Zone1 On one of the most Holy days of the year biden glorifys transgenderism and misrepresents Christians

Joe Biden is a phony Catholic that has more empathy for these freaks than he does for normal Americans.
Great news
The more of this type of news . the greater the number of people who will revolt against this muck .
Interesting to watch these degenerates seemingly determined to damage themselves .
It's official: We have a fucking idiot for a "president."

That does it. I'm building a time machine in my garage tonight. I'm going back to 1942 and smothering that little bastard in his crib with a pillow.
There’s nothing the faggot brigade won’t try to ruin. Nothing.
This surely increases hatred of gays. Beyond doubt
And the bigotry of thinking no gays would be offended by overlooking Easter,where does that kind of hatred come from ???
It's pretty clear Biden and a lot of Dems are going to burn in hell.

Utterly disgusting! It’s a slap in the face of every Christian in America and Biden could care less. Wait until this gets around the Hispanic community.

Its really sick

And a deliberate slap in the face to Christians
It’s a new low now that Easter Bunnies are declaring themselves unicorns
And we MUST go along
All part of Biden's cowardly pandering to the tranny bully pulpit.

The International Transgender Day of Visibility was established in 2009 and falls on March 31st every year. It just happens to fall on Easter this year. Biden didn't create it.

I had no idea the rabbit was gay.
It's a very simple question.

"how does this affect you?"

It doesn't "affect" me, but I'm not partial to affirming and celebrating mental illness, which is precisely what transgenderism is. Live your life how you want, but you're not going to force me to play make believe with you. I've used this analogy before. When my son was five years old he liked to stomp around the house claiming he was a t-rex. If he did that now, at the age of 21, people would think he's insane ( although, I guess that depends on whether or not he's doing it a drunken kegger). If a man of his age or older named Steve puts on a dress and insists he's now Stephanie, enters collegiate sports on the women's team, breaks new records and injures some of them in the process, he's celebrated and called brave.

We live in a South Park society.
It doesn't "affect" me, but I'm not partial to affirming and celebrating mental illness, which is precisely what transgenderism is. Live your life how you want, but you're not going to force me to play make believe with you. I've used this analogy before. When my son was five years old he liked to stomp around the house claiming he was a t-rex. If he did that now, at the age of 21, people would think he's insane ( although, I guess that depends on whether or not he's doing it a drunken kegger). If a man of his age or older named Steve puts on a dress and insists he's now Stephanie, enters collegiate sports on the women's team, breaks new records and injures some of them in the process, he's celebrated and called brave.

We live in a South Park society.
As previously noted, "because you don't like it" isn't a valid objection.

And your analogy is a gross oversimplification to justify your opinion.
As previously noted, "because you don't like it" isn't a valid objection.
That's your opinion and no more valid than mine.

And your analogy is a gross oversimplification to justify your opinion.

It's actually not. I could write you several paragraphs of why this is problematic to our society overall, but frankly, I just don't feel like putting in the time and I doubt you'd change your mind anyway, so it would be pointless waste on my part.
It was created under the illegal Obama/Biden usurpation. They own it!

It was created by a private citizen name Rachel Crandall of Michigan and had nothing to do with Obama. Why didn't your Messiah denounce it the four years he was in office? Oh, right, because he doesn't really have a problem with it.

The effect is its make pretend and we don’t follow make pretend declarations
Just when you thought Communist Progressive hit rock bottom, they go all-in and tell us to our face, that they will not stop until they are stopped.

I thought this was Babylon when I read this while waiting for the car at the shop

I check and what do you know, Easter Sunday is now a huge FUCK YOU ALL CHRISTIANS DAY

"NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility."

A Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility, 2024 | The White House.
Wait till biden proclaims the first day of Ramadan as Pork Appreciation Day
Just when you thought Communist Progressive hit rock bottom, they go all-in and tell us to our face, that they will not stop until they are stopped.

I thought this was Babylon Bee when I read this while waiting for the car at the shop

I check and what do you know, Easter Sunday is now a huge FUCK YOU ALL CHRISTIANS DAY

"NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility."

A Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility, 2024 | The White House.

Let's not forget Potato banned Christian themed eggs as well.

All you morons defecting from the obvious? Shut up
I didn't think that Trannies wanted to be "visible", but instead just blend in? That's why they often have surgeries and pump themselves full of hormones, so some people might confuse them with the opposite sex.
Nobody can explain how this affects them?
This failed administration had 360+ other days to recognize their degenerate pets. Yet they chose one of the most important Christian holidays. That's not an accident. That you folks are playing dumb only accents the reality of it.

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