One Conservative Is Finally Facing A Small Part Of Reality


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
It is a rarity for a conservative to emerge from the alternate reality most of them call home. But, in the instance of Alabama’s Madison County Sheriff Blake Dorning, a small part of reality has seeped into his right wing world.

Alabama Senator Gerald Allen has introduced Alabama Senate Bill 24 (SB24) that would repeal the current Alabama statute that requires a permit to have a concealed handgun on your person or in a vehicle. Further, it will allow everyone who was previously denied a lawful permit to now be able to carry a concealed handgun.

(The complete text of SB24 can be read at this link: Alabama SB24 | 2017 | Regular Session )

Isn’t that great news? For Sheriff Dorning it certainly is NOT.

The sheriff, obviously a devoted Republican who undoubtedly voted for Der Gropenfürher, is slowly coming to understand the true dangers of allowing all the nuts in his county (and state) to walk around with loaded guns stuffed down their pants. In response to this, the sheriff has begun an effort to gain public support to prevent Allen’s SB24 from becoming law. He has written an open letter to the people in his state asking them to contact their representatives and tell them to, “stop this madness.”

In an excerpt from Downing’s letter he points out: “Alabama law currently prohibits weapons at organized protests. A repeal of the current law by the passing of SB24 will allow handguns to be present at both peaceful and non-peaceful protests. This is especially troublesome and dangerous for protests that espouse hatred. Although protests are protected by the First Amendment, these gatherings will now be attended by persons possessing a handgun hidden from view of law enforcement. SB24 will allow these persons with a past history of violent behavior to do so.”

(His entire letter can be read at this link: Message From Sheriff Blake Dorning )

Despite the BS constantly spread by the NRA and other Second Amendment fanatics, the vast majority of Americans want to see common sense gun control laws implemented nation wide. Laws that would keep firearms out of the hands of former convicts, the mentally disturbed, domestic abusers, etc.

However, it is surprising to see a Southern conservative shocked to the point of facing the reality of the dangers of permitting any and all nuts to carry a concealed weapon nearly everywhere they go. It is a given that the intelligence level of Southern conservatives is even lower than that of conservatives in the rest of the nation. But it IS understandable why most conservatives oppose common sense gun laws, they would be among those forbidden by these laws to own any type of gun. And, whether Sheriff Downing is successful in stopping SB24, or not, his chances for re-election are rapidly dwindling with the publishing of his letter.


Living Blue In a Red State.jpg

Alaska: 60% carry in the city, 90% outside the city. No riots, no civil unrest, low crime. It's really quite lovely, I highly recommend.

You're fear of guns does not impinge my right to have them. Don't like it? There's plenty of countries across the world that don't "allow" guns and don't have a Constitutional 2nd amendment, try one of them.
Alaska: 60% carry in the city, 90% outside the city. No riots, no civil unrest, low crime. It's really quite lovely, I highly recommend.

You're fear of guns does not impinge my right to have them. Don't like it? There's plenty of countries across the world that don't "allow" guns and don't have a Constitutional 2nd amendment, try one of them.
Tons of empty space, low chance of coming into contact with other humans... excellent combination for a low crime and homicide rate
You mean like the majority of the country is? Not packed like sardines in a city?

Yeah, welcome to America son.
It's called constitutional carry and it doesn't apply to persons prohibited form having a gun. You snowflakes are sooooooo funny.
Well this conservative woke up years ago and left the Democratic Party. I'm now a happy registered Independent after being told once too often to shut up sit down and just vote the party line I did not agree with.

I live out in the desert on several acres at the foot of the mountains above 29 Palms Marine Base. I have my Snipers rifle with auto ranging scope, several ammo cans of ammo, a clear field of fire out to a mile or so with many routes of ex-filtration if needed. I have a go a bag and no ties to the community. I can ghost out at will and there are a lot of anti-government desert rats out here and Vietnam Era vets like me.
I live out in the desert on several acres at the foot of the mountains above 29 Palms Marine Base. I have my Snipers rifle with auto ranging scope, several ammo cans of ammo, a clear field of fire out to a mile or so with many routes of ex-filtration if needed. I have a go a bag and no ties to the community. I can ghost out at will and there are a lot of anti-government desert rats out here and Vietnam Era vets like me.
Jesus wept. You probably think you're sane, too.
Well this conservative woke up years ago and left the Democratic Party. I'm now a happy registered Independent after being told once too often to shut up sit down and just vote the party line I did not agree with.

I live out in the desert on several acres at the foot of the mountains above 29 Palms Marine Base. I have my Snipers rifle with auto ranging scope, several ammo cans of ammo, a clear field of fire out to a mile or so with many routes of ex-filtration if needed. I have a go a bag and no ties to the community. I can ghost out at will and there are a lot of anti-government desert rats out here and Vietnam Era vets like me.
I've been thinking about buying one of those 5 acre parcels myself.
It is a rarity for a conservative to emerge from the alternate reality most of them call home. But, in the instance of Alabama’s Madison County Sheriff Blake Dorning, a small part of reality has seeped into his right wing world.

Alabama Senator Gerald Allen has introduced Alabama Senate Bill 24 (SB24) that would repeal the current Alabama statute that requires a permit to have a concealed handgun on your person or in a vehicle. Further, it will allow everyone who was previously denied a lawful permit to now be able to carry a concealed handgun.

(The complete text of SB24 can be read at this link: Alabama SB24 | 2017 | Regular Session )

Isn’t that great news? For Sheriff Dorning it certainly is NOT.

The sheriff, obviously a devoted Republican who undoubtedly voted for Der Gropenfürher, is slowly coming to understand the true dangers of allowing all the nuts in his county (and state) to walk around with loaded guns stuffed down their pants. In response to this, the sheriff has begun an effort to gain public support to prevent Allen’s SB24 from becoming law. He has written an open letter to the people in his state asking them to contact their representatives and tell them to, “stop this madness.”

In an excerpt from Downing’s letter he points out: “Alabama law currently prohibits weapons at organized protests. A repeal of the current law by the passing of SB24 will allow handguns to be present at both peaceful and non-peaceful protests. This is especially troublesome and dangerous for protests that espouse hatred. Although protests are protected by the First Amendment, these gatherings will now be attended by persons possessing a handgun hidden from view of law enforcement. SB24 will allow these persons with a past history of violent behavior to do so.”

(His entire letter can be read at this link: Message From Sheriff Blake Dorning )

Despite the BS constantly spread by the NRA and other Second Amendment fanatics, the vast majority of Americans want to see common sense gun control laws implemented nation wide. Laws that would keep firearms out of the hands of former convicts, the mentally disturbed, domestic abusers, etc.

However, it is surprising to see a Southern conservative shocked to the point of facing the reality of the dangers of permitting any and all nuts to carry a concealed weapon nearly everywhere they go. It is a given that the intelligence level of Southern conservatives is even lower than that of conservatives in the rest of the nation. But it IS understandable why most conservatives oppose common sense gun laws, they would be among those forbidden by these laws to own any type of gun. And, whether Sheriff Downing is successful in stopping SB24, or not, his chances for re-election are rapidly dwindling with the publishing of his letter.


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Dear BertramN
And NONE of this addresses the REALITY that if we REALLY want people to follow the laws in the first place, the first step is to TEACH and TRAIN people what the laws are and mean, what is due process, and how crime, abuse and bullying VIOLATE the very principles the Bill of Rights is supposed to protect for people.

If people act as the VERY oppression and abuses that our Constitutional laws prohibit govt from, then what is the point of laws and law enforcement???

We need to teach THAT FIRST.

Then we won't rely on guns as a reaction to violence,
but we'll do better deterring violence and misconduct.
Guns will help with law enforcement but can't replace the foundations
of education and training, and agreement among citizens to respect laws in the first place.

Can't keep dancing around that, when it's the key to the whole issue of
crime vs. law enforcement. TEACHING the laws, the Constitutional process
and respect for persons, principles and property and process; in order to be ABLE to hold govt accountable, the people need to respect the same standards!
I live out in the desert on several acres at the foot of the mountains above 29 Palms Marine Base. I have my Snipers rifle with auto ranging scope, several ammo cans of ammo, a clear field of fire out to a mile or so with many routes of ex-filtration if needed. I have a go a bag and no ties to the community. I can ghost out at will and there are a lot of anti-government desert rats out here and Vietnam Era vets like me.
Jesus wept. You probably think you're sane, too.

Not particularly. My government taught me not to trust them or anyone because they killed my E-5 and almost killed me. If my cousin had not worn three stars on his shoulder I would be MIA presumed dead in Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam as of April 1972 as the other men who went on the "one way ticket" my brigade commander tried to send me on because he hated me. I had been on temporary duty for nine months helping establish the first Drug Suppression Unit on Okinawa for the U.S. Army. When I came back he called me into his office and told me he was going to do everything within his power to get me killed because he felt the Drug Unit had targeted his Command. If an Infantry Major I am not going to name who felt he owed my cousin a favor had not removed my name off those orders I would be "DEAD"! All those who went on that mission are MIA presumed dead to this day. Shortly after that I resigned my commission as an officer and was released from service. I have lived with that for over 40 years and it still sticks in my craw. Now don't get me wrong I served with some great men and officers including one brigadier general I loved and respected that caused me sign up for Voluntary Indefinite which was one step below regular Army and indentured me for 6 years but one day a Specialist Fourth Class came to me and handed a clipboard with papers on it and asked me to sign them. You learn fast to read before signing anything and I saw they were Voluntary Indefinite paperwork. I handed them back to him and said I've already signed these but he asked me to sign this set again. I looked at him smiled and said "so command has lost the originals right?" He did not give me a strait answer but said does this mean you won't sign these? I replied this means I just went from a long timer to a short timer unless command can find those original documents.

I had originally intended upon entry into the Army of making it a career as many in my family had. Unfortunately a fellow ROTC cadet had tried to evade his military service by joining a local police force and the ROTC Corps decided to punish him by sticking him with the Infantry Branch assignment that I wanted. You see my second cousin was at the time the commanding general at Fort Benning, Georgia's Infantry School. I did my best to convince the head of the ROTC Unit to stick him with a Field Artillery slot since the average life expectancy of a forward observer in Vietnam was only about two weeks at the time but he would not budge. I ended up getting stuck with and Air Defense slot. I could only hope to latter transfer to Infantry but once I ended up under Lt.Col Charles House my career was over. That is a long and convoluted story too long for here.
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Well this conservative woke up years ago and left the Democratic Party. I'm now a happy registered Independent after being told once too often to shut up sit down and just vote the party line I did not agree with.

I live out in the desert on several acres at the foot of the mountains above 29 Palms Marine Base. I have my Snipers rifle with auto ranging scope, several ammo cans of ammo, a clear field of fire out to a mile or so with many routes of ex-filtration if needed. I have a go a bag and no ties to the community. I can ghost out at will and there are a lot of anti-government desert rats out here and Vietnam Era vets like me.

You aren't an independent. You're another republican who is too embarrassed to admit it. If you vote republican, and support republican goals, you're a republican. It doesn't matter what you try to pass yourself off as.
Yep, your right of self defense doesn't end just because you find yourself in a demonstration.
Yet the founders had the 2nd as about the security of a free state. Self defence is a long way from the slave patrols.
I agree with BertamN that darkies generally should not have access to dangerous stuff.
It is a rarity for a conservative to emerge from the alternate reality most of them call home. But, in the instance of Alabama’s Madison County Sheriff Blake Dorning, a small part of reality has seeped into his right wing world.

Alabama Senator Gerald Allen has introduced Alabama Senate Bill 24 (SB24) that would repeal the current Alabama statute that requires a permit to have a concealed handgun on your person or in a vehicle. Further, it will allow everyone who was previously denied a lawful permit to now be able to carry a concealed handgun.

(The complete text of SB24 can be read at this link: Alabama SB24 | 2017 | Regular Session )

Isn’t that great news? For Sheriff Dorning it certainly is NOT.

The sheriff, obviously a devoted Republican who undoubtedly voted for Der Gropenfürher, is slowly coming to understand the true dangers of allowing all the nuts in his county (and state) to walk around with loaded guns stuffed down their pants. In response to this, the sheriff has begun an effort to gain public support to prevent Allen’s SB24 from becoming law. He has written an open letter to the people in his state asking them to contact their representatives and tell them to, “stop this madness.”

In an excerpt from Downing’s letter he points out: “Alabama law currently prohibits weapons at organized protests. A repeal of the current law by the passing of SB24 will allow handguns to be present at both peaceful and non-peaceful protests. This is especially troublesome and dangerous for protests that espouse hatred. Although protests are protected by the First Amendment, these gatherings will now be attended by persons possessing a handgun hidden from view of law enforcement. SB24 will allow these persons with a past history of violent behavior to do so.”

(His entire letter can be read at this link: Message From Sheriff Blake Dorning )

Despite the BS constantly spread by the NRA and other Second Amendment fanatics, the vast majority of Americans want to see common sense gun control laws implemented nation wide. Laws that would keep firearms out of the hands of former convicts, the mentally disturbed, domestic abusers, etc.

However, it is surprising to see a Southern conservative shocked to the point of facing the reality of the dangers of permitting any and all nuts to carry a concealed weapon nearly everywhere they go. It is a given that the intelligence level of Southern conservatives is even lower than that of conservatives in the rest of the nation. But it IS understandable why most conservatives oppose common sense gun laws, they would be among those forbidden by these laws to own any type of gun. And, whether Sheriff Downing is successful in stopping SB24, or not, his chances for re-election are rapidly dwindling with the publishing of his letter.


View attachment 113602

My rights = none of your business
It's called constitutional carry and it doesn't apply to persons prohibited form having a gun. You snowflakes are sooooooo funny.

I agree. As usual the dumbass didn't research exactly what the bill said. Or if he did he ignored that part.

Color me shocked.
Well this conservative woke up years ago and left the Democratic Party. I'm now a happy registered Independent after being told once too often to shut up sit down and just vote the party line I did not agree with.

I live out in the desert on several acres at the foot of the mountains above 29 Palms Marine Base. I have my Snipers rifle with auto ranging scope, several ammo cans of ammo, a clear field of fire out to a mile or so with many routes of ex-filtration if needed. I have a go a bag and no ties to the community. I can ghost out at will and there are a lot of anti-government desert rats out here and Vietnam Era vets like me.

You aren't an independent. You're another republican who is too embarrassed to admit it. If you vote republican, and support republican goals, you're a republican. It doesn't matter what you try to pass yourself off as.

I vote for the individual I think will do the best job. IF you can not accept that too bad so sad get a life. Life is about more than politics and power!

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