OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

I'd almost be willing to bet money that nothing will happen to the her. The big money is behind her and if they have to, they'll tell old step'n fetch it obama to pardon clinton for all past, present, and future crimes.

So Wiener had the into her "un-secured" account. Copied all the stuff? Huma Weiner wants Divorce. Weiner gets last laugh? He says "If I go down" you all go down with pun intended. HRC should have bought him off or got the FBI off his case. Nothing meaner than a Divorced husband paying alimony & Child support to a lesbian.

Holy Cow, I was typing same thing as THEHUMANBEING above at same time. Great Minds think Alike!
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Her ground game is superb

... as is apparent every time she or Kaine tries to "rally" less than 100 "supporters" at each event...
I don't think this came from Huma's laptop which has supposedly been destroyed by the FBI themselves. I think Weiner is getting revenge on Huma for divorcing him. I think Weiner had all these emails on his own laptop that he and Huma emailed one another. Huma blew this thing wide open by divorcing or at least separating from Weiner before she had Hillary firmly seated within the White House. Hell hath no fury like a sexual pervert scorned. Sweet sweet revenge.

Such BS; since Hillary breaths the air, she's responsible for what Weiner does on the other side of the country! :blahblah:

No, Dipshit. The damn emails are a back and forth between Huma and Weiner. You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
They didnt reopen the case. They are reviewing emails. I know its hard to comprehend but those are two different things.
English a new second language for you?
FBI letter to Congress on Clinton email probe
Obviously reading is something you never conquered. Can you post the part where it says they are reopening the investigation?
If the FBI says it is investigating your emails, they are investigating you.
Investigating you isnt the same as reopening the case numb nuts.

So Wiener had the into her "un-secured" account. Copied all the stuff? Huma Weiner wants Divorce. Weiner gets last laugh? He says "If I go down" you all go down with pun intended. HRC should have bought him off or got the FBI off his case. Nothing meaner than a Divorced husband paying alimony & Child support to a lesbian.

Holy Cow, I was typing same thing as HWGA above at same time. Great Minds think Alike!
Interesting! That might be true...he HAD to have known that stuff was on the computer....hmmmm
Ian Millhiser @imillhiser
1) Based on the actual text of Comey's letter, this looks like a much smaller deal than it will be made out to be. …

1:10 PM - 28 Oct 2016

Judd Legum @JuddLegum
Every news channel reporting that the FBI is "reopening" their investigation into Hillary's emails. FBI, however, didn't use that language.

1:38 PM - 28 Oct 2016

Here is what is starting to Happen Already OK Kids

Media Outlets Oversell -- Then Walk Back -- Headlines On FBI’s Clinton Email Announcement
So, tell us, Jake Starkey, why, if you have such a great "ground game," are your rallies so devoid of supporters??

If you have a great ground game, then the opposition must have a front 7 of

Reggie White
JJ Watt
Deacon Jones
Dexter Manley
Lawrence Taylor
Ray Lewis
Brian Urlacher

Trump's Generals were never THAT good....
If it is from AW's computer, it is not wikileaks, it is not Julian Assange, it is not play for pay.

What is it and does it apply to election?
Bernie would be 20 points ahead today if DWS and the DNC had not cheated him out of the nomination...
This is such a fucking yawnfest. A few emails from another source -- emails not sent by Clinton, emails not revealed by wikileaks, emails that the Clinton campaign weren't even aware of, have become "pertinent" to the investigation.

I expect mass suicide by the resident rightists here when Comey makes his next speech, announcing that she once again, isn't guilty of anything.
Emails nailing Hillary's fat ass to the wall.....

In your wettest dreams. The only place you're ever going to see Hillary's fat ass is on a chair in the oval office.
Like I said, the left always side with evil.

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