one more reason the public school system is corrupt and bad for our children

you godwined yourself..and this issue is like 3 years old. It was stupid then, and its stupid now. There is no reason to bring it up unless you are someone like Teapartysamurai and a hack who just wants attention.

Considering I wasn't here 3 years ago and I just saw the video I think its very valid.

Besides don't you often talk about shit from the last administration that has already been discussed before over 3 years ago?

It seems to me that those vids must have bothered you to illicit such a negative reaction.

those mostly have historic value. Like Bush and Iraq, or something on running around making speeches as if one is campaigning.
I wasnt here three years ago either, and i knew about this joke of an issue.

Next time use your head.

Nice back pedal. Fortunately most people realize education is an ongoing relationship that we must nurture. I was simply pointing out the flaws of allowing our schools to be run by partisan bias that people aren't smart enough to realize doesn't belong in the classroom. The video IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE of why our system is broken. Or would you argue that spelling, math or geography is less important than forcing children to memorize the words to a song praising Obama? What's even worse is in many schools our children are forbidden from singing Xmas songs yet apparently singing like this is ok.

and how many would teach them false history like that B Franks said that F and F were fine months before the collapse?

You would really have the worst educated people in the world if everyone home schooled

Vs teachers teaching them revisionist history?? vs teachers teaching them liberal views. Do you know anyone that home schools their children?? I know many, I prefer they be taught the truth instead of learning songs that praise someone they don't know. I thought you wanted truth to matter.

We already have some of the worst educated people in the world, even when they go beyond HS.

you realize even in homeschool they have to adhere to state standards right?

You realize the best nation for schooling is highly socialized. Where kids learn a few languages and have a literacy rate of 99.9 percent.

You realize power remains in state and local school boards right? So if you have a problem with how kids are being raised, then you can go down to your school board and argue your point. If enough people agree with you. Then you can try to maybe change it.

i doubt you did.

The right wants our kids uneducated and unsocialized , they make better labor slaves that way
Vs teachers teaching them revisionist history?? vs teachers teaching them liberal views. Do you know anyone that home schools their children?? I know many, I prefer they be taught the truth instead of learning songs that praise someone they don't know. I thought you wanted truth to matter.

We already have some of the worst educated people in the world, even when they go beyond HS.

you realize even in homeschool they have to adhere to state standards right?

You realize the best nation for schooling is highly socialized. Where kids learn a few languages and have a literacy rate of 99.9 percent.

You realize power remains in state and local school boards right? So if you have a problem with how kids are being raised, then you can go down to your school board and argue your point. If enough people agree with you. Then you can try to maybe change it.

i doubt you did.

The right wants our kids uneducated and unsocialized , they make better labor slaves that way
An incredibly stupid statement even from you.:lol:
and how many would teach them false history like that B Franks said that F and F were fine months before the collapse?

You would really have the worst educated people in the world if everyone home schooled

Vs teachers teaching them revisionist history?? vs teachers teaching them liberal views. Do you know anyone that home schools their children?? I know many, I prefer they be taught the truth instead of learning songs that praise someone they don't know. I thought you wanted truth to matter.

We already have some of the worst educated people in the world, even when they go beyond HS.

you realize even in homeschool they have to adhere to state standards right?

You realize the best nation for schooling is highly socialized. Where kids learn a few languages and have a literacy rate of 99.9 percent.

You realize power remains in state and local school boards right? So if you have a problem with how kids are being raised, then you can go down to your school board and argue your point. If enough people agree with you. Then you can try to maybe change it.

i doubt you did.

Oh yes I realize all of that, but as Grandpa said, they can't sing Christmas songs yet they can sing political songs.

I am well aware of the home school requirements, they are more stringent than some of the public school requirements. Home school students would surprise you with their level of learning. The ones I know definitely can read well by the time they reach the age when they would be in 8th grade.

The best schools don't have teachers that are paid if they don't do their job. If they aren't doing their job, they are replaced.
teaching American children to honor the American president is fine unless of course you are a poltical hack who hates the American president because your side didnt win an election.
you realize even in homeschool they have to adhere to state standards right?

You realize the best nation for schooling is highly socialized. Where kids learn a few languages and have a literacy rate of 99.9 percent.

You realize power remains in state and local school boards right? So if you have a problem with how kids are being raised, then you can go down to your school board and argue your point. If enough people agree with you. Then you can try to maybe change it.

i doubt you did.

The right wants our kids uneducated and unsocialized , they make better labor slaves that way
An incredibly stupid statement even from you.:lol:

Then why all this crap about ending public education which has been in our history since BEFORE we were a independant country?
teaching American children to honor the American president is fine unless of course you are a poltical hack who hates the American president because your side didnt win an election.

You are the political hack that can't see the brain washing for what it is. What if they sang songs like that about George Bush?? You'd be first in line with your sweeping condemnation!! Go ahead and tell me you wouldn't.

I don't like 0bama because he LIES, all the time. If truth really mattered to you, you wouldn't like him either.
teaching American children to honor the American president is fine unless of course you are a poltical hack who hates the American president because your side didnt win an election.

You are the political hack that can't see the brain washing for what it is. What if they sang songs like that about George Bush?? You'd be first in line with your sweeping condemnation!! Go ahead and tell me you wouldn't.

I don't like 0bama because he LIES, all the time. If truth really mattered to you, you wouldn't like him either.

So what if they did? Respect for the current Chief Executive.

Show me any class singing about Bush and I would go "meh".
teaching American children to honor the American president is fine unless of course you are a poltical hack who hates the American president because your side didnt win an election.

You are the political hack that can't see the brain washing for what it is. What if they sang songs like that about George Bush?? You'd be first in line with your sweeping condemnation!! Go ahead and tell me you wouldn't.

I don't like 0bama because he LIES, all the time. If truth really mattered to you, you wouldn't like him either.

um, they did....but who cares.....its all stupid.

Did they sing them before he was elected?? I really don't care about the songs, I care about the brainwashing of our children by liberal educators. Politics has no business in elementary school or middle school. High School yes, as long as both sides are represented. But who's watching the teachers??
um, they did....but who cares.....its all stupid.

Did they sing them before he was elected?? I really don't care about the songs, I care about the brainwashing of our children by liberal educators. Politics has no business in elementary school or middle school. High School yes, as long as both sides are represented. But who's watching the teachers??

oh good brainwashing...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz go away.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Not a chance. :tongue:
You know the need to keep up the perpetual outrage going against the President and public schools is running on empty when there is a need to dig up stories from three years ago that were long ago discussed. :lol:
You know the need to keep up the perpetual outrage going against the President and public schools is running on empty when there is a need to dig up stories from three years ago that were long ago discussed. :lol:

Shhhhhh....We know it shows their desperation. No secret there.
You are the political hack that can't see the brain washing for what it is. What if they sang songs like that about George Bush?? You'd be first in line with your sweeping condemnation!! Go ahead and tell me you wouldn't.

I don't like 0bama because he LIES, all the time. If truth really mattered to you, you wouldn't like him either.

um, they did....but who cares.....its all stupid.

Did they sing them before he was elected?? I really don't care about the songs, I care about the brainwashing of our children by liberal educators. Politics has no business in elementary school or middle school. High School yes, as long as both sides are represented. But who's watching the teachers??

Why do you think its wrong for school children to honor our president?
those mostly have historic value. Like Bush and Iraq, or something on running around making speeches as if one is campaigning.
I wasnt here three years ago either, and i knew about this joke of an issue.

Next time use your head.

Nice back pedal. Fortunately most people realize education is an ongoing relationship that we must nurture. I was simply pointing out the flaws of allowing our schools to be run by partisan bias that people aren't smart enough to realize doesn't belong in the classroom. The video IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE of why our system is broken. Or would you argue that spelling, math or geography is less important than forcing children to memorize the words to a song praising Obama? What's even worse is in many schools our children are forbidden from singing Xmas songs yet apparently singing like this is ok.


no your video is stupid, end of story. You are basically saying because hilter did it, that makes Obama hitler.

You are making the comparison not I, or anyone else. Thats the sad thing here.

Flashback: Students Sang Bush's Praises Too (And For Katrina Response!)

There now shut up.

Your quite stupid it appears. The first video is not about Obama. It's about the indoctrination of our youth and it draws on history as an example. Besides that I didn't make the video. If you connect Hitler to Obama that is your assumption.

Then there is the second video which is actually in school.

This thread is about what teachers focus on. It really has nothing to do with Obama or Hitler. But of course with blinders on and your head up your own ass I can see you clearly missed the point. Or maybe your just incapable of critical thought. Either way you may put your dunce cap on and return to your corner.
Why are you people claiming there is something wrong with American school children admiring the American president?

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