On the Jews, Part 3


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
In part 1, link below, we discussed that the Jews do exist as a people
The Jews exist!

In part 2, link below, we discussed where the Jews are and some of their characteristics
On the Jews, Part 2

In this post we will go over what this all means. Again, I am neither Muslim, nor white, nor a white supremacist or nazi or anything like that. I'm just someone interested in this topic, in discussing it and where it is headed.

Alright, let's start by saying that the Jewish influence over American culture, strong as it is, will not be a decisive factor. The reason is, no matter how much you manipulate or propagandize someone, people will always have a certain degree of independence of mind, even if it is not strongly developed in most. People will sometimes perceive if they are being lied to, and this is increasing in the world today, since the politicians and powerful are telling them one story (everything is just fine, nothing to see here), but their own lives are telling them something different. This explains the rise of alternative media, alternative candidates like Trump, etc.

Therefore, to understand what role the Jews are ultimately going to play, we have to look elsewhere. And that somewhere else is the financial system. That's the crucial chokepoint, the one area where Jews do, and will influence, where American society goes. They control the currency, and therefore control everything priced in dollars.

Because the American government is addicted to deficit spending, and Americans are addicted to debt, and the American economic system has become one big ponzi scheme, we can make a prediction that one day it will all start to unravel. Exactly when, I can't say, but I would be surprised if this goes on for more than a few decades at most. When it starts to unravel, everyone, including the Jews, will be staring at huge losses in financial wealth.

But we know the Jews won't accept this. They will simply create more currency to replace any lost wealth that they had. In fact, they even have a word for this, chutzpah. Chutzpah is simply doing unimaginable things, and the Jewish control of the currency is one of those.

So, we can predict with 100% certainty that the Jews will inflate the dollar. Sometime in the future, the Jews will initiate runaway inflation in the dollar, and that will be the end of the American system. Folks, this is guaranteed to happen, there's nothing you can do. Do this, do that, do whatever you want, but you will never gain back control of the currency.

So, mark it down that I have predicted this, and this is where this series ends. I predict the Jews will inflate the dollar, and thus will end American dominance of the world, and the country will likely fall into civil war and dissolution.
I liked the Jewish girls I grew up with, there were 2 boys, too.

A Jewish girl was the first love of my life.

She's dead.
Ivanka is not jewish. Since it is a race based cult, they base it on the blood mother. But controlling currency is really in "crazy" territory. Although manipulating currency is how Soros cashed in. But more relevant is controlling real estate though, and that is well documented. Jewish syndicates. It is like the Hollywood version of "the mob" except they are not racist and don't have dozens of well funded companies whining about anti-Italianism.

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