OK White People....

Push people to where they have no other choice, that is what happens. Blacks were being lynched for nothing and killed for trying to stand up for themselves. Like I stated, put yourself in their shoes....I know that I would be militant. Pacifism will only go far, Even the Bible is unclear as to what you should do after you have had both cheeks slapped. All I am saying is that you put yourself in their shoes.

I guess I see where you're coming from. I'll have to do some research on the panthers.
You ever heard of WIC? Black Panthers.

Never heard the WIC program being associated with the black panthers before now. Snopes says it's mostly false but then again, Snopes is bullshit.
...on the other end of the pendulum. I've been hearing that some of you are saying to hold off on seeing Black Panther because it will somehow invade the space of Blacks. I'm here to tell you as a Black person we dont get down like that. If you want to see it...go see it. We dont care.

I have no problem with the Black Panther party of the 1960's. I have nothing but admiration for Malcolm X that knew about the Illuminati and their banking scam and how the racial division was purposely created. People that bled the same red blood as those of a different skin tint were treated like shit and that is a fucking fact. Walk a mile in the shoes of those that had to drink out of a different water fountain...were not allowed to stay in a certain hotel, had to sit in the back of a bus all because of the tint of their skin. People that were not given the same opportunities and purposely kept down had the unmitigated gall to stand up and be heard. Wake the fuck up already.........we are all debt slaves on this prison planet and your OWNERS want us at war with each other because God forbid that we ever wake up and see the real enemy......and it's not each other.

I have brothers and sisters in this fight to expose the truth of all races and I couldn't love or care more about them even if we were blood kin. While we may not be related by blood, we are related by a common cause. Love knows no color and like Malcolm X boldly said, he would stand by anyone regardless of the color of their skin if they are willing to fight against this debt slavery system.....and that is EXACTLY what we are under. He exposed the nature of the cage long before other truthers.

Some members of the Black Panthers were straight up killers, no regard for human life. I don't know how you can justify that.

Push people to where they have no other choice, that is what happens. Blacks were being lynched for nothing and killed for trying to stand up for themselves. Like I stated, put yourself in their shoes....I know that I would be militant. Pacifism will only go far, Even the Bible is unclear as to what you should do after you have had both cheeks slapped. All I am saying is that you put yourself in their shoes.
Whites have it worse today than blacks did back then. Why aren't you militant?

We aren't being lynched. Yet.
Push people to where they have no other choice, that is what happens. Blacks were being lynched for nothing and killed for trying to stand up for themselves. Like I stated, put yourself in their shoes....I know that I would be militant. Pacifism will only go far, Even the Bible is unclear as to what you should do after you have had both cheeks slapped. All I am saying is that you put yourself in their shoes.

I guess I see where you're coming from. I'll have to do some research on the panthers.
You ever heard of WIC? Black Panthers.

Never heard the WIC program being associated with the black panthers before now. Snopes says it's mostly false but then again, Snopes is bullshit.
My mom worked with them. I know for a fact they came up with the program.
Push people to where they have no other choice, that is what happens. Blacks were being lynched for nothing and killed for trying to stand up for themselves. Like I stated, put yourself in their shoes....I know that I would be militant. Pacifism will only go far, Even the Bible is unclear as to what you should do after you have had both cheeks slapped. All I am saying is that you put yourself in their shoes.

I guess I see where you're coming from. I'll have to do some research on the panthers.
You ever heard of WIC? Black Panthers.

Never heard the WIC program being associated with the black panthers before now. Snopes says it's mostly false but then again, Snopes is bullshit.
My mom worked with them. I know for a fact they came up with the program.

Alright then.
...on the other end of the pendulum. I've been hearing that some of you are saying to hold off on seeing Black Panther because it will somehow invade the space of Blacks. I'm here to tell you as a Black person we dont get down like that. If you want to see it...go see it. We dont care.

I have no problem with the Black Panther party of the 1960's. I have nothing but admiration for Malcolm X that knew about the Illuminati and their banking scam and how the racial division was purposely created. People that bled the same red blood as those of a different skin tint were treated like shit and that is a fucking fact. Walk a mile in the shoes of those that had to drink out of a different water fountain...were not allowed to stay in a certain hotel, had to sit in the back of a bus all because of the tint of their skin. People that were not given the same opportunities and purposely kept down had the unmitigated gall to stand up and be heard. Wake the fuck up already.........we are all debt slaves on this prison planet and your OWNERS want us at war with each other because God forbid that we ever wake up and see the real enemy......and it's not each other.

I have brothers and sisters in this fight to expose the truth of all races and I couldn't love or care more about them even if we were blood kin. While we may not be related by blood, we are related by a common cause. Love knows no color and like Malcolm X boldly said, he would stand by anyone regardless of the color of their skin if they are willing to fight against this debt slavery system.....and that is EXACTLY what we are under. He exposed the nature of the cage long before other truthers.

Some members of the Black Panthers were straight up killers, no regard for human life. I don't know how you can justify that.

Push people to where they have no other choice, that is what happens. Blacks were being lynched for nothing and killed for trying to stand up for themselves. Like I stated, put yourself in their shoes....I know that I would be militant. Pacifism will only go far, Even the Bible is unclear as to what you should do after you have had both cheeks slapped. All I am saying is that you put yourself in their shoes.
Whites have it worse today than blacks did back then. Why aren't you militant?

We aren't being lynched. Yet.
Lynching was mostly just vigilante justice.

Black supremacist fuckers don't lynch because they like crime.
We should be able to have rational discussions about things without the threat of violence but unfortunately some people can't repress their animal urges.
PTBW started it
Your boyfriend can handle himself little twink.
Says the guy thats afraid of me.

Asclepias, I am trying to open a dialogue and you are not helping any..........maybe you could try taking the high road just a bit?
You'll be disappointed but OK.

I "get it", Asclepias, I really do and I don't blame you for being defensive because you have every right to be. I am also disappointed in the race baiters here, many of whom are damn fine posters with a lot of information to share but they have a BIG time blind spot when it comes to racial issues and I would have thought that they had been raised better. The facts speak for themselves and all they have to do is do a little research through history and do the proper vetting of links that have no agenda. Things were like they were back then and it's a despicable blot on this country regardless of whether there was manipulation or not.... and while things have improved a lot...there is still inequality that needs to be addressed.

What I am trying to say is that as hard as it might be? Rise above it....rise above the divisiveness that keeps us all apart. I wrote you a real heartfelt private message a couple of months ago and you never responded. I put myself out here because I am real and I know the past, how it pertains to the present and where the future leads if we don't wake up and come together. The window of opportunity to turn this all around is closing. I have these two recurring nightmares where I am in the parking lot of this grocery store and this huge tornado drops out of the sky and I rush in to warn the people but the horror renders me silent.....then other times I rush in and scream "Tornado!!!" and the shoppers keep on pushing their carts and ignore my warning.
I have no problem with the Black Panther party of the 1960's. I have nothing but admiration for Malcolm X that knew about the Illuminati and their banking scam and how the racial division was purposely created. People that bled the same red blood as those of a different skin tint were treated like shit and that is a fucking fact. Walk a mile in the shoes of those that had to drink out of a different water fountain...were not allowed to stay in a certain hotel, had to sit in the back of a bus all because of the tint of their skin. People that were not given the same opportunities and purposely kept down had the unmitigated gall to stand up and be heard. Wake the fuck up already.........we are all debt slaves on this prison planet and your OWNERS want us at war with each other because God forbid that we ever wake up and see the real enemy......and it's not each other.

I have brothers and sisters in this fight to expose the truth of all races and I couldn't love or care more about them even if we were blood kin. While we may not be related by blood, we are related by a common cause. Love knows no color and like Malcolm X boldly said, he would stand by anyone regardless of the color of their skin if they are willing to fight against this debt slavery system.....and that is EXACTLY what we are under. He exposed the nature of the cage long before other truthers.

Some members of the Black Panthers were straight up killers, no regard for human life. I don't know how you can justify that.

Push people to where they have no other choice, that is what happens. Blacks were being lynched for nothing and killed for trying to stand up for themselves. Like I stated, put yourself in their shoes....I know that I would be militant. Pacifism will only go far, Even the Bible is unclear as to what you should do after you have had both cheeks slapped. All I am saying is that you put yourself in their shoes.
Whites have it worse today than blacks did back then. Why aren't you militant?

We aren't being lynched. Yet.
Lynching was mostly just vigilante justice.

Black supremacist fuckers don't lynch because they like crime.

Dude, you are wrong.........sooooo very wrong. So many black youths were lynched with no trial, no due process and no opportunity to address their accusers. Having read some of your posts and having agreed with so many of them, I can't believe that you would justify lynchings.
I have no problem with the Black Panther party of the 1960's. I have nothing but admiration for Malcolm X that knew about the Illuminati and their banking scam and how the racial division was purposely created. People that bled the same red blood as those of a different skin tint were treated like shit and that is a fucking fact. Walk a mile in the shoes of those that had to drink out of a different water fountain...were not allowed to stay in a certain hotel, had to sit in the back of a bus all because of the tint of their skin. People that were not given the same opportunities and purposely kept down had the unmitigated gall to stand up and be heard. Wake the fuck up already.........we are all debt slaves on this prison planet and your OWNERS want us at war with each other because God forbid that we ever wake up and see the real enemy......and it's not each other.

I have brothers and sisters in this fight to expose the truth of all races and I couldn't love or care more about them even if we were blood kin. While we may not be related by blood, we are related by a common cause. Love knows no color and like Malcolm X boldly said, he would stand by anyone regardless of the color of their skin if they are willing to fight against this debt slavery system.....and that is EXACTLY what we are under. He exposed the nature of the cage long before other truthers.

Some members of the Black Panthers were straight up killers, no regard for human life. I don't know how you can justify that.

Push people to where they have no other choice, that is what happens. Blacks were being lynched for nothing and killed for trying to stand up for themselves. Like I stated, put yourself in their shoes....I know that I would be militant. Pacifism will only go far, Even the Bible is unclear as to what you should do after you have had both cheeks slapped. All I am saying is that you put yourself in their shoes.
Whites have it worse today than blacks did back then. Why aren't you militant?

We aren't being lynched. Yet.
Lynching was mostly just vigilante justice.

Black supremacist fuckers don't lynch because they like crime.

Sounds like murder to me. I really, really hate to punch right but you've jumped the shark with this one. I just want to raise cultural awareness among white people, preserve our heritage. Not instigate a race war.
Some members of the Black Panthers were straight up killers, no regard for human life. I don't know how you can justify that.

Push people to where they have no other choice, that is what happens. Blacks were being lynched for nothing and killed for trying to stand up for themselves. Like I stated, put yourself in their shoes....I know that I would be militant. Pacifism will only go far, Even the Bible is unclear as to what you should do after you have had both cheeks slapped. All I am saying is that you put yourself in their shoes.
Whites have it worse today than blacks did back then. Why aren't you militant?

We aren't being lynched. Yet.
Lynching was mostly just vigilante justice.

Black supremacist fuckers don't lynch because they like crime.

Dude, you are wrong.........sooooo very wrong. So many black youths were lynched with no trial, no due process and no opportunity to address their accusers. Having read some of your posts and having agreed with so many of them, I can't believe that you would justify lynchings.
I am not justifying lynchings as a method of dealing out justice(unless I am the one doing it to traitors during armageddon), I am simply saying that they weren't mindless, racist killings like you have been lead to believe.

My point about black supremacists not lynching us because they like crime still stands though. The crimes and the punishment for the crimes were ultimately the rallying point behind lynchings, not hanging "n*****s".
Some members of the Black Panthers were straight up killers, no regard for human life. I don't know how you can justify that.

Push people to where they have no other choice, that is what happens. Blacks were being lynched for nothing and killed for trying to stand up for themselves. Like I stated, put yourself in their shoes....I know that I would be militant. Pacifism will only go far, Even the Bible is unclear as to what you should do after you have had both cheeks slapped. All I am saying is that you put yourself in their shoes.
Whites have it worse today than blacks did back then. Why aren't you militant?

We aren't being lynched. Yet.
Lynching was mostly just vigilante justice.

Black supremacist fuckers don't lynch because they like crime.

Sounds like murder to me. I really, really hate to punch right but you've jumped the shark with this one. I just want to raise cultural awareness among white people, preserve our heritage. Not instigate a race war.
Murder is what is being done to whites in South Africa who walk home from church only to be butchered or boiled alive for being white.

Hanging and torturing rapists and murderers is not murder, it is simply uncivilized justice.
PTBW started it
Your boyfriend can handle himself little twink.
Says the guy thats afraid of me.

Asclepias, I am trying to open a dialogue and you are not helping any..........maybe you could try taking the high road just a bit?
You'll be disappointed but OK.

I "get it", Asclepias, I really do and I don't blame you for being defensive because you have every right to be. I am also disappointed in the race baiters here, many of whom are damn fine posters with a lot of information to share but they have a BIG time blind spot when it comes to racial issues and I would have thought that they had been raised better. The facts speak for themselves and all they have to do is do a little research through history and do the proper vetting of links that have no agenda. Things were like they were back then and it's a despicable blot on this country regardless of whether there was manipulation or not.... and while things have improved a lot...there is still inequality that needs to be addressed.

What I am trying to say is that as hard as it might be? Rise above it....rise above the divisiveness that keeps us all apart. I wrote you a real heartfelt private message a couple of months ago and you never responded. I put myself out here because I am real and I know the past, how it pertains to the present and where the future leads if we don't wake up and come together. The window of opportunity to turn this all around is closing. I have these two recurring nightmares where I am in the parking lot of this grocery store and this huge tornado drops out of the sky and I rush in to warn the people but the horror renders me silent.....then other times I rush in and scream "Tornado!!!" and the shoppers keep on pushing their carts and ignore my warning.
I dont believe in being defensive. I just find it amusing that the most illiterate and fearful of whites are the most racist. Its truly amazing to me not to mention loads of fun to toy with them. I post on here for 2 main reason. To educate others and torture the racists. When I get a chance to do both at the same time its hard to take the high road.

Sometimes I go for weeks without posting so I may have missed your private message. Some people arent going to come together. You have to understand and accept that. I am fine with that to be honest. I find white racists to be inferior and fearful. I dont want to come together with people that operate and are motivated by a crippling inferiority complex.
Push people to where they have no other choice, that is what happens. Blacks were being lynched for nothing and killed for trying to stand up for themselves. Like I stated, put yourself in their shoes....I know that I would be militant. Pacifism will only go far, Even the Bible is unclear as to what you should do after you have had both cheeks slapped. All I am saying is that you put yourself in their shoes.
Whites have it worse today than blacks did back then. Why aren't you militant?

We aren't being lynched. Yet.
Lynching was mostly just vigilante justice.

Black supremacist fuckers don't lynch because they like crime.

Sounds like murder to me. I really, really hate to punch right but you've jumped the shark with this one. I just want to raise cultural awareness among white people, preserve our heritage. Not instigate a race war.
Murder is what is being done to whites in South Africa who walk home from church only to be butchered or boiled alive for being white.

Hanging and torturing rapists and murderers is not murder, it is simply uncivilized justice.

I am just as upset as you are about the white genocide in SA, and the complete media silence on the issue. I don't want whites to devolve into savages. I want us to remember where we came from and all the good we've done for the world.
Whites have it worse today than blacks did back then. Why aren't you militant?

We aren't being lynched. Yet.
Lynching was mostly just vigilante justice.

Black supremacist fuckers don't lynch because they like crime.

Sounds like murder to me. I really, really hate to punch right but you've jumped the shark with this one. I just want to raise cultural awareness among white people, preserve our heritage. Not instigate a race war.
Murder is what is being done to whites in South Africa who walk home from church only to be butchered or boiled alive for being white.

Hanging and torturing rapists and murderers is not murder, it is simply uncivilized justice.

I am just as upset as you are about the white genocide in SA, and the complete media silence on the issue. I don't want whites to devolve into savages. I want us to remember where we came from and all the good we've done for the world.
Time is pretty much up for a wholely civilized solution.
We aren't being lynched. Yet.
Lynching was mostly just vigilante justice.

Black supremacist fuckers don't lynch because they like crime.

Sounds like murder to me. I really, really hate to punch right but you've jumped the shark with this one. I just want to raise cultural awareness among white people, preserve our heritage. Not instigate a race war.
Murder is what is being done to whites in South Africa who walk home from church only to be butchered or boiled alive for being white.

Hanging and torturing rapists and murderers is not murder, it is simply uncivilized justice.

I am just as upset as you are about the white genocide in SA, and the complete media silence on the issue. I don't want whites to devolve into savages. I want us to remember where we came from and all the good we've done for the world.
Time is pretty much up for a wholely civilized solution.
Time is up for you because youre recessive. :rolleyes:
Your boyfriend can handle himself little twink.
Says the guy thats afraid of me.

Asclepias, I am trying to open a dialogue and you are not helping any..........maybe you could try taking the high road just a bit?
You'll be disappointed but OK.

I "get it", Asclepias, I really do and I don't blame you for being defensive because you have every right to be. I am also disappointed in the race baiters here, many of whom are damn fine posters with a lot of information to share but they have a BIG time blind spot when it comes to racial issues and I would have thought that they had been raised better. The facts speak for themselves and all they have to do is do a little research through history and do the proper vetting of links that have no agenda. Things were like they were back then and it's a despicable blot on this country regardless of whether there was manipulation or not.... and while things have improved a lot...there is still inequality that needs to be addressed.

What I am trying to say is that as hard as it might be? Rise above it....rise above the divisiveness that keeps us all apart. I wrote you a real heartfelt private message a couple of months ago and you never responded. I put myself out here because I am real and I know the past, how it pertains to the present and where the future leads if we don't wake up and come together. The window of opportunity to turn this all around is closing. I have these two recurring nightmares where I am in the parking lot of this grocery store and this huge tornado drops out of the sky and I rush in to warn the people but the horror renders me silent.....then other times I rush in and scream "Tornado!!!" and the shoppers keep on pushing their carts and ignore my warning.
I dont believe in being defensive. I just find it amusing that the most illiterate and fearful of whites are the most racist. Its truly amazing to me not to mention loads of fun to toy with them. I post on here for 2 main reason. To educate others and torture the racists. When I get a chance to do both at the same time its hard to take the high road.

Sometimes I go for weeks without posting so I may have missed your private message. Some people arent going to come together. You have to understand and accept that. I am fine with that to be honest. I find white racists to be inferior and fearful. I dont want to come together with people that operate and are motivated by a crippling inferiority complex.
You aren't educating anyone because you are one of the dumbest posters here, despite a lot of competition.

Whoever told you that you are in any way intelligent needs to be institutionalized post haste.
We aren't being lynched. Yet.
Lynching was mostly just vigilante justice.

Black supremacist fuckers don't lynch because they like crime.

Sounds like murder to me. I really, really hate to punch right but you've jumped the shark with this one. I just want to raise cultural awareness among white people, preserve our heritage. Not instigate a race war.
Murder is what is being done to whites in South Africa who walk home from church only to be butchered or boiled alive for being white.

Hanging and torturing rapists and murderers is not murder, it is simply uncivilized justice.

I am just as upset as you are about the white genocide in SA, and the complete media silence on the issue. I don't want whites to devolve into savages. I want us to remember where we came from and all the good we've done for the world.
Time is pretty much up for a wholely civilized solution.

You're not the first person to say that to me, and I hope you're not right. I think we should all start migrating to the whitest part of the nation, and set up a defacto ethnostate. We don't need the federal govt's permission to do that, but if they choose to come and persecute us for segregating ourselves then so be it.
Push people to where they have no other choice, that is what happens. Blacks were being lynched for nothing and killed for trying to stand up for themselves. Like I stated, put yourself in their shoes....I know that I would be militant. Pacifism will only go far, Even the Bible is unclear as to what you should do after you have had both cheeks slapped. All I am saying is that you put yourself in their shoes.
Whites have it worse today than blacks did back then. Why aren't you militant?

We aren't being lynched. Yet.
Lynching was mostly just vigilante justice.

Black supremacist fuckers don't lynch because they like crime.

Sounds like murder to me. I really, really hate to punch right but you've jumped the shark with this one. I just want to raise cultural awareness among white people, preserve our heritage. Not instigate a race war.
Murder is what is being done to whites in South Africa who walk home from church only to be butchered or boiled alive for being white.

Hanging and torturing rapists and murderers is not murder, it is simply uncivilized justice.
Your boyfriend can handle himself little twink.
Says the guy thats afraid of me.

Asclepias, I am trying to open a dialogue and you are not helping any..........maybe you could try taking the high road just a bit?
You'll be disappointed but OK.

I "get it", Asclepias, I really do and I don't blame you for being defensive because you have every right to be. I am also disappointed in the race baiters here, many of whom are damn fine posters with a lot of information to share but they have a BIG time blind spot when it comes to racial issues and I would have thought that they had been raised better. The facts speak for themselves and all they have to do is do a little research through history and do the proper vetting of links that have no agenda. Things were like they were back then and it's a despicable blot on this country regardless of whether there was manipulation or not.... and while things have improved a lot...there is still inequality that needs to be addressed.

What I am trying to say is that as hard as it might be? Rise above it....rise above the divisiveness that keeps us all apart. I wrote you a real heartfelt private message a couple of months ago and you never responded. I put myself out here because I am real and I know the past, how it pertains to the present and where the future leads if we don't wake up and come together. The window of opportunity to turn this all around is closing. I have these two recurring nightmares where I am in the parking lot of this grocery store and this huge tornado drops out of the sky and I rush in to warn the people but the horror renders me silent.....then other times I rush in and scream "Tornado!!!" and the shoppers keep on pushing their carts and ignore my warning.
I dont believe in being defensive. I just find it amusing that the most illiterate and fearful of whites are the most racist. Its truly amazing to me not to mention loads of fun to toy with them. I post on here for 2 main reason. To educate others and torture the racists. When I get a chance to do both at the same time its hard to take the high road.

Sometimes I go for weeks without posting so I may have missed your private message. Some people arent going to come together. You have to understand and accept that. I am fine with that to be honest. I find white racists to be inferior and fearful. I dont want to come together with people that operate and are motivated by a crippling inferiority complex.

Check your e-mail box.......I sent it to you in late October. I understand your anger but I also know that you have been goaded into the same racist behavior that others have engaged in. It doesn't help anything or helps bring us together. Look at me....I am standing by your side even in spite of your inflammatory posts because I understand your frustration and I am doing so at the risk of alienating ...but I am more than willing to do so because truth trumps partisan affiliation. I am the "real deal" and the chips can fall where they may.
Your boyfriend can handle himself little twink.
Says the guy thats afraid of me.

Asclepias, I am trying to open a dialogue and you are not helping any..........maybe you could try taking the high road just a bit?
You'll be disappointed but OK.

I "get it", Asclepias, I really do and I don't blame you for being defensive because you have every right to be. I am also disappointed in the race baiters here, many of whom are damn fine posters with a lot of information to share but they have a BIG time blind spot when it comes to racial issues and I would have thought that they had been raised better. The facts speak for themselves and all they have to do is do a little research through history and do the proper vetting of links that have no agenda. Things were like they were back then and it's a despicable blot on this country regardless of whether there was manipulation or not.... and while things have improved a lot...there is still inequality that needs to be addressed.

What I am trying to say is that as hard as it might be? Rise above it....rise above the divisiveness that keeps us all apart. I wrote you a real heartfelt private message a couple of months ago and you never responded. I put myself out here because I am real and I know the past, how it pertains to the present and where the future leads if we don't wake up and come together. The window of opportunity to turn this all around is closing. I have these two recurring nightmares where I am in the parking lot of this grocery store and this huge tornado drops out of the sky and I rush in to warn the people but the horror renders me silent.....then other times I rush in and scream "Tornado!!!" and the shoppers keep on pushing their carts and ignore my warning.
I dont believe in being defensive. I just find it amusing that the most illiterate and fearful of whites are the most racist. Its truly amazing to me not to mention loads of fun to toy with them. I post on here for 2 main reason. To educate others and torture the racists. When I get a chance to do both at the same time its hard to take the high road.

Sometimes I go for weeks without posting so I may have missed your private message. Some people arent going to come together. You have to understand and accept that. I am fine with that to be honest. I find white racists to be inferior and fearful. I dont want to come together with people that operate and are motivated by a crippling inferiority complex.

It's too bad you feel that way, I thought maybe we were close to building bridges of understanding. You can have ancient egypt, if it's so important to you. I never felt any particular attachment to it anyway. It's funny, judging from your attitude, you would be a right winger if only you weren't mentally enslaved by the democrat party into this culture of victimhood.
Lynching was mostly just vigilante justice.

Black supremacist fuckers don't lynch because they like crime.

Sounds like murder to me. I really, really hate to punch right but you've jumped the shark with this one. I just want to raise cultural awareness among white people, preserve our heritage. Not instigate a race war.
Murder is what is being done to whites in South Africa who walk home from church only to be butchered or boiled alive for being white.

Hanging and torturing rapists and murderers is not murder, it is simply uncivilized justice.

I am just as upset as you are about the white genocide in SA, and the complete media silence on the issue. I don't want whites to devolve into savages. I want us to remember where we came from and all the good we've done for the world.
Time is pretty much up for a wholely civilized solution.

You're not the first person to say that to me, and I hope you're not right. I think we should all start migrating to the whitest part of the nation, and set up a defacto ethnostate. We don't need the federal govt's permission to do that, but if they choose to come and persecute us for segregating ourselves then so be it.
You know they will anyway.

Despite countless efforts by those same people to give non-white groups their own segregated communities.

Just face it, they are deranged psychopaths who simply need to be put down like a dog.

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