OMG! New Poll in Wisconsin shows Trump ahead by many points and the lead is growing!

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!

Find something more substantial. There is literally no evidence that Cruz would lose tonight. I mean other than the single outlier poll that you wanted to believe in.
From McGarrett's link.....

People voting for Donald Trump in today’s Wisconsin primary are seeing their ballots changed to show a vote for Ted Cruz.

Calls began flooding in early this morning to Madison-based ABC affiliate WKOW with reports of voting machines across the state switching votes entered for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump to his establishment counterpart Ted Cruz. The station has spoken with multiple witnesses and is in the process of verifying statements from Burnett, Clark, Dane, Polk and Portage counties.

According to one witness identified as Jeremy Rogers from Burnett county, “It was the strangest thing. The machine literally would not allow me to vote Trump. I have been a Trump supporter since he launched his campaign and have absolutely no reason to vote for Cruz. I have heard the same from several others coming out of the voting booth. Seems like the establishment will stop at nothing to keep this out of the hands of Trump.”

Brian James, a volunteer and self-professed Cruz supporter who is overseeing the voting at the Burnett county location, had this to say, “These allegations have no basis in reality. If these Trump supporters cannot figure out how to use a voting machine maybe they shouldn’t be voting.”

All eyes have been focused on Wisconsin as many pundits view the state as the last best chance in the “Stop Trump” movement. Members of the establishment have done everything possible to stop Trump from earning the 1237 delegates needed to secure the parties nomination during the first ballot at the Cleveland Convention and Wisconsin is seen as crucial to the cause.

According to polling, Mr. Cruz is ahead of the state and is riding a wave of support from Governor Scott Walker and the large conservative radio network that controls the state.

Former Trump advisor Roger Stone has vowed to set up a network of volunteers to investigate any reports of fraud.

As of presstime, no response has yet been released by either the Cruz or the Trump campaigns.

Another shady source and you're running with it after the bad ARG poll? Wow, I guess you'll never learn.

Stop your crying,and whining little troll, UMP is as legitimate as your DemoRAT Underground! LOLOLOLOL!!!!

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!

Find something more substantial. There is literally no evidence that Cruz would lose tonight. I mean other than the single outlier poll that you wanted to believe in.

YOU find something that YOU like and we'll laugh at it as being unsubstantial.... Stupid troll!~ LOLOLOL!

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!
Utah had all kinds of reports of shanigans going on.

Trump is getting robbed but he can still win it.

I dont care so much any more as the whole system is rotted to the core.

Wand what do you do with a building that has extensive dry rot through all its load bearing walls?

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!
Wow dude. I tried to give you some slack and what do you do? You clear out the Reynolds Wrap warehouse of its current stock

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!
Utah had all kinds of reports of shanigans going on.

Trump is getting robbed but he can still win it.

I dont care so much any more as the whole system is rotted to the core.

Wand what do you do with a building that has extensive dry rot through all its load bearing walls?

Yes, it does appear that there really isn't much difference between the Establishment of either party, both CROOKS!
From McGarrett's link.....

People voting for Donald Trump in today’s Wisconsin primary are seeing their ballots changed to show a vote for Ted Cruz.

Calls began flooding in early this morning to Madison-based ABC affiliate WKOW with reports of voting machines across the state switching votes entered for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump to his establishment counterpart Ted Cruz. The station has spoken with multiple witnesses and is in the process of verifying statements from Burnett, Clark, Dane, Polk and Portage counties.

According to one witness identified as Jeremy Rogers from Burnett county, “It was the strangest thing. The machine literally would not allow me to vote Trump. I have been a Trump supporter since he launched his campaign and have absolutely no reason to vote for Cruz. I have heard the same from several others coming out of the voting booth. Seems like the establishment will stop at nothing to keep this out of the hands of Trump.”

Brian James, a volunteer and self-professed Cruz supporter who is overseeing the voting at the Burnett county location, had this to say, “These allegations have no basis in reality. If these Trump supporters cannot figure out how to use a voting machine maybe they shouldn’t be voting.”

All eyes have been focused on Wisconsin as many pundits view the state as the last best chance in the “Stop Trump” movement. Members of the establishment have done everything possible to stop Trump from earning the 1237 delegates needed to secure the parties nomination during the first ballot at the Cleveland Convention and Wisconsin is seen as crucial to the cause.

According to polling, Mr. Cruz is ahead of the state and is riding a wave of support from Governor Scott Walker and the large conservative radio network that controls the state.

Former Trump advisor Roger Stone has vowed to set up a network of volunteers to investigate any reports of fraud.

As of presstime, no response has yet been released by either the Cruz or the Trump campaigns.

Another shady source and you're running with it after the bad ARG poll? Wow, I guess you'll never learn.

Stop your crying,and whining little troll, UMP is as legitimate as your DemoRAT Underground! LOLOLOLOL!!!!

I wouldn't use Democratic Underground as it's not a news source, derp.
Rand Paul will support Donald Trump if he’s the nominee
Hot ^ | April 3, 2016 | TAYLOR MILLARD

You can add Rand Paul to the list of Republicans who say they’ll support Donald Trump if he ends up being the GOP nominee. Paul made his pledge on Friday during a stop in Northern Kentucky. Via Cincinnati Enquirer:

Paul, during a visit to Northern Kentucky Friday morning, said he will support whoever is the Republican nominee, even if it’s Donald Trump. He said it’s better than supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Paul criticized Clinton’s comments she made while campaigning in Ohio that she will “put a lot of coal companies and coal miners out of business.” Those words will likely reverberate around the state in the next few months and could hurt Clinton.

“I think we never get the candidate we exactly want unless you’re the candidate,” Paul said. “Think about it from this perspective. I’m from Kentucky, and Hillary Clinton recently said she would put coal miners out of business, and she would put coal companies out of business.”

Paul ended the press conference after that and didn’t take follow-up questions.

He isn’t the only libertarian-leaning politician to make the comments. Congressman Thomas Massie told Reason in January he’d vote for Trump, even though he doesn’t like him.

“Well, if it’s between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, I will most certainly vote for Donald Trump, I can tell you that. Or Bernie Sanders, or literally anybody on the Democrat side. So there you have it.”

Massie’s comrade-in-arms, Michigan Congressman Justin Amash, wasn’t as forthcoming only promising to Reason he won’t vote for Hillary Clinton because he thinks “she would be the worst president of my lifetime.” He was still pretty coy on whether he’d vote for Trump.

“But yeah, I’m not going to say who I would vote for on Election Day if Trump were the Republican nominee. I’ve always been a proud Republican and have voted for Republican nominees I didn’t always agree with on a whole bunch of issues, but I think we can do better.”

Paul’s decision to say he’d support Trump has gotten criticism. One libertarian I’m friends with took a shot at both Paul and Massie on her Facebook page writing “SOS” after I pointed out Massie’s comments (I’ll let you guess what “SOS” means). Eric Levitz wrote a piece at New York Magazine entitled “Principle Libertarian Pledges to Support Authoritarian Strongman in November.” I’m certainly not happy with Paul’s comments, and do not believe any conservative or libertarian should be supporting the authoritarian Trump.

So why aren’t Paul and Massie taking more of a Ben Sasse or Ron Paul approach and joining the #NeverTrump movement? The answer is simply politics. Both Paul and Massie are up for re-election this year in a state where Trump is enjoying a ton of support. Massie even told The Daily Independent how disturbing it was to see those who support him are also in favor of Trump.

“Donald Trump is a big middle finger to Washington, D.C.,” Massie said. “I understand. I have to be careful because the guy is polling at 30 plus percent and in the Fourth District, Donald Trump supporters are my supporters.”..

Massie is often described as Libertarian, but now he is unsure if the wave of support was actually for those ideas or it was, perhaps, something else that inspired voters.

“I’m thinking, ‘Wow, the American public really seems to like these Libertarian ideas,’ and then Donald Trump runs and he gets all of their (Rand Paul and Ron Paul) voters, he gets all of my voters. I’m thinking, ‘No, they’re just voting for the craziest guy in the race,’” he said and the audience laughed. “It was very sobering for me. I’m that guy.”

He said he understands Americans’ frustrations with government, which may lead some voters to rank Rand Paul as their first choice for president and Donald Trump as their second.

“I know a lot of people who are going to vote for Rand Paul for president who say Trump is their second choice. They couldn’t be more different in terms of substance. One (Rand) is all about substance and the other (Trump) is nothing about substance. It concerns me,” Massie said.

Massie understands the difference between people voting anti-establishment for the sake of being anti-establishment versus voting anti-establishment because they agree with the candidate’s principles. Paul understands this too, which is probably why he made the comment on Trump. Sasse and Ron Paul can make their #NeverTrump declarations because they’re not running for re-election. They’re allowed to stand on principle, while Massie and Rand Paul can’t exactly do that because they’ve got votes to think about. It’s an unfortunate case of having to play politics to stay in office. Massie is taking on Calvin Sidle and will hopefully win. Paul is taking on Lexington Mayor Jim Gray and will hopefully win. I don’t think either wants to see Trump ascend to the White House, but I can’t fault them for their comments. It also doesn’t mean they’ll actually vote for Trump come November, but it might depend on what the polls are saying IF Trump is the GOP nominee against Clinton or Bernie Sanders. I’m definitely disappointed in both of them for their comments, but I completely understand it. After all, it’s politics.

Another poll of your's that didn't work out--LOL

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!
Wow dude. I tried to give you some slack and what do you do? You clear out the Reynolds Wrap warehouse of its current stock

Much more fun showing the troll off for what he is! I congratulate Ted and all this fucktard wants to talk about is a past poll I posted!

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!
Wow dude. I tried to give you some slack and what do you do? You clear out the Reynolds Wrap warehouse of its current stock

Much more fun showing the troll off for what he is! I congratulate Ted and all this fucktard wants to talk about is a past poll I posted!
Are you seriously calling me a troll?
From McGarrett's link.....

People voting for Donald Trump in today’s Wisconsin primary are seeing their ballots changed to show a vote for Ted Cruz.

Calls began flooding in early this morning to Madison-based ABC affiliate WKOW with reports of voting machines across the state switching votes entered for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump to his establishment counterpart Ted Cruz. The station has spoken with multiple witnesses and is in the process of verifying statements from Burnett, Clark, Dane, Polk and Portage counties.

According to one witness identified as Jeremy Rogers from Burnett county, “It was the strangest thing. The machine literally would not allow me to vote Trump. I have been a Trump supporter since he launched his campaign and have absolutely no reason to vote for Cruz. I have heard the same from several others coming out of the voting booth. Seems like the establishment will stop at nothing to keep this out of the hands of Trump.”

Brian James, a volunteer and self-professed Cruz supporter who is overseeing the voting at the Burnett county location, had this to say, “These allegations have no basis in reality. If these Trump supporters cannot figure out how to use a voting machine maybe they shouldn’t be voting.”

All eyes have been focused on Wisconsin as many pundits view the state as the last best chance in the “Stop Trump” movement. Members of the establishment have done everything possible to stop Trump from earning the 1237 delegates needed to secure the parties nomination during the first ballot at the Cleveland Convention and Wisconsin is seen as crucial to the cause.

According to polling, Mr. Cruz is ahead of the state and is riding a wave of support from Governor Scott Walker and the large conservative radio network that controls the state.

Former Trump advisor Roger Stone has vowed to set up a network of volunteers to investigate any reports of fraud.

As of presstime, no response has yet been released by either the Cruz or the Trump campaigns.

Another shady source and you're running with it after the bad ARG poll? Wow, I guess you'll never learn.

Stop your crying,and whining little troll, UMP is as legitimate as your DemoRAT Underground! LOLOLOLOL!!!!

I wouldn't use Democratic Underground as it's not a news source, derp.

Of course it is, with LINKS just like here! How stupid are you... don't answer, we already know!

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!
Wow dude. I tried to give you some slack and what do you do? You clear out the Reynolds Wrap warehouse of its current stock

Much more fun showing the troll off for what he is! I congratulate Ted and all this fucktard wants to talk about is a past poll I posted!
Are you seriously calling me a troll?

Not you, the Happy Meal!

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!
Wow dude. I tried to give you some slack and what do you do? You clear out the Reynolds Wrap warehouse of its current stock

Much more fun showing the troll off for what he is! I congratulate Ted and all this fucktard wants to talk about is a past poll I posted!

This has to do with a dubious source someone else posted.
Nice source. Trump lost, it's not a surprise, stop making excuses for the great white dope.

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!
Wow dude. I tried to give you some slack and what do you do? You clear out the Reynolds Wrap warehouse of its current stock

Much more fun showing the troll off for what he is! I congratulate Ted and all this fucktard wants to talk about is a past poll I posted!
Are you seriously calling me a troll?

Not you, the Happy Meal!
Don't be a coward, like Trump, speak your mind...
Rand Paul will support Donald Trump if he’s the nominee
Hot ^ | April 3, 2016 | TAYLOR MILLARD

You can add Rand Paul to the list of Republicans who say they’ll support Donald Trump if he ends up being the GOP nominee. Paul made his pledge on Friday during a stop in Northern Kentucky. Via Cincinnati Enquirer:

Paul, during a visit to Northern Kentucky Friday morning, said he will support whoever is the Republican nominee, even if it’s Donald Trump. He said it’s better than supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Paul criticized Clinton’s comments she made while campaigning in Ohio that she will “put a lot of coal companies and coal miners out of business.” Those words will likely reverberate around the state in the next few months and could hurt Clinton.

“I think we never get the candidate we exactly want unless you’re the candidate,” Paul said. “Think about it from this perspective. I’m from Kentucky, and Hillary Clinton recently said she would put coal miners out of business, and she would put coal companies out of business.”

Paul ended the press conference after that and didn’t take follow-up questions.

He isn’t the only libertarian-leaning politician to make the comments. Congressman Thomas Massie told Reason in January he’d vote for Trump, even though he doesn’t like him.

“Well, if it’s between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, I will most certainly vote for Donald Trump, I can tell you that. Or Bernie Sanders, or literally anybody on the Democrat side. So there you have it.”

Massie’s comrade-in-arms, Michigan Congressman Justin Amash, wasn’t as forthcoming only promising to Reason he won’t vote for Hillary Clinton because he thinks “she would be the worst president of my lifetime.” He was still pretty coy on whether he’d vote for Trump.

“But yeah, I’m not going to say who I would vote for on Election Day if Trump were the Republican nominee. I’ve always been a proud Republican and have voted for Republican nominees I didn’t always agree with on a whole bunch of issues, but I think we can do better.”

Paul’s decision to say he’d support Trump has gotten criticism. One libertarian I’m friends with took a shot at both Paul and Massie on her Facebook page writing “SOS” after I pointed out Massie’s comments (I’ll let you guess what “SOS” means). Eric Levitz wrote a piece at New York Magazine entitled “Principle Libertarian Pledges to Support Authoritarian Strongman in November.” I’m certainly not happy with Paul’s comments, and do not believe any conservative or libertarian should be supporting the authoritarian Trump.

So why aren’t Paul and Massie taking more of a Ben Sasse or Ron Paul approach and joining the #NeverTrump movement? The answer is simply politics. Both Paul and Massie are up for re-election this year in a state where Trump is enjoying a ton of support. Massie even told The Daily Independent how disturbing it was to see those who support him are also in favor of Trump.

“Donald Trump is a big middle finger to Washington, D.C.,” Massie said. “I understand. I have to be careful because the guy is polling at 30 plus percent and in the Fourth District, Donald Trump supporters are my supporters.”..

Massie is often described as Libertarian, but now he is unsure if the wave of support was actually for those ideas or it was, perhaps, something else that inspired voters.

“I’m thinking, ‘Wow, the American public really seems to like these Libertarian ideas,’ and then Donald Trump runs and he gets all of their (Rand Paul and Ron Paul) voters, he gets all of my voters. I’m thinking, ‘No, they’re just voting for the craziest guy in the race,’” he said and the audience laughed. “It was very sobering for me. I’m that guy.”

He said he understands Americans’ frustrations with government, which may lead some voters to rank Rand Paul as their first choice for president and Donald Trump as their second.

“I know a lot of people who are going to vote for Rand Paul for president who say Trump is their second choice. They couldn’t be more different in terms of substance. One (Rand) is all about substance and the other (Trump) is nothing about substance. It concerns me,” Massie said.

Massie understands the difference between people voting anti-establishment for the sake of being anti-establishment versus voting anti-establishment because they agree with the candidate’s principles. Paul understands this too, which is probably why he made the comment on Trump. Sasse and Ron Paul can make their #NeverTrump declarations because they’re not running for re-election. They’re allowed to stand on principle, while Massie and Rand Paul can’t exactly do that because they’ve got votes to think about. It’s an unfortunate case of having to play politics to stay in office. Massie is taking on Calvin Sidle and will hopefully win. Paul is taking on Lexington Mayor Jim Gray and will hopefully win. I don’t think either wants to see Trump ascend to the White House, but I can’t fault them for their comments. It also doesn’t mean they’ll actually vote for Trump come November, but it might depend on what the polls are saying IF Trump is the GOP nominee against Clinton or Bernie Sanders. I’m definitely disappointed in both of them for their comments, but I completely understand it. After all, it’s politics.

Another poll of your's that didn't work out--LOL

Not my poll idiot, I only post them, and have nothing to do with what's inside... but even a demented dwarf like you knew that!

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!
Wow dude. I tried to give you some slack and what do you do? You clear out the Reynolds Wrap warehouse of its current stock

Much more fun showing the troll off for what he is! I congratulate Ted and all this fucktard wants to talk about is a past poll I posted!

This has to do with a dubious source someone else posted.
Only dubious to you, and your subversive friends, others find it for what it is, information.
From McGarrett's link.....

People voting for Donald Trump in today’s Wisconsin primary are seeing their ballots changed to show a vote for Ted Cruz.

Calls began flooding in early this morning to Madison-based ABC affiliate WKOW with reports of voting machines across the state switching votes entered for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump to his establishment counterpart Ted Cruz. The station has spoken with multiple witnesses and is in the process of verifying statements from Burnett, Clark, Dane, Polk and Portage counties.

According to one witness identified as Jeremy Rogers from Burnett county, “It was the strangest thing. The machine literally would not allow me to vote Trump. I have been a Trump supporter since he launched his campaign and have absolutely no reason to vote for Cruz. I have heard the same from several others coming out of the voting booth. Seems like the establishment will stop at nothing to keep this out of the hands of Trump.”

Brian James, a volunteer and self-professed Cruz supporter who is overseeing the voting at the Burnett county location, had this to say, “These allegations have no basis in reality. If these Trump supporters cannot figure out how to use a voting machine maybe they shouldn’t be voting.”

All eyes have been focused on Wisconsin as many pundits view the state as the last best chance in the “Stop Trump” movement. Members of the establishment have done everything possible to stop Trump from earning the 1237 delegates needed to secure the parties nomination during the first ballot at the Cleveland Convention and Wisconsin is seen as crucial to the cause.

According to polling, Mr. Cruz is ahead of the state and is riding a wave of support from Governor Scott Walker and the large conservative radio network that controls the state.

Former Trump advisor Roger Stone has vowed to set up a network of volunteers to investigate any reports of fraud.

As of presstime, no response has yet been released by either the Cruz or the Trump campaigns.

Another shady source and you're running with it after the bad ARG poll? Wow, I guess you'll never learn.

Stop your crying,and whining little troll, UMP is as legitimate as your DemoRAT Underground! LOLOLOLOL!!!!

I wouldn't use Democratic Underground as it's not a news source, derp.

Of course it is, with LINKS just like here! How stupid are you... don't answer, we already know!

You have a pretty shoddy idea of what a valid source is. DU is like USMB, not a news source.
Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!
Wow dude. I tried to give you some slack and what do you do? You clear out the Reynolds Wrap warehouse of its current stock

Much more fun showing the troll off for what he is! I congratulate Ted and all this fucktard wants to talk about is a past poll I posted!
Are you seriously calling me a troll?

Not you, the Happy Meal!
Don't be a coward, like Trump, speak your mind...
For the second time I was referring to Happy Meal, did I make that clear to you?
From McGarrett's link.....

People voting for Donald Trump in today’s Wisconsin primary are seeing their ballots changed to show a vote for Ted Cruz.

Calls began flooding in early this morning to Madison-based ABC affiliate WKOW with reports of voting machines across the state switching votes entered for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump to his establishment counterpart Ted Cruz. The station has spoken with multiple witnesses and is in the process of verifying statements from Burnett, Clark, Dane, Polk and Portage counties.

According to one witness identified as Jeremy Rogers from Burnett county, “It was the strangest thing. The machine literally would not allow me to vote Trump. I have been a Trump supporter since he launched his campaign and have absolutely no reason to vote for Cruz. I have heard the same from several others coming out of the voting booth. Seems like the establishment will stop at nothing to keep this out of the hands of Trump.”

Brian James, a volunteer and self-professed Cruz supporter who is overseeing the voting at the Burnett county location, had this to say, “These allegations have no basis in reality. If these Trump supporters cannot figure out how to use a voting machine maybe they shouldn’t be voting.”

All eyes have been focused on Wisconsin as many pundits view the state as the last best chance in the “Stop Trump” movement. Members of the establishment have done everything possible to stop Trump from earning the 1237 delegates needed to secure the parties nomination during the first ballot at the Cleveland Convention and Wisconsin is seen as crucial to the cause.

According to polling, Mr. Cruz is ahead of the state and is riding a wave of support from Governor Scott Walker and the large conservative radio network that controls the state.

Former Trump advisor Roger Stone has vowed to set up a network of volunteers to investigate any reports of fraud.

As of presstime, no response has yet been released by either the Cruz or the Trump campaigns.

Another shady source and you're running with it after the bad ARG poll? Wow, I guess you'll never learn.

Stop your crying,and whining little troll, UMP is as legitimate as your DemoRAT Underground! LOLOLOLOL!!!!

I wouldn't use Democratic Underground as it's not a news source, derp.

Of course it is, with LINKS just like here! How stupid are you... don't answer, we already know!

You have a pretty shoddy idea of what a valid source is. DU is like USMB, not a news source.

Perhaps this is why you are so stupid, people post all sorts of NEWS in here, not just bullshitting and trolling as you do!

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!

Find something more substantial. There is literally no evidence that Cruz would lose tonight. I mean other than the single outlier poll that you wanted to believe in.

YOU find something that YOU like and we'll laugh at it as being unsubstantial.... Stupid troll!~ LOLOLOL!
How's your Drumpf win tonite?

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