OMG! Doomsday Glacier Melting

If the ice that sits above the surface of the sea melts, wouldn't this water drain into the sea and raise sea level !

Would like to refer to this happening back when Global Warming was causing the arctic ice to melt.

Would like to refer to this happening back when Global Warming was causing the arctic ice to melt.

Isostatic rebound alters sea level anyhow. So these predictions of sea level heights after ice melting are not accurate whatsoever. Probably better odds winning the lottery than predicting future sea levels
Ha ha ha another evidence/fact free reply which you also avoided the article I posted since you didn't address it thus you started with NOTHING ended up with NOTHING!
Do you understand that endlessly repeating the same debunked nonsense won't make it any more sensible? Apparently not, since it's all you do these days.

Yes, there are volcanoes -- that have been there for thousands of years. That means it takes a special type of stupid to claim that volcanoes are causing the sudden accelerated ice melt..

For your idiot theory to be correct, the degree of vulcanism would have had to have increased a thousand-fold. That would leave evidence, in the form of rivers of hot chemical-saturated water gushing out from under the glaciers. Since we don't observe such a thing, your theory is proven wrong. What we do observe is ocean temperatures increasing as a whole. That is, the hard evidence backs our theory.
Do you understand that endlessly repeating the same debunked nonsense won't make it any more sensible? Apparently not, since it's all you do these days.

Yes, there are volcanoes -- that have been there for thousands of years. That means it takes a special type of stupid to claim that volcanoes are causing the sudden accelerated ice melt..

For your idiot theory to be correct, the degree of vulcanism would have had to have increased a thousand-fold. That would leave evidence, in the form of rivers of hot chemical-saturated water gushing out from under the glaciers. Since we don't observe such a thing, your theory is proven wrong. What we do observe is ocean temperatures increasing as a whole. That is, the hard evidence backs our theory.

Several people in the forum posted published papers showing that currently ERUPTING Volcanoes are a major factor in the melting of the two Glaciers which YOU ignored which is why you are the one who have NOTHING to run on but avoidance of the evidence and lies.

Post one article remain unchallenged.
The lie about the Glaciers continues despite the fact there are a couple of active VOLCANOES under them...

Science Matters

OMG! Doomsday Glacier Melting​

by Ron Clutz

June 21, 2022


View attachment 661058
With the potential to raise global sea levels, Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier has been widely nicknamed the ‘Doomsday Glacier’

Climate alarms often involve big numbers in far away places threatening you in your backyard. Today’s example of such a scare comes from Daily Mail Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is melting at the fastest rate for 5,500 YEARS – and could raise global sea levels by up to 11 FEET, study warns. Excerpts in italics with my bolds.

Although these vulnerable glaciers were relatively stable during the past few millennia, their current rate of retreat is accelerating and already raising global sea level,’ said Dr Dylan Rood of Imperial’s Department of Earth Science and Engineering, who co-authored the study.

Oh my God! We will all be drown by July 4 and I have always worshiped Mother Earth, my false God by dumping my used high dollar motor oil in a fresh water stream every Earth Day unless my two 5 gallon jerry cans are topped off before Earth Day.
No, they haven't.

Remember, you can't gaslight informed and honest people. Your lies only work on your fellow cultists.
What is the cult you follow, the Taliban, the mass inflation cult, the 10 bucks a gallon cult, the crap on the pope cult, the hit yourself in the head with a brick till you are to stupid to ever be ignorant cult?
No, they haven't.

Remember, you can't gaslight informed and honest people. Your lies only work on your fellow cultists.

It became clear that you have a very small brain (Swiss cheese memory) as there are several threads and numerous posts in the forum showing evidence of active volcanoes under the two Glaciers as shown in the following LINKS.

Thewaites Glacier, a volcano, and AGW propaganda

POST 29 LINK Published paper you ignored




POST 5 LINK You ignored it











Crick writes at POST 47

"Perhaps you ought to read what I say before you respond. I admitted that you were right about volcanism under the WAIS and that I had been unaware of its extent."

Hidden Volcanoes Melt Antarctic Glaciers from Below



You have been exposed as a chronic liar and suffering from selective memory holes.
It became clear that you have a very small brain (Swiss cheese memory)
Given how badly you suck at lying, you really should do less of it. But if you'd like to claim you're just stupid instead of dishonest, I think everyone will buy that.

as there are several threads and numerous posts in the forum showing evidence of active volcanoes under the two Glaciers as shown in the following
Nobody is saying volcanoes don't exist. Nobody has ever said that.

What the normal people have said is that there's zero evidence of any _new_ level of vulcanism melting ice. Because that is the case.

That's why you've been unable to provide any evidence for your wacky claim. You show new volanoes being discovered, but THE VOLCANOES THEMSELVES AREN'T NEW. A second-grader could spot that giant glaring flaw in your argument. That's why you look so bad.
Given how badly you suck at lying, you really should do less of it. But if you'd like to claim you're just stupid instead of dishonest, I think everyone will buy that.

Nobody is saying volcanoes don't exist. Nobody has ever said that.

What the normal people have said is that there's zero evidence of any _new_ level of vulcanism melting ice. Because that is the case.

That's why you've been unable to provide any evidence for your wacky claim. You show new volanoes being discovered, but THE VOLCANOES THEMSELVES AREN'T NEW. A second-grader could spot that giant glaring flaw in your argument. That's why you look so bad.
It's normal behavior for an interglacial cycle. :)
Given how badly you suck at lying, you really should do less of it. But if you'd like to claim you're just stupid instead of dishonest, I think everyone will buy that.

Nobody is saying volcanoes don't exist. Nobody has ever said that.

What the normal people have said is that there's zero evidence of any _new_ level of vulcanism melting ice. Because that is the case.

That's why you've been unable to provide any evidence for your wacky claim. You show new volanoes being discovered, but THE VOLCANOES THEMSELVES AREN'T NEW. A second-grader could spot that giant glaring flaw in your argument. That's why you look so bad.

Your endless lies and goal post moving and lack of a real counterpoint to what I post convinces me that you belong on the ignore list.

...and the beat goes on. I wonder what all the deniers will say..when they are watching the ocean rise..."Oops"?

As many climate change activists are pointing out lately, the "doomsday" implied in the term "Doomsday Glacier" — the nickname given to the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica — may be coming soon. But what will that day actually be like?

As noted in a scary new paper in the journal Nature Geoscience by a team led by geological oceanographer Alastair G. C. Graham, the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica may be closer to a major disintegration event than previously thought.

Here’s what’s new in our understanding of this situation: This new study involved analyzing ridges on the sea floor. These rib-like formations reveal strong evidence of the glacier’s location for centuries as the tide nudged it each day. This is different from previously gathered data about the glacier, which was pulled from satellite maps of the ice as it edges closer and closer toward a total (or near total) collapse into the ocean.

Using this new way of measuring the glacier’s "footprints" if you will, we now know a sudden melting event occurred over the course of six months at some point in the past 200 years. In that brief span, the section of glacier causing those formations on the ocean floor retreated at twice the rate that satellite photos had been able to detect. That means in addition to the steady loss of mass scientists already knew about, there are also rarer, and scarier, pulses of very rapid disintegration.

"Thwaites is really holding on today by its fingernails, and we should expect to see big changes over small timescales in the future," marine geophysicist Robert Larter, one of the study’s co-authors, said in a statement to the press.

So the breakup of this glacier appears imminent, and the consequences of that breakup are no joke. According to a 2020 estimate from the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, four percent of climate change-caused sea-level rise so far came from Thwaites alone, and a sudden total collapse would raise sea levels 25 inches more. (Importantly, a Thwaites collapse could eventually — over a longer timeframe of perhaps centuries — unleash up to eight more feet of sea level rise from its glacial neighbors.)

"Scientists want to find out how quickly this could happen," the communications manager for the Collaboration, Athena Dinar, wrote in a statement.

How quickly is the Thwaites Glacier melting?

The question of how fast Thwaites is deteriorating is an urgent one. For around the past decade, the glacier has receded by about half a mile per year by relatively warmer ocean waters eroding the glacier from below — which is a lot. "It is a tremendous rate of retreat," Sridhar Anandakrishnan, a professor of glaciology at Penn State University who visits and researches the Thwaites Glacier, previously told Mashable.

But if Thwaites loses its grounding to a key ridge on the ocean floor, this rate of retreat could increase significantly (the new research showed that Thwaites experienced an ice loss of 1.3 miles per year at some point in the past two centuries).

A sudden glacial breakup will see a mind-boggling quantity of new water suddenly dumped into the ocean, and it’s hard not to imagine the water rising all at once, like when you dunk a big ice cube into a full glass.
...and the beat goes on. I wonder what all the deniers will say..when they are watching the ocean rise..."Oops"?

As many climate change activists are pointing out lately, the "doomsday" implied in the term "Doomsday Glacier" — the nickname given to the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica — may be coming soon. But what will that day actually be like?

As noted in a scary new paper in the journal Nature Geoscience by a team led by geological oceanographer Alastair G. C. Graham, the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica may be closer to a major disintegration event than previously thought.

Here’s what’s new in our understanding of this situation: This new study involved analyzing ridges on the sea floor. These rib-like formations reveal strong evidence of the glacier’s location for centuries as the tide nudged it each day. This is different from previously gathered data about the glacier, which was pulled from satellite maps of the ice as it edges closer and closer toward a total (or near total) collapse into the ocean.

Using this new way of measuring the glacier’s "footprints" if you will, we now know a sudden melting event occurred over the course of six months at some point in the past 200 years. In that brief span, the section of glacier causing those formations on the ocean floor retreated at twice the rate that satellite photos had been able to detect. That means in addition to the steady loss of mass scientists already knew about, there are also rarer, and scarier, pulses of very rapid disintegration.

"Thwaites is really holding on today by its fingernails, and we should expect to see big changes over small timescales in the future," marine geophysicist Robert Larter, one of the study’s co-authors, said in a statement to the press.

So the breakup of this glacier appears imminent, and the consequences of that breakup are no joke. According to a 2020 estimate from the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, four percent of climate change-caused sea-level rise so far came from Thwaites alone, and a sudden total collapse would raise sea levels 25 inches more. (Importantly, a Thwaites collapse could eventually — over a longer timeframe of perhaps centuries — unleash up to eight more feet of sea level rise from its glacial neighbors.)

"Scientists want to find out how quickly this could happen," the communications manager for the Collaboration, Athena Dinar, wrote in a statement.

Mar A Lago sits at a mere three feet in elevation.

Just saying.....,...
...and the beat goes on. I wonder what all the deniers will say..when they are watching the ocean rise..."Oops"?

As many climate change activists are pointing out lately, the "doomsday" implied in the term "Doomsday Glacier" — the nickname given to the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica — may be coming soon. But what will that day actually be like?

As noted in a scary new paper in the journal Nature Geoscience by a team led by geological oceanographer Alastair G. C. Graham, the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica may be closer to a major disintegration event than previously thought.

Here’s what’s new in our understanding of this situation: This new study involved analyzing ridges on the sea floor. These rib-like formations reveal strong evidence of the glacier’s location for centuries as the tide nudged it each day. This is different from previously gathered data about the glacier, which was pulled from satellite maps of the ice as it edges closer and closer toward a total (or near total) collapse into the ocean.

Using this new way of measuring the glacier’s "footprints" if you will, we now know a sudden melting event occurred over the course of six months at some point in the past 200 years. In that brief span, the section of glacier causing those formations on the ocean floor retreated at twice the rate that satellite photos had been able to detect. That means in addition to the steady loss of mass scientists already knew about, there are also rarer, and scarier, pulses of very rapid disintegration.

"Thwaites is really holding on today by its fingernails, and we should expect to see big changes over small timescales in the future," marine geophysicist Robert Larter, one of the study’s co-authors, said in a statement to the press.

So the breakup of this glacier appears imminent, and the consequences of that breakup are no joke. According to a 2020 estimate from the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, four percent of climate change-caused sea-level rise so far came from Thwaites alone, and a sudden total collapse would raise sea levels 25 inches more. (Importantly, a Thwaites collapse could eventually — over a longer timeframe of perhaps centuries — unleash up to eight more feet of sea level rise from its glacial neighbors.)

"Scientists want to find out how quickly this could happen," the communications manager for the Collaboration, Athena Dinar, wrote in a statement.

How quickly is the Thwaites Glacier melting?

The question of how fast Thwaites is deteriorating is an urgent one. For around the past decade, the glacier has receded by about half a mile per year by relatively warmer ocean waters eroding the glacier from below — which is a lot. "It is a tremendous rate of retreat," Sridhar Anandakrishnan, a professor of glaciology at Penn State University who visits and researches the Thwaites Glacier, previously told Mashable.

But if Thwaites loses its grounding to a key ridge on the ocean floor, this rate of retreat could increase significantly (the new research showed that Thwaites experienced an ice loss of 1.3 miles per year at some point in the past two centuries).

A sudden glacial breakup will see a mind-boggling quantity of new water suddenly dumped into the ocean, and it’s hard not to imagine the water rising all at once, like when you dunk a big ice cube into a full glass.
They should focus on the huge fault on the Canary Islands.
The lie about the Glaciers continues despite the fact there are a couple of active VOLCANOES under them...

Science Matters

OMG! Doomsday Glacier Melting​

by Ron Clutz

June 21, 2022


View attachment 661058
With the potential to raise global sea levels, Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier has been widely nicknamed the ‘Doomsday Glacier’

Climate alarms often involve big numbers in far away places threatening you in your backyard. Today’s example of such a scare comes from Daily Mail Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is melting at the fastest rate for 5,500 YEARS – and could raise global sea levels by up to 11 FEET, study warns. Excerpts in italics with my bolds.

Although these vulnerable glaciers were relatively stable during the past few millennia, their current rate of retreat is accelerating and already raising global sea level,’ said Dr Dylan Rood of Imperial’s Department of Earth Science and Engineering, who co-authored the study.

What is it you believe to be a lie?
If the ice that sits above the surface of the sea melts, wouldn't this water drain into the sea and raise sea level !
The melt of ice actually IN or floating ON the ocean has no effect on sea level. The melting of ice that is resting on land WILL raise sea level. The fragile ice sheet offshore of the Thwaites Glacier is holding the glacier back from running into the sea. When it crumbles, the glacier will begin raising sea level at a dramatic pace. On top of this basic threat is the problem that the weight of the glacier has pushed the bedrock down below sea level. It is quite likely that sea water will rapidly intrude under the glacier separating it from the bedrock. This will result in several century's worth of sea level rise taking place in a matter of a few months.

If you partially fill a glass with a mixture of water and ice and then wait, you will find that when the ice melts, the level of water in the glass is unaffected. If you fill a glass with ice cubes and a little water but not enough to float the ice off the bottom of the glass, the melting ice WILL raise the level of water.
The melt of ice actually IN or floating ON the ocean has no effect on sea level. The melting of ice that is resting on land WILL raise sea level. The fragile ice sheet offshore of the Thwaites Glacier is holding the glacier back from running into the sea. When it crumbles, the glacier will begin raising sea level at a dramatic pace. On top of this basic threat is the problem that the weight of the glacier has pushed the bedrock down below sea level. It is quite likely that sea water will rapidly intrude under the glacier separating it from the bedrock. This will result in several century's worth of sea level rise taking place in a matter of a few months.

If you partially fill a glass with a mixture of water and ice and then wait, you will find that when the ice melts, the level of water in the glass is unaffected. If you fill a glass with ice cubes and a little water but not enough to float the ice off the bottom of the glass, the melting ice WILL raise the level of water.
Other than sit by and watch.....what is the grand plan?

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