

Thank you for paying your taxes. :salute:
Exactly that's what we fund instead of investing in our own society like other advanced post-industrial nations. Very good, blood on all our hands, all for Jeebus and america.
That. It'll make for great Youtube videos once they declassify it.

I want to see the expression on Bag Daddy's face when that big bad war doggie takes a chunk out of his ass, and chases him down the spider hole.

Dub in the background music...

That. It'll make for great Youtube videos once they declassify it.

I want to see the expression on Bag Daddy's face when that big bad war doggie takes a chunk out of his ass, and chases him down the spider hole.

Dub in the background music...


How about we just keep killing more terrorist shitheads until they're all dead? That would give me a woody. :04:
We can't, we partner with them when we're not killing them.

No...we partner with them when democrats are in power!

Let's review a partial list of our partners, shall we?

al Qaida
al Nusra
The genocidal Israelis
The genocidal (Yemen) radical Islamist public square beheading journalist liquefying Saudis
73% of the worlds dictatorships

Bipartisan all along the way, oh, did I leave out neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

Many on your list benefited from ' The Magic Negro' Administration; with the help of McShitstain and other RINO's too!

Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?

It boils down to survival!
And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
We can't, we partner with them when we're not killing them.

No...we partner with them when democrats are in power!

Let's review a partial list of our partners, shall we?

al Qaida
al Nusra
The genocidal Israelis
The genocidal (Yemen) radical Islamist public square beheading journalist liquefying Saudis
73% of the worlds dictatorships

Bipartisan all along the way, oh, did I leave out neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

Many on your list benefited from ' The Magic Negro' Administration; with the help of McShitstain and other RINO's too!

Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?

It boils down to survival!
And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
No, it boils down to empire and this one is in decline, all the historical signs intact.

Guess you owe those fuggin' dems for their bipartisan contribution to your survival.

Shall we review?

Many on your list benefited from ' The Magic Negro' Administration; with the help of McShitstain and other RINO's too!

Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?

It boils down to survival!

And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
Last edited:

Repeal the Patriot act?
Bring all the Troops home?
Cut the Pentagon budget to pre 9/11 levels?
Abolish the DHS?
Abolish TSA?

What was the actual victory?

Just like UBL.

That does it accomplish other than “Don’t fuck with Murcia”!

Can I pay less in taxes now?
as long as there are Jihadst there will always be wars
No...we partner with them when democrats are in power!

Let's review a partial list of our partners, shall we?

al Qaida
al Nusra
The genocidal Israelis
The genocidal (Yemen) radical Islamist public square beheading journalist liquefying Saudis
73% of the worlds dictatorships

Bipartisan all along the way, oh, did I leave out neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

Many on your list benefited from ' The Magic Negro' Administration; with the help of McShitstain and other RINO's too!

Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?

It boils down to survival!
And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
No, it boils down to empire and this one is in decline, all the historical signs intact.

Guess you owe those fuggin' dems for their bipartisan contribution to your survival.

You are dead wrong and completely out of touch with reality. The American progressive movement, liberalism, and socialism is dying a slow agonizing death in this country, thanks to President Trump. The deep state is fighting back with every ounce of energy it can muster, but it can't seem to overcome the resolve of this President.
No...we partner with them when democrats are in power!

Let's review a partial list of our partners, shall we?

al Qaida
al Nusra
The genocidal Israelis
The genocidal (Yemen) radical Islamist public square beheading journalist liquefying Saudis
73% of the worlds dictatorships

Bipartisan all along the way, oh, did I leave out neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

Many on your list benefited from ' The Magic Negro' Administration; with the help of McShitstain and other RINO's too!

Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?

It boils down to survival!
And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
No, it boils down to empire and this one is in decline, all the historical signs intact.

This is where you trip up.
Survival is instinctual. Empire is desirable.
When an Empire's desires stray from the instinct to survive, then Empire deserves to falter.

Thank God Trump came along and the American electorate sensed the above and he got elected!
Let's review a partial list of our partners, shall we?

al Qaida
al Nusra
The genocidal Israelis
The genocidal (Yemen) radical Islamist public square beheading journalist liquefying Saudis
73% of the worlds dictatorships

Bipartisan all along the way, oh, did I leave out neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

Many on your list benefited from ' The Magic Negro' Administration; with the help of McShitstain and other RINO's too!

Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?

It boils down to survival!
And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
No, it boils down to empire and this one is in decline, all the historical signs intact.

Guess you owe those fuggin' dems for their bipartisan contribution to your survival.

You are dead wrong and completely out of touch with reality. The American progressive movement, liberalism, and socialism is dying a slow agonizing death in this country, thanks to President Trump. The deep state is fighting back with every ounce of energy it can muster, but it can't seem to overcome the resolve of this President.
Here's ya some socialism pard; redistribution over the pasty half century:


The Powell Memorandum and the Trilateral Commission publication "A Crisis of Democracy" put into policy.
Let's review a partial list of our partners, shall we?

al Qaida
al Nusra
The genocidal Israelis
The genocidal (Yemen) radical Islamist public square beheading journalist liquefying Saudis
73% of the worlds dictatorships

Bipartisan all along the way, oh, did I leave out neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

Many on your list benefited from ' The Magic Negro' Administration; with the help of McShitstain and other RINO's too!

Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?

It boils down to survival!
And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
No, it boils down to empire and this one is in decline, all the historical signs intact.

This is where you trip up.
Survival is instinctual. Empire is desirable.
When an Empire's desires stray from the instinct to survive, then Empire deserves to falter.

Thank God Trump came along and the American electorate sensed the above and he got elected!

Endless wars economically cannibalizing the homeland continue unabated regardless of electoral outcomes. Don has done nothing to influence the trajectory at all.
Let's review a partial list of our partners, shall we?

al Qaida
al Nusra
The genocidal Israelis
The genocidal (Yemen) radical Islamist public square beheading journalist liquefying Saudis
73% of the worlds dictatorships

Bipartisan all along the way, oh, did I leave out neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

Many on your list benefited from ' The Magic Negro' Administration; with the help of McShitstain and other RINO's too!

Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?

It boils down to survival!
And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
No, it boils down to empire and this one is in decline, all the historical signs intact.

Guess you owe those fuggin' dems for their bipartisan contribution to your survival.

You are dead wrong and completely out of touch with reality. The American progressive movement, liberalism, and socialism is dying a slow agonizing death in this country, thanks to President Trump. The deep state is fighting back with every ounce of energy it can muster, but it can't seem to overcome the resolve of this President.
Don has no resolve, he's a serial bankruptcy artist conman. A very nice diversion for the masses while concentrated wealth and authority continue to extract societal wealth underneath the chaos and hysteria.
Many on your list benefited from ' The Magic Negro' Administration; with the help of McShitstain and other RINO's too!

Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?

It boils down to survival!
And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
No, it boils down to empire and this one is in decline, all the historical signs intact.

Guess you owe those fuggin' dems for their bipartisan contribution to your survival.

You are dead wrong and completely out of touch with reality. The American progressive movement, liberalism, and socialism is dying a slow agonizing death in this country, thanks to President Trump. The deep state is fighting back with every ounce of energy it can muster, but it can't seem to overcome the resolve of this President.
Don has no resolve, he's a serial bankruptcy artist conman. A very nice diversion for the masses while concentrated wealth and authority continue to extract societal wealth underneath the chaos and hysteria.

You're humorous and entertaining. You could get a job as a circus clown, you know.
Many on your list benefited from ' The Magic Negro' Administration; with the help of McShitstain and other RINO's too!

Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?

It boils down to survival!
And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
No, it boils down to empire and this one is in decline, all the historical signs intact.

This is where you trip up.
Survival is instinctual. Empire is desirable.
When an Empire's desires stray from the instinct to survive, then Empire deserves to falter.

Thank God Trump came along and the American electorate sensed the above and he got elected!

Endless wars economically cannibalizing the homeland continue unabated regardless of electoral outcomes. Don has done nothing to influence the trajectory at all.

The U.S. Titanic is not turned fast. But, Trump is changing the trajectory despite the 'swamps' resistance! (And ironically, yours too!!).
Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?

It boils down to survival!
And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
No, it boils down to empire and this one is in decline, all the historical signs intact.

Guess you owe those fuggin' dems for their bipartisan contribution to your survival.

You are dead wrong and completely out of touch with reality. The American progressive movement, liberalism, and socialism is dying a slow agonizing death in this country, thanks to President Trump. The deep state is fighting back with every ounce of energy it can muster, but it can't seem to overcome the resolve of this President.
Don has no resolve, he's a serial bankruptcy artist conman. A very nice diversion for the masses while concentrated wealth and authority continue to extract societal wealth underneath the chaos and hysteria.

You're humorous and entertaining. You could get a job as a circus clown, you know.
Not much of a rebuttal of content bub.
Very good, we're making progress here, yes, this nonsense it utterly bipartisan isn't it. See?

It boils down to survival!
And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
No, it boils down to empire and this one is in decline, all the historical signs intact.

This is where you trip up.
Survival is instinctual. Empire is desirable.
When an Empire's desires stray from the instinct to survive, then Empire deserves to falter.

Thank God Trump came along and the American electorate sensed the above and he got elected!

Endless wars economically cannibalizing the homeland continue unabated regardless of electoral outcomes. Don has done nothing to influence the trajectory at all.

The U.S. Titanic is not turned fast. But, Trump is changing the trajectory despite the 'swamps' resistance! (And ironically, yours too!!).
Don is doing nothing but presiding over a reality show.
It boils down to survival!
And survival is nonsensical at times; but it remains the endgame, nonetheless.
No, it boils down to empire and this one is in decline, all the historical signs intact.

This is where you trip up.
Survival is instinctual. Empire is desirable.
When an Empire's desires stray from the instinct to survive, then Empire deserves to falter.

Thank God Trump came along and the American electorate sensed the above and he got elected!

Endless wars economically cannibalizing the homeland continue unabated regardless of electoral outcomes. Don has done nothing to influence the trajectory at all.

The U.S. Titanic is not turned fast. But, Trump is changing the trajectory despite the 'swamps' resistance! (And ironically, yours too!!).
Don is doing nothing but presiding over a reality show.

It's your desire to say that.

Too bad for you that you don't know Jack-shit about instinct!

Repeal the Patriot act?
Bring all the Troops home?
Cut the Pentagon budget to pre 9/11 levels?
Abolish the DHS?
Abolish TSA?

What was the actual victory?

Just like UBL.

That does it accomplish other than “Don’t fuck with Murcia”!

Can I pay less in taxes now?
I don't think your taxes are going down, my guess is that Trump is re-orienting US forces to deal to deal with China. So turning over some of the Defense duties in the Middle East to folks closer to the situation that can deal with it, though we can are certainly still running cooperative operations with the Kurds, Turks and Russia, all three of which are crystal clear that the enemy is ISIS AND Iran.


And don't mess with 'Merica!

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