One MORE group that Trump has now insulted.....

Trump is trying to delegitimize the election. It's birtherism redux.

If the President is not legitimate, what deals made with that President can be legitimate? Trump's lack of respect for the peaceful transition of power endangers our democracy.

Will Trump make a gracious concession speech, or will he be petulant and call the election into question? Stoking fear and indignation, Trump is treating our election like a business deal gone bad.
He dragged the Republican primaries through the sewer, now he's done it to the national election. This man is cancer on American politics.
Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.
We all know that decent men don't talk like that. To say that it is 'what men do,' it's typical, it's what average men do: this is an insult to all decent men.
Just heard Trump got his 2nd daily newspaper endorsement compared to about 50+ for Hillary; many who've never endorsed a Dem in their history! Trump just can't catch a break! :banghead: :argue:

It's rigged by the liebruls! Most Republicans now are LIEbruls and homos!

Anyone who doesn't support Trump is a Liebrul, commie, globalist, socialist, progressive homo.
Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.
We all know that decent men don't talk like that. To say that it is 'what men do,' it's typical, it's what average men do: this is an insult to all decent men.

Manly men have no need to degrade women. Trump is compensating for his lack of manliness.

collecting returnable bottles so that they can get tattoos.
The millennial, by and large, don't like Hillary. They liked Bernie.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sure but they are going to support hilary HNL !! College educated , big deal , they have huge debt because of money spent getting that college and now can't get jobs paying 15 buck an hour . Heck , they cry for 15 dollars an hour in 2016 when i was making 15 dollars an hour plus the best of railroad job benefits in 1979 . Now you millenial types have to stay on Daddys nasty insurance up to age 26 and live in the parents basement while paying off huge debt , how smart is that HNL ??
Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I say B.S. Mr.Fritz !!

Click the links... Beck is anti-Trump.

As to my experience as an athlete goes, I have talked with other athletes and they also do not recall hearing shit talk about women in the locker room.

Maybe you have never been in a locker room. We change and shower and leave. There isn't much talk. If we discuss anything it is usually sports.

Based on Trump's pear-shaped out of shape flabby body, I think Trump was projecting when he used the term "locker room talk". He has actually been in a locker room? Not in the last 40 or so years.
Therefore, he has absolutely no idea what real men talk about on the locker room. He's just a big mouthed girly-boy trying to be a tough guy.
He walks into women's and girls' dressing rooms when the women and girls are unclothed...he has bragged about doing that and laughed about getting away with it because he is the 'boss' and owns the beauty pageant. (It's on tape.) But I doubt he's been in a gym or locker rooms since high school.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACCUSATIONS , Unproven accusation and none of the Unproven accusations have anything to do with running a country Emerelda !!
Just heard Trump got his 2nd daily newspaper endorsement compared to about 50+ for Hillary; many who've never endorsed a Dem in their history! Trump just can't catch a break! :banghead: :argue:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- big deal , newspaper endorsements .
Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I say B.S. Mr.Fritz !!

Click the links... Beck is anti-Trump.

As to my experience as an athlete goes, I have talked with other athletes and they also do not recall hearing shit talk about women in the locker room.

Maybe you have never been in a locker room. We change and shower and leave. There isn't much talk. If we discuss anything it is usually sports.

Based on Trump's pear-shaped out of shape flabby body, I think Trump was projecting when he used the term "locker room talk". He has actually been in a locker room? Not in the last 40 or so years.
Therefore, he has absolutely no idea what real men talk about on the locker room. He's just a big mouthed girly-boy trying to be a tough guy.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump is 70 years old and is an OLD MAN . Look at your Father or old uncles , many are the same regarding physical shape simply because of age . You people desite your socalled college education are very naive and devoid of any common sense KIWI !!
it too upsetting for you to acknowledge that there are educated intelligent people who support Trump?

Contradictions in terms.......

I would say a brain surgeon is intelligent and very well educated.

You must have missed all the "deep thoughts" espoused by Doctor Carson! I wouldn't let him prescribe aspirin to my child! Defending Trump just doesn't make him look too swift! :cuckoo:

This is a very intolerant view of a conservative.
Who hasn't he offended?

Well, one group still loves him....Older, white, poorly educated males....and some of their "devoted' spouses....

Yes indeed. All you Middle School dropout highly educated Blacks are in the tank for Hillary who has called you ignorant and easily manipulated. You fools really are that stupid. The Democrats know ttheir sheep.
Th,ere are 28 states with Republican secretaries of state and, according to Trump, they are ALL part of and complicit in the rigging of our voting system. Where many other countries would come to us to emulate the fairness of how we vote, Trump.....and his acolytes.....are slowly destroying that concept stating that, when it comes to our voting system, we are not much better than "banana republics." Nice going !!!

Please, remember how "after" the 2000 "election" Democrats were "calling for" international observers "to monitor our" elections? Now "that was" idiotic
Th,ere are 28 states with Republican secretaries of state and, according to Trump, they are ALL part of and complicit in the rigging of our voting system. Where many other countries would come to us to emulate the fairness of how we vote, Trump.....and his acolytes.....are slowly destroying that concept stating that, when it comes to our voting system, we are not much better than "banana republics." Nice going !!!

Please, remember how "after" the 2000 "election" Democrats were "calling for" international observers "to monitor our" elections? Now "that was" idiotic
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And as a bit of info i think that you are going to get the 'international monitors' this year KAZ .
these college educated cry and whine and demonstrate for 15 dollars an hour as if thats big money , its funny !! And then they start out as young adults with YUGE debt because they have to pay off the college debt . Their answer , support 'illary' as the young basement dwellers hope that 'illary' will forgive their college debt , its funny and shows how STUPID many of the college educated actually are .
so , you get 'illary' which just means MORE immigration which will further suppress your job choices and wages when you do find a job at Starbucks or Mcdonalds . Plus more muslim refugee invaders that will bring crime and violence and societal change to you and your young children . I was lucky , my ww2 generation parents and IKE did Operation Wetback back in the 50s and so got rid of foreign workers which then meant that I and my generation had good high paying jobs for my / our entire life . College educated millennials are not very smart even though they think that they are !!
Last edited:
Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I say B.S. Mr.Fritz !!

Click the links... Beck is anti-Trump.

As to my experience as an athlete goes, I have talked with other athletes and they also do not recall hearing shit talk about women in the locker room.

Maybe you have never been in a locker room. We change and shower and leave. There isn't much talk. If we discuss anything it is usually sports.

Based on Trump's pear-shaped out of shape flabby body, I think Trump was projecting when he used the term "locker room talk". He has actually been in a locker room? Not in the last 40 or so years.
Therefore, he has absolutely no idea what real men talk about on the locker room. He's just a big mouthed girly-boy trying to be a tough guy.
He walks into women's and girls' dressing rooms when the women and girls are unclothed...he has bragged about doing that and laughed about getting away with it because he is the 'boss' and owns the beauty pageant. (It's on tape.) But I doubt he's been in a gym or locker rooms since high school.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACCUSATIONS , Unproven accusation and none of the Unproven accusations have anything to do with running a country Emerelda !!

Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I say B.S. Mr.Fritz !!

Click the links... Beck is anti-Trump.

As to my experience as an athlete goes, I have talked with other athletes and they also do not recall hearing shit talk about women in the locker room.

Maybe you have never been in a locker room. We change and shower and leave. There isn't much talk. If we discuss anything it is usually sports.

Based on Trump's pear-shaped out of shape flabby body, I think Trump was projecting when he used the term "locker room talk". He has actually been in a locker room? Not in the last 40 or so years.
Therefore, he has absolutely no idea what real men talk about on the locker room. He's just a big mouthed girly-boy trying to be a tough guy.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump is 70 years old and is an OLD MAN . Look at your Father or old uncles , many are the same regarding physical shape simply because of age . You people desite your socalled college education are very naive and devoid of any common sense KIWI !!

My dad? My dad is 82 and still jogs and plays tennis with his fellow senior citizens, The gym I belong to has several seniors working out with weight training and aerobic exercises.
Get out of your mommy's basement and check out the real world.

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