Zone1 On one of the most Holy days of the year biden glorifys transgenderism and misrepresents Christians

Again, this is lack of planning. Do they not have calendars in D.C? We know when Easter will fall for the next 100 years if we want to look forward.

They also banned any religious themed eggs. Errr, they do know that Easter isn't about the Easter Bunny, right?
I believe most folks don't know that.
They talk like....well....YOU.
It's so nice to have fans.

Trump cultists, your masters feed you this crazy stuff to keep you hysterical, because that keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient, which is how they like you to be.

You don't have to live your whole life sitting in a puddle of your own stale urine. You Trump cultists freely choose that deviant lifestyle. You are just as free to unchoose it, and to become free men again.
The deviancy is all yours
Go and sin no more. Reveling in sin, and in public, is not Christian.

For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.”

Matthew 19:12

Jesus is teaching that not all people are born the same. Why would Jesus note that some people are born into what you would consider a sinful life?

That would be a pretty cruel thing to do to a person is it not?

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