One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

It's so fun seeing threads like this one get bumped.
There never was any serious attempt by most Democrats in the Senate to end the Iraq war. That was just talking points fed to you by your party. Same with the "Public Option," it was a pipe dream for Progressives that didn't make it because the votes in the Democrat party weren't there.

Actually, it's really hard to stop a war once it's been started. All Bush had to do was say, "I'm commander in cheif, I'm escalating the war," and the Dems were kind of well and screwed.
There never was any serious attempt by most Democrats in the Senate to end the Iraq war. That was just talking points fed to you by your party. Same with the "Public Option," it was a pipe dream for Progressives that didn't make it because the votes in the Democrat party weren't there.

Actually, it's really hard to stop a war once it's been started. All Bush had to do was say, "I'm commander in cheif, I'm escalating the war," and the Dems were kind of well and screwed.

The Democratic House could have refused to fund it in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 but they didn't. You'll also note that the current President didn't even end the war in Iraq, he followed Bush's timetable.
The Democratic House could have refused to fund it in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 but they didn't. You'll also note that the current President didn't even end the war in Iraq, he followed Bush's timetable.

Um, no, they couldn't have. Unless they wanted to be totally unethical and let troops die for want of bullets.
The Democratic House could have refused to fund it in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 but they didn't. You'll also note that the current President didn't even end the war in Iraq, he followed Bush's timetable.

Um, no, they couldn't have. Unless they wanted to be totally unethical and let troops die for want of bullets.

The talking points during the 2006 election was that supporting the troops meant bringing them home.

Now you're saying that was bullshit? HAHAHAHA
The Democratic House could have refused to fund it in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 but they didn't. You'll also note that the current President didn't even end the war in Iraq, he followed Bush's timetable.

Um, no, they couldn't have. Unless they wanted to be totally unethical and let troops die for want of bullets.

The talking points during the 2006 election was that supporting the troops meant bringing them home.

Now you're saying that was bullshit? HAHAHAHA

Naw, they had some funny idea George W. Stupid would take losing both houses of congress to heart and move to put an end to the war we clearly weren't winning.

Instead, he threw away a thousand more lives in order to save face.
The real winner at the US mid-terms: Hillary Clinton
Revived Republican radicalism will be to the Democrats' advantage in 2016.

The real winner at the US mid-terms Hillary Clinton The Spectator

lol, revived Republican radicalism AND Hillary was the real winner
It this rag supposed to be UNBIASED and are any of the people who writes for it SANE?
I just love it. Clintons were kiss of death to every candidate they campaigned for, except NH's Shaheen, and this is GOOD for Hillary?

Hillary is toast.

But, I hope they run her.
The Democratic House could have refused to fund it in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 but they didn't. You'll also note that the current President didn't even end the war in Iraq, he followed Bush's timetable.

Um, no, they couldn't have. Unless they wanted to be totally unethical and let troops die for want of bullets.

The talking points during the 2006 election was that supporting the troops meant bringing them home.

Now you're saying that was bullshit? HAHAHAHA

Naw, they had some funny idea George W. Stupid would take losing both houses of congress to heart and move to put an end to the war we clearly weren't winning.

Instead, he threw away a thousand more lives in order to save face.

Or that he didn't direct military action based on polls.

That method failed when Clinton did it.
After the republicans got thrashed in the last election they set up a commission to evaluate why they lost and how to avoid losing in the future. The prime finding of the commission was that the demographics of America were changing (no surprise there) and that if the republicans wanted to remain relevant they needed to change also. The recommendation was that the republican party needs to actively work toward bringing Hispanics into the party.
They have a perfect chance to do that now but I fully expect that the republican party will once again shoot themselves in the foot. What the republicans need to do is to come out with a broad immigration plan that offers a way for Hispanics to become American citizens. But THAT is exactly what President Obama is preparing to do. This places the republicans in a bind. Should they strongly support a sweeping immigration plan (similar to what Obama is offering) OR should they dig in their heels and refuse to accept any plan Obama offers just as they have done throughout the last five years.
I am betting that the republicans will dig in their heels and refuse to offer a plan similar to Obama's. In other words, they will once again play the obstruction card and in the process slap the people who could help them win elections in the face. And then, after losing the Hispanic vote by a wide margin in 2014, they will once again scratch their heads and ask "Why did we lose? I don't understand."

Or that he didn't direct military action based on polls.

That method failed when Clinton did it.

Really? Clinton defeated the Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo without the loss of a single American life.

Bush handed Iraq over to Al Qaeda and the IRanians.

Maybe he should have listened to polls.
Or that he didn't direct military action based on polls.

That method failed when Clinton did it.

Really? Clinton defeated the Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo without the loss of a single American life.

Bush handed Iraq over to Al Qaeda and the IRanians.

Maybe he should have listened to polls.

Clinton defeated the Serbs?
Was that Hillary with her landing "under enemy fire?"

Too funny.
Plus with house leader Reid sitting on some 350+ bills, things got done exactly they way he wanted.

Well, that's true. Harry Reid won't be saving Boenher from his own caucus. he's going to have to be a grownup and tell them ObamaCare isn't getting repealled.
Or that he didn't direct military action based on polls.

That method failed when Clinton did it.

Really? Clinton defeated the Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo without the loss of a single American life.

Bush handed Iraq over to Al Qaeda and the IRanians.

Maybe he should have listened to polls.

Clinton defeated the Serbs?
Was that Hillary with her landing "under enemy fire?"

Too funny.
My son was there that day.

Slick Willie had him there WITH NO AMMO.

Think maybe he was trying to chuck the old bag?
Texas Latino vote goes Republican

Republican U.S. Sen. John Cornyn made a statement by winning 48 percent of the Latino vote, besting his Democratic opponent, David Alameel, who got 47 percent, according to exit polls.

Some exit polls also showed GOP governor-elect Greg Abbott winning 44 percent of the Latino vote, a higher percentage than the 38 percent Republican Gov. Rick Perry won in 2010.
Or that he didn't direct military action based on polls.

That method failed when Clinton did it.

Really? Clinton defeated the Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo without the loss of a single American life.

Bush handed Iraq over to Al Qaeda and the IRanians.

Maybe he should have listened to polls.

Clinton defeated the Serbs?
Was that Hillary with her landing "under enemy fire?"

Too funny.
My son was there that day.

Slick Willie had him there WITH NO AMMO.

Think maybe he was trying to chuck the old bag?

Or maybe he actually won his goals.

Let's review.

The Serbs were defeated in Bosnia. They were defeated in Kosovo. They had to give up Montenegro. Milosevic got shipped off to the Hague for trial.

Not one American died in combat.
Plus with house leader Reid sitting on some 350+ bills, things got done exactly they way he wanted.

Well, that's true. Harry Reid won't be saving Boenher from his own caucus. he's going to have to be a grownup and tell them ObamaCare isn't getting repealled.
Are you faking insanity? Was the loss that devastating for you?
Plus with house leader Reid sitting on some 350+ bills, things got done exactly they way he wanted.

Well, that's true. Harry Reid won't be saving Boenher from his own caucus. he's going to have to be a grownup and tell them ObamaCare isn't getting repealled.
Are you faking insanity? Was the loss that devastating for you?

Given how much the GOP is backpeddling from the Crazy, it seems like you 'won' a victory by hiding who you really are or abandoning it.

Here's a big hint. No one is talking about repealling ObamaCare anymore.

They'll just start calling it the ACA, and try to pretend Obama had nothing to do with it.

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