OMG! Doomsday Glacier Melting

and the next year we see this again. IN case we missed it first time? and making no headway with the doomsday envirowhackjobs.
the evidence is so overwhelming that warmers are in panic mode to divert attention away from the poles. The fact is both poles are creating ice not losing it. Means we're still in an ice age, any warming happening is in their shorts.
the evidence is so overwhelming that warmers are in panic mode to divert attention away from the poles. The fact is both poles are creating ice not losing it. Means we're still in an ice age, any warming happening is in their shorts.

NASA would disagree with you...............

the evidence is so overwhelming that warmers are in panic mode to divert attention away from the poles. The fact is both poles are creating ice not losing it. Means we're still in an ice age, any warming happening is in their shorts.
It's actually cold where i am today. it's only risen 5 degrees since this morning. We're now at 64 degrees. Usually this time i'm turning on the AC. NOT today.
NASA would disagree with you...............

NASA has been lying about life on other planets for years and they KNOW that there is none. What happened to those young democrats that originally claimed they believe nothing out of gov't. Now you slavishly follow their every word. LOLOL
It's actually cold where i am today. it's only risen 5 degrees since this morning. We're now at 64 degrees. Usually this time i'm turning on the AC. NOT today.
well I'm truly intrigued to know what will happen if our temperature in Chicago goes to 90 instead of 89 degrees F. What is supposed to happen?
NASA would disagree with you...............

NASA conflicted then

NASA conflicted then

Well, your first link goes up to 2021, but your second link only goes up to 2015. I'd say that the first link (the one that shows it shrinking) is more accurate than the second one (from 2015 that show's it's not), since the older one is being updated by the newer one. No.............not a conflict, just updated information.
The lie about the Glaciers continues despite the fact there are a couple of active VOLCANOES under them...

Science Matters

OMG! Doomsday Glacier Melting​

by Ron Clutz

June 21, 2022


View attachment 661058
With the potential to raise global sea levels, Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier has been widely nicknamed the ‘Doomsday Glacier’

Climate alarms often involve big numbers in far away places threatening you in your backyard. Today’s example of such a scare comes from Daily Mail Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is melting at the fastest rate for 5,500 YEARS – and could raise global sea levels by up to 11 FEET, study warns. Excerpts in italics with my bolds.

Although these vulnerable glaciers were relatively stable during the past few millennia, their current rate of retreat is accelerating and already raising global sea level,’ said Dr Dylan Rood of Imperial’s Department of Earth Science and Engineering, who co-authored the study.

No problem...unless you live somewhere with not much high Florida.
Well, your first link goes up to 2021, but your second link only goes up to 2015. I'd say that the first link (the one that shows it shrinking) is more accurate than the second one (from 2015 that show's it's not), since the older one is being updated by the newer one. No.............not a conflict, just updated information.
Oh, so that's your issue is that it was growing when you said it wasn't and now again your saying it's shrinking when it's still growing. gotcha. The NASA conflict you can't get around.

well I'm truly intrigued to know what will happen if our temperature in Chicago goes to 90 instead of 89 degrees F. What is supposed to happen?
conflagration. Chicagoans will be grilling watermelon on the sidewalks.
NASA has been lying about life on other planets for years and they KNOW that there is none. What happened to those young democrats that originally claimed they believe nothing out of gov't. Now you slavishly follow their every word. LOLOL


This shows the amount of ice gained or lost by Antarctica between 2003 and 2019. Dark reds and purples show large average rates of ice loss near the coasts, while blues show smaller rates of ice gain in the interior. The ice lost near the coasts, especially West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula, vastly outweigh gains in the interior. Thwaites and Crosson ice shelves (seen just below the peninsula) have thinned the most. The two ice shelves have lost 16 feet and 10 feet of ice per year, respectively, between 2003 and 2019. The circle in the middle is over the South Pole where the instrument does not collect data.


This shows the amount of ice gained or lost by Antarctica between 2003 and 2019. Dark reds and purples show large average rates of ice loss near the coasts, while blues show smaller rates of ice gain in the interior. The ice lost near the coasts, especially West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula, vastly outweigh gains in the interior. Thwaites and Crosson ice shelves (seen just below the peninsula) have thinned the most. The two ice shelves have lost 16 feet and 10 feet of ice per year, respectively, between 2003 and 2019. The circle in the middle is over the South Pole where the instrument does not collect data.

It is absolutely hilarious that any sane human could claim that is melting.

What is that? It is a 40 million year old continent specific ice age stuck on a pole, ON the pole.

Every year, Antarctic ice adds a new layer of ice, which is how we get DATA from ICE CORES... so how is that "melting" if it ADDS ICE EVERY YEAR FOR TENS OF MILLIONS OF YEARS???

The one way which reduces ice on Antarctica is when glaicers move out over ocean and break off in the form of ICE BERGS, which oh by the way are STILL FROZEN.


Antarctica’s average annual temperature ranges from about −10°C on the coast to −60°C at the highest parts of the interior.

Near the coast, the temperature can exceed +10°C in summer and fall to below −40°C in winter. Over the elevated inland, it can rise to about −30°C in summer but fall below −80°C in winter.


  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.

and by NASA which explains why the IPCC ocean "rise" claims are completely fudged FRAUD...

“The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some..."

seriously sick taxpayer funded fudgebaking liars fudging data at IPCC

It is absolutely hilarious that any sane human could claim that is melting.

What is that? It is a 40 million year old continent specific ice age stuck on a pole, ON the pole.

Every year, Antarctic ice adds a new layer of ice, which is how we get DATA from ICE CORES... so how is that "melting" if it ADDS ICE EVERY YEAR FOR TENS OF MILLIONS OF YEARS???

The one way which reduces ice on Antarctica is when glaicers move out over ocean and break off in the form of ICE BERGS, which oh by the way are STILL FROZEN.


Antarctica’s average annual temperature ranges from about −10°C on the coast to −60°C at the highest parts of the interior.

Near the coast, the temperature can exceed +10°C in summer and fall to below −40°C in winter. Over the elevated inland, it can rise to about −30°C in summer but fall below −80°C in winter.


  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.

and by NASA which explains why the IPCC ocean "rise" claims are completely fudged FRAUD...

“The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some..."

seriously sick taxpayer funded fudgebaking liars fudging data at IPCC

Hate to tell you, but yes, there is water on Antarctica.

By the way, your NASA link is out of date, it's from 2015.
there is water on Antarctica


UNDER Antarctica, not on it...

Antarctic glaciers have dug out the land that was there. And this image also shows where Antarctica and South America broke apart some 20+ million years ago, why South america's southern tip had glaciation at that time...




This shows the amount of ice gained or lost by Antarctica between 2003 and 2019. Dark reds and purples show large average rates of ice loss near the coasts, while blues show smaller rates of ice gain in the interior. The ice lost near the coasts, especially West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula, vastly outweigh gains in the interior. Thwaites and Crosson ice shelves (seen just below the peninsula) have thinned the most. The two ice shelves have lost 16 feet and 10 feet of ice per year, respectively, between 2003 and 2019. The circle in the middle is over the South Pole where the instrument does not collect data.
they all regrow every winter. Sometimes further south.
The lie about the Glaciers continues despite the fact there are a couple of active VOLCANOES under them...

Science Matters

OMG! Doomsday Glacier Melting​

by Ron Clutz

June 21, 2022


View attachment 661058
With the potential to raise global sea levels, Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier has been widely nicknamed the ‘Doomsday Glacier’

Climate alarms often involve big numbers in far away places threatening you in your backyard. Today’s example of such a scare comes from Daily Mail Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is melting at the fastest rate for 5,500 YEARS – and could raise global sea levels by up to 11 FEET, study warns. Excerpts in italics with my bolds.

Although these vulnerable glaciers were relatively stable during the past few millennia, their current rate of retreat is accelerating and already raising global sea level,’ said Dr Dylan Rood of Imperial’s Department of Earth Science and Engineering, who co-authored the study.

If the temperature in Antarctica rises from -58 to -57, it’s “game over, man! Game over!” Guam will do somersaults!!
It became clear that you have a very small brain (Swiss cheese memory) as there are several threads and numerous posts in the forum showing evidence of active volcanoes under the two Glaciers as shown in the following LINKS.

Thewaites Glacier, a volcano, and AGW propaganda

POST 29 LINK Published paper you ignored




POST 5 LINK You ignored it











Crick writes at POST 47

"Perhaps you ought to read what I say before you respond. I admitted that you were right about volcanism under the WAIS and that I had been unaware of its extent."

Hidden Volcanoes Melt Antarctic Glaciers from Below



You have been exposed as a chronic liar and suffering from selective memory holes.
He/She/They are pathological and completely shameless, and accuse anyone they can’t win an argument against of being a liar

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