OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

The whole despicable Democrat-manufactured Moore meme, is rapidly falling apart. One accuser just admitted to forging the yearbook inscription attributed to Moore. It's now time to go after Allred and have her disbarred once and for all. Her behavior has been extremely unethical.

how many different Trump lemmings are going to repeat this same fucking lie in an hour? Damn, does the GOP have like a blast email with talking points so you hacks know what to post on the forums?

. A forged yearbook inscription and a rumor alleging Moore may have hugged a girl 40yrs ago? That somehow = 'Moore's a child rapist?'.

'a rumor alleging Moore may have hugged a girl 40 years ago? Is 'hug' your euphemism' for when a 32 year old man take the hand of a 14 year old girl and places it on his erection?

And is 'rumor' your euphemism for the woman openly identifying herself and directly accusing him?

You have no evidence whatsoever that Moore is a 'Child Rapist.' It's a heinous unforgivable accusation. And for what? So you guys can steal a Senate Seat? You're disgusting people. Period, end of story.

When did I call him a 'child rapist'? No woman has accused him of rape. One woman has accused Moore of attempted rape when she was 16- another of sexual molestation when she was 14 years old.

Of course you are the one who said the accusation that Moore took the hand of a 14 year old and put it on his erection was just a 'rumor about him hugging a girl 40 years ago'

'a rumor alleging Moore may have hugged a girl 40 years ago? Is 'hug' your euphemism' for when a 32 year old man take the hand of a 14 year old girl and places it on his erection?

And is 'rumor' your euphemism for the woman openly identifying herself and directly accusing him?

What is disgusting is that you think that sexual molestation is just another form of hugging. You are disgusting.
It eas not a good time to be a woman or a native Americsn or black.

Correction, it’s not a good time to be a Democrat. Everyone else is great, no matter their skin color.
You think the 19th century was great for those groups?

The odd thing about Moore's remark was that he chose a time period before there ever existed a Republican President.

And that Democrats controlled Alabama.

Clearly Moore thought that the best period of time for families in Alabama was before there was a Republican government- and while Democrats were in charge.

You guys are so ignorant, I wonder how you have the brainpower to put one foot in front of the other.

And by so ignorant you mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"

Your post is the most awkward arrangement of logical fallacies and non-sequituers imaginable. If you weren’t a fucking moron, I’d call it comedy.
what caveat is that? that "despite slavery".... ?

that isn't a caveat. that shows that what he thinks is great applies only to people who look like him.

cause i don't know about you, but when my grandmother came here, she thought it was pretty good because it was better than Russia and drunk anti-semites didn't break her windows on sundays after they got lit. but reality was that at 12 she went to work in a sweat shop doing piecework.

I'm pretty sure she'd have said America was better a year ago than it was in 1912.... or any time before that.

Not to worry Jilly - Ever heard of "locker room material". When an opposing football coach or player badmouths a team they're about to play, it gets posted in the locker room as inspiration.

This is locker room material that'll get the black vote out in droves :wink_2:
Correction, it’s not a good time to be a Democrat. Everyone else is great, no matter their skin color.
You think the 19th century was great for those groups?

The odd thing about Moore's remark was that he chose a time period before there ever existed a Republican President.

And that Democrats controlled Alabama.

Clearly Moore thought that the best period of time for families in Alabama was before there was a Republican government- and while Democrats were in charge.

You guys are so ignorant, I wonder how you have the brainpower to put one foot in front of the other.

And by so ignorant you mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"

Your post is the most awkward arrangement of logical fallacies and non-sequituers imaginable. If you weren’t a fucking moron, I’d call it comedy.
And by so awkward you mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"
You think the 19th century was great for those groups?

The odd thing about Moore's remark was that he chose a time period before there ever existed a Republican President.

And that Democrats controlled Alabama.

Clearly Moore thought that the best period of time for families in Alabama was before there was a Republican government- and while Democrats were in charge.

You guys are so ignorant, I wonder how you have the brainpower to put one foot in front of the other.

And by so ignorant you mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"

Your post is the most awkward arrangement of logical fallacies and non-sequituers imaginable. If you weren’t a fucking moron, I’d call it comedy.
And by so awkward you mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"

No, what I mean is exactly what I said. You want to stay stupid, then don’t listen. I don’t really care about you at all.
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

What time period do you think was so great?

According to blacks they are still oppressed. So any time period will be one where blacks were oppressed.

I guess if he would had answered, ”Never, America has never been great because we have always opppressed blacks”, then you would be applauding him?

Yeah. I think blacks still prefer a time when they aren't whipped, raped, murdered and forced into slave labor. I'm just throwing assumptions out there. :dunno:

Did that happen? Yes. Was it commonplace? No.

The Old South plantation idea of slavery depicted in popular books and movies did not generally exist in the South. Most slave owners had few slaves and those slaves worked in the fields or in the homes alongside their owners. Mistreating them made no sense to the owners.

Who exactly was doing all of that to the slaves while the men had gone off to fight in the War or the Northern Aggression?
Did that happen? Yes. Was it commonplace? No.

The Old South plantation idea of slavery depicted in popular books and movies did not generally exist in the South. Most slave owners had few slaves and those slaves worked in the fields or in the homes alongside their owners. Mistreating them made no sense to the owners.

Who exactly was doing all of that to the slaves while the men had gone off to fight in the War or the Northern Aggression?

Sorry Tory .. but it was indeed commonplace. Northern aggression? LoL

Slave Punishments
Slaves Were Often Tortured to Death! Examples…

Edjumucate thyself
“I think it was great at the time when families were united -- even though we had slavery -- they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.” - Roy Moore
“I think it was great at the time when families were united -- even though we were gassing Jews -- they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.” - Adolf Hitler, reminiscing from his hideout in Argentina
Is that truly something Hitler said?
It's an allegory, to help you tards understand the gravity of what Moore said.

And it looks like it STILL goes over your pointy heads.
You tards:
"You tards!?!" You need to check yourself! That, or finish or return to high school. I am the wrong person to say that to while also having no portfolio of your own remarks., that is to say, while not knowing WTF you're talking about.
Before you call me a "tard," you would do well to find out what I've had to say about the matter under discussion. If you read the content in the posts above, you'll find that while I take specific exception with regard to Roy Moore's continued presence in the AL senatorial race, I also find odious that key leaders and "grass roots" members of his party hypocritically defend him. Moreover, I see the matter as transcending Roy Moore or Donald Trump or any other single individual; in my mind, disingenuousness plagues the current composition of the GOP's membership.

I saw that the member purported to have quoted Hitler and I was incredulous that Hitler said it; thus I asked if the quote was genuine. The member responded that it is. I had nothing else to say about it because (1) although the other member did attest to the statement being genuinely Hitler's, s/he provided no credible reference corroborating that his statement is indeed an authentic Hitler quote, and (2) the "conspiracy theory" about Hitler escaping to South America, AFAIK, has not been incontrovertibly confirmed.
Quoted directly from his hideout in Argentina
Was the other member trying to be funny or sarcastic? I have no idea. S/he didn't give any indication of being so. Thus, as far as I'm concerned, the alleged quotation is, IMO, every bit as apocryphal now as it was when I posed the question about its authenticity. Also, IMO, the other member may at times be willing -- in response to a sincere, direct and straightforward question -- at best to propone and spread sophistic information, or at worst to flat-out lie . Can I say which character trait, or some other between the two, is so or which is more likely so? No, not yet.​
No, writing word-for-word what someone said and attributing those words to that person, dead or alive, does not an allegory make; it produces a quotation. There is nothing symbolic about repeating someone else's words.
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The odd thing about Moore's remark was that he chose a time period before there ever existed a Republican President.

And that Democrats controlled Alabama.

Clearly Moore thought that the best period of time for families in Alabama was before there was a Republican government- and while Democrats were in charge.

You guys are so ignorant, I wonder how you have the brainpower to put one foot in front of the other.

And by so ignorant you mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"

Your post is the most awkward arrangement of logical fallacies and non-sequituers imaginable. If you weren’t a fucking moron, I’d call it comedy.
And by so awkward you mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"

No, what I mean is exactly what I said. You want to stay stupid, then don’t listen. I don’t really care about you at all.

And by "I don't really care about you at all you reall mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"
Did that happen? Yes. Was it commonplace? No.

The Old South plantation idea of slavery depicted in popular books and movies did not generally exist in the South. Most slave owners had few slaves and those slaves worked in the fields or in the homes alongside their owners. Mistreating them made no sense to the owners.

Who exactly was doing all of that to the slaves while the men had gone off to fight in the War or the Northern Aggression?

Sorry Tory .. but it was indeed commonplace. Northern aggression? LoL

Slave Punishments
Slaves Were Often Tortured to Death! Examples…

Edjumucate thyself

Stupidity run amuck!

How about a source not written by some obvious whack job?

Remember "Uncle Tom's Cabin"? It was in reality a work of fiction. The author had never ventured south of northern Kentucky. So what did she base her extensive writing on?
The Republican Party is going to carry this indelible shitstain on their reputation for a very long time.


What he means is that he will keep bringing it up. It doesn’t mean that there is one shred of proof that it happened. We know now that it’s likely false.
Once again- testimony is evidence. And yes- there is a direct accusation that Moore sexually molested a 14 year old girl 40 years ago when he was in his 30's.

Does Alabama care? I doubt it .
Stupidity run amuck!

How about a source not written by some obvious whack job?

Remember "Uncle Tom's Cabin"? It was in reality a work of fiction. The author had never ventured south of northern Kentucky. So what did she base her extensive writing on?

We have VOLUMES of historical evidence of such from people who were THERE. Were you there? If not, kindly STFU ;)
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

What time period do you think was so great?

According to blacks they are still oppressed. So any time period will be one where blacks were oppressed.

I guess if he would had answered, ”Never, America has never been great because we have always opppressed blacks”, then you would be applauding him?

Yeah. I think blacks still prefer a time when they aren't whipped, raped, murdered and forced into slave labor. I'm just throwing assumptions out there. :dunno:

Did that happen? Yes. Was it commonplace? No.

The Old South plantation idea of slavery depicted in popular books and movies did not generally exist in the South. Most slave owners had few slaves and those slaves worked in the fields or in the homes alongside their owners. Mistreating them made no sense to the owners.

Who exactly was doing all of that to the slaves while the men had gone off to fight in the War or the Northern Aggression?

Of course it didn't commonly exist. Which is why of course slaves were never trying to escape, and that the Southern Slave states had no beef with Northern slave states not returning their slaves.

And of course rape didn't commonly exist- which is why African Americans today are generally 100% black with no white blood at all.......

Life was just one big party for slaves in the South

You guys are so ignorant, I wonder how you have the brainpower to put one foot in front of the other.

And by so ignorant you mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"

Your post is the most awkward arrangement of logical fallacies and non-sequituers imaginable. If you weren’t a fucking moron, I’d call it comedy.
And by so awkward you mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"

No, what I mean is exactly what I said. You want to stay stupid, then don’t listen. I don’t really care about you at all.

And by "I don't really care about you at all you reall mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"

You choose to stay stupid. Hey, it’s a free country.

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