Okay, I don't expect republicans to like "Morning Joe" and its hosts, but damn...

Donald Trump has brought the office of U.S. President into disrepute as many of us predicted.
The man is demented. He is such a narcissist that he cannot tolerate any criticism. He is so thin skinned that news programs on TV which do not act as his mouthpiece like Fox News bother him to no end. He is supposed to be the greatest world leader in living memory if not ever. The media seem so ungrateful that he is running the USA that they are a disgrace in his mind. The man has a sickness and his deplorable following enable him to entertain such grandiose notions about his own skill and ability.
SO Bill Clinton getting a blow job in the oval office that wasnt his wife is AOK with you then lied to the American people about.. Funny when the liberals do things its AOK but if a Republican does it its a national disgrace LOL
A Republican Senate attempted to have President Clinton removed for one act. Donald Trump gives us daily examples of harm he is doing to the office of the US presidency.
Clinton broke the law. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes isn't against the law.
Trump's still breaking the law with not divesting his businesses.
When are you going to grow a pair and call him out on it?
I know, never. You're such a whore.
Horse manure. There is no law that requires him to sell his businesses.
I've only educated you on this a half dozen times. He's breaking the emolument clause of the Constitution. Are you going to keep forgetting this so you can run to his defense?
Well you've not been paying attention have you to the couple from fucking hell have you?

Yes, i'm sure it is disturbing for the right to be reminded of the stupidity their orange clown demonstrates every day.
Donald Trump has brought the office of U.S. President into disrepute as many of us predicted.
The man is demented. He is such a narcissist that he cannot tolerate any criticism. He is so thin skinned that news programs on TV which do not act as his mouthpiece like Fox News bother him to no end. He is supposed to be the greatest world leader in living memory if not ever. The media seem so ungrateful that he is running the USA that they are a disgrace in his mind. The man has a sickness and his deplorable following enable him to entertain such grandiose notions about his own skill and ability.
SO Bill Clinton getting a blow job in the oval office that wasnt his wife is AOK with you then lied to the American people about.. Funny when the liberals do things its AOK but if a Republican does it its a national disgrace LOL
A Republican Senate attempted to have President Clinton removed for one act. Donald Trump gives us daily examples of harm he is doing to the office of the US presidency.
Clinton broke the law. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes isn't against the law.
Trump's still breaking the law with not divesting his businesses.
When are you going to grow a pair and call him out on it?
I know, never. You're such a whore.

So by that opinion if followed through, means George Washington should have given up ownership of his plantation! :eek-52:
Nice- no means of supporting himself or his family after he stepped down from office.
So let me see if I get how this "works" in liberal la la land! It's OK for the folks at MSNBC and CNN to attack Trump daily...but it's unseemly for him to return the favor?


Yes, it is. He is the President of the U.S and should be above trivial shit. They report the news and interject their personal thoughts, but if he can't let it roll off his shoulders he doesn't need to be President. Business is Business and personal is personal, he quite often goes after someone on a personal level. Been doing that all his life, it's called bullying.

So let me see if I understand how this works, Debbie...

Media outlets like MSNBC and CNN can run nonstop attacks on the President but he isn't allowed to respond?

Why is that exactly? President Obama had a special response team who's only job was to answer any attacks on the President. Why was it OK for him to attack those who attacked him but it isn't for Trump to do so? Is it because Barry had others do his dirty work for him? That isn't bullying...that's cowardice! At least Trump has enough spine to fight his own fights.

Fox News host confronts Conway on Trump getting ‘crazy with Twitter’

Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro confronted White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Saturday about President Trump's presence on Twitter in the wake of his recent highly personal attacks against MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski on the platform.

"The president at this point has, I think, made it clear what his strengths are and he needs to stay focused on speeches like this, and not get crazy on Twitter," Pirro said, referencing Trump's first 4th of July speechas president at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.

"I love that he connects directly with people on social media and otherwise, Jeanine," Conway said, pivoting from Pirro's comment.

"We just appreciate that you're covering the substance because all the things he talked about tonight, he did mention the press. But most importantly he mentioned all of the promises he's keeping on the Supreme Court, on judicial restraint, on veterans," she continued. "You're one of the few shows, few networks, that even bothers to connect veterans with the information they need and deserve."

Pirro, who frequently praises the president, is not the only Fox News host to speak out against Trump's attack on Brzezinski, in which he called her "crazy," "low I.Q." and referenced her bleeding from a facelift.

Donald J. Trump


I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came..

7:52 AM - 29 Jun 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Donald J. Trump


...to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!

7:58 AM - 29 Jun 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Julie Banderas ripped RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel's defense of Trump on Thursday saying he didn't "need to stoop to that level."

"I don't care who you are. You don't stoop to the level of that. I mean that's like me scolding my 4-year-old for using a bad word and then me repeating it. That's just not how you run a country or you parent a 4-year-old," Banderas said.

"I mean I have to be honest, you know, if you see this negative commentary on a show, change the channel. Ignore it. I mean that's what I tell my kids: When somebody's mean to you, don't fight back. Just walk away."

Don't fight back...walk away? How exactly do you walk away from a main stream media that is bombarding you with negative coverage 24 hours a day and 7 days a week? A better question is why is THAT happening in the first place?

OK...Donald Trump beat Hillary! You liberals were all led to believe that couldn't happen by liberal pundits that quite frankly don't have a clue how most of the country feels! Get over it! He's not Satan...he's not Hitler...he not even Richard Nixon! Get a fucking life already!
This news coverage of Trump is almost always accurate. They cover his exact words which I know you hate.
They reported last week he watches over 5 hours a TV a day just to see what others are saying about him.
He's a small petty man.
Donald Trump has brought the office of U.S. President into disrepute as many of us predicted.
The man is demented. He is such a narcissist that he cannot tolerate any criticism. He is so thin skinned that news programs on TV which do not act as his mouthpiece like Fox News bother him to no end. He is supposed to be the greatest world leader in living memory if not ever. The media seem so ungrateful that he is running the USA that they are a disgrace in his mind. The man has a sickness and his deplorable following enable him to entertain such grandiose notions about his own skill and ability.
SO Bill Clinton getting a blow job in the oval office that wasnt his wife is AOK with you then lied to the American people about.. Funny when the liberals do things its AOK but if a Republican does it its a national disgrace LOL
A Republican Senate attempted to have President Clinton removed for one act. Donald Trump gives us daily examples of harm he is doing to the office of the US presidency.
Clinton broke the law. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes isn't against the law.
Trump's still breaking the law with not divesting his businesses.
When are you going to grow a pair and call him out on it?
I know, never. You're such a whore.

So by that opinion if followed through, means George Washington should have given up ownership of his plantation! :eek-52:
Nice- no means of supporting himself or his family after he stepped down from office.
Are you saying Trump would be broke if he followed the Constitution?
Your defense of him just gets weirder by the day.
He's enriching himself while on the public dime and even that doesn't bother you.
You're pathetic!
Donald Trump has brought the office of U.S. President into disrepute as many of us predicted.
The man is demented. He is such a narcissist that he cannot tolerate any criticism. He is so thin skinned that news programs on TV which do not act as his mouthpiece like Fox News bother him to no end. He is supposed to be the greatest world leader in living memory if not ever. The media seem so ungrateful that he is running the USA that they are a disgrace in his mind. The man has a sickness and his deplorable following enable him to entertain such grandiose notions about his own skill and ability.
SO Bill Clinton getting a blow job in the oval office that wasnt his wife is AOK with you then lied to the American people about.. Funny when the liberals do things its AOK but if a Republican does it its a national disgrace LOL
A Republican Senate attempted to have President Clinton removed for one act. Donald Trump gives us daily examples of harm he is doing to the office of the US presidency.
Clinton broke the law. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes isn't against the law.
Trump's still breaking the law with not divesting his businesses.
When are you going to grow a pair and call him out on it?
I know, never. You're such a whore.

So by that opinion if followed through, means George Washington should have given up ownership of his plantation! :eek-52:
Nice- no means of supporting himself or his family after he stepped down from office.

What a dumb statement.
SO Bill Clinton getting a blow job in the oval office that wasnt his wife is AOK with you then lied to the American people about.. Funny when the liberals do things its AOK but if a Republican does it its a national disgrace LOL
A Republican Senate attempted to have President Clinton removed for one act. Donald Trump gives us daily examples of harm he is doing to the office of the US presidency.
Clinton broke the law. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes isn't against the law.
Trump's still breaking the law with not divesting his businesses.
When are you going to grow a pair and call him out on it?
I know, never. You're such a whore.

So by that opinion if followed through, means George Washington should have given up ownership of his plantation! :eek-52:
Nice- no means of supporting himself or his family after he stepped down from office.

What a dumb statement.

You just proved my point.:biggrin:
I love it !
SO Bill Clinton getting a blow job in the oval office that wasnt his wife is AOK with you then lied to the American people about.. Funny when the liberals do things its AOK but if a Republican does it its a national disgrace LOL
A Republican Senate attempted to have President Clinton removed for one act. Donald Trump gives us daily examples of harm he is doing to the office of the US presidency.
Clinton broke the law. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes isn't against the law.
Trump's still breaking the law with not divesting his businesses.
When are you going to grow a pair and call him out on it?
I know, never. You're such a whore.

So by that opinion if followed through, means George Washington should have given up ownership of his plantation! :eek-52:
Nice- no means of supporting himself or his family after he stepped down from office.
Are you saying Trump would be broke if he followed the Constitution?
Your defense of him just gets weirder by the day.
He's enriching himself while on the public dime and even that doesn't bother you.
You're pathetic!

No I'm saying all other Presidents still had their businesses to go back to and run after they left office,including the peanut farmer.
A Republican Senate attempted to have President Clinton removed for one act. Donald Trump gives us daily examples of harm he is doing to the office of the US presidency.
Clinton broke the law. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes isn't against the law.
Trump's still breaking the law with not divesting his businesses.
When are you going to grow a pair and call him out on it?
I know, never. You're such a whore.

So by that opinion if followed through, means George Washington should have given up ownership of his plantation! :eek-52:
Nice- no means of supporting himself or his family after he stepped down from office.

What a dumb statement.

You just proved my point.:biggrin:
I love it !

No I didn't.
SO Bill Clinton getting a blow job in the oval office that wasnt his wife is AOK with you then lied to the American people about.. Funny when the liberals do things its AOK but if a Republican does it its a national disgrace LOL
A Republican Senate attempted to have President Clinton removed for one act. Donald Trump gives us daily examples of harm he is doing to the office of the US presidency.
Clinton broke the law. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes isn't against the law.
Trump's still breaking the law with not divesting his businesses.
When are you going to grow a pair and call him out on it?
I know, never. You're such a whore.
Horse manure. There is no law that requires him to sell his businesses.
I've only educated you on this a half dozen times. He's breaking the emolument clause of the Constitution. Are you going to keep forgetting this so you can run to his defense?

Wrong, hosebag. Selling someone a hotel room is not an emolument.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it?
Actually it is the case. Mika really does have a low I.Q., she really is crazy and she recently had plastic surgery and went to Trump's place in Florida while she was still recovering.

Those are the facts.
She has a low IQ? What is it?
How is she crazy?
She had a small nip in the chin area.
Trump's still batting .000 and you're still sucking his cock.

Her I.Q. is well below average and according to Mika she was often derided by her parents for being the dumb one in the family

As far as being "crazy", the mental illness she suffers from is bulimia. She has also written about this extensively.

And indeed she had plastic surgery. She admitted it after trump tweeted it.

What Trump said about her is the truth, and that's why it hurt her so much.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it?
Actually it is the case. Mika really does have a low I.Q., she really is crazy and she recently had plastic surgery and went to Trump's place in Florida while she was still recovering.

Those are the facts.
She has a low IQ? What is it?
How is she crazy?
She had a small nip in the chin area.
Trump's still batting .000 and you're still sucking his cock.

Her I.Q. is well below average and according to Mika she was often derided by her parents for being the dumb one in the family

As far as being "crazy", the mental illness she suffers from is bulimia. She has also written about this extensively.

And indeed she had plastic surgery. She admitted it after trump tweeted it.

What Trump said about her is the truth, and that's why it hurt her so much.

The dumb one in the family of Zbigniew Brzezinski is still well above most.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it?
Actually it is the case. Mika really does have a low I.Q., she really is crazy and she recently had plastic surgery and went to Trump's place in Florida while she was still recovering.

Those are the facts.
She has a low IQ? What is it?
How is she crazy?
She had a small nip in the chin area.
Trump's still batting .000 and you're still sucking his cock.

Her I.Q. is well below average and according to Mika she was often derided by her parents for being the dumb one in the family

As far as being "crazy", the mental illness she suffers from is bulimia. She has also written about this extensively.

And indeed she had plastic surgery. She admitted it after trump tweeted it.

What Trump said about her is the truth, and that's why it hurt her so much.
Why doesn't Trump just mind his own goddamn business actually try to be a mature adult president rather than be an 8th grade bully?
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
He doesn't seem "unhinged" at all. He seems just like some guys I play golf with when referring to a **** who hit them with a golf ball because she couldn't wait until they got off the green.
You are such a moron.

LOL! Billy is doing the same thing he accuses Trump of doing. You can't make this stuff up, the loons are totally unhinged.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it?
Actually it is the case. Mika really does have a low I.Q., she really is crazy and she recently had plastic surgery and went to Trump's place in Florida while she was still recovering.

Those are the facts.
She has a low IQ? What is it?
How is she crazy?
She had a small nip in the chin area.
Trump's still batting .000 and you're still sucking his cock.

Her I.Q. is well below average and according to Mika she was often derided by her parents for being the dumb one in the family

As far as being "crazy", the mental illness she suffers from is bulimia. She has also written about this extensively.

And indeed she had plastic surgery. She admitted it after trump tweeted it.

What Trump said about her is the truth, and that's why it hurt her so much.
Why doesn't Trump just mind his own goddamn business actually try to be a mature adult president rather than be an 8th grade bully?
Actually he's standing up to the bullies.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
He doesn't seem "unhinged" at all. He seems just like some guys I play golf with when referring to a **** who hit them with a golf ball because she couldn't wait until they got off the green.
You are such a moron.

LOL! Billy is doing the same thing he accuses Trump of doing. You can't make this stuff up, the loons are totally unhinged.
I'm not president. I have no obligation to be mature and dignified. I have no expectation to represent the country with tact and professionalism.

...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it?
Actually it is the case. Mika really does have a low I.Q., she really is crazy and she recently had plastic surgery and went to Trump's place in Florida while she was still recovering.

Those are the facts.
She has a low IQ? What is it?
How is she crazy?
She had a small nip in the chin area.
Trump's still batting .000 and you're still sucking his cock.

Her I.Q. is well below average and according to Mika she was often derided by her parents for being the dumb one in the family

As far as being "crazy", the mental illness she suffers from is bulimia. She has also written about this extensively.

And indeed she had plastic surgery. She admitted it after trump tweeted it.

What Trump said about her is the truth, and that's why it hurt her so much.
Why doesn't Trump just mind his own goddamn business actually try to be a mature adult president rather than be an 8th grade bully?
Actually he's standing up to the bullies.
No, he's just a crybaby.
Actually it is the case. Mika really does have a low I.Q., she really is crazy and she recently had plastic surgery and went to Trump's place in Florida while she was still recovering.

Those are the facts.
She has a low IQ? What is it?
How is she crazy?
She had a small nip in the chin area.
Trump's still batting .000 and you're still sucking his cock.

Her I.Q. is well below average and according to Mika she was often derided by her parents for being the dumb one in the family

As far as being "crazy", the mental illness she suffers from is bulimia. She has also written about this extensively.

And indeed she had plastic surgery. She admitted it after trump tweeted it.

What Trump said about her is the truth, and that's why it hurt her so much.
Why doesn't Trump just mind his own goddamn business actually try to be a mature adult president rather than be an 8th grade bully?
Actually he's standing up to the bullies.
No, he's just a crybaby.


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