Once again, Cops are sooooooo full of shit

Ever watch "Blue Bloods"? It's really about humanity. I feel for DA Erin Reagan and for her dad, it's about cops and police relations. Catholicism and the community. It's a great show.
You do know corporate media is all about brainwashing you and conditioning you?

What you are watching bears no resemblance to reality, you do know that, right?
Ever watch "Blue Bloods"? It's really about humanity. I feel for DA Erin Reagan and for her dad, it's about cops and police relations. Catholicism and the community. It's a great show.
You do know corporate media is all about brainwashing you and conditioning you?

What you are watching bears no resemblance to reality, you do know that, right?
Actually, it bears every resemblance to my life and the reality I see it every day. It's to bad you can't relate to that. Especially those collective family dinners on holidays. Our families question us far more than bloggers can, they know our evey quirk and boy do they know how and what to question.

Fine, I'll check the show out. You are correct, it is in poor taste of me to level a cirticism of a show I have not viewed.

Generally, corporations produce TV and movies for the purposed of PR and propaganda though. These mediums are used to make you feel a certain way about various issue. I picked up on that about your post.

When you see shit like this. . . .

Obviously there is corruption, they deleted the sound on the video to protect one of their own. There was no reason to shoot the dog. Shows like you are watching are all PR, to make cops always look like the good guys.

Now, if you could refer me to an episode in that particular show where a cop screws up, and the system covers it up, to show how life really works, then I will admit, it isn't propaganda. Otherwise, you know, it is just messing with your emotions.

I think you are missing the whole point of the OP. Cops screw up, they ARE human, but; the department, the media, and internal investigations cover for them. But when citizens screw up? They pay heavy fines, go to jail, and their lives are forever messed up. It is a double standard.
Not seeing poor blacks shooting each other, just MOTS (more of the same). I have seen blacks use the racism card how blacks have destroyed a little old Hispanic man by beating his dog to death, those animals. He was a Pearl Harbor survivor. His wife had Alzheimer's and they lived in section 8 housing next door. Poor little darkies. Their hate is better.
I am still here, it boggled my mind about the evil in poor black continuities. As a human being of what ever color, I don't care about excuses anymore. You are human or are you not?
Eh, they got me in 1 day.

Lucky they used a hot Italian girl.

What, I'm gonna buck that? Why?

There's no advantage to that.

50 year old black man was killed the same night and where is his killer? Still running the street

Your joking right? the killers of the white guy were caught on video and so was their gettaway. Was the killer of the black guy also caught on video?
If not your trying to compare two completely different things. What does race even have to do with this?

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