One MORE group that Trump has now insulted.....

Who hasn't he offended?

Well, one group still loves him....Older, white, poorly educated males....and some of their "devoted' spouses....

There are not a lot of devoted spouses in the Red States. The Bible belt is divorce central.

Trump has offended True Christians.

True Christians cannot support Trump for many many reasons.

Trump is a prideful bragger. True Christians are not boastful but rather humble.

Trump is lustful. True Christians are chaste and pure.

Humility against pride, (Do you know anyone more prideful than Trump?)

against envy, (Trump is jealous because he is losing)

Abstinence against gluttony, (Trump and his supporters are often obese for overeating)

against lust, (Trump is a lustful pig of a man)

against anger, (There is no love or kindness at his events)

against greed, (Trump takes pride in his greed)

against sloth. (This goes to is intellectually lazy voters)
Why is it so important for Liberals to perpetuate the fantasy that Trump's only support is old dumb Alt Right White men? Is it too upsetting for you to acknowledge that there are educated intelligent people who support Trump?
Why is it so important for Liberals to perpetuate the fantasy that Trump's only support is old dumb Alt Right White men? Is it too upsetting for you to acknowledge that there are educated intelligent people who support Trump?
In a country with more than 330,000,000 people, your statement is ridiculous. Of course there are a few intelligent Trump supporters.

But if we subtracted white men without a college degree from the election, Trump would not win a single state.
In a country with more than 330,000,000 people, your statement is ridiculous. Of course there are a few intelligent Trump supporters.

But if we subtracted white men without a college degree from the election, Trump would not win a single state.

PRECISELY........I'd go further and state that virtually ALL of those within the Trump's campaign are smarter than he is and wished that the idiot would shut up and stop tweeting.
Why is it so important for Liberals to perpetuate the fantasy that Trump's only support is old dumb Alt Right White men? Is it too upsetting for you to acknowledge that there are educated intelligent people who support Trump?
In a country with more than 330,000,000 people, your statement is ridiculous. Of course there are a few intelligent Trump supporters.

But if we subtracted white men without a college degree from the election, Trump would not win a single state.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ everyone talks about college educated people being so smart . How smart can they be though when the stories I hear are that many of the college educated millennials are living in their parents basements , riding skateboards and collecting returnable bottles so that they can get tattoos . These college educated basement dwelling millennials and others with huge college debt are supporting 'illary' because they figure that that's where the FREE stuff will come from HNL !!
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it too upsetting for you to acknowledge that there are educated intelligent people who support Trump?

Contradictions in terms.......

I would say a brain surgeon is intelligent and very well educated.

You must have missed all the "deep thoughts" espoused by Doctor Carson! I wouldn't let him prescribe aspirin to my child! Defending Trump just doesn't make him look too swift! :cuckoo:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you and your kids fate is probably a foreign born third world 'nurse practitioner' or 'doctors assistant' and you and your kid will be getting substandard medical care compared to what Americans of my parents and my generation have Fiero !!
Th,ere are 28 states with Republican secretaries of state and, according to Trump, they are ALL part of and complicit in the rigging of our voting system. Where many other countries would come to us to emulate the fairness of how we vote, Trump.....and his acolytes.....are slowly destroying that concept stating that, when it comes to our voting system, we are not much better than "banana republics." Nice going !!!

You think we give a fuck if Trump calls out RINOs?
Jesus you progressives are slow on the uptake.
Just heard Trump got his 2nd daily newspaper endorsement compared to about 50+ for Hillary; many who've never endorsed a Dem in their history! Trump just can't catch a break! :banghead: :argue:
"One MORE group that Trump has now insulted....."

ONE MORE! Is there any group that matters more than the majority of the American citizenry -- females, blacks, Latinos, Muslims, immigrants, every adroit observer and analyst of the world in which we live.... -- whom he has insulted daily since he began his campaign? Whom has Trump not insulted? The one segment of our society that is least imbued with the skills and acumen to see the man for what he is: white males who have not gone to college. That's it.

Given the advantages white males have had in this nation since it's founding, why the hell is there any appreciable quantity of non-college educated white males in this country? I mean, looking at the nation's history, one must admit that it takes quite a lot of non-achievement for so many white males to not have gone to college given the national attitudes over the past 100 years toward getting a college degree.

I'm not sure how to answer that question. I'm just saying. Of all the white males I know or with whom I share a passing acquaintance, every one of them has a college degree, no matter the circumstances from which they grew up. AFAIK, whether to get one was never even a matter open to question. It's just what one does.​
End of sidebar.
Th,ere are 28 states with Republican secretaries of state and, according to Trump, they are ALL part of and complicit in the rigging of our voting system. Where many other countries would come to us to emulate the fairness of how we vote, Trump.....and his acolytes.....are slowly destroying that concept stating that, when it comes to our voting system, we are not much better than "banana republics." Nice going !!!

Yeah he put out a list to defend this "election is rigged"--so of course CNN did an autopsy on the information he put out. Did you know that 8 dead people voted in Colorado in 2012? They were mail in ballots that were sent to REPUBLICAN households and sure enough some family members thought they would cast an extra vote. That was one of Trump examples for "proof of a rigged election."

They Trump gave them 3 other examples At any rate out of the examples Trump listed there were 34 fraudulent votes out of 340 million votes, and those people were arrested and prosecuted.
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Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I say B.S. Mr.Fritz !!

Click the links... Beck is anti-Trump.

As to my experience as an athlete goes, I have talked with other athletes and they also do not recall hearing shit talk about women in the locker room.

Maybe you have never been in a locker room. We change and shower and leave. There isn't much talk. If we discuss anything it is usually sports.

Based on Trump's pear-shaped out of shape flabby body, I think Trump was projecting when he used the term "locker room talk". He has actually been in a locker room? Not in the last 40 or so years.
Therefore, he has absolutely no idea what real men talk about on the locker room. He's just a big mouthed girly-boy trying to be a tough guy.
Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I say B.S. Mr.Fritz !!

Click the links... Beck is anti-Trump.

As to my experience as an athlete goes, I have talked with other athletes and they also do not recall hearing shit talk about women in the locker room.

Maybe you have never been in a locker room. We change and shower and leave. There isn't much talk. If we discuss anything it is usually sports.

Based on Trump's pear-shaped out of shape flabby body, I think Trump was projecting when he used the term "locker room talk". He has actually been in a locker room? Not in the last 40 or so years.
Therefore, he has absolutely no idea what real men talk about on the locker room. He's just a big mouthed girly-boy trying to be a tough guy.

He's so unmanly. This is why Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mark Cuban two lifelong Republicans are voting for Hillary.


Only unmanly men support Trump.
Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I say B.S. Mr.Fritz !!

Click the links... Beck is anti-Trump.

As to my experience as an athlete goes, I have talked with other athletes and they also do not recall hearing shit talk about women in the locker room.

Maybe you have never been in a locker room. We change and shower and leave. There isn't much talk. If we discuss anything it is usually sports.

Based on Trump's pear-shaped out of shape flabby body, I think Trump was projecting when he used the term "locker room talk". He has actually been in a locker room? Not in the last 40 or so years.
Therefore, he has absolutely no idea what real men talk about on the locker room. He's just a big mouthed girly-boy trying to be a tough guy.
He walks into women's and girls' dressing rooms when the women and girls are unclothed...he has bragged about doing that and laughed about getting away with it because he is the 'boss' and owns the beauty pageant. (It's on tape.) But I doubt he's been in a gym or locker rooms since high school.
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