On This 4th of July A Reminder Of What A Real Conservative Sounded Like

Like him or loath him, he knew when to put the partisan rhetoric to rest.

I just watched Trumps 4th of July speech. Its was perfect and non-partisan. Maybe you should have waited a few minutes before posting your crap.

By the way, only an IDIOT would loath Ronald Reagan, one of the greatest president ever.

"One of the greatest president".

This just in --- there's only been one. Grover Cleveland will be doubly disappointed.
Ronald Reagan's Final Speech as President Was a Love Letter to Immigrants

Like him or loath him, he knew when to put the partisan rhetoric to rest.
A cuckservative who let leftists run rough shod over him with his amnesty in exchange for a wall...I ain't one who LOVES Reagan....My parents remember him I was born in 84 so I don't remember him I can only read what he was like.

My oldest son is 6 years older than you are. I remember Reagan very well. Didn't agree with his politics, but respected who he was for the reasons you heard in that speech if you listened to it.

Liar. He reached out to people like you, and you treated him like shit and lied about him for decades.

Trump is our answer to you, and your behavior.
Like him or loath him, he knew when to put the partisan rhetoric to rest.

I just watched Trumps 4th of July speech. Its was perfect and non-partisan. Maybe you should have waited a few minutes before posting your crap.

By the way, only an IDIOT would loath Ronald Reagan, one of the greatest president ever.

And here it is. USA Today was the first to edit it and get it on Youtube. Part Two comes later on.

One thing I like to point out is how fucking hypocritical the holiday is. On that date in history people were enslaved, being killed, and women couldnt vote.
Women still shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Ronald Reagan's Final Speech as President Was a Love Letter to Immigrants

Like him or loath him, he knew when to put the partisan rhetoric to rest.
A cuckservative who let leftists run rough shod over him with his amnesty in exchange for a wall...I ain't one who LOVES Reagan....My parents remember him I was born in 84 so I don't remember him I can only read what he was like.

And so we have it, the Crucifixion of St. Ronnie.
By me hell yes,I am NOT a conservative...conservatives think the man is a fucking saint and jesus wrapped into one.

Nobody forced Reagan into signing amnesty for illegals. He was all for it. Reagan believed workers should be able to come and go at will. He favoured open borders.

Did Ronald Reagan regret 1986 immigrant 'amnesty' law?

Ronald Reagan was right on amnesty for immigrants. Here’s why.

Reagan was considered to be an extreme right-wing reactionary and unelectable in the 1970's. Today he would be considered a RINO.
Ronald Reagan's Final Speech as President Was a Love Letter to Immigrants

Like him or loath him, he knew when to put the partisan rhetoric to rest.

Life was quite different back then. We didn't really know Democrats were lying scum and illegals weren't coming here to scam the system.
Because your lord and master cult leader hadn't told you to believe that yet.
Those who were denied due to quotas and affirmative action in the 1970's and saw a protracted recession wiht a general malaise and inflation with two oil crisis manufactured by our own governmnent in the 1970's remember Reagan quite well when he came to power in 1981 to give people hope. And he succeeded even with the Prog programs in place. That is how far down we were. Reagan's programs in the end were not as conservative as he spouted when he ran. But he was the best President in the first term in my lifetime that I was eligible to vote in.
A salute to our military is not partisan rhetoric. It's awesome. Too bad you are missing it to watch MSNBC reruns of the Democratic debate.

Actually, I'm watching the Braves, Phillies game.
Phil's up 1 - zip.

I see it's 4-1 now. Eflin's on the mound, that should go well.
4 - 2 now

If the game was at CBP, it would be getting close to time we hear:







E A G L E S !!!!!!!!!!!
A salute to our military is not partisan rhetoric. It's awesome. Too bad you are missing it to watch MSNBC reruns of the Democratic debate.

Actually, I'm watching the Braves, Phillies game.
Phil's up 1 - zip.

I see it's 4-1 now. Eflin's on the mound, that should go well.

Brêves SP at 58 pitches in the 2nd inning. :eek:
At that rate, we'll be seeing the Braves bullpen around the 4th or 5th inning.
A salute to our military is not partisan rhetoric. It's awesome. Too bad you are missing it to watch MSNBC reruns of the Democratic debate.

Actually, I'm watching the Braves, Phillies game.
Phil's up 1 - zip.

I see it's 4-1 now. Eflin's on the mound, that should go well.

Brêves SP at 58 pitches in the 2nd inning. :eek:
At that rate, we'll be seeing the Braves bullpen around the 4th or 5th inning.

Dammit, bad time for Acuña to forget to strike out.
Actually, I'm watching the Braves, Phillies game.
Phil's up 1 - zip.

I see it's 4-1 now. Eflin's on the mound, that should go well.

Brêves SP at 58 pitches in the 2nd inning. :eek:
At that rate, we'll be seeing the Braves bullpen around the 4th or 5th inning.

Dammit, bad time for Acuña to forget to strike out.
It's fireworks time for me.

I'll watch the rest of it on the internet feed.
Phil's up 1 - zip.

I see it's 4-1 now. Eflin's on the mound, that should go well.

Brêves SP at 58 pitches in the 2nd inning. :eek:
At that rate, we'll be seeing the Braves bullpen around the 4th or 5th inning.

Dammit, bad time for Acuña to forget to strike out.
It's fireworks time for me.

I'll watch the rest of it on the internet feed.

I left for the same thing about the same time.
Looks like we made the right choice too. :(

I tell ya what, these new hot baseballs have GOT to go. It's ruining the game.

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