Okay, so who's right?

I'm not voting for Trump and I am not voting for Shillary But you can't fathom that can you? Putin is no more or less of a threat than he's ever been no matter who wins in Nov. Who knows maybe Shillary will send him a new reset button and it might even work this time
:lol: ok, sherlock
Jake please accept my condolences on Cankles departure from the race. Who do you think you will vote for now?
Gary Johnson if she is or not. Unlike you, I think about these things.
Oh brother Jake please stop with they lying. You are a Cankle's girl all the way...but now that she is down for the count, maybe you can vote for the Lying Indian should she get assigned the task.
A personal attack by you means nothing at all; you have nothing. I will vote Johnson and advise you to do the same.
I'm not voting for Trump and I am not voting for Shillary But you can't fathom that can you? Putin is no more or less of a threat than he's ever been no matter who wins in Nov. Who knows maybe Shillary will send him a new reset button and it might even work this time
:lol: ok, sherlock
Jake please accept my condolences on Cankles departure from the race. Who do you think you will vote for now?
Gary Johnson if she is or not. Unlike you, I think about these things.
Oh brother Jake please stop with they lying. You are a Cankle's girl all the way...but now that she is down for the count, maybe you can vote for the Lying Indian should she get assigned the task.
A personal attack by you means nothing at all; you have nothing. I will vote Johnson and advise you to do the same.
Johnson proved himself an idiot on MSLSD, your favorite network. Why will you vote for an idiot? Is it because you have so much in common?
Tehon and Redfish and Skull Pilot write as if they are disinfo agents for Russia.

They are not smart enough to be hired as such, based on what they have written above.

We have all seen Putin and Russia in action for a long time, engaged in protecting its own borders and trying to dominate their neighbors.

The goals are obvious.

(1) Recreation of the old USSR

(2) Dominating the Dardanelles

Any American candidate who is making eyes at Putin is dangerous.

Any attempt to say it is innocent or not dangerous to America is propaganda of the worst sort.

Here you go again Fakey

I never said anything about the old USSR did I

I only ever mentioned your new found fear of Putin and Russia as a threat when in the last 8 years policy has demonstrated that no one in the executive branch thinks Russia is a threat
You did say: "But you have to admit Obammy didn't seem to care if he was a threat when he allowed the missile defense system in Poland to to be given up or when he knuckled under to Russia's demand that sanctions against Iran not include harsh nuclear restrictions did he?" You are clearly aware of Russia's threat to us, and I will remind you once again that Obama is not running. Comrade Trump is, and he loves Putyin.

So you are in a pickle, which is beginning to stink.

I'm in no pickle as I am not voting for Trump

But why are you so afraid of Putin all of a sudden? Because your party tells you to be that's why and when they told you not to be worried about Russia you weren't

You are a good little sheep aren't you?

Putin has always been Putin. Always a threat to disrupt our interests. The main difference now is that the Republican appears ready and willing to give Putin a pass.

And Obammy hasn't given him multiple passes in the last 8 years?

Come on now think for yourself

He hasn't. Since 2008 the United States has only grown stronger economically, Russia is still a shit hole.
You are captive of double think, sbiker.

We in the west do not trust Russia, whenever the bear looks west or southwest. Look at China all you want: the Dragon will eat you.

Ok, I'm a captive of doublethink, living under dictature and so on... what about YOU? Why you cannot answer me for the pair of simple question? Why are you trying to leave them and change theme? Is it typically for "free" and "democratic" society? :)

It's not a secret, some people on the west hate Russia - not communism, not mythical "expansion" (Russia have much more territories than US or others and don't need to expand, except to stop anti-russian aggression at borders) - it was only interesting, how they mask this hate now... You cannot say any fact, how Russia threaten to US - ok, it's your rights to believe in nothing... :)

In reality - US and China both didn't ate the Vietnam, lesser in territory and population - so eating of Russia is only a wet fantasy :)))
Here you go again Fakey

I never said anything about the old USSR did I

I only ever mentioned your new found fear of Putin and Russia as a threat when in the last 8 years policy has demonstrated that no one in the executive branch thinks Russia is a threat
You did say: "But you have to admit Obammy didn't seem to care if he was a threat when he allowed the missile defense system in Poland to to be given up or when he knuckled under to Russia's demand that sanctions against Iran not include harsh nuclear restrictions did he?" You are clearly aware of Russia's threat to us, and I will remind you once again that Obama is not running. Comrade Trump is, and he loves Putyin.

So you are in a pickle, which is beginning to stink.

I'm in no pickle as I am not voting for Trump

But why are you so afraid of Putin all of a sudden? Because your party tells you to be that's why and when they told you not to be worried about Russia you weren't

You are a good little sheep aren't you?

Putin has always been Putin. Always a threat to disrupt our interests. The main difference now is that the Republican appears ready and willing to give Putin a pass.

And Obammy hasn't given him multiple passes in the last 8 years?

Come on now think for yourself

He hasn't. Since 2008 the United States has only grown stronger economically, Russia is still a shit hole.

I'ts a "shit hole" you dreaming about :) We have losses in percents, but economics becomes localized (because of sanctions), but quantity and quality of vacancies is growing, even with a lot of refugees from Ukraine...
So, you continue to feed China and other Eastern countries, having millions of unemployment...
That part of the Donetz Basin culturally and history belongs to Ukraine, not Russia.

It's a full lies, but it doesn't means here. Kosovo was historic part of Serbia since 14 century. Balric countries are the part of Russian Empire since 18 century. They all have rights for self-determination, why Donbass have not?

Stop interfering in Ukrainian affairs, Russian.

Just show, where Russia interfere to Ukraine...

Russia's silly foreign interventionism had almost nothing to with England or its colonies in North America.

Bradburry was wrong in 451F, there are no needs in US to burn books - you already forgot, how to read them...
Bradburry was wrong in 451F, there are no needs in US to burn books - you already forgot, how to read them...

Too true. It's shameful really. Republicans have destroyed our educational system.

Education is real problem for all world - it's a system crisys, because life changed too fast and deep last century. There's no way for all countries to build new education systems, step by step...
You did say: "But you have to admit Obammy didn't seem to care if he was a threat when he allowed the missile defense system in Poland to to be given up or when he knuckled under to Russia's demand that sanctions against Iran not include harsh nuclear restrictions did he?" You are clearly aware of Russia's threat to us, and I will remind you once again that Obama is not running. Comrade Trump is, and he loves Putyin.

So you are in a pickle, which is beginning to stink.

I'm in no pickle as I am not voting for Trump

But why are you so afraid of Putin all of a sudden? Because your party tells you to be that's why and when they told you not to be worried about Russia you weren't

You are a good little sheep aren't you?

Putin has always been Putin. Always a threat to disrupt our interests. The main difference now is that the Republican appears ready and willing to give Putin a pass.

And Obammy hasn't given him multiple passes in the last 8 years?

Come on now think for yourself

He hasn't. Since 2008 the United States has only grown stronger economically, Russia is still a shit hole.

I'ts a "shit hole" you dreaming about :) We have losses in percents, but economics becomes localized (because of sanctions), but quantity and quality of vacancies is growing, even with a lot of refugees from Ukraine...
So, you continue to feed China and other Eastern countries, having millions of unemployment...

Yeah, partly because of sanctions, the real democracies don't want to deal with Russia's shit. You guys should vote him out...oh, that's right, it's not up to Russians.
That part of the Donetz Basin culturally and history belongs to Ukraine, not Russia.

It's a full lies, but it doesn't means here. Kosovo was historic part of Serbia since 14 century. Balric countries are the part of Russian Empire since 18 century. They all have rights for self-determination, why Donbass have not?

Stop interfering in Ukrainian affairs, Russian.

Just show, where Russia interfere to Ukraine...

Russia's silly foreign interventionism had almost nothing to with England or its colonies in North America.

Bradburry was wrong in 451F, there are no needs in US to burn books - you already forgot, how to read them...
Bradburry was wrong in 451F, there are no needs in US to burn books - you already forgot, how to read them...

Too true. It's shameful really. Republicans have destroyed our educational system.

Education is real problem for all world - it's a system crisys, because life changed too fast and deep last century. There's no way for all countries to build new education systems, step by step...
Interesting, but are you talking about basic education as I am. As I understand it, Russia has close to 100% literacy. There is no reason the US should be lagging behind in basic education.
You are captive of double think, sbiker.

We in the west do not trust Russia, whenever the bear looks west or southwest. Look at China all you want: the Dragon will eat you.

Ok, I'm a captive of doublethink, living under dictature and so on... what about YOU? Why you cannot answer me for the pair of simple question? Why are you trying to leave them and change theme? Is it typically for "free" and "democratic" society? :) It's not a secret, some people on the west hate Russia - not communism, not mythical "expansion" (Russia have much more territories than US or others and don't need to expand, except to stop anti-russian aggression at borders) - it was only interesting, how they mask this hate now... You cannot say any fact, how Russia threaten to US - ok, it's your rights to believe in nothing... :) In reality - US and China both didn't ate the Vietnam, lesser in territory and population - so eating of Russia is only a wet fantasy :)))
"Leave"? What?? What anti-Russian aggression on the boarders??? Russia is not a threat to the US. If it ever tried to a threat, the USA would flatten Russia without a scratch in return. You could hurt, Europe, though, and you will pay the price if you do.
That part of the Donetz Basin culturally and history belongs to Ukraine, not Russia.

It's a full lies, but it doesn't means here. Kosovo was historic part of Serbia since 14 century. Balric countries are the part of Russian Empire since 18 century. They all have rights for self-determination, why Donbass have not?

Stop interfering in Ukrainian affairs, Russian.

Just show, where Russia interfere to Ukraine...

Russia's silly foreign interventionism had almost nothing to with England or its colonies in North America.

Bradburry was wrong in 451F, there are no needs in US to burn books - you already forgot, how to read them...
Bradburry was wrong in 451F, there are no needs in US to burn books - you already forgot, how to read them...

Too true. It's shameful really. Republicans have destroyed our educational system.

Education is real problem for all world - it's a system crisys, because life changed too fast and deep last century. There's no way for all countries to build new education systems, step by step...
Interesting, but are you talking about basic education as I am. As I understand it, Russia has close to 100% literacy. There is no reason the US should be lagging behind in basic education.
There is a reason. IMO it is big government prefers ignorant dependent citizens.
That part of the Donetz Basin culturally and history belongs to Ukraine, not Russia.

It's a full lies, but it doesn't means here. Kosovo was historic part of Serbia since 14 century. Balric countries are the part of Russian Empire since 18 century. They all have rights for self-determination, why Donbass have not?

Stop interfering in Ukrainian affairs, Russian.

Just show, where Russia interfere to Ukraine...

Russia's silly foreign interventionism had almost nothing to with England or its colonies in North America.

Bradburry was wrong in 451F, there are no needs in US to burn books - you already forgot, how to read them...
Bradburry was wrong in 451F, there are no needs in US to burn books - you already forgot, how to read them...

Too true. It's shameful really. Republicans have destroyed our educational system.

Education is real problem for all world - it's a system crisys, because life changed too fast and deep last century. There's no way for all countries to build new education systems, step by step...
Interesting, but are you talking about basic education as I am. As I understand it, Russia has close to 100% literacy. There is no reason the US should be lagging behind in basic education.
There is a reason. IMO it is big government prefers ignorant dependent citizens.
I should have said no good reason. I think the problem was largely created by the Neoliberal push for privatization.
You are captive of double think, sbiker.

We in the west do not trust Russia, whenever the bear looks west or southwest. Look at China all you want: the Dragon will eat you.

Ok, I'm a captive of doublethink, living under dictature and so on... what about YOU? Why you cannot answer me for the pair of simple question? Why are you trying to leave them and change theme? Is it typically for "free" and "democratic" society? :) It's not a secret, some people on the west hate Russia - not communism, not mythical "expansion" (Russia have much more territories than US or others and don't need to expand, except to stop anti-russian aggression at borders) - it was only interesting, how they mask this hate now... You cannot say any fact, how Russia threaten to US - ok, it's your rights to believe in nothing... :) In reality - US and China both didn't ate the Vietnam, lesser in territory and population - so eating of Russia is only a wet fantasy :)))
"Leave"? What?? What anti-Russian aggression on the boarders??? Russia is not a threat to the US. If it ever tried to a threat, the USA would flatten Russia without a scratch in return. You could hurt, Europe, though, and you will pay the price if you do.

Leave a questions about Donbass people and their rights for self-determinations...

You're asking about anti-Russian aggression on the borders - it's easy, instead of "Russian troopers" - see here: У посольства РФ в Киеве прошла антироссийская акция под лозунгом «Зиг хайль» и с нацистскими флагами – ФОТО, ВИДЕО / Горячая тема: Украина / Интернет-Ополчение - how interesting is the first photo of it:

So, now you saying, Russia is not a threat for US... Wonderful... So which pretensions do you have to Trump and his Russian friends? Which harm they can produce for US?
That part of the Donetz Basin culturally and history belongs to Ukraine, not Russia.

It's a full lies, but it doesn't means here. Kosovo was historic part of Serbia since 14 century. Balric countries are the part of Russian Empire since 18 century. They all have rights for self-determination, why Donbass have not?

Stop interfering in Ukrainian affairs, Russian.

Just show, where Russia interfere to Ukraine...

Russia's silly foreign interventionism had almost nothing to with England or its colonies in North America.

Bradburry was wrong in 451F, there are no needs in US to burn books - you already forgot, how to read them...
Bradburry was wrong in 451F, there are no needs in US to burn books - you already forgot, how to read them...

Too true. It's shameful really. Republicans have destroyed our educational system.

Education is real problem for all world - it's a system crisys, because life changed too fast and deep last century. There's no way for all countries to build new education systems, step by step...
Interesting, but are you talking about basic education as I am. As I understand it, Russia has close to 100% literacy. There is no reason the US should be lagging behind in basic education.

Yeah, but education of children, in reality - a process with a lot of dictature... Objectively, it a bit more difficult in more free country with many civilian rights, projected on children... We met it, when the USSR fallen...
That part of the Donetz Basin culturally and history belongs to Ukraine, not Russia.

It's a full lies, but it doesn't means here. Kosovo was historic part of Serbia since 14 century. Balric countries are the part of Russian Empire since 18 century. They all have rights for self-determination, why Donbass have not?

Stop interfering in Ukrainian affairs, Russian.

Just show, where Russia interfere to Ukraine...

Russia's silly foreign interventionism had almost nothing to with England or its colonies in North America.

Bradburry was wrong in 451F, there are no needs in US to burn books - you already forgot, how to read them...
Bradburry was wrong in 451F, there are no needs in US to burn books - you already forgot, how to read them...

Too true. It's shameful really. Republicans have destroyed our educational system.

Education is real problem for all world - it's a system crisys, because life changed too fast and deep last century. There's no way for all countries to build new education systems, step by step...
Interesting, but are you talking about basic education as I am. As I understand it, Russia has close to 100% literacy. There is no reason the US should be lagging behind in basic education.
There is a reason. IMO it is big government prefers ignorant dependent citizens.

In this case we have to vote for progressors - for more greedy and restless people, who want to speed up economics and need more educated employee for the best effect :)
There are really no way to live better, instead of increasing industry productivity and average level of education...
I'm in no pickle as I am not voting for Trump

But why are you so afraid of Putin all of a sudden? Because your party tells you to be that's why and when they told you not to be worried about Russia you weren't

You are a good little sheep aren't you?

Putin has always been Putin. Always a threat to disrupt our interests. The main difference now is that the Republican appears ready and willing to give Putin a pass.

And Obammy hasn't given him multiple passes in the last 8 years?

Come on now think for yourself

He hasn't. Since 2008 the United States has only grown stronger economically, Russia is still a shit hole.

I'ts a "shit hole" you dreaming about :) We have losses in percents, but economics becomes localized (because of sanctions), but quantity and quality of vacancies is growing, even with a lot of refugees from Ukraine...
So, you continue to feed China and other Eastern countries, having millions of unemployment...

Yeah, partly because of sanctions, the real democracies don't want to deal with Russia's shit. You guys should vote him out...oh, that's right, it's not up to Russians.

What do you know about real democracy? Russia had democracy traditions for a centuries, when USA wasn't created yet :)))

Democratic traditions in Russia? Perhaps? Did it include protections civil and religious for minorities?
Leader-------------look up the meaning of the word. you are making a fool of yourself.

Give it up, Tuna.............Pol Pot and Stalin were also effective "leaders".....

Yes, they were and that's exactly the point. glad you finally got it.
You are still belly up in the stream of life.

watching you flounder and gasp as your beloved Hillary chokes and gasps. LOL, you amuse me with your partisan bullshit and failed attempts at insulting your betters.
Leader-------------look up the meaning of the word. you are making a fool of yourself.

Give it up, Tuna.............Pol Pot and Stalin were also effective "leaders".....

Yes, they were and that's exactly the point. glad you finally got it.
You are still belly up in the stream of life.
watching you flounder and gasp as your beloved Hillary chokes and gasps. LOL, you amuse me with your partisan bullshit and failed attempts at insulting your betters.
As always I am voting for Johnson. HRC has hit a bad spot, yes, and watch her grasp Donnie and pull him down with her.

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