One MORE group that Trump has now insulted.....

Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I say B.S. Mr.Fritz !!

Click the links... Beck is anti-Trump.

As to my experience as an athlete goes, I have talked with other athletes and they also do not recall hearing shit talk about women in the locker room.

Maybe you have never been in a locker room. We change and shower and leave. There isn't much talk. If we discuss anything it is usually sports.

Based on Trump's pear-shaped out of shape flabby body, I think Trump was projecting when he used the term "locker room talk". He has actually been in a locker room? Not in the last 40 or so years.
Therefore, he has absolutely no idea what real men talk about on the locker room. He's just a big mouthed girly-boy trying to be a tough guy.

You don't recognise this as a metaphor?
That is what it is.
Men like thinking and talking about sex, nothing wrong with talk.
If this had really happened there would have been law suites like Bill Clinton has and paid on. An out of suit payment.

There is a lot wrong with certain talk about sex when it degrades women. Trump was not talking about sex. Trump was bragging about his sexual assaults.
Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.

I'm sure none of this went with the badminton team....

So now you are insulting all other male athletes other than badminton players. Did you mention badminton because of your fascination with shuttlecocks?
Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I say B.S. Mr.Fritz !!

Click the links... Beck is anti-Trump.

As to my experience as an athlete goes, I have talked with other athletes and they also do not recall hearing shit talk about women in the locker room.

Maybe you have never been in a locker room. We change and shower and leave. There isn't much talk. If we discuss anything it is usually sports.

Based on Trump's pear-shaped out of shape flabby body, I think Trump was projecting when he used the term "locker room talk". He has actually been in a locker room? Not in the last 40 or so years.
Therefore, he has absolutely no idea what real men talk about on the locker room. He's just a big mouthed girly-boy trying to be a tough guy.

You don't recognise this as a metaphor?
That is what it is.
Men like thinking and talking about sex, nothing wrong with talk.
If this had really happened there would have been law suites like Bill Clinton has and paid on. An out of suit payment.

There is a lot wrong with certain talk about sex when it degrades women. Trump was not talking about sex. Trump was bragging about his sexual assaults.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sounds like you are one of mrobamas pajama boys Fritz !!
There is a lot wrong with certain talk about sex when it degrades women. Trump was not talking about sex. Trump was bragging about his sexual assaults.

Indeed, there is actually something beautiful about the "sexual dance" between most men and women, but going around claiming that grabbing the opposite sex by the genitals is nothing more than vulgar aggression which is tantamount to degrading assault on another.....nothing sexy about that.
Th,ere are 28 states with Republican secretaries of state and, according to Trump, they are ALL part of and complicit in the rigging of our voting system. Where many other countries would come to us to emulate the fairness of how we vote, Trump.....and his acolytes.....are slowly destroying that concept stating that, when it comes to our voting system, we are not much better than "banana republics." Nice going !!!

It is hard to credit that you have any concern for this nation considering how divisive you lefties in general and your specifically have been.

At this point, if Hillary wins, I will not consider her my President, nor do I believe that she will be interested in serving my interests.

Indeed, as I am one that she has smeared as "deployable" I consider her, and will if she wins, consider the President of the United States to be my enemy.

"Banana Republic"? We should be so lucky.
It is hard to credit that you have any concern for this nation considering how divisive you lefties in general and your specifically have been.

At this point, if Hillary wins, I will not consider her my President, nor do I believe that she will be interested in serving my interests. Indeed, as I am one that she has smeared as "deployable" I consider her, and will if she wins, consider the President of the United States to be my enemy.

"Banana Republic"? We should be so lucky.

Well, lets all hope that your English grammar improves in the next 4 years
It is hard to credit that you have any concern for this nation considering how divisive you lefties in general and your specifically have been.

At this point, if Hillary wins, I will not consider her my President, nor do I believe that she will be interested in serving my interests. Indeed, as I am one that she has smeared as "deployable" I consider her, and will if she wins, consider the President of the United States to be my enemy.

"Banana Republic"? We should be so lucky.

Well, lets all hope that your English grammar improves in the next 4 years

YOu and yours are tearing this nation apart with your vile tactics.

I made a typo.

I guess we can call this a draw.
I would expect that ALL 28 republican secretaries of charge of their respective state's voting regimen, to soon resign for conspiring against poor, thin-skinned Trump....Its the only decent thing to do.
Obama has insulted white people repeatedly , yet somehow that does not matter

You're right.....Obama should have been a bit nicer to David Duke.

The only people that ever give Duke attention and air time and thus help him maintain the illusion that he is a person of importance, is liberals.

He uses that illusion in his attempts at spreading his message of hate and racism.

You are helping him.
I would expect that ALL 28 republican secretaries of charge of their respective state's voting regimen, to soon resign for conspiring against poor, thin-skinned Trump....Its the only decent thing to do.

I would expect that ALL 28 republican secretaries of charge of their respective state's voting regimen, to soon resign for conspiring against poor, thin-skinned Trump....Its the only decent thing to do.


Admit it Corny, you wee looking for ANY thrad to place your little cartoon.....Non-sequitur....LOL
Who hasn't he offended?

Well, one group still loves him....Older, white, poorly educated males....and some of their "devoted' spouses....

There are not a lot of devoted spouses in the Red States. The Bible belt is divorce central.

Trump has offended True Christians.

True Christians cannot support Trump for many many reasons.

Trump is a prideful bragger. True Christians are not boastful but rather humble.

Trump is lustful. True Christians are chaste and pure.

Humility against pride, (Do you know anyone more prideful than Trump?)

against envy, (Trump is jealous because he is losing)

Abstinence against gluttony, (Trump and his supporters are often obese for overeating)

against lust, (Trump is a lustful pig of a man)

against anger, (There is no love or kindness at his events)

against greed, (Trump takes pride in his greed)

against sloth. (This goes to is intellectually lazy voters)

Would a "true Christians" vote for those who support and enable those who are slaughtering Christians? Simply NO!
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Would a "true Christen" vote for those who support and enable those who are slaughtering Christians?

A true "Christen"????? I used to date a woman named Christen a while back.....
"This man is cancer on American politics"

Good. American politics is currently a cancer on the Nation.

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