
Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
How CAN this be?

I mean this headline:

Mounting Crises Raise Questions on Obama Team’s Ability to Cope

Obviously from FOX News! But it's not. It's from The New York Times, a lighthouse for liberals. OMG, read. libs and weep! But do it quietly, please:

"At a time when the Obama administration is lurching from crisis to crisis — a new Cold War in Europe, a brutal Islamic caliphate in the Middle East and a deadly epidemic in West Africa, to name just the most obvious ones — it is not surprising that long-term strategy would take a back seat. But it raises inevitable questions about the ability of the president and his hard-pressed national security team to manage and somehow get ahead of the daily onslaught of events."

"Early stumbles in the government’s handling of the Ebola crisis as well as its belated response to the Islamic State have fueled speculation that Mr. Obama may shake up his team, which is stocked with battle-tested but exhausted White House loyalists and cabinet members, like Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel,..."

Imagine that! The New York Times has turned on its former Messianic Fearless Leader. Can Armageddon be far behind?

(Note, bold-facing added to assist comprehensionally challenged leftists get the drift)

Read... libs....

As if they have the critical thinking skills to actually process what they're reading. They're programmed to reject information that compromises their false reality.
George Bush was Time Magazine's man of the year in 1999. The NYT supported all of the administration's claims leading up to our invasion of Iraq.

In the media, it's what is called a story arc. You build a president up into a god during his first 4 years. You break him down into a villain during his last 4 years. Usually, somewhere in the middle exists the truth. Years later, when the old ex-president is walking with a cane, you go back to the idea that the guy wasn't so bad after all. That's the media, and the nature of political theater.

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