OMG! Doomsday Glacier Melting

The melt of ice actually IN or floating ON the ocean has no effect on sea level. The melting of ice that is resting on land WILL raise sea level. The fragile ice sheet offshore of the Thwaites Glacier is holding the glacier back from running into the sea. When it crumbles, the glacier will begin raising sea level at a dramatic pace. On top of this basic threat is the problem that the weight of the glacier has pushed the bedrock down below sea level. It is quite likely that sea water will rapidly intrude under the glacier separating it from the bedrock. This will result in several century's worth of sea level rise taking place in a matter of a few months.

If you partially fill a glass with a mixture of water and ice and then wait, you will find that when the ice melts, the level of water in the glass is unaffected. If you fill a glass with ice cubes and a little water but not enough to float the ice off the bottom of the glass, the melting ice WILL raise the level of water.
Doesn't matter, see post #22.
Patience is required. Within 30 years everything will be proven wrong by colder temperatures. Climate fluctuations and environmental uncertainty are hallmarks of our bipolar glaciated world.
Recycling that stupidity again? It's been years since deniers have been able to come up with any sort original kookery.

The right-wing rush to authoritarianism has sucked all the energy out of denialism. Destroying democracy and implementing a christofascist utopia is way more exciting than mumbling about climate, so all the propaganda energy of the right is getting directed that way.
Have you accepted CO2 as your Lord and Savior?
Patience is required. Within 30 years everything will be proven wrong by colder temperatures. Climate fluctuations and environmental uncertainty are hallmarks of our bipolar glaciated world.
We only have 9 years left before, er, um, well...
Isostatic rebound alters sea level anyhow. So these predictions of sea level heights after ice melting are not accurate whatsoever. Probably better odds winning the lottery than predicting future sea levels
Isostatic rebound in Antarctica will RAISE sea level.
Doesn't matter, see post #22.

Patience is required. Within 30 years everything will be proven wrong by colder temperatures. Climate fluctuations and environmental uncertainty are hallmarks of our bipolar glaciated world.
You keep saying that (and other things) without ANY explanation as to why you believe that to be true. I, for one, am not particularly inclined to simply take your word for it, particularly when every single one of the world's scientists would disagree with you if they knew you existed. That you're apparently unable to explain why anyone should believe you beyond simply saying it's so should make YOU doubt the conclusions you've come to.
You keep saying that (and other things) without ANY explanation as to why you believe that to be true. I, for one, am not particularly inclined to simply take your word for it, particularly when every single one of the world's scientists would disagree with you if they knew you existed. That you're apparently unable to explain why anyone should believe you beyond simply saying it's so should make YOU doubt the conclusions you've come to.
You literally live on an icehouse planet. I’ve explained it many times. Northern hemisphere glaciation dominates the climate of the planet. Plate tectonics isolated the polar regions from the warm ocean currents. The southern pole has a continent parked over it with an ocean surrounding it. Land over the pole lowers the threshold for glaciation. The ocean surrounding it limits the extent of glaciation. The northern pole has an ocean parked over it which is isolated from warm ocean currents by the land which surround it. The ocean parked over it causes it to have a higher threshold for glaciation but the surrounding lands allow for extensive continental glaciation to occur once the threshold temperature is reached. The planet is uniquely configured for cooler temperatures.
Isostatic rebound alters sea level anyhow.
No. Isostatic change affects whether the local land rises or falls relative to sea level, but it doesn't affect global sea level.

Earth's mantle material is incompressible. Think of it as being like play-doh. If the crust rises in one spot, it has to go down in another spot. Canada rise, but the northern USA sinks. Globally, there's no net change in the size of ocean basins, so there's no sea level change.
No. Isostatic change affects whether the local land rises or falls relative to sea level, but it doesn't affect global sea level.

Earth's mantle material is incompressible. Think of it as being like play-doh. If the crust rises in one spot, it has to go down in another spot. Canada rise, but the northern USA sinks. Globally, there's no net change in the size of ocean basins, so there's no sea level change.
The isostatic depression under Antarctica has taken a continental surface and depressed it below sea level. In effect, that depression increased the volume of the ocean basin. When it rebounds, the volume of the basin will decrease. This all depends on my fairly uninformed belief (ie, I could certainly be wrong here) that the requisite sinking will be taking place on other continental surfaces in the region (ie, under the ice).

And, of course, it's not as if that depression is going to rebound catastrophically. If the entire WAIS disappeared it would still take thousands of years for the surface to normalize.
You keep saying that (and other things) without ANY explanation as to why you believe that to be true. I, for one, am not particularly inclined to simply take your word for it, particularly when every single one of the world's scientists would disagree with you if they knew you existed. That you're apparently unable to explain why anyone should believe you beyond simply saying it's so should make YOU doubt the conclusions you've come to.
When you say things like "every single of the world's scientists...." it sound doubtful, at best
When you say things like "every single of the world's scientists...." it sound doubtful, at best
I thought about it as I was writing it and concluded that the percentage is so high (greater than 99%) that it was pointless to spend the effort necessary to qualify it further. If you think not, name a single real scientist (degreed, published) who agrees with Ding's assertions.
I thought about it as I was writing it and concluded that the percentage is so high (greater than 99%) that it was pointless to spend the effort necessary to qualify it further. If you think not, name a single real scientist (degreed, published) who agrees with Ding's assertions.
Greater than 99% believe what exactly?

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