Zone1 On one of the most Holy days of the year biden glorifys transgenderism and misrepresents Christians

Biden does not have the mental capability of coming up with that. Another deep state move, using him as their stooge, to further erode American traditions, values, customs. Reprehensible for sure, but inevitable if we do not put normal conservatives back into power here.
Someone in his own circle might have recommended this date knowing it would sabotage him in 2024.

I'm attending a celebration of the Easter Vigil today, and I deeply hope there are enough armed men in that Cathedral, which is in a neighborhood that likes to think of itself as "progressive".

Even the Nazi's paid lip service to God, fascist democrats under thumb of Obama/Biden have descended into the blackest pits of hell, its no longer political, they are fucking evil and must be dealt with as just that, demonic evil!
Utterly disgusting! It’s a slap in the face of every Christian in America and Biden could care less. Wait until this gets around the Hispanic community.

Only a "GOOD" Catholic would do something like this. (rolling eyes)
Can't we have anything anymore that isn't about blacks, abortion, trannies, fags, or racism?

It's eastern for gods sake, just let it be about what it is.

All this kind of force feeding nonsense does is make more people hate trannies. They are mentally ill fag freaks. They shouldn't be praised or worshipped or encouraged. Especially not on one of the lords days.
Yes, we see your mental illness!

Trump cultists, your masters feed you this crazy stuff to keep you hysterical, because that keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient, which is how they like you to be.

You don't have to live your whole life sitting in a puddle of your own stale urine. You Trump cultists freely choose that deviant lifestyle. You are just as free to unchoose it, and to become free men again.
Bumper sticker slogans and buzzwords can have election consequences.

It's almost as if someone on his team wants to hurt his chances.
Trump cultists, your masters feed you this crazy stuff to keep you hysterical, because that keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient, which is how they like you to be.

You don't have to live your whole life sitting in a puddle of your own stale urine. You Trump cultists freely choose that deviant lifestyle. You are just as free to unchoose it, and to become free men again.

Pervs gonna perv, groomers gonna groom.
As a Christian I realize Jesus died and arose again for everyone.
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The old dude ain't got a freaking clue. The sad truth is that unelected democrat progressive kids are pulling the strings in the W.H.
If there are any honest investigative reporters left they must be aware of it but political power trumps the well being of the Nation these days.

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