Okay, I don't expect republicans to like "Morning Joe" and its hosts, but damn...

Actually it is the case. Mika really does have a low I.Q., she really is crazy and she recently had plastic surgery and went to Trump's place in Florida while she was still recovering.

Those are the facts.
She has a low IQ? What is it?
How is she crazy?
She had a small nip in the chin area.
Trump's still batting .000 and you're still sucking his cock.

Her I.Q. is well below average and according to Mika she was often derided by her parents for being the dumb one in the family

As far as being "crazy", the mental illness she suffers from is bulimia. She has also written about this extensively.

And indeed she had plastic surgery. She admitted it after trump tweeted it.

What Trump said about her is the truth, and that's why it hurt her so much.
Why doesn't Trump just mind his own goddamn business actually try to be a mature adult president rather than be an 8th grade bully?
Actually he's standing up to the bullies.
No, he's just a crybaby.
Not really. He is countering the MSMs Soviet style crude defamatory disinformation (aka fake news). He is also defending the defenseless. For instance, from her bully pulpit Mika said that all of Trump's staffers needed to be lobotomized on national TV. Trump grabbed her right in the pussy with a fist full of hurtful truth for doing it.

The Alpha wolf must defend it's pack.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

You still dont get it. Trump is where he is BECAUSE of his tweets. He is there because he doesn't play the political games and isn't good at them. Trump was president long before the primary and election. After Obama America was not interested in love and compassion, they wanted a guy who would gouge eyes, hit below the belt and kick a mother fucker in the balls. Then you have those like myself. I wanted Cruz. I knew he would never make it, so I was stuck with not voting, or voting NOT Hillary. I voted NOT Hillary. Im fine with The Donald pissing in the MSM's face. Boy or girl he can go as nasty as he likes and im good.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

You still dont get it. Trump is where he is BECAUSE of his tweets. He is there because he doesn't play the political games and isn't good at them. Trump was president long before the primary and election. After Obama America was not interested in love and compassion, they wanted a guy who would gouge eyes, hit below the belt and kick a mother fucker in the balls. Then you have those like myself. I wanted Cruz. I knew he would never make it, so I was stuck with not voting, or voting NOT Hillary. I voted NOT Hillary. Im fine with The Donald pissing in the MSM's face. Boy or girl he can go as nasty as he likes and im good.
this election was the first Ive ever sat out...I wasnt gonna vote for a real life biff tannen or cruella de vil, and my party's candidate jumped the shark with his "bake the cake" statement.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

You still dont get it. Trump is where he is BECAUSE of his tweets. He is there because he doesn't play the political games and isn't good at them. Trump was president long before the primary and election. After Obama America was not interested in love and compassion, they wanted a guy who would gouge eyes, hit below the belt and kick a mother fucker in the balls. Then you have those like myself. I wanted Cruz. I knew he would never make it, so I was stuck with not voting, or voting NOT Hillary. I voted NOT Hillary. Im fine with The Donald pissing in the MSM's face. Boy or girl he can go as nasty as he likes and im good.
this election was the first Ive ever sat out...I wasnt gonna vote for a real life biff tannen or cruella de vil, and my party's candidate jumped the shark with his "bake the cake" statement.

lol, Biff Tannen. Thats awesome.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
He doesn't seem "unhinged" at all. He seems just like some guys I play golf with when referring to a **** who hit them with a golf ball because she couldn't wait until they got off the green.
You are such a moron.

LOL! Billy is doing the same thing he accuses Trump of doing. You can't make this stuff up, the loons are totally unhinged.
I'm not president. I have no obligation to be mature and dignified. I have no expectation to represent the country with tact and professionalism.


Glad you take the lowest common denominator. Most lefties do.
So let me see if I get how this "works" in liberal la la land! It's OK for the folks at MSNBC and CNN to attack Trump daily...but it's unseemly for him to return the favor?


Yes, it is. He is the President of the U.S and should be above trivial shit. They report the news and interject their personal thoughts, but if he can't let it roll off his shoulders he doesn't need to be President. Business is Business and personal is personal, he quite often goes after someone on a personal level. Been doing that all his life, it's called bullying.

I don't understand why any adult would take that. I wouldn't. If you accept crappy treatment, you get crappy treatment. He can't walk away as President. If someone consistently spews vile nonsense about me for months, I'm going to eventually snark back at the very least. Aren't you?

Is this a very conservative going against the donald?

Junkie Running Dry

Of course Trump needs the media. Some people simply cannot handle the fact that Donald Trump was elected president. One of those people is Donald Trump. Trump has shown himself intellectually and emotionally incapable of making the transition from minor entertainment figure to major political figure. He is in the strange position of being a B-list celebrity who is also the most famous man in the world. His recent Twitter attack on Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC’s Morning Joe exemplifies that as much as it does the president’s other by-now-familiar pathologies, notably his strange psychological need to verbally abuse women in physical terms. Trump may have his problems with women, but it is his unrequited love of the media that is undoing him. “I always tell the president, ‘You don’t need them,’” says Sean Hannity, the self-abasing monkey-butler of the Trump regime. The president, Hannity says, can reach more Americans via Twitter than he could through the conventional media. That isn’t true, of course: Only about one in five Americans uses Twitter. Hannity might be forgiven for not knowing this, a consequence of his much more general habit of not knowing things. But he actually does know the president. How could he possibly believe that this man — this man — does not need them? He needs them the way a junkie needs his junk. Donald Trump cares more about how he is perceived in the media than he cares about anything else in the world, including money. Trump is a true disciple of Bishop Berkeley, professing the creed of the social-media age: Esse est percipi— “To be is to be seen.” Trump is incapable of enjoying anything — money, success, sex — without being perceived enjoying it. Consider: Even though he has in fact been on the cover of Time magazine, it was discovered this week that he had had his people produce some fake Time magazine covers lauding the success of his television show, The Apprentice. He had these fake Time covers displayed at Trump properties around the world. Why? Because Trump, for all his professed contempt for the media, believes that success is not success until it is certified by Time magazine or (avert thine eyes, Hannity!) the New York Times. Donald Trump is a man who invented an imaginary friend, John Barron, to call up members of the New York press and lie to them about his business success and his sex life. (He claimed, among other things, to be dating Carla Bruni.) A man who “does not need” the media does not do that. Trump wrote of the third lady that he chose her because he wanted to be able to enter a room with her and make other men envious — to see “grown men weep” — a very strange admission that his satisfaction in his marriage rests neither with himself nor with his wife but with third parties who might ogle her. (His cuckoldry-obsessed fans must surely have noted this.) But envious of what? Asked during a public appearance whether she’d have married Trump if he weren’t rich, she answered: “If I weren’t beautiful, do you think he’d be with me?” There is a certain clarity in that, one of a very familiar sort. What do you think he reads first in the morning: His national-security briefing or Page Six? As president and president-elect, Trump spent a great deal of time tweeting about his ratings as host of The Apprentice and those of his successor, about the ratings of various news programs covering him, about the viewerships and readerships of various media outlets, generally theorizing that those critical of him must by moral necessity be in decline. On the other hand, he plainly does not know that there are tax provisions in the health-care bill Republicans are trying to drag out of Congress: He was perplexed when they came up at a White House meeting with Republican senators, saying that he was planning on taking on tax reform at a later date, oblivious to the content of the bill he purports to be negotiating. He doesn’t understand what’s going on between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but has taken to Twitter to argue — surprise — that, whatever it is, it’s all about him. What do you think he reads first in the morning: His national-security briefing or Page Six? I’d wager that Trump could list at least three times as many cable-news commentators as world leaders. He is much better versed in CNN’s lineup than in NATO’s. Doesn’t need the media? He is the media, a former contract employee at NBC with a sideline in casinos. He was born to conduct Twitter feuds with second-tier cable-television hosts. Figuring out health-care policy? Nobody watches that. READ MORE: Why Trump’s Vengeful Tweeting Matters Trump’s Pettiness Is Damaging His Agenda

Read more at: Junkie Running Dry
Have you listened to half the vitriol Mike spewed before the tweet? There was a LOT of it, for months. I would have quipped back. A lot of people would. You wouldn't?
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
He doesn't seem "unhinged" at all. He seems just like some guys I play golf with when referring to a **** who hit them with a golf ball because she couldn't wait until they got off the green.
You are such a moron.

LOL! Billy is doing the same thing he accuses Trump of doing. You can't make this stuff up, the loons are totally unhinged.
I'm not president. I have no obligation to be mature and dignified. I have no expectation to represent the country with tact and professionalism.


Nobody expected him to suddenly become tactful and dignified. People don't change like that. He was voted in, knowing full and well who he is.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

I agree with you bigly
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
He doesn't seem "unhinged" at all. He seems just like some guys I play golf with when referring to a **** who hit them with a golf ball because she couldn't wait until they got off the green.
You are such a moron.

LOL! Billy is doing the same thing he accuses Trump of doing. You can't make this stuff up, the loons are totally unhinged.
I'm not president. I have no obligation to be mature and dignified. I have no expectation to represent the country with tact and professionalism.


So what you're saying, Billy is it's OK for you on the left to immature and undignified as you attack Donald Trump and he shouldn't be allowed to respond in kind? Amusing concept. Trump is a New Yorker. They're not known for "turning the other cheek"! Attack them and they tend to attack you right back. Don't like that? Don't attack him in the first place!
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
He doesn't seem "unhinged" at all. He seems just like some guys I play golf with when referring to a **** who hit them with a golf ball because she couldn't wait until they got off the green.
You are such a moron.

LOL! Billy is doing the same thing he accuses Trump of doing. You can't make this stuff up, the loons are totally unhinged.
I'm not president. I have no obligation to be mature and dignified. I have no expectation to represent the country with tact and professionalism.


So what you're saying, Billy is it's OK for you on the left to immature and undignified as you attack Donald Trump and he shouldn't be allowed to respond in kind? Amusing concept. Trump is a New Yorker. They're not known for "turning the other cheek"! Attack them and they tend to attack you right back. Don't like that? Don't attack him in the first place!
Hypocrisy is a considered to be a virtue by the left.
trump won't be 'kicking commie ass' when he & putin hook up.

noooooooo........ no sireeeeeeeeeeee..... but he will be licking some commie ass.

It is so funny to see lefties red baiting.



it is so funny when righties fall for it. did you all learn to be easily baited from drumpf or did he learn it from you?

Err, falling for your red baiting would be to agree that there is a problem with having good relations with PUtin/Russia, because, lol, "commie".

Instead, I made fun of you for red baiting, liter

That you saw that as a win, just shows how utterly clueless you are.

uh-huh............. you've established yourself to be a bend over for russia too.

'don't fuck with russia'..... trump has become russia's bitch. but you see it as being 'friendly'.

oh what heartbreak will you have when it all comes out 'eh? i can't wait.

So, that easily you drop the nonsense about Putin being a commie?

So, even though that was supposedly the "REASON" for your attack on Trump, one challenge, you drop it, but your attack continues, just now with a different "REASON".

What that shows, is that none of your stated reasons are the real reason you hate and attack Trump.

Hillary gave the Russias a reset button and you lefties loved that.

Now? You are supporting hostility with a large, powerful, nuclear armed nation, for partisan political purposes.

You are vile beyond redemption.

It is so funny to see lefties red baiting.



it is so funny when righties fall for it. did you all learn to be easily baited from drumpf or did he learn it from you?

Err, falling for your red baiting would be to agree that there is a problem with having good relations with PUtin/Russia, because, lol, "commie".

Instead, I made fun of you for red baiting, liter

That you saw that as a win, just shows how utterly clueless you are.

uh-huh............. you've established yourself to be a bend over for russia too.

'don't fuck with russia'..... trump has become russia's bitch. but you see it as being 'friendly'.

oh what heartbreak will you have when it all comes out 'eh? i can't wait.

So, that easily you drop the nonsense about Putin being a commie?

So, even though that was supposedly the "REASON" for your attack on Trump, one challenge, you drop it, but your attack continues, just now with a different "REASON".

What that shows, is that none of your stated reasons are the real reason you hate and attack Trump.

Hillary gave the Russias a reset button and you lefties loved that.

Now? You are supporting hostility with a large, powerful, nuclear armed nation, for partisan political purposes.

You are vile beyond redemption.


I understand why my post would have stung, and you would feel that you can't even try to refute it.

Your emoticons notwithstanding, my point thus stands.

So, that easily you drop the nonsense about Putin being a commie?

So, even though that was supposedly the "REASON" for your attack on Trump, one challenge, you drop it, but your attack continues, just now with a different "REASON".

What that shows, is that none of your stated reasons are the real reason you hate and attack Trump.

Hillary gave the Russias a reset button and you lefties loved that.

Now? You are supporting hostility with a large, powerful, nuclear armed nation, for partisan political purposes.

You are vile beyond redemption.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

The left wing commentators etc are far more unhinged about Trump than the right was about BO....by quite a distance.

it is so funny when righties fall for it. did you all learn to be easily baited from drumpf or did he learn it from you?

Err, falling for your red baiting would be to agree that there is a problem with having good relations with PUtin/Russia, because, lol, "commie".

Instead, I made fun of you for red baiting, liter

That you saw that as a win, just shows how utterly clueless you are.

uh-huh............. you've established yourself to be a bend over for russia too.

'don't fuck with russia'..... trump has become russia's bitch. but you see it as being 'friendly'.

oh what heartbreak will you have when it all comes out 'eh? i can't wait.

So, that easily you drop the nonsense about Putin being a commie?

So, even though that was supposedly the "REASON" for your attack on Trump, one challenge, you drop it, but your attack continues, just now with a different "REASON".

What that shows, is that none of your stated reasons are the real reason you hate and attack Trump.

Hillary gave the Russias a reset button and you lefties loved that.

Now? You are supporting hostility with a large, powerful, nuclear armed nation, for partisan political purposes.

You are vile beyond redemption.


I understand why my post would have stung, and you would feel that you can't even try to refute it.

Your emoticons notwithstanding, my point thus stands.

So, that easily you drop the nonsense about Putin being a commie?

So, even though that was supposedly the "REASON" for your attack on Trump, one challenge, you drop it, but your attack continues, just now with a different "REASON".

What that shows, is that none of your stated reasons are the real reason you hate and attack Trump.

Hillary gave the Russias a reset button and you lefties loved that.

Now? You are supporting hostility with a large, powerful, nuclear armed nation, for partisan political purposes.

You are vile beyond redemption.

lol.... now squeal like a pig, comrade.
Err, falling for your red baiting would be to agree that there is a problem with having good relations with PUtin/Russia, because, lol, "commie".

Instead, I made fun of you for red baiting, liter

That you saw that as a win, just shows how utterly clueless you are.

uh-huh............. you've established yourself to be a bend over for russia too.

'don't fuck with russia'..... trump has become russia's bitch. but you see it as being 'friendly'.

oh what heartbreak will you have when it all comes out 'eh? i can't wait.

So, that easily you drop the nonsense about Putin being a commie?

So, even though that was supposedly the "REASON" for your attack on Trump, one challenge, you drop it, but your attack continues, just now with a different "REASON".

What that shows, is that none of your stated reasons are the real reason you hate and attack Trump.

Hillary gave the Russias a reset button and you lefties loved that.

Now? You are supporting hostility with a large, powerful, nuclear armed nation, for partisan political purposes.

You are vile beyond redemption.


I understand why my post would have stung, and you would feel that you can't even try to refute it.

Your emoticons notwithstanding, my point thus stands.

So, that easily you drop the nonsense about Putin being a commie?

So, even though that was supposedly the "REASON" for your attack on Trump, one challenge, you drop it, but your attack continues, just now with a different "REASON".

What that shows, is that none of your stated reasons are the real reason you hate and attack Trump.

Hillary gave the Russias a reset button and you lefties loved that.

Now? You are supporting hostility with a large, powerful, nuclear armed nation, for partisan political purposes.

You are vile beyond redemption.

lol.... now squeal like a pig, comrade.

ALL you are doing it doubling down on being stupid.

THis is for you.

...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

Yeah this country has elected a little boy. I would say his emotional maturity level is around 5 or 6 years old. You're fat, you're so stupid, you're so ugly, and I sure don't know what this obsession is with women "bleeding." He cannot address criticisim in an adult intelligent manner. All past Presidents have completely IGNORED media criticism. They've never went out of their way to address it, that's for certain.

It finally occured to me that this may be the reason Invanka Trump has an office in the White House. To babysit her dad.

I am certain that White House aids and staffers, along with his attorneys have begged him to get off of his Twitter account. He certainly can't give a statement or speech without slowly reading every single word that was written for him by others.

Trump can't stop, nor is anyone able to control or stop him. He is a Narcissist, and his entire world is watching T.V. to see what people are saying about him. His whole life is centered around defending himself. A Narcissist requires constant attention, but that attention has to come in the form of praise and adoration. A narcissist cannot tolerate any form of criticism.

Knowing that any President, no matter how good they are, is going to get criticism coming in from every direction, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, exemplifies just how UNFIT Donald Trump was to ever become POTUS. If he couldn't handle media criticism, he should have never run for the hottest seat in the world.

A great article on this personality disorder is here:
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


Most people thought he was joking, but he wasn't, you saw the real deal, and then you voted for it.
uh-huh............. you've established yourself to be a bend over for russia too.

'don't fuck with russia'..... trump has become russia's bitch. but you see it as being 'friendly'.

oh what heartbreak will you have when it all comes out 'eh? i can't wait.

So, that easily you drop the nonsense about Putin being a commie?

So, even though that was supposedly the "REASON" for your attack on Trump, one challenge, you drop it, but your attack continues, just now with a different "REASON".

What that shows, is that none of your stated reasons are the real reason you hate and attack Trump.

Hillary gave the Russias a reset button and you lefties loved that.

Now? You are supporting hostility with a large, powerful, nuclear armed nation, for partisan political purposes.

You are vile beyond redemption.


I understand why my post would have stung, and you would feel that you can't even try to refute it.

Your emoticons notwithstanding, my point thus stands.

So, that easily you drop the nonsense about Putin being a commie?

So, even though that was supposedly the "REASON" for your attack on Trump, one challenge, you drop it, but your attack continues, just now with a different "REASON".

What that shows, is that none of your stated reasons are the real reason you hate and attack Trump.

Hillary gave the Russias a reset button and you lefties loved that.

Now? You are supporting hostility with a large, powerful, nuclear armed nation, for partisan political purposes.

You are vile beyond redemption.

lol.... now squeal like a pig, comrade.

ALL you are doing it doubling down on being stupid.

THis is for you.

Yes, Trumpsters really are children.

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