One always has to ruin it for others

These sorts of conversations are really confusing.
On one hand, apparently only 0.00013% of guns shoot people - in fact they're safer than loaves of bread, but it's important to be armed to protect yourself against that miniscule number of dangerous guns while remaining completely vulnerable to death by baked goods.

Wouldn't it be wiser to leave the gun at home and carry a toaster in your ankle holster?

(Note: the statistics in this post are not researched - the yeastie example could just as easily been a swimming pool or a ladder).

Nothing confusing here. Stating they are safer than "loaves of bread" is a good sign that you shouldn't own a firearm because your awareness of their danger is clearly wrong. Swimming pools and/or ladders are also bad examples because they don't directly cause death.... Guns are made to kill. If you can't comprehend that, again, you probably shouldn't own a gun in my opinion. Ladders, toasters, bread, bats, lighters etc etc are not designed specifically to kill and serve a primary purpose that is not killing.........

I am a gun owner but I'm sick of people trying to paint them as "less deadly than bread". It's complete ignorance of gun ownership and only makes others believe that not everyone should have one.

Man up, understand it's dangers and stop repeating everything you read...You make gun owners look bad.


just sayin
Chipotle: Don't bring guns in our stores: Associated Press Business News - MSN Money

NEW YORK (AP) - Chipotle is asking customers not to bring firearms into its stores after it says gun rights advocates brought military-style assault rifles into one of its restaurants in Texas.

The Denver-based company notes that it has traditionally complied with local laws regarding open and concealed firearms.

But in a statement Monday, the company said that "the display of firearms in our restaurants has now created an environment that is potentially intimidating or uncomfortable for many of our customers."

The announcement came after a petition by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which has called on other companies to ban firearms in their stores as well. The group said its petition was in reaction to open-carry gun activists appearing at a Dallas-area Chipotle restaurant over the weekend.

Erika Soto Lamb, a spokeswoman for the group, said she thought the move by Chipotle was a "bold statement," especially considering its previous stance of complying with local laws.

Many states allow people to carry licensed guns in some way, but some businesses exercise their right to ban firearms.

I'm curious why they thought carrying assault rifles into Chipotle would be a strategy to gain ground on open carry. I can tell you right now, the only time open carry will gain ground is in a critical situation where it's necessary. Starbucks and now Chipotle, where the business owner WANTED a free environment now have to deal with extremeists that open carry to make a freedom point. In both cases, it directly backfired on them.

We aren't a 3rd world Country. We don't need to open carry like some Countries in Africa. We are pretty safe. But open carry of assault rifles takes that safety away from others, directly infringing their liberty to have a meal without assault rifles in the room held by who knows who. (I really shouldn't have to explain this, it's elementary)

Guy Walks Into a Chipotle - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central
Chipotle: Don't bring guns in our stores: Associated Press Business News - MSN Money

NEW YORK (AP) - Chipotle is asking customers not to bring firearms into its stores after it says gun rights advocates brought military-style assault rifles into one of its restaurants in Texas.

The Denver-based company notes that it has traditionally complied with local laws regarding open and concealed firearms.

But in a statement Monday, the company said that "the display of firearms in our restaurants has now created an environment that is potentially intimidating or uncomfortable for many of our customers."

The announcement came after a petition by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which has called on other companies to ban firearms in their stores as well. The group said its petition was in reaction to open-carry gun activists appearing at a Dallas-area Chipotle restaurant over the weekend.

Erika Soto Lamb, a spokeswoman for the group, said she thought the move by Chipotle was a "bold statement," especially considering its previous stance of complying with local laws.

Many states allow people to carry licensed guns in some way, but some businesses exercise their right to ban firearms.

I'm curious why they thought carrying assault rifles into Chipotle would be a strategy to gain ground on open carry. I can tell you right now, the only time open carry will gain ground is in a critical situation where it's necessary. Starbucks and now Chipotle, where the business owner WANTED a free environment now have to deal with extremeists that open carry to make a freedom point. In both cases, it directly backfired on them.

We aren't a 3rd world Country. We don't need to open carry like some Countries in Africa. We are pretty safe. But open carry of assault rifles takes that safety away from others, directly infringing their liberty to have a meal without assault rifles in the room held by who knows who. (I really shouldn't have to explain this, it's elementary)

Guy Walks Into a Chipotle - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Why do so many people feel the need to carry guns because they fear strangers, but apparently feel comfortable sitting in a restaurant full of armed strangers?
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I'm curious why they thought carrying assault rifles into Chipotle would be a strategy to gain ground on open carry. I can tell you right now, the only time open carry will gain ground is in a critical situation where it's necessary. Starbucks and now Chipotle, where the business owner WANTED a free environment now have to deal with extremeists that open carry to make a freedom point. In both cases, it directly backfired on them.

We aren't a 3rd world Country. We don't need to open carry like some Countries in Africa. We are pretty safe. But open carry of assault rifles takes that safety away from others, directly infringing their liberty to have a meal without assault rifles in the room held by who knows who. (I really shouldn't have to explain this, it's elementary)

Guy Walks Into a Chipotle - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Why do so many people feel the need to carry guns because they fear strangers, but apparently feel comfortable sitting in a restaurant full of armed strangers?

Who do you know that carries guns because they fear strangers? Or are you just talking out your ass?

I carry guns to shoot predators and dinner.
I'm curious why they thought carrying assault rifles into Chipotle would be a strategy to gain ground on open carry. I can tell you right now, the only time open carry will gain ground is in a critical situation where it's necessary. Starbucks and now Chipotle, where the business owner WANTED a free environment now have to deal with extremeists that open carry to make a freedom point. In both cases, it directly backfired on them.

We aren't a 3rd world Country. We don't need to open carry like some Countries in Africa. We are pretty safe. But open carry of assault rifles takes that safety away from others, directly infringing their liberty to have a meal without assault rifles in the room held by who knows who. (I really shouldn't have to explain this, it's elementary)

Guy Walks Into a Chipotle - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Why do so many people feel the need to carry guns because they fear strangers, but apparently feel comfortable sitting in a restaurant full of armed strangers?

Who do you know that carries guns because they fear strangers? Or are you just talking out your ass?

I carry guns to shoot predators and dinner.

Sure dude. I've read your posts. You are one scared muttafucker when you leave the house unless you are packing your blanky.......I mean gun. Who you trying to kid? You?
I'm curious why they thought carrying assault rifles into Chipotle would be a strategy to gain ground on open carry. I can tell you right now, the only time open carry will gain ground is in a critical situation where it's necessary. Starbucks and now Chipotle, where the business owner WANTED a free environment now have to deal with extremeists that open carry to make a freedom point. In both cases, it directly backfired on them.

We aren't a 3rd world Country. We don't need to open carry like some Countries in Africa. We are pretty safe. But open carry of assault rifles takes that safety away from others, directly infringing their liberty to have a meal without assault rifles in the room held by who knows who. (I really shouldn't have to explain this, it's elementary)

Guy Walks Into a Chipotle - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Why do so many people feel the need to carry guns because they fear strangers, but apparently feel comfortable sitting in a restaurant full of armed strangers?

Who do you know that carries guns because they fear strangers? Or are you just talking out your ass?

I carry guns to shoot predators and dinner.

This forum is full of them.

I have no idea what you do personally.
A sign doesn't trump my 2nd Amendment rights. And as we all know, gun free zones don't really stop gun violence. So yes, I would defy that sign. Unless it's posted I won't comply. I will keep my weapon concealed regardless of what Chipotle, or Luddly Neddite says.

And to answer your question? I don't own a firearm, but my father does. And we both agree that a "no guns allowed" sign doesn't trump his concealed carry permit. And it would be interesting to see you force any gun owner to do anything, without them putting a bullet in your head.

I'm surprised you've been allowed to get away so lightly with this statement.
That you consider a bullet in the head is a justifiable response to a dispute with someone on their own property confirms the worst stereotype of gun owners.

You're such a dick.
Why do so many people feel the need to carry guns because they fear strangers, but apparently feel comfortable sitting in a restaurant full of armed strangers?

Who do you know that carries guns because they fear strangers? Or are you just talking out your ass?

I carry guns to shoot predators and dinner.

Sure dude. I've read your posts. You are one scared muttafucker when you leave the house unless you are packing your blanky.......I mean gun. Who you trying to kid? You?

Thanks zeke, I couldn't be bothered looking back.
A sign doesn't trump my 2nd Amendment rights. And as we all know, gun free zones don't really stop gun violence. So yes, I would defy that sign. Unless it's posted I won't comply. I will keep my weapon concealed regardless of what Chipotle, or Luddly Neddite says.

And to answer your question? I don't own a firearm, but my father does. And we both agree that a "no guns allowed" sign doesn't trump his concealed carry permit. And it would be interesting to see you force any gun owner to do anything, without them putting a bullet in your head.

I'm surprised you've been allowed to get away so lightly with this statement.
That you consider a bullet in the head is a justifiable response to a dispute with someone on their own property confirms the worst stereotype of gun owners.

You're such a dick.

Temples comment above has to make someone who has read Carmac's love of guns ask why Carmac doesn't have his own guns.

Is it the felony conviction? Or the mental instability? Or is he really only 15?
A sign doesn't trump my 2nd Amendment rights. And as we all know, gun free zones don't really stop gun violence. So yes, I would defy that sign. Unless it's posted I won't comply. I will keep my weapon concealed regardless of what Chipotle, or Luddly Neddite says.

And to answer your question? I don't own a firearm, but my father does. And we both agree that a "no guns allowed" sign doesn't trump his concealed carry permit. And it would be interesting to see you force any gun owner to do anything, without them putting a bullet in your head.

I'm surprised you've been allowed to get away so lightly with this statement.
That you consider a bullet in the head is a justifiable response to a dispute with someone on their own property confirms the worst stereotype of gun owners.

You're such a dick.

Temples comment above has to make someone who has read Carmac's love of guns ask why Carmac doesn't have his own guns.

Is it the felony conviction? Or the mental instability? Or is he really only 15?

I simply put it down to him being a dick that plays too many fantasy shoot 'em up games.
Chipotle: Don't bring guns in our stores: Associated Press Business News - MSN Money

NEW YORK (AP) - Chipotle is asking customers not to bring firearms into its stores after it says gun rights advocates brought military-style assault rifles into one of its restaurants in Texas.

The Denver-based company notes that it has traditionally complied with local laws regarding open and concealed firearms.

But in a statement Monday, the company said that "the display of firearms in our restaurants has now created an environment that is potentially intimidating or uncomfortable for many of our customers."

The announcement came after a petition by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which has called on other companies to ban firearms in their stores as well. The group said its petition was in reaction to open-carry gun activists appearing at a Dallas-area Chipotle restaurant over the weekend.

Erika Soto Lamb, a spokeswoman for the group, said she thought the move by Chipotle was a "bold statement," especially considering its previous stance of complying with local laws.

Many states allow people to carry licensed guns in some way, but some businesses exercise their right to ban firearms.

I thought you were gonna post a story about actual gun violence by gun-toting activists.

Instead you post this crap about somebody being upset.

I bet they get upset when a cop wears a gun too.....

Don't point a loaded finger at anyone or you may cause a stampede of screaming liberals.

These folks weren't concealing their weapons

Which is legal in Texas, as well as the local jurisdiction they were in.

Chipotle then went overboard and said they do not want any firearms, including CCW's despite what local laws may allow.

Nah. They sad not welcome. It's a meaningless statement. It's the rough equivalent of saying wink guns are bad, wink, wink, wink we know our patrons carry and we don't really care either way we just wanted to say guns are bad, wink. Not welcome does not mean prohibited.

That is a big distinction, I agree.
Sure, as if I would let a restaurant tell me where I can take my firearm.

So you would defy a sign saying "no firearms allowed".

Good to know but it doesn't make me safe from idiots like you.

(Who buys your guns and ammo for you?)


Recently posters have said they would not leave a restaurant if an armed person walked in.

We all have the right to be safe and keep our kids safe. Force these cowards to wear their guns where we can see them.

Yes, it's interesting he can afford to have guns and ammo when he doesn't have a job.
I'd like to see him go to jail for taking a gun into a place where it's forbidden. Spending a little time in the real world might do him some good. Actually, he should enroll in the military as he believe so strongly in America and her military might, as well as weapons. Would be the perfect thing to teach him all about reality.
A sign doesn't trump my 2nd Amendment rights. And as we all know, gun free zones don't really stop gun violence. So yes, I would defy that sign. Unless it's posted I won't comply. I will keep my weapon concealed regardless of what Chipotle, or Luddly Neddite says.

And to answer your question? I don't own a firearm, but my father does. And we both agree that a "no guns allowed" sign doesn't trump his concealed carry permit. And it would be interesting to see you force any gun owner to do anything, without them putting a bullet in your head.

In some states, defying that sign is cause for instant revocation of a CC permit. In some states, it is a felony! (In every state, refusing to leave when told to is trespassing.)

I know, just call me quirky. I will invoke mea culpa on that one and move on.

In the famous words of Slick Willie: "Don't ask -- don't tell." :D
Sure, as if I would let a restaurant tell me where I can take my firearm.

So you would defy a sign saying "no firearms allowed".

Good to know but it doesn't make me safe from idiots like you.

(Who buys your guns and ammo for you?)


Recently posters have said they would not leave a restaurant if an armed person walked in.

We all have the right to be safe and keep our kids safe. Force these cowards to wear their guns where we can see them.

Yes, it's interesting he can afford to have guns and ammo when he doesn't have a job.
I'd like to see him go to jail for taking a gun into a place where it's forbidden. Spending a little time in the real world might do him some good. Actually, he should enroll in the military as he believe so strongly in America and her military might, as well as weapons. Would be the perfect thing to teach him all about reality.

That's just silly. All of my guns were purchased as a result of having a job. However, there are have been times that I found myself unemployed. Were my guns supposed to miraculously disappear during periods of unemployment? :cuckoo:
So they should be able to ban black people from coming in as well, right? property rights and all.

False equivalency.

No moron, not false equivalency. You can't 'cherry-pick' which constitutional rights you're going to enforce. I know Eric Holder and Obama do it, but they're in violation of their Oaths Of Office and are therefore tyrants.

Gun rights are not absolute and not protected by the equal class categories.

You have no SCOTUS decisions to back that up.

Yes, your argument is based on false equivalency.
False equivalency.

No moron, not false equivalency. You can't 'cherry-pick' which constitutional rights you're going to enforce. I know Eric Holder and Obama do it, but they're in violation of their Oaths Of Office and are therefore tyrants.

Gun rights are not absolute and not protected by the equal class categories.

You have no SCOTUS decisions to back that up.

Yes, your argument is based on false equivalency.

Non discrimination rights are non absolute either, i.e. private clubs.

And going to "non absolute" all the time is basically ignoring the concepts of the debate, probably because you have no better response.
So you would defy a sign saying "no firearms allowed".

Good to know but it doesn't make me safe from idiots like you.

(Who buys your guns and ammo for you?)


Recently posters have said they would not leave a restaurant if an armed person walked in.

We all have the right to be safe and keep our kids safe. Force these cowards to wear their guns where we can see them.

Yes, it's interesting he can afford to have guns and ammo when he doesn't have a job.
I'd like to see him go to jail for taking a gun into a place where it's forbidden. Spending a little time in the real world might do him some good. Actually, he should enroll in the military as he believe so strongly in America and her military might, as well as weapons. Would be the perfect thing to teach him all about reality.

That's just silly. All of my guns were purchased as a result of having a job. However, there are have been times that I found myself unemployed. Were my guns supposed to miraculously disappear during periods of unemployment? :cuckoo:

You've probably worked fairly steadily during your adult life; TK hasn't. There is a big difference between someone who has sometimes been temporarily out of work and someone who has been chronically out of work. Someone supports him. Who buys his guns? And when he was working, he should have been paying back the person who supports him instead of buying toys for himself.
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No moron, not false equivalency. You can't 'cherry-pick' which constitutional rights you're going to enforce. I know Eric Holder and Obama do it, but they're in violation of their Oaths Of Office and are therefore tyrants.

Gun rights are not absolute and not protected by the equal class categories.

You have no SCOTUS decisions to back that up.

Yes, your argument is based on false equivalency.

Non discrimination rights are non absolute either, i.e. private clubs.

And going to "non absolute" all the time is basically ignoring the concepts of the debate, probably because you have no better response.

Thank you for acknowledging that all rights are not absolute; I agree. Noticing the difference between gun rights and civil rights on equal categories of citizens is an excellent way to demonstrate the difference.

And in this case, a proprietor there legally can exclude open carry from his premises.

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