OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

Stupidity run amuck!

How about a source not written by some obvious whack job?

Remember "Uncle Tom's Cabin"? It was in reality a work of fiction. The author had never ventured south of northern Kentucky. So what did she base her extensive writing on?

We have VOLUMES of historical evidence of such from people who were THERE. Were you there? If not, kindly STFU ;)

Were you?

Like so many things in our history, popular culture has enshrined beliefs that simply were not true.

For example,, how many typical Americans did not know that Franklin D. Roosevelt was confined to a wheel chair or wore braces on his legs due to polio?

How many people did not know that JFK was a hound dog and had many mistresses?

How many people knew that the Lusitania was in fact carrying war materials and thus was fair game for the Germans to sink?

How many people did not know that the USS Maine blowing up in Havana was caused by a coal dust explosion and not a Spanish mine?

How many people did not know the the Tonkin Gulf incident was a complete fabrication?

How many people believed that almost every slave in the south lived on large plantations and were regularly beaten and starved to death by their masters according to Uncle Tom's Cabin and Roots?

The answer to all of these questions is far too many!
The Republican Party is going to carry this indelible shitstain on their reputation for a very long time.


What he means is that he will keep bringing it up. It doesn’t mean that there is one shred of proof that it happened. We know now that it’s likely false.
Once again- testimony is evidence. And yes- there is a direct accusation that Moore sexually molested a 14 year old girl 40 years ago when he was in his 30's.

Does Alabama care? I doubt it .

Yeah but not only is there no actual proof that he did anything, there is now proof that the yearbook was a forgery, leading to not unreasonable speculation that the whole thing is a set up.
The Republican Party is going to carry this indelible shitstain on their reputation for a very long time.


What he means is that he will keep bringing it up. It doesn’t mean that there is one shred of proof that it happened. We know now that it’s likely false.
Once again- testimony is evidence. And yes- there is a direct accusation that Moore sexually molested a 14 year old girl 40 years ago when he was in his 30's.

Does Alabama care? I doubt it .

Yeah but not only is there no actual proof that he did anything, there is now proof that the yearbook was a forgery, leading to not unreasonable speculation that the whole thing is a set up.

Once again- testimony is evidence.

Why do you think that what one woman did- who came forward after all of the initial accusers- somehow means that all of the initial accusers are lying?

Once again- testimony is evidence. And yes- there is a direct accusation that Moore sexually molested a 14 year old girl 40 years ago when he was in his 30's.

Does Alabama care? I doubt it
Stupidity run amuck!

How about a source not written by some obvious whack job?

Remember "Uncle Tom's Cabin"? It was in reality a work of fiction. The author had never ventured south of northern Kentucky. So what did she base her extensive writing on?

We have VOLUMES of historical evidence of such from people who were THERE. Were you there? If not, kindly STFU ;)

Were you?

Like so many things in our history, popular culture has enshrined beliefs that simply were not true.
The answer to all of these questions is far too many!

Like so many things in our culture, the Confederate fanboys have enshrined beliefs that simply were not true.

Like that all slaves were happy and priveleged to be slaves.
That slaves were better off being slaves than being free
That no slaves were raped.
That no slaves were beaten
That no slaves were murdered
That slaves spent their days singing and dancing while they worked under the benevolent gaze of Master....
And by so ignorant you mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"

Your post is the most awkward arrangement of logical fallacies and non-sequituers imaginable. If you weren’t a fucking moron, I’d call it comedy.
And by so awkward you mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"

No, what I mean is exactly what I said. You want to stay stupid, then don’t listen. I don’t really care about you at all.

And by "I don't really care about you at all you reall mean "Syriusly just posted some great stuff I can't refute- so I will just insult him- I have nothing else left but insult"

You choose to stay stupid. Hey, it’s a free country.

You choose to stay stupid- and support an accused sexual predator. Hey, its a free country.
Yeah but not only is there no actual proof that he did anything, there is now proof that the yearbook was a forgery, leading to not unreasonable speculation that the whole thing is a set up.

Sorry, but adding a date to something (in one's own handwriting no less) does not constitute forgery.
Yeah but not only is there no actual proof that he did anything, there is now proof that the yearbook was a forgery, leading to not unreasonable speculation that the whole thing is a set up.

Sorry, but adding a date to something (in one's own handwriting no less) does not constitute forgery.

It does when you are desperate to defend a 30 year old guy that used to hit on 14 year olds.
Yeah but not only is there no actual proof that he did anything, there is now proof that the yearbook was a forgery, leading to not unreasonable speculation that the whole thing is a set up.

Sorry, but adding a date to something (in one's own handwriting no less) does not constitute forgery.

It give credence to the belief that it’s all forgery. Given that Allred refuses to allow anyone to examine it, one can ligically presume it’s all false. Otherwise why not allow it? Can you answer that?
It give credence to the belief that it’s all forgery. Given that Allred refuses to allow anyone to examine it, one can ligically presume it’s all false. Otherwise why not allow it? Can you answer that?

I just told you that "forgery" would be attempting to imitate someone's handwriting. No such attempt was made. She added a damn date in her own handwriting (printing actually).

So you think she's going to hand it over to Roy's experts to examine? Lol, sure .. they can examine it from photographs, but even then it is difficult to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a really good forgery is a fake. It is admissible as evidence in a court of law but alone would never be enough evidence for conviction or acquittal.

Any idiot can see that it's his writing and Corfman has corroborating witnesses from right after it happened.

C'mon dude, Roy's a creeper - we know this to be true. He even ADMITTED liking 'em young on multiple occasions.

But hey, if he's the guy you want as the face of the Republican Party - Go for it .. hope he wins! :up:
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Yeah but not only is there no actual proof that he did anything, there is now proof that the yearbook was a forgery, leading to not unreasonable speculation that the whole thing is a set up.

Sorry, but adding a date to something (in one's own handwriting no less) does not constitute forgery.

It give credence to the belief that it’s all forgery. Given that Allred refuses to allow anyone to examine it, one can ligically presume it’s all false. Otherwise why not allow it? Can you answer that?

I will not disagree that it certainly does call into question the entire yearbook. And I have been saying since it first came out that that yearbook should be examined by 3 independent forensic document experts- that claim always was both the most credible- and least credible- based entirely upon the yearbook.

However- this woman is totally unrelated to any of the other charges. One can logically presume that whether or not this woman's charges are true or false are unrelated to the charges of the women who accused Moore originally.
It give credence to the belief that it’s all forgery. Given that Allred refuses to allow anyone to examine it, one can ligically presume it’s all false. Otherwise why not allow it? Can you answer that?

I just told you that "forgery" would be attempting to imitate someone's handwriting. No such attempt was made. She added a damn date in her own handwriting (printing actually).

So you think she's going to hand it over to Roy's experts to examine? Lol, sure .. they can examine it from photographs, but even then it is difficult to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a really good forgery is a fake. It is admissible as evidence in a court of law but alone would never be enough evidence for conviction or acquittal.

Any idiot can see that it's his writing and Corfman has corroborating witnesses from right after it happened.

C'mon dude, Roy's a creeper - we know this to be true. He even ADMITTED liking 'em young on multiple occasions.

But hey, if he's the guy you want as the face of the Republican Party - Go for it .. hope he wins! :up:

I am not quite so quick to presume this thing is true- I have always thought it odd that Allred didn't have the testimony of an expert to confirm the authenticity of the yearbook when she came forward. Not that anyone would have necessarily believed her expert- but she didn't have one.

That yearbook should have been examined by independent experts when it came out- not Moore's 'experts' but it would have been easy to find court approved independent experts.

Again though- this has nothing to do with the numerous earlier accusations by other women.
There are numerous threads about whether or not Moore is a sexual predator- this thread is supposed to be about Moore's really odd claim that the last time the United States was 'great' was when the family was strong- and we had slavery.

I will point out again- that would be before we ever had a Republican President- and after we had had numerous Democrat are Republicans to blame for the changes in Moore's world?

And I will also point out that Democrats controlled Alabama at that time- when Moore found America 'great'.

And why doesn't Moore think that America was great under Eisenhower? Or Reagan? Or Teddy Roosevelt? Why was the family in America stronger- and our direction stronger- when we had slavery- than when Eisenhower was President, women could vote and slaves were free?
It give credence to the belief that it’s all forgery. Given that Allred refuses to allow anyone to examine it, one can ligically presume it’s all false. Otherwise why not allow it? Can you answer that?

I just told you that "forgery" would be attempting to imitate someone's handwriting. No such attempt was made. She added a damn date in her own handwriting (printing actually).

So you think she's going to hand it over to Roy's experts to examine? Lol, sure .. they can examine it from photographs, but even then it is difficult to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a really good forgery is a fake. It is admissible as evidence in a court of law but alone would never be enough evidence for conviction or acquittal.

Any idiot can see that it's his writing and Corfman has corroborating witnesses from right after it happened.

C'mon dude, Roy's a creeper - we know this to be true. He even ADMITTED liking 'em young on multiple occasions.

But hey, if he's the guy you want as the face of the Republican Party - Go for it .. hope he wins! :up:

Look, you are suffering from the same mental deficiency that all the other lefties here suffer from; illiteracy. Oh, you can read the words and even read whole sentences but getting the actual meaning of the words and sentences as they are written is above your head even when written in the most simple and straightforward way. I’d ask you to try reading my post again but I’ll bet it’s a waste of time.
Yeah but not only is there no actual proof that he did anything, there is now proof that the yearbook was a forgery, leading to not unreasonable speculation that the whole thing is a set up.

Sorry, but adding a date to something (in one's own handwriting no less) does not constitute forgery.

It give credence to the belief that it’s all forgery. Given that Allred refuses to allow anyone to examine it, one can ligically presume it’s all false. Otherwise why not allow it? Can you answer that?

I will not disagree that it certainly does call into question the entire yearbook. And I have been saying since it first came out that that yearbook should be examined by 3 independent forensic document experts- that claim always was both the most credible- and least credible- based entirely upon the yearbook.

However- this woman is totally unrelated to any of the other charges. One can logically presume that whether or not this woman's charges are true or false are unrelated to the charges of the women who accused Moore originally.

It’s fair, but it also gives credence to the belief that it’s nothing more than a left wing hit piece. I’m not saying I believe it, I do not know if he did those things or not, but this casts doubt on the whole thing.
The Republican Party is going to carry this indelible shitstain on their reputation for a very long time.


What he means is that he will keep bringing it up. It doesn’t mean that there is one shred of proof that it happened. We know now that it’s likely false.
Once again- testimony is evidence.

So if someone were to accuse you of spin-diddling your wogger in the parking lot of P.S. 39 at recess, that's evidence?

Yeah but not only is there no actual proof that he did anything, there is now proof that the yearbook was a forgery, leading to not unreasonable speculation that the whole thing is a set up.

Sorry, but adding a date to something (in one's own handwriting no less) does not constitute forgery.

It give credence to the belief that it’s all forgery. Given that Allred refuses to allow anyone to examine it, one can ligically presume it’s all false. Otherwise why not allow it? Can you answer that?

I will not disagree that it certainly does call into question the entire yearbook. And I have been saying since it first came out that that yearbook should be examined by 3 independent forensic document experts- that claim always was both the most credible- and least credible- based entirely upon the yearbook.

However- this woman is totally unrelated to any of the other charges. One can logically presume that whether or not this woman's charges are true or false are unrelated to the charges of the women who accused Moore originally.

It’s fair, but it also gives credence to the belief that it’s nothing more than a left wing hit piece. I’m not saying I believe it, I do not know if he did those things or not, but this casts doubt on the whole thing.

And why does this 'cast doubt on the whole thing'?

Why does this woman- who came forward through Gloria Alred and who is completely unconnected with any other of the women- have anything to do with the credibility of any of the other women?

I mean that would be like saying that Flynn admitting to lying cast doubts as to the honesty of the entire Trump administration......
Yeah but not only is there no actual proof that he did anything, there is now proof that the yearbook was a forgery, leading to not unreasonable speculation that the whole thing is a set up.

Sorry, but adding a date to something (in one's own handwriting no less) does not constitute forgery.

It give credence to the belief that it’s all forgery. Given that Allred refuses to allow anyone to examine it, one can ligically presume it’s all false. Otherwise why not allow it? Can you answer that?

I will not disagree that it certainly does call into question the entire yearbook. And I have been saying since it first came out that that yearbook should be examined by 3 independent forensic document experts- that claim always was both the most credible- and least credible- based entirely upon the yearbook.

However- this woman is totally unrelated to any of the other charges. One can logically presume that whether or not this woman's charges are true or false are unrelated to the charges of the women who accused Moore originally.

It’s fair, but it also gives credence to the belief that it’s nothing more than a left wing hit piece. I’m not saying I believe it, I do not know if he did those things or not, but this casts doubt on the whole thing.

And why does this 'cast doubt on the whole thing'?

Why does this woman- who came forward through Gloria Alred and who is completely unconnected with any other of the women- have anything to do with the credibility of any of the other women?

I mean that would be like saying that Flynn admitting to lying cast doubts as to the honesty of the entire Trump administration......

Because it gives credence to the widely held belief that it’s all a scam by the democrats.
Sorry, but adding a date to something (in one's own handwriting no less) does not constitute forgery.

It give credence to the belief that it’s all forgery. Given that Allred refuses to allow anyone to examine it, one can ligically presume it’s all false. Otherwise why not allow it? Can you answer that?

I will not disagree that it certainly does call into question the entire yearbook. And I have been saying since it first came out that that yearbook should be examined by 3 independent forensic document experts- that claim always was both the most credible- and least credible- based entirely upon the yearbook.

However- this woman is totally unrelated to any of the other charges. One can logically presume that whether or not this woman's charges are true or false are unrelated to the charges of the women who accused Moore originally.

It’s fair, but it also gives credence to the belief that it’s nothing more than a left wing hit piece. I’m not saying I believe it, I do not know if he did those things or not, but this casts doubt on the whole thing.

And why does this 'cast doubt on the whole thing'?

Why does this woman- who came forward through Gloria Alred and who is completely unconnected with any other of the women- have anything to do with the credibility of any of the other women?

I mean that would be like saying that Flynn admitting to lying cast doubts as to the honesty of the entire Trump administration......

Because it gives credence to the widely held belief that it’s all a scam by the democrats.

You mean like Flynn's admission gives credence to the widely held belief that the Trump administration colluded with Russia?
It give credence to the belief that it’s all forgery. Given that Allred refuses to allow anyone to examine it, one can ligically presume it’s all false. Otherwise why not allow it? Can you answer that?

I will not disagree that it certainly does call into question the entire yearbook. And I have been saying since it first came out that that yearbook should be examined by 3 independent forensic document experts- that claim always was both the most credible- and least credible- based entirely upon the yearbook.

However- this woman is totally unrelated to any of the other charges. One can logically presume that whether or not this woman's charges are true or false are unrelated to the charges of the women who accused Moore originally.

It’s fair, but it also gives credence to the belief that it’s nothing more than a left wing hit piece. I’m not saying I believe it, I do not know if he did those things or not, but this casts doubt on the whole thing.

And why does this 'cast doubt on the whole thing'?

Why does this woman- who came forward through Gloria Alred and who is completely unconnected with any other of the women- have anything to do with the credibility of any of the other women?

I mean that would be like saying that Flynn admitting to lying cast doubts as to the honesty of the entire Trump administration......

Because it gives credence to the widely held belief that it’s all a scam by the democrats.

You mean like Flynn's admission gives credence to the widely held belief that the Trump administration colluded with Russia?

No, what did Flynn admit to? Did he admit to colluding? Learn something for once.
You mean like Flynn's admission gives credence to the widely held belief that the Trump administration colluded with Russia?

Yeah, kinda like that. ;-)

Oh hey - you may want to watch Maddow tonight. She's gonna cover all the things from the Steele Dossier that have been 100% confirmed.

Tick Tick

BTW - LOVE the Tipsy sig - that one was a classic! ;)

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