one hell of a salesman found a sucker or he's laundering money

What was your opinion of the Whitewater investigation?

What about the results?


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony - Whitewater real-estate investor

John Haley - felony 1998 on fraud

Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy

Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery

Eugene Fitzhugh - Whitewater - bribery

Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign Finance:
And you say that with no evidence to back that up.

What evidence would suffice for you?

Russia hacked the election on behalf of Trump.
Congress voted 517-5 to impose sanctions on Russia for hacking the election
Trump refuses to enforce those sanctions

Why does Trump refuse to enforce the sanctions that 99% of Congress voted for?

tell us exactly what Russia did to "hack our election" What did they do, where did they do it, how many votes were affected/changed because of Russian actions?

BTW, wikileaks is NOT Russia. But the Clinton campaign did buy the fraudulent dossier from Russians.
You've done nothing to show that anything illegal has taken place.

There needs to be more to launch an investigation, than holding political views you don't like.

That is not Justice. That is political witchhunting.

And selective enforcement to boot.
You ducked the question usual
Is the President above the law?

If this transaction turns out to be illegal.........should our President be held accountable

What you are doing it a form of propaganda.

You have done nothing to support your premise that something illegal has taken place but you want to put out there the idea, over and over again, that something illegal has taken place.

THis is because you are terrified of what will happen if Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration are enacted, to the benefit of America and Americans.

So you try to make up shit out of nothing.

It is not is a legitimate concern

Trumps real estate transaction with the Russian billionaire has the appearance of being improper

As such, it needs to be investigated

No, it doesn't.

Wouldn't you want to know if your president has been involved in criminal activity?

Or is he above the law to you

does your question apply to Bill Clinton, Obama, and SecState Clinton? if not, why?
How long has it been? A year? And there hasn't been one shred, one iota of evidence that Trump did any of those things.

There's been plenty, you just have denied it all because your ego means more to you than the truth.

We know Russia and Trump colluded because Uday Trump released his emails specifically talking about setting up that Trump Tower meeting in June 2016 with FSB agents.

It took a year to bring down Nixon, and that was all domestic and didn't involve money laundering and numerous other counts of kompromat corruption. Why does Trump refuse to release his tax returns?

Whitewater went on for seven years

Oh good, so Democrats want to be as stupid as Republicans, great goal, by the way, you already have surpassed Republicans, congrats.
Do as we say, not as we do...Republicans

This is serious shit
If Trump broke the law, he needs to be accountable

Open the books and show us there is nothing wrong

not just Trump .. any member of his cartel is subject to the law.

the old worn out derelict just believes he's above our law.

F his sorry ass, he's not.

No one has said he is above the law, you want an investigation for no reason, just because... We don't investigate unless there is reasonable cause and don't randomly investigate. Just because you don't like a person's politics is no reason to open investigation after investigation. It is unAmerican.

With multiple examples of Trump dealing with the Russians in transactions that appear to be money laundering ....there is a reason to investigate
I'm guessing a judge ain't gonna buy it ... he MUST be guilty cuz he LOOKS guilty. Helluva case!
With multiple examples of Trump dealing with the Russians in transactions that appear to be money laundering ....there is a reason to investigate

We would appreciate your reliable source and links. Thank you!
Whitewater went on for seven years

Oh good, so Democrats want to be as stupid as Republicans, great goal, by the way, you already have surpassed Republicans, congrats.
Do as we say, not as we do...Republicans

This is serious shit
If Trump broke the law, he needs to be accountable

Open the books and show us there is nothing wrong
Last time I checked, we don't have to prove our innocence. You have to prove the guilt. You want his books? Subpoena them - if you don't have enough to support a subpoena, go away until you do.

Fine....lets subpoena them

Trump already looks guilty enough

LOL!! Guilty until proven innocent, its the American way!!
Oh good, so Democrats want to be as stupid as Republicans, great goal, by the way, you already have surpassed Republicans, congrats.
Do as we say, not as we do...Republicans

This is serious shit
If Trump broke the law, he needs to be accountable

Open the books and show us there is nothing wrong

not just Trump .. any member of his cartel is subject to the law.

the old worn out derelict just believes he's above our law.

F his sorry ass, he's not.

No one has said he is above the law, you want an investigation for no reason, just because... We don't investigate unless there is reasonable cause and don't randomly investigate. Just because you don't like a person's politics is no reason to open investigation after investigation. It is unAmerican.

With multiple examples of Trump dealing with the Russians in transactions that appear to be money laundering ....there is a reason to investigate
I'm guessing a judge ain't gonna buy it ... he MUST be guilty cuz he LOOKS guilty. Helluva case!
Most judges will allow the appearance of guilt as grounds to issue a search warrant
RW idiots are only interested in Democrats being transparent.

Oh good, so Democrats want to be as stupid as Republicans, great goal, by the way, you already have surpassed Republicans, congrats.
Do as we say, not as we do...Republicans

This is serious shit
If Trump broke the law, he needs to be accountable

Open the books and show us there is nothing wrong
Last time I checked, we don't have to prove our innocence. You have to prove the guilt. You want his books? Subpoena them - if you don't have enough to support a subpoena, go away until you do.

Fine....lets subpoena them

Trump already looks guilty enough

LOL!! Guilty until proven innocent, its the American way!!
Do as we say, not as we do...Republicans

This is serious shit
If Trump broke the law, he needs to be accountable

Open the books and show us there is nothing wrong

not just Trump .. any member of his cartel is subject to the law.

the old worn out derelict just believes he's above our law.

F his sorry ass, he's not.

No one has said he is above the law, you want an investigation for no reason, just because... We don't investigate unless there is reasonable cause and don't randomly investigate. Just because you don't like a person's politics is no reason to open investigation after investigation. It is unAmerican.

With multiple examples of Trump dealing with the Russians in transactions that appear to be money laundering ....there is a reason to investigate
I'm guessing a judge ain't gonna buy it ... he MUST be guilty cuz he LOOKS guilty. Helluva case!
Most judges will allow the appearance of guilt as grounds to issue a search warrant
Nice twist on the words .... but not even remotely true.
Whitewater went on for seven years

Oh good, so Democrats want to be as stupid as Republicans, great goal, by the way, you already have surpassed Republicans, congrats.
Do as we say, not as we do...Republicans

This is serious shit
If Trump broke the law, he needs to be accountable

Open the books and show us there is nothing wrong

not just Trump .. any member of his cartel is subject to the law.

the old worn out derelict just believes he's above our law.

F his sorry ass, he's not.

No one has said he is above the law, you want an investigation for no reason, just because... We don't investigate unless there is reasonable cause and don't randomly investigate. Just because you don't like a person's politics is no reason to open investigation after investigation. It is unAmerican.

With multiple examples of Trump dealing with the Russians in transactions that appear to be money laundering ....there is a reason to investigate

What reasonable cause? What other transactions "appear" to be money laundering to you?

Just because you dislike a person doesn't mean you get to investigate everything they do, that is called harassment and is illegal. Maybe the government need to open an investigation into you wanting to harass people.
RW idiots are only interested in Democrats being transparent.

Obama ran on the idea of being the most transparent President and he was proved to be quite the opposite. You never bitched, whined or complained then and now you do? F'you, hypocrite.
Oh good, so Democrats want to be as stupid as Republicans, great goal, by the way, you already have surpassed Republicans, congrats.
Do as we say, not as we do...Republicans

This is serious shit
If Trump broke the law, he needs to be accountable

Open the books and show us there is nothing wrong
Last time I checked, we don't have to prove our innocence. You have to prove the guilt. You want his books? Subpoena them - if you don't have enough to support a subpoena, go away until you do.

Fine....lets subpoena them

Trump already looks guilty enough

LOL!! Guilty until proven innocent, its the American way!!
Do as we say, not as we do...Republicans

This is serious shit
If Trump broke the law, he needs to be accountable

Open the books and show us there is nothing wrong

not just Trump .. any member of his cartel is subject to the law.

the old worn out derelict just believes he's above our law.

F his sorry ass, he's not.

No one has said he is above the law, you want an investigation for no reason, just because... We don't investigate unless there is reasonable cause and don't randomly investigate. Just because you don't like a person's politics is no reason to open investigation after investigation. It is unAmerican.

With multiple examples of Trump dealing with the Russians in transactions that appear to be money laundering ....there is a reason to investigate
I'm guessing a judge ain't gonna buy it ... he MUST be guilty cuz he LOOKS guilty. Helluva case!
Most judges will allow the appearance of guilt as grounds to issue a search warrant

No they don't, they need to have reasonable cause. A real estate transaction can be looked into as it is a matter of public record. Making a profit on a real estate transaction is not reasonable cause, very few judges would grant a vindictive, petty. political request, it borders on harassment.
RW idiots are only interested in Democrats being transparent.

Obama ran on the idea of being the most transparent President and he was proved to be quite the opposite. You never bitched, whined or complained then and now you do? F'you, hypocrite.

and you demanded Obama be transparent -- but not Trump.

so F you.
RW idiots are only interested in Democrats being transparent.

Obama ran on the idea of being the most transparent President and he was proved to be quite the opposite. You never bitched, whined or complained then and now you do? F'you, hypocrite.

and you demanded Obama be transparent -- but not Trump.

so F you.

I didn't demand Obama to be transparent, he claimed to be transparent, ran on his being transparent, yet he wasn't. You never held Obama to transparency yet demand it of Trump. You are being hypocritical. Pretty sad how you partisan nuts don't like to be held to the standard you want to hold others to. Pathetic is the better word.
RW idiots are only interested in Democrats being transparent.

Obama ran on the idea of being the most transparent President and he was proved to be quite the opposite. You never bitched, whined or complained then and now you do? F'you, hypocrite.

and you demanded Obama be transparent -- but not Trump.

so F you.

I didn't demand Obama to be transparent, he claimed to be transparent, ran on his being transparent, yet he wasn't. You never held Obama to transparency yet demand it of Trump. You are being hypocritical. Pretty sad how you partisan nuts don't like to be held to the standard you want to hold others to. Pathetic is the better word.

F you, I didnt vote for him ..

you keep throwing transparent around but you have yet to throw it at trump - you F'n hypocrite .. STFU
RW idiots are only interested in Democrats being transparent.

Obama ran on the idea of being the most transparent President and he was proved to be quite the opposite. You never bitched, whined or complained then and now you do? F'you, hypocrite.

and you demanded Obama be transparent -- but not Trump.

so F you.

I didn't demand Obama to be transparent, he claimed to be transparent, ran on his being transparent, yet he wasn't. You never held Obama to transparency yet demand it of Trump. You are being hypocritical. Pretty sad how you partisan nuts don't like to be held to the standard you want to hold others to. Pathetic is the better word.

F you, I didnt vote for him ..

you keep throwing transparent around but you have yet to throw it at trump - you F'n hypocrite .. STFU

Dumb fuck, I never said or asked for transparency, you did! I didn't care that Obama wasn't transparent, I am not concerned that Trump isn't transparent, how is that hypocrisy, stupid shit?

Pull your head out of your ass and breathe before you make stupid accusations that you have no way to back. People were right about you, you are one dumb mf.
Oh good, so Democrats want to be as stupid as Republicans, great goal, by the way, you already have surpassed Republicans, congrats.
Do as we say, not as we do...Republicans

This is serious shit
If Trump broke the law, he needs to be accountable

Open the books and show us there is nothing wrong

not just Trump .. any member of his cartel is subject to the law.

the old worn out derelict just believes he's above our law.

F his sorry ass, he's not.

No one has said he is above the law, you want an investigation for no reason, just because... We don't investigate unless there is reasonable cause and don't randomly investigate. Just because you don't like a person's politics is no reason to open investigation after investigation. It is unAmerican.

With multiple examples of Trump dealing with the Russians in transactions that appear to be money laundering ....there is a reason to investigate

What reasonable cause? What other transactions "appear" to be money laundering to you?

Just because you dislike a person doesn't mean you get to investigate everything they do, that is called harassment and is illegal. Maybe the government need to open an investigation into you wanting to harass people.

reasonable cause;

Flynn working for Trump and lying about Russian connections = pleaded guilty
Manafort .... ditto ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Jr. meeting with Russians to get dirt on Clinton when he worked for Daddys campaign

RW idiots are only interested in Democrats being transparent.

Obama ran on the idea of being the most transparent President and he was proved to be quite the opposite. You never bitched, whined or complained then and now you do? F'you, hypocrite.

and you demanded Obama be transparent -- but not Trump.

so F you.

I didn't demand Obama to be transparent, he claimed to be transparent, ran on his being transparent, yet he wasn't. You never held Obama to transparency yet demand it of Trump. You are being hypocritical. Pretty sad how you partisan nuts don't like to be held to the standard you want to hold others to. Pathetic is the better word.

F you, I didnt vote for him ..

you keep throwing transparent around but you have yet to throw it at trump - you F'n hypocrite .. STFU

Dumb fuck, I never said or asked for transparency, you did! I didn't care that Obama wasn't transparent, I am not concerned that Trump isn't transparent, how is that hypocrisy, stupid shit?

Pull your head out of your ass and breathe before you make stupid accusations that you have no way to back. People were right about you, you are one dumb mf.

I ask for Trump transparency - YOU automatically brought up Obama. NOT ME.

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