Omar = Traitor

How did this person ever get elected?
Ilhan Omar Attacks Trump For Killing Top Iranian Terrorist, Promotes Conspiracy Theory
Now she is criticizing Trump for killing a terrorist??!?! Seriously?!?!?
Keep electing Islamist extremists to Congress and this is what you get. I am almost speechless.

Poor Omar, another hero of hers fallen. Here Omar, here is my Iranian salute to you. To you and yours.

Of course she see's Trump as a murderer. She's a Muslim just like those two that got killed. Just goes to show how un American she is. Backing terrorists. She's a sharia law mutant.

Why anyone would elect a Muslim to our Government is beyond me. She and the other Muslim asshole in Congress are racist and should have been booted out of Congress long ago.
I pegged her as a traitor long before this. This is just par for the course for her. It’s truly amazing how irresponsible politicians are with their rhetoric. I will say that.
The subhuman was elected through a combination of a large Islamist base in her district coupled with large numbers of ignorant practitioners of identity politics who somehow think they are virtuous for voting for the creature. They see themselves as "tolerant" for supporting those whose mission it is to eradicate tolerant western culture and replace it with the jackboot of Islam.
Send her back to Somalia, see if she can get elected there.
Try her for treason and keeping her in a secure location so her enemies will not kill her first. Then invoke the harshest penalty when her guilt is shown. Oh, wait. She already showed her guilt all by herself by sympathizing with America's enemy.
Of course she see's Trump as a murderer. She's a Muslim just like those two that got killed. Just goes to show how un American she is. Backing terrorists. She's a sharia law mutant.

Why anyone would elect a Muslim to our Government is beyond me. She and the other Muslim asshole in Congress are racist and should have been booted out of Congress long ago.

but she is a sunni----sunnis love to kill shiites
Personally, I do not consider her to be a "traitor."

I think that she is an ingrate.
How did this person ever get elected?

You don't know very much about Minnesota, do you? ... more people in her district voted for her than against her ... a lot of Palestinians (with guns) have settled in Minneapolis ... stop fretting, it's only one House vote, there's still 434 other votes there ...
Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar accused President Donald Trump of killing Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani — a designated terrorist by the U.S. government — as a “distraction” from domestic political issues.
Ilhan Omar, Liberals Accuse Trump Of Killing Terrorist Soleimani As A ‘Distraction’

This two-faced hypocritical bitch would have been killed by now in her own country they will probably still come for her she's probably ONE OF THOSE FKRS INSIDE INTELL AND SHE WAS CAUGHT YET DUMB FK LEFTIST AMERICA WANTS TO BE THE FEEL GOOD HEROES OF THE WORLD VOTE WITH FEELINGS NOT REALITY ASSHOLES!!
How did this person ever get elected?

Ilhan Omar Attacks Trump For Killing Top Iranian Terrorist, Promotes Conspiracy Theory

Now she is criticizing Trump for killing a terrorist??!?! Seriously?!?!?

Keep electing Islamist extremists to Congress and this is what you get. I am almost speechless.

Ahhhhh, tell Omar to go marry her brother.

Like the Communists said years ago, they will take over America from within. Seems the Islamists learned a lesson from the Communists, and we are experiencing the plan from both, today.

So who didn't learn this lesson? Leftist America.
Send her back to Somalia, see if she can get elected there.

I heard there's an opening there for a goat-counter.

All Somalian goats must be counted daily.

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