One big difference in rw's this morning

Yes, from my perspective, Romney won the debate....Fact Checkers show him also as the biggest fibber...but that wasn't a surprise. Debates, since Kennedy/Nixon, have always been about appearances, not substance.

But the Economy/HealthCare/Deficit is a snoozer. How many think Romney winning this debate on appearances is a Game Changer for the Election?

No, the biggest fibbers are the "fact checkers" who are in fact in the bag for Obama. Most of what they report as "fact" is anything but.
We have the most dishonest press ever.

Excuse making even when Romney wins the debate. :lol::lol::lol:

Pointing out the truth is now an "excuse"? You need to find a new meme here. That one's getting stale.
Yes, from my perspective, Romney won the debate....Fact Checkers show him also as the biggest fibber...but that wasn't a surprise. Debates, since Kennedy/Nixon, have always been about appearances, not substance.

But the Economy/HealthCare/Deficit is a snoozer. How many think Romney winning this debate on appearances is a Game Changer for the Election?

Just heard on tv news that four out of the five past presidents "lost" the first debate.

IMO, his lies should make him the loser but your right, we expect lies from him and Ryan both.

I doubt any of the debates will change anyone's mind.

a guy like you should love both have something in both cant be truthful about who and what you are.....
No, the biggest fibbers are the "fact checkers" who are in fact in the bag for Obama. Most of what they report as "fact" is anything but.
We have the most dishonest press ever., is itself supported by the same foundation, the Annenberg Foundation, that Bill Ayers secured the 49.2 million dollars from to create the Chicago Annenberg Challenge “philanthropic” organization in which O was the founding Chairman of the Board for and Ayers served as the grant writer of and co-Chair of for its two operating arms.

Factcheck is not really fact.

Sp much for the reprieve of the constant whining and simpering from the rw's.

Why is it that rw's NEVER take responsibility for themselves? They ALWAYS have to blame someone else.

Ayers association alone knocks destroys the credibility of the organization.
No, the biggest fibbers are the "fact checkers" who are in fact in the bag for Obama. Most of what they report as "fact" is anything but.
We have the most dishonest press ever., is itself supported by the same foundation, the Annenberg Foundation, that Bill Ayers secured the 49.2 million dollars from to create the Chicago Annenberg Challenge “philanthropic” organization in which O was the founding Chairman of the Board for and Ayers served as the grant writer of and co-Chair of for its two operating arms.

Factcheck is not really fact.

Sp much for the reprieve of the constant whining and simpering from the rw's.

Why is it that rw's NEVER take responsibility for themselves? They ALWAYS have to blame someone else. you do?....fucking phony.....
Yes, from my perspective, Romney won the debate....Fact Checkers show him also as the biggest fibber...but that wasn't a surprise. Debates, since Kennedy/Nixon, have always been about appearances, not substance.

But the Economy/HealthCare/Deficit is a snoozer. How many think Romney winning this debate on appearances is a Game Changer for the Election?

I hate to point out the obvious here, Bodecea but to the 23 million people who are currently out of work the economy is not a "snoozer".

For some reason you folks think that an imaginary "war on women" is more important a subject than having a sound fiscal policy to the guy who's sitting on his couch burning through his savings to keep a roof over his head. The economy is the number one issue to people by a wide margin and Barack Obama just got his ass handed to him in a debate about it.
Yes, from my perspective, Romney won the debate....Fact Checkers show him also as the biggest fibber...but that wasn't a surprise. Debates, since Kennedy/Nixon, have always been about appearances, not substance.

But the Economy/HealthCare/Deficit is a snoozer. How many think Romney winning this debate on appearances is a Game Changer for the Election?

Just heard on tv news that four out of the five past presidents "lost" the first debate.

IMO, his lies should make him the loser but your right, we expect lies from him and Ryan both.

I doubt any of the debates will change anyone's mind.

The last incumbent Democrat to lose the first debate was Jimmy Carter.
Suddenly, they uh, "trust" the polls numbers.

After Mitt's next big gaffe though, they will go back to whining that the polls aren't fair so enjoy the temporary quiet.

I trust polls- when they are properly adjusted to reflect the electorate. I also trust my own ears and eyes. Unfortunately, Obama didn't have his teleprompter to bail him out last night, and he looked a man in way over his head. Romney shamed and eviscerated him. Obama was forced to answer questions about his actual record and he blew it. He was destroyed.

You should go and self sooth yourself with a nicely oversampled poll- that should get you through the next few days...Here's one that you can continue to delude yourself with.... this one that shows Obama cruising to a 9 point landlside!!!!.................

rah rah rah!! Obama's got this!! He's leading by 7 points nationally!! 10 points in Ohio!!! He leads in every swing state!!!

Reality is a bitch son....
Suddenly, they uh, "trust" the polls numbers.

After Mitt's next big gaffe though, they will go back to whining that the polls aren't fair so enjoy the temporary quiet.

I dont see rws trusting polls, but NOW I see liberals saying they're rigged....THAT is hilarious......we just love using these polls to throw in your face and you guys need to call whaaaaaaambulence

It's hilarious...can Joe keep on speaking and give us some more ammo......oh and I HOPE to God he brings up the 47%.....lets get it on!
Obama's incompetence coupled with ineptitude and complete lack of knowledge on basic government policies and private business are just astounding. It's no big wonder that he got clocked last night. Romney probably increases his lead with this one.

It could be worse.

He could be one o' those witless, non-participating Teabaggin'-rookies in The House.

:tinfoil: . :lalala: . :alcoholic: . :hellno: . :eusa_liar: . :texflag: . :piss2: . :gay: . :gives:


"At least I'm just a lazy drunk."​
Yes, from my perspective, Romney won the debate....Fact Checkers show him also as the biggest fibber...but that wasn't a surprise. Debates, since Kennedy/Nixon, have always been about appearances, not substance.

But the Economy/HealthCare/Deficit is a snoozer. How many think Romney winning this debate on appearances is a Game Changer for the Election?

Much of Romney's substance from the debate is going to come back to bite him. My prediction is that the Obama campaign will jump all over Romney's tax plan, the one with no details, in upcoming ads that they will be running. Romney's campaign is inept compared to Obama's. There is nothing that Obama said that can be used against him. While Romney won on points and won the battle, he continues to lose the war.
Yes, from my perspective, Romney won the debate....Fact Checkers show him also as the biggest fibber...but that wasn't a surprise. Debates, since Kennedy/Nixon, have always been about appearances, not substance.

But the Economy/HealthCare/Deficit is a snoozer. How many think Romney winning this debate on appearances is a Game Changer for the Election?

Much of Romney's substance from the debate is going to come back to bite him. My prediction is that the Obama campaign will jump all over Romney's tax plan, the one with no details, in upcoming ads that they will be running. Romney's campaign is inept compared to Obama's. There is nothing that Obama said that can be used against him. While Romney won on points and won the battle, he continues to lose the war.

really what about the tax break for shipping jobs overseas...can we see that? Oh and if it does exist why didnt Obama, Pelosi and Reid get rid of it? hmmmmmm
Yes, from my perspective, Romney won the debate....Fact Checkers show him also as the biggest fibber...but that wasn't a surprise. Debates, since Kennedy/Nixon, have always been about appearances, not substance.

But the Economy/HealthCare/Deficit is a snoozer. How many think Romney winning this debate on appearances is a Game Changer for the Election?

No, the biggest fibbers are the "fact checkers" who are in fact in the bag for Obama. Most of what they report as "fact" is anything but.
We have the most dishonest press ever., is itself supported by the same foundation, the Annenberg Foundation, that Bill Ayers secured the 49.2 million dollars from to create the Chicago Annenberg Challenge “philanthropic” organization in which O was the founding Chairman of the Board for and Ayers served as the grant writer of and co-Chair of for its two operating arms.

Factcheck is not really fact.

:tongue:Its a fact they are not really true.
Yes, from my perspective, Romney won the debate....Fact Checkers show him also as the biggest fibber...but that wasn't a surprise. Debates, since Kennedy/Nixon, have always been about appearances, not substance.

But the Economy/HealthCare/Deficit is a snoozer. How many think Romney winning this debate on appearances is a Game Changer for the Election?

I hate to point out the obvious here, Bodecea but to the 23 million people who are currently out of work the economy is not a "snoozer".

For some reason you folks think that an imaginary "war on women" is more important a subject than having a sound fiscal policy to the guy who's sitting on his couch burning through his savings to keep a roof over his head. The economy is the number one issue to people by a wide margin and Barack Obama just got his ass handed to him in a debate about it.

....And, Mittens is back to doing his post-public-appearance reset.

No, the biggest fibbers are the "fact checkers" who are in fact in the bag for Obama. Most of what they report as "fact" is anything but.
We have the most dishonest press ever., is itself supported by the same foundation, the Annenberg Foundation, that Bill Ayers secured the 49.2 million dollars from to create the Chicago Annenberg Challenge “philanthropic” organization in which O was the founding Chairman of the Board for and Ayers served as the grant writer of and co-Chair of for its two operating arms.

Factcheck is not really fact.

Sp much for the reprieve of the constant whining and simpering from the rw's.

Why is it that rw's NEVER take responsibility for themselves? They ALWAYS have to blame someone else.

:DOh you mean like Ubama does with his finger pointing. Anytime he fails its always someone elses fault. How funny.
Yes, from my perspective, Romney won the debate....Fact Checkers show him also as the biggest fibber...but that wasn't a surprise. Debates, since Kennedy/Nixon, have always been about appearances, not substance.

But the Economy/HealthCare/Deficit is a snoozer. How many think Romney winning this debate on appearances is a Game Changer for the Election?

Much of Romney's substance from the debate is going to come back to bite him. My prediction is that the Obama campaign will jump all over Romney's tax plan, the one with no details, in upcoming ads that they will be running. Romney's campaign is inept compared to Obama's. There is nothing that Obama said that can be used against him. While Romney won on points and won the battle, he continues to lose the war.

I disagree. You seem to ignore the inconvenient fact that Obama has a record now and it stinks. It will be a lodestone around his neck and will continue to haunt him over the next 35 days - he cannot escape his own record and words.

This is a very close election and last night Romney gained the momentum. He'll continue to hammer Obama on his lack of leadership, unemployment, Food stamps, Obamacare.....all the things that voters care about.

PS- Obama did not have a bad night, that is the real Obama- an unprepared, out of his league, DILETTANTE, with a huge ego. He thought he could just waltz in and throw out a few memorized lines and dispatch Romney with ease. Instead, he shit the bed. Just like he's shit the bed on the economy, foreign policy, and leadership. He's an empty suit with an empty head and it was clear for all to see last night.
Yes, from my perspective, Romney won the debate....Fact Checkers show him also as the biggest fibber...but that wasn't a surprise. Debates, since Kennedy/Nixon, have always been about appearances, not substance.

But the Economy/HealthCare/Deficit is a snoozer. How many think Romney winning this debate on appearances is a Game Changer for the Election?

No, the biggest fibbers are the "fact checkers" who are in fact in the bag for Obama. couldn't have anything to do with Mitten's......

No, the biggest fibbers are the "fact checkers" who are in fact in the bag for Obama. Most of what they report as "fact" is anything but.
We have the most dishonest press ever., is itself supported by the same foundation, the Annenberg Foundation, that Bill Ayers secured the 49.2 million dollars from to create the Chicago Annenberg Challenge “philanthropic” organization in which O was the founding Chairman of the Board for and Ayers served as the grant writer of and co-Chair of for its two operating arms.

Factcheck is not really fact.

Sp much for the reprieve of the constant whining and simpering from the rw's.

Why is it that rw's NEVER take responsibility for themselves? They ALWAYS have to blame someone else.

what a joke! Facts are only important to you if they are skewed by the likes of those that think like you - wanting progressive policies to change the Republic of which we were created.
Those aren't actual facts.
Yes, from my perspective, Romney won the debate....Fact Checkers show him also as the biggest fibber...but that wasn't a surprise. Debates, since Kennedy/Nixon, have always been about appearances, not substance.

But the Economy/HealthCare/Deficit is a snoozer. How many think Romney winning this debate on appearances is a Game Changer for the Election?

Much of Romney's substance from the debate is going to come back to bite him. My prediction is that the Obama campaign will jump all over Romney's tax plan, the one with no details, in upcoming ads that they will be running. Romney's campaign is inept compared to Obama's. There is nothing that Obama said that can be used against him. While Romney won on points and won the battle, he continues to lose the war.

I disagree. You seem to ignore the inconvenient fact that Obama has a record now and it stinks.

[ame=]Rachel Maddow (1) 111th Congress put policy before politics - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Rachel Maddow (2) 111th Congress put policy before politics - YouTube[/ame]


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