On Tuesday Join the Trump Train

I'm hopping onboard, how about you?

Must watch video!

I have to say one thing, I did not see the ethusiasm for Romney as I see for Trump. Whether that means anything we just need to wait.

Another note, if he wins or loses, he did it his way. He didn't listen to all those who had his "best intention."

Hitlery couldn't draw crowds to her appearances when she was taking on Sanders and she couldn't draw any crowd of note during the general election. There are youtube videos of people shredding ballots during the primaries like this one.

OK, I see someone feeding a shredder. Maybe she is shreading votes. But in order to work she would need to make fake votes so that the book that you sign in with matches the number of votes counted. Of course that doesn't always happen that is why we see such differences at times.

Do I think that the democrats cheat, no I don't, I know they do.
I'm hopping onboard, how about you?

Must watch video!

I have to say one thing, I did not see the ethusiasm for Romney as I see for Trump. Whether that means anything we just need to wait.

Another note, if he wins or loses, he did it his way. He didn't listen to all those who had his "best intention."

Hitlery couldn't draw crowds to her appearances when she was taking on Sanders and she couldn't draw any crowd of note during the general election. There are youtube videos of people shredding ballots during the primaries like this one.

OK, I see someone feeding a shredder. Maybe she is shreading votes. But in order to work she would need to make fake votes so that the book that you sign in with matches the number of votes counted. Of course that doesn't always happen that is why we see such differences at times.

Do I think that the democrats cheat, no I don't, I know they do.

They were shredding Sanders ballots before they could be counted and then in the other two videos that are stuffing the ballot box while looking over their shoulders.
JoeBlow, if it was such a foregone conclusion that Hitlery was the better choice given the ungodly amount of information that has been revealed about her corrupt dealings? Why would it be necessary to use DNC operatives to rig the election and try to start fights at Trump rallies? Think, little joe....it might be a new experience for you.

Crazy Dale, how does people putting a well-deserved beat-down on the racist pieces of shit who attend Trump rallies "rig" the election?

Clearly, HIllary is the better choice, because she isn't a racist, misogynistic, homophobic peice of human garbage with a bad hairpiece who has appealled to the worst in America to get this far.
You got that right....
All board the Trump train to Trumpland....
Woooo Wooooo

trump train.jpg
I just don't see any enthusiasm here in Florida for Crooked Hillary like I have seen for the Democrats in the past. In the past elections you would always see and hear from the stupid Moon Bats with their stupid signs and bumper stickers and claiming that Obama or Kerry or Gore was going to be great but you are not seeing it now.

Crooked Hillary is getting a couple of thousands at most at her rallies while Trump is getting several thousands.

If people are voting for Crooked Hillary they are ashamed to admit it.
There are youtube videos of people shredding ballots during the primaries like this one.
A little behind the times aren't you? That's from a BBC report of a RUSSIAN election. Anyone notice the time stamps? All the primaries were over by then.

There are youtube videos of people shredding ballots during the primaries like this one.
A little behind the times aren't you? That's from a BBC report of a RUSSIAN election. Anyone notice the time stamps? All the primaries were over by then.

Dude, you are talking to a nut who thinks Chem Trails are real and Sandy Hook was a hoax.
He got disconnected from reality when his meds ran out

but good catch!
JoeBlow, if it was such a foregone conclusion that Hitlery was the better choice given the ungodly amount of information that has been revealed about her corrupt dealings? Why would it be necessary to use DNC operatives to rig the election and try to start fights at Trump rallies? Think, little joe....it might be a new experience for you.

Crazy Dale, how does people putting a well-deserved beat-down on the racist pieces of shit who attend Trump rallies "rig" the election?

Clearly, HIllary is the better choice, because she isn't a racist, misogynistic, homophobic peice of human garbage with a bad hairpiece who has appealled to the worst in America to get this far.[/QUOTE)

Little Joe, you commie POS, so you decide that people that do not agree with your views deserve to be attacked? So in turn, then it's fine for leftards to be attacked and beatenb down for not believing the way I do, no? You don't get it both ways, asswipe. How is wanting a secured boarder "racist"? Please explain your logic behind that. Why is wanting to stop the mass migration of un-vetted immigrants (mostly muslim) without doing background checks a "bad thing"? Have you checked out what has been going on in Europe? When you introduce those that have no intention of assimilating into the culture of the country that is accepting them in and THEN insist that we cater to their beliefs? You are simply asking inviting the kind of conflict we see in Germany.
BTW, anyone that wants to get in MY face in order to try and intimidate me because of what I believe better be ready for a verbal or physical beat-down...their choice. We are not a communist country yet and I will gladly die fighting against it....get it now, punkinpuss?
There are youtube videos of people shredding ballots during the primaries like this one.
A little behind the times aren't you? That's from a BBC report of a RUSSIAN election. Anyone notice the time stamps? All the primaries were over by then.

Yep, you are right and once again I post something a friend of mine posted on FB without doing the proper vetting in my zeal to prove that even the DNC primaries were rigged for Hitlery...which they were. Greg Palast did an incredible breakdown of California and the fact that provisional ballots were not counted in a timely manner (if at all) before the state, delegates and super delegates were called for the Hildebeast and the lamestream media backed her and never called any of it into question. Sanders supporters were very vocal about how Sanders brought out huge crowds while Hitlery's crowds were extremely sparse. I am not afraid to admit when I have erred.

Racketeering Lawsuit Exposing Nationwide Vote Rigging in DNC Primaries Could Derail Clinton
Little Joe, you commie POS, so you decide that people that do not agree with your views deserve to be attacked? So in turn, then it's fine for leftards to be attacked and beatenb down for not believing the way I do, no? You don't get it both ways, asswipe. How is wanting a secured boarder "racist"? Please explain your logic behind that. Why is wanting to stop the mass migration of un-vetted immigrants (mostly muslim) without doing background checks a "bad thing"? Have you checked out what has been going on in Europe? When you introduce those that have no intention of assimilating into the culture of the country that is accepting them in and THEN insist that we cater to their beliefs? You are simply asking inviting the kind of conflict we see in Germany.
BTW, anyone that wants to get in MY face in order to try and intimidate me because of what I believe better be ready for a verbal or physical beat-down...their choice. We are not a communist country yet and I will gladly die fighting against it....get it now, punkinpuss?

Crazzzzy Dale, I thought you were the one who said that the Pulse Nightclub was a false flag. (Anyway, that guy was born here.)

I think you totally need to go down to the Barrio with your MAGA hat and talk your kind of smack around some Hispanics...

Good luck with that.
Little Joe, you commie POS, so you decide that people that do not agree with your views deserve to be attacked? So in turn, then it's fine for leftards to be attacked and beatenb down for not believing the way I do, no? You don't get it both ways, asswipe. How is wanting a secured boarder "racist"? Please explain your logic behind that. Why is wanting to stop the mass migration of un-vetted immigrants (mostly muslim) without doing background checks a "bad thing"? Have you checked out what has been going on in Europe? When you introduce those that have no intention of assimilating into the culture of the country that is accepting them in and THEN insist that we cater to their beliefs? You are simply asking inviting the kind of conflict we see in Germany.
BTW, anyone that wants to get in MY face in order to try and intimidate me because of what I believe better be ready for a verbal or physical beat-down...their choice. We are not a communist country yet and I will gladly die fighting against it....get it now, punkinpuss?

Crazzzzy Dale, I thought you were the one who said that the Pulse Nightclub was a false flag. (Anyway, that guy was born here.)

I think you totally need to go down to the Barrio with your MAGA hat and talk your kind of smack around some Hispanics...

Good luck with that.

Yeah, the Pulse shooting was totally staged....but what does that have to do with my reply? Why would I fear the wrath of Hispanics that are here LEGALLY by saying that we should secure the border???......what gives????
Yeah, the Pulse shooting was totally staged....but what does that have to do with my reply? Why would I fear the wrath of Hispanics that are here LEGALLY by saying that we should secure the border???......what gives????

Gee, why would you fear the wrath of a group you want to discriminate against? I still think you need to totally do it. I know this will be tough, Dale, because it would require you to come out of the Crazy Cellar and interact with people. There will also be this thing in the sky called "The Sun", that gives off light.
Yeah, the Pulse shooting was totally staged....but what does that have to do with my reply? Why would I fear the wrath of Hispanics that are here LEGALLY by saying that we should secure the border???......what gives????

Gee, why would you fear the wrath of a group you want to discriminate against? I still think you need to totally do it. I know this will be tough, Dale, because it would require you to come out of the Crazy Cellar and interact with people. There will also be this thing in the sky called "The Sun", that gives off light.

Discriminate against whom? See, that's just out right lies believed like stupid fucks such as yourself....and you are one pathetically stupid piece of shit.

BTW, I would never want to spend time around the likes of you in real time because I believe in keeping better company. (snicker)

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