One MORE group that Trump has now insulted.....

point of it all is that if illary is elected I , as an older guy will shake my head in mirth as I see what she brings on her 'college educated voters :afro: !!!
Please, remember how "after" the 2000 "election" Democrats were "calling for" international observers "to monitor our" elections? Now "that was" idiotic

Well, when someone is handed the oval office via the supreme court.....some eyebrows SHOULD be raised, don't you think?.
Th,ere are 28 states with Republican secretaries of state and, according to Trump, they are ALL part of and complicit in the rigging of our voting system. Where many other countries would come to us to emulate the fairness of how we vote, Trump.....and his acolytes.....are slowly destroying that concept stating that, when it comes to our voting system, we are not much better than "banana republics." Nice going !!!
well, we arent much better than the banana republic when it comes to voting.
as a matter of fact, many of them are ahead of us because they have ways to prevent double voting, Id or ink marks after you vote, they have something.
The U.S is the only country I know of that will allow an invasion then let those animals vote.
well, we arent much better than the banana republic when it comes to voting.
as a matter of fact, many of them are ahead of us because they have ways to prevent double voting, Id or ink marks after you vote, they have something.
The U.S is the only country I know of that will allow an invasion then let those animals vote.

On Nov. 8th, go stand before a polling station with a baton and try to scare anyone who looks a bit "dark".....LOL
well, we arent much better than the banana republic when it comes to voting.
as a matter of fact, many of them are ahead of us because they have ways to prevent double voting, Id or ink marks after you vote, they have something.
The U.S is the only country I know of that will allow an invasion then let those animals vote.

On Nov. 8th, go stand before a polling station with a baton and try to scare anyone who looks a bit "dark".....LOL
why would I do that? Why would I go out and try to cause trouble, Im not a democrat.
However, let someone dark try to intimidate me. then thats a different story.
why would I do that? Why would I go out and try to cause trouble, Im not a democrat.
However, let someone dark try to intimidate me. then thats a different story.

Maybe you can just stand in front of the polling station with your pointed hood and look "tough".....LOL
Th,ere are 28 states with Republican secretaries of state and, according to Trump, they are ALL part of and complicit in the rigging of our voting system. Where many other countries would come to us to emulate the fairness of how we vote, Trump.....and his acolytes.....are slowly destroying that concept stating that, when it comes to our voting system, we are not much better than "banana republics." Nice going !!!

Yet wikileaks points out that the top democrats are well aware of voter fraud and have participated in rigging.

Th,ere are 28 states with Republican secretaries of state and, according to Trump, they are ALL part of and complicit in the rigging of our voting system. Where many other countries would come to us to emulate the fairness of how we vote, Trump.....and his acolytes.....are slowly destroying that concept stating that, when it comes to our voting system, we are not much better than "banana republics." Nice going !!!
Have you wet your pussy cover today?
Glenn Beck is now 100% anti-Trump.

Glenn Beck Says Opposing Trump Is 'Moral, Ethical' Even if It Means ...

Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama's speech slamming Trump

Trump insulted athletes by comparing his degrading of women with what goes on in locker rooms. I was an athlete in high school and college and after that did fitness training and martial arts and I cannot recall guys talking shit about women.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I say B.S. Mr.Fritz !!

Click the links... Beck is anti-Trump.

As to my experience as an athlete goes, I have talked with other athletes and they also do not recall hearing shit talk about women in the locker room.

Maybe you have never been in a locker room. We change and shower and leave. There isn't much talk. If we discuss anything it is usually sports.

Based on Trump's pear-shaped out of shape flabby body, I think Trump was projecting when he used the term "locker room talk". He has actually been in a locker room? Not in the last 40 or so years.
Therefore, he has absolutely no idea what real men talk about on the locker room. He's just a big mouthed girly-boy trying to be a tough guy.

You don't recognise this as a metaphor?
That is what it is.
Men like thinking and talking about sex, nothing wrong with talk.
If this had really happened there would have been law suites like Bill Clinton has and paid on. An out of suit payment.
Yet wikileaks points out that the top democrats are well aware of voter fraud and have participated in rigging.


Indeed, especially during the 2010 and 2014 midterm elections......or did those "top democrats" take a break during those cycles??? LOL
and here , insult to injury the TRUMP buys a coupla kids . --- --- but hey , take a look at a big healthy vigorous 70 year old TRUMP in a suit . He sure doesn't stumble around , collapse and fall down like the 'illary' does .
If you spend most of your time trolling for insults you can probably find a hundred freaking groups that either Obama or crazy Joe Biden have insulted and Hillary lied and Americans died. Most people on the right would rather talk about issues but the left would rather pretend to be victims of pretend insults.
Please, remember how "after" the 2000 "election" Democrats were "calling for" international observers "to monitor our" elections? Now "that was" idiotic

Well, when someone is handed the oval office via the supreme court.....some eyebrows SHOULD be raised, don't you think?.

It would be if "that" had ever "happened"
Obama or crazy Joe Biden have insulted and Hillary lied and Americans died

I'm sure its an "oversight" on your unbiased part....but shouldn't Cheney be included in that little cadre of "lying and Americans dying"????

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