On Racism and Racial Discrimination

X. Li

Active Member
Mar 21, 2016
I'd like to have a discussion about racism with you guys, from a visitor's (I'm a Chinese visiting researcher) perspective. I am genuinely curious about how Americans think about the problem of racism. I have a short list of questions as a starter. I would appreciate it a lot if you could share rational and honest opinions.

1. In your own word, how would you define racism and racial discrimination?
2. Do you agree or disagree that racial discrimination is among the top three most serious social problems nowadays in America?
3. Do you agree or disagree that more laws and regulations should be enacted to protect people from racial discrimination?

The list of questions may grow slowly. Also, feel free to discuss other related questions/issues!
Sometimes people are nasty to someone of a different race. Ive found a lot of non white people(im white) to be more tolerable than a lot of whites.

So you have to take each person as they come.
Could you give an example of a white person being "nasty" to someone of a different race based on your own experience? Like what that person said and did?
I'd like to have a discussion about racism with you guys, from a visitor's (I'm a Chinese visiting researcher) perspective. I am genuinely curious about how Americans think about the problem of racism. I have a short list of questions as a starter. I would appreciate it a lot if you could share rational and honest opinions.

1. In your own word, how would you define racism and racial discrimination?
2. Do you agree or disagree that racial discrimination is among the top three most serious social problems nowadays in America?
3. Do you agree or disagree that more laws and regulations should be enacted to protect people from racial discrimination?

The list of questions may grow slowly. Also, feel free to discuss other related questions/issues!
Thanks for opening up a substantive discussion
1. In your own word, how would you define racism and racial discrimination?
I define racism as actions or language with the intension of harming, oppressing, insulting, or demeaning a person or group of people solely based on their race.
2. Do you agree or disagree that racial discrimination is among the top three most serious social problems nowadays in America?
I think racial discrimination has been an ongoing problem for centuries but has come a long way in America. There is still plenty of progress to be made, however, I would name National Security, our Jobs/Economy, and Education as the top three most important issues... Followed closely by the Environment, a Corrupt political campaign system, and wealth inequality.
3. Do you agree or disagree that more laws and regulations should be enacted to protect people from racial discrimination?
There is a limit to what laws and regulations can accomplish and in many cases they can add fuel to the fire. So I would say No to your question. I would rather see funds and energy put into programs that support social acceptance and support. I think better education and community programs are the best way to promote a more accepting environment.
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Could you give an example of a white person being "nasty" to someone of a different race based on your own experience? Like what that person said and did?
When i was at school this guy used to say, "its a bit nippy" and rub his arms like it was cold, when an asian student was nearby. It was very white when i was akid so not many ethnics. It was pretty mean.

We also were liberal with the word "abo" and aboriginals didnt last at our school.

Im no anti racist but its amazing how racist it was and how now it isnt.
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The other day i gave this drugo a lift. When someone drove badly he said, "he must have been asian because he doesnt see well". it wasnt that bad because it wasnt in earshot of an asian person. But after chuckling, i realized it wasnt nice and said nothing.
America holds far more cultures then China. The family standards and values in China also happen to be higher and more strictly enforced. Ignorance is NOT rewarded in China... Check this thread.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Interesting thread.
It seems to me that you are very concerned about the "quality" (if you would) of immigrants in America. Do you think most Americans share such concerns with you?
When i was at school this guy used to say, "its a bit nippy" and rub his arms like it was cold, when an asian stupid was nearby. It was very white when i was akid so not many ethnics. It was pretty mean.

The other day i gave this drugo a lift. When someone drove badly he said, "he must have been asian because he doesnt see well". it wasnt that bad because it wasnt in earshot of an asian person. But after chuckling, i realized it wasnt nice and said nothing.

Thanks for the examples! Now I understand what you meant by "nasty": basically, you mean "not so nice".
I'm curious though - would you label those "nasty" people in your examples "racists"?
America holds far more cultures then China. The family standards and values in China also happen to be higher and more strictly enforced. Ignorance is NOT rewarded in China... Check this thread.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Interesting thread.
It seems to me that you are very concerned about the "quality" (if you would) of immigrants in America. Do you think most Americans share such concerns with you?
Yeah, because if you have to take the time as a populace to raise the standards of a people, you lose time raising education and forward progress.

I grew up in Seattle where there is a huge Asian culture. Now granted being a hoodlum is not restricted to one lone culture BUT some cultures do more then others to remove that from their population.
America holds far more cultures then China. The family standards and values in China also happen to be higher and more strictly enforced. Ignorance is NOT rewarded in China... Check this thread.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Interesting thread.
It seems to me that you are very concerned about the "quality" (if you would) of immigrants in America. Do you think most Americans share such concerns with you?
I can't speak for others, as for myself, it isn't so much about quality, but I do think it is important that people immigrating to this country seek opportunity and contribute to our economy. The worry of many is that people come over for government support and welfare checks. Also, there are concerns about uneducated, unskilled workers coming over and flooding the lower wage job market, which makes it harder for our poor to find work and it keeps wages from going up. I do believe that our country was built on immigrants and it thrives with a diverse population... We do need to be smart with how our border and immigration process works as it has had major problems over the past few decades.
When i was at school this guy used to say, "its a bit nippy" and rub his arms like it was cold, when an asian stupid was nearby. It was very white when i was akid so not many ethnics. It was pretty mean.

The other day i gave this drugo a lift. When someone drove badly he said, "he must have been asian because he doesnt see well". it wasnt that bad because it wasnt in earshot of an asian person. But after chuckling, i realized it wasnt nice and said nothing.

Thanks for the examples! Now I understand what you meant by "nasty": basically, you mean "not so nice".
I'm curious though - would you label those "nasty" people in your examples "racists"?
Well the kid who said "nippy" was a skinhead kid, so lol yeah.

As for anyone else, no. They were just "bigots". A lot of people just pick on anyone different. I think bigots are worse than racists. A nazi is organized and passionate about racial purity. This doesnt require him to be nasty to people of other races. Its merely a political stance.

However a bigot has a big mouth and loves to pick on people for being different and will quickly stop being racist as soon as the group of different people is sizeable. So when asians become common place, the bigot finds other more vulnerable individuals to pick on.
Thanks for opening up a substantive discussion
1. In your own word, how would you define racism and racial discrimination?
I define racism as actions or language with the intension of harming, oppressing, insulting, or demeaning a person or group of people solely based on their race.
2. Do you agree or disagree that racial discrimination is among the top three most serious social problems nowadays in America?
I think racial discrimination has been an ongoing problem for centuries but has come a long way in America. There is still plenty of progress to be made, however, I would name National Security, our Jobs/Economy, and Education as the top three most important issues... Followed closely by the Environment, a Corrupt political campaign system, and wealth inequality.
3. Do you agree or disagree that more laws and regulations should be enacted to protect people from racial discrimination?
There is a limit to what laws and regulations can accomplish and in many cases they can add fuel to the fire. So I would say No to your question. I would rather see funds and energy put into programs that support social acceptance and support. I think better education and community programs are the best way to promote a more accepting environment.

You are the first one who actually answered all the questions on my list!

A friend here just gave us a few examples of "nasty" comments against Asians.
When i was at school this guy used to say, "its a bit nippy" and rub his arms like it was cold, when an asian student was nearby. It was very white when i was akid so not many ethnics. It was pretty mean.
The other day i gave this drugo a lift. When someone drove badly he said, "he must have been asian because he doesnt see well". it wasnt that bad because it wasnt in earshot of an asian person. But after chuckling, i realized it wasnt nice and said nothing.
To some, the comments made in these examples may appear "insulting and demeaning". Would you use the word "racist" to describe those people in the examples? If not, why?

Clearly, you do not believe that racial discrimination is among the most important issues faced by America. However, you also suggested that there is plenty of progress to be made. What do you think is the most needed progress?

Lastly, what do you think about the affirmative actions (especially those supported by laws)? In particular, what is your take on affirmative actions with respect to education?
Thanks for opening up a substantive discussion
1. In your own word, how would you define racism and racial discrimination?
I define racism as actions or language with the intension of harming, oppressing, insulting, or demeaning a person or group of people solely based on their race.
2. Do you agree or disagree that racial discrimination is among the top three most serious social problems nowadays in America?
I think racial discrimination has been an ongoing problem for centuries but has come a long way in America. There is still plenty of progress to be made, however, I would name National Security, our Jobs/Economy, and Education as the top three most important issues... Followed closely by the Environment, a Corrupt political campaign system, and wealth inequality.
3. Do you agree or disagree that more laws and regulations should be enacted to protect people from racial discrimination?
There is a limit to what laws and regulations can accomplish and in many cases they can add fuel to the fire. So I would say No to your question. I would rather see funds and energy put into programs that support social acceptance and support. I think better education and community programs are the best way to promote a more accepting environment.

You are the first one who actually answered all the questions on my list!

A friend here just gave us a few examples of "nasty" comments against Asians.
When i was at school this guy used to say, "its a bit nippy" and rub his arms like it was cold, when an asian student was nearby. It was very white when i was akid so not many ethnics. It was pretty mean.
The other day i gave this drugo a lift. When someone drove badly he said, "he must have been asian because he doesnt see well". it wasnt that bad because it wasnt in earshot of an asian person. But after chuckling, i realized it wasnt nice and said nothing.
To some, the comments made in these examples may appear "insulting and demeaning". Would you use the word "racist" to describe those people in the examples? If not, why?

Clearly, you do not believe that racial discrimination is among the most important issues faced by America. However, you also suggested that there is plenty of progress to be made. What do you think is the most needed progress?

Lastly, what do you think about the affirmative actions (especially those supported by laws)? In particular, what is your take on affirmative actions with respect to education?
AA is bullsh#t. Higher education should be based on ethics/ability and merit NOT color.
AA is bullsh#t. Higher education should be based on ethics/ability and merit NOT color.
If someone makes the following argument:

Certain group of people, e.g. the black, suffer from significantly lower level of education in an average sense. Consequently, they tend to be less successful and cause serious problems (e.g. crimes). If left unattended, the vicious cycle would continue and the situation get worse over time. Therefore, something has to be done to break such cycle. The most effective way of doing it is through better education, which cannot be offered to them if the criteria is solely merit-based.

Why is he wrong?
Just today I was really nasty to a black girl at the grocery store. She got a black 'tude. I said " You are an enthusiastic, capable employee that loves her job."

She got the manager and told him that I called her a stupid, lazy nijjer bitch. Or, at least that's what she heard.

I have NFS screw them all.

Yeah she heard what I meant.
it isn't so much about quality, but I do think it is important that people immigrating to this country seek opportunity and contribute to our economy.
"Seek opportunity and contribute to our economy" is a little ambiguous to me.
What do you think is a "good-enough" contribution? Providing general labor? Having engineering/management skills? How would you define "seeking opportunity and making contribution"? Should a Cuban construction worker who genuienly wish to start his new life in the free world be allowed to immigrate to America?
Just today I was really nasty to a black girl at the grocery store. She got a black 'tude. I said " You are an enthusiastic, capable employee that loves her job."

She got the manager and told him that I called her a stupid, lazy nijjer bitch. Or, at least that's what she heard.

I have NFS screw them all.

Yeah she heard what I meant.
Sometimes, people suffer because of good listening comprehension skills. As a foreign language learner, I used to work very hard to suffer...
AA is bullsh#t. Higher education should be based on ethics/ability and merit NOT color.
If someone makes the following argument:

Certain group of people, e.g. the black, suffer from significantly lower level of education in an average sense. Consequently, they tend to be less successful and cause serious problems (e.g. crimes). If left unattended, the vicious cycle would continue and the situation get worse over time. Therefore, something has to be done to break such cycle. The most effective way of doing it is through better education, which cannot be offered to them if the criteria is solely merit-based.

Why is he wrong?
Tell you what YOU compare the Asian culture to the Negro here in America directly. Who is farther ahead? Asians.
Which is the less violent culture? Asians.
Who has better family structure? Asians.
Who has made more economic gains? Asians.

Who has been here longer? Negros.
Who has more AA? Negros.
What group has shown no willingness to educate themselves? Negros

So you tell me is your future and your countries future better spent and invested in which group?

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