one of the most courageous decisions he's ever seen a president make.

I'm not big on polls but dang, already close to where he was before the OBL bump... I see he talked a bit about illegal immigration, so I guess it sounds about right as once people pay attention to policy we see support vanish. I wonder if he is really going to try and push immigration before the election, I'd bet his approval ratting get around 35%.
"You people" are pushing this Obama killed OBL thing too far and I promise you it will and is already backfiring.

I kid you not in saying that giving the “ok” to kill OBL when the plans and EVERYTHING were handed to Obama but just needed his name on it was prolly easier than (and I don’t mean to rag on Obama) picking what Golf club to use after teeing off.

It has been a month or so and already people are getting sick of hearing about it, you might want to save some of that capital for the week or two before the elections or people will be back to looking at all the wars and the shit economy…

A month or so?

Try not even two weeks and the right wing is already saying it shouldn't be mentioned

Your golf course analogy is one of the most inane I have ever heard

2 weeks of people saying like your girlfriend TM spamming the boards with "In 2012 OBL will still be dead!" on nearly every thread.

You’re point is also lost because you more or less admit that the “right” gave Obama credit but it took a couple weeks to wear thin… Yes, “you people” would not stfu and you spent Obama’s capital like I said. You numb nuts still make claims that Obama will win in 2012 almost entirely based on “killing OBL.” You sound ridiculous.

And once again, the call to kill OBL was prolly one of the easiest calls in his Presidency... If Obama had failed, what? Really, what? There is a 99% chance you would have never even heard about it and if you did people would have prolly still gave him props for trying.

Ask Jimmy Carter what a failed mission means
Obama's decisions to come out against the successful Iraq Surge and then against raising the debt ceiling were far more courageous; unAmerican, but courageous.
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A month or so?

Try not even two weeks and the right wing is already saying it shouldn't be mentioned

Your golf course analogy is one of the most inane I have ever heard

2 weeks of people saying like your girlfriend TM spamming the boards with "In 2012 OBL will still be dead!" on nearly every thread.

You’re point is also lost because you more or less admit that the “right” gave Obama credit but it took a couple weeks to wear thin… Yes, “you people” would not stfu and you spent Obama’s capital like I said. You numb nuts still make claims that Obama will win in 2012 almost entirely based on “killing OBL.” You sound ridiculous.

And once again, the call to kill OBL was prolly one of the easiest calls in his Presidency... If Obama had failed, what? Really, what? There is a 99% chance you would have never even heard about it and if you did people would have prolly still gave him props for trying.

Ask Jimmy Carter what a failed mission means
Why?........He was already doomed before signing off on a mission that was doomed from the get go.......That mission in no way would have saved him from the inevitable, anymore
than OBL will save Obama if he doesn't pull an economic rabbit out of his ass forthwit.

JFK certainly didn't suffer from the Bay Of Pigs.

FDR didn't suffer for Pearl Harbor.

GWB didn't suffer from 9/11.

It was a gutsy call by Obama. Unlike Clinton, he didn't fail us.........It was gutsy. But not an election winner.
How many times are we supposed to high five Obama? I credit him with having made a difficult decision... but... that is what he is actually paid to do. The 'courageous' ones are those who actually went in and did the job. It is not courageous to do your job properly. It is courageous to volunteer to do things that most of us would not and could not do.
Gates on "courageous" bin Laden raid decision - 60 Minutes - CBS News of the most courageous decisions he's ever seen a president make.

This is coming from a very respected man who was appointed by a Republican President.

Watch the conservorubes go nutso.

Gate's is probably the best SECDEF we have ever had. He is going to be sorely missed.


Jim Baker and Robert Gates had to be sent in to salvage what was left in the wreakage created by the Bush administration.

And I for one am glad for that.
Well, let's see his options...

1) Send in the SEALS to "get" UBL, notice I said "get" not kill. I think the SEALs killed UBL despite an order to "catch him."
2) Don't do anything like Bill Clinton even when told by the CIA where he is hiding...bad PRmove after 9/11. Bill Clinton got away with it since most Americans never heard of UBL.
3) Bomb the hell out of the compound which would prevent getting any physical evidence on UBL and would've killed everyone on site (think women and children)

So in a was not a courageous decision, it was the only decision to make if he had any hope in 2012.

In a nutshell, the courage was about his Presidency., not about doing the right thing. As far as #2, Clinton did send a bunch of cruise missiles at a camp in Afghanistan trying to get UBL. He didn't know if there were women and children there and didn't give a ratsass.
A person who loves their country over ideology would respect Obama's decision. An individual who loves their ideology over their country would have no respect for the Obama decision.
This thread displays some poster's true colors.
]"Courageous" decisions include making a pre-emptive attack on Iraq and Afghanistan to prevent further attacks. [/B]Wars that were PROACTIVE not reactive, and knowing you'll suffer politically.

Ordering SEALS to kill Bin Laden? About as courageous as ordering a Big Mac.

I'm already tired of the left wing's worship of this president. Now, they are making it seem as if he's walked on water.

Iraq never attacked the US in the first place, thusly how could Iraq "further attack' America?
"You people" are pushing this Obama killed OBL thing too far and I promise you it will and is already backfiring.

I kid you not in saying that giving the “ok” to kill OBL when the plans and EVERYTHING were handed to Obama but just needed his name on it was prolly easier than (and I don’t mean to rag on Obama) picking what Golf club to use after teeing off.

It has been a month or so and already people are getting sick of hearing about it, you might want to save some of that capital for the week or two before the elections or people will be back to looking at all the wars and the shit economy…

A month or so?

Try not even two weeks and the right wing is already saying it shouldn't be mentioned

Your golf course analogy is one of the most inane I have ever heard

Winger, they just want this whole thing to go away. If they woke up tomorrow morning and it turned out to be a dream, they would celebrate in the streets. Or would it be better defined as their nightmare.
"You people" are pushing this Obama killed OBL thing too far and I promise you it will and is already backfiring.

I kid you not in saying that giving the “ok” to kill OBL when the plans and EVERYTHING were handed to Obama but just needed his name on it was prolly easier than (and I don’t mean to rag on Obama) picking what Golf club to use after teeing off.

It has been a month or so and already people are getting sick of hearing about it, you might want to save some of that capital for the week or two before the elections or people will be back to looking at all the wars and the shit economy…

A month or so?

Try not even two weeks and the right wing is already saying it shouldn't be mentioned

Your golf course analogy is one of the most inane I have ever heard

Winger, they just want this whole thing to go away. If they woke up tomorrow morning and it turned out to be a dream, they would celebrate in the streets. Or would it be better defined as their nightmare.
Well, I think the above post can definitely be nominated for most ignorant of the day.
Can you imagine the chest beating if Bush had gotten OBL?

There are some who see only party.

There would probably already be a House Bill to change Washington to Bush City.

Obama is already building his monument to his greatest achievement.

]"Courageous" decisions include making a pre-emptive attack on Iraq and Afghanistan to prevent further attacks. [/B]Wars that were PROACTIVE not reactive, and knowing you'll suffer politically.

Ordering SEALS to kill Bin Laden? About as courageous as ordering a Big Mac.

I'm already tired of the left wing's worship of this president. Now, they are making it seem as if he's walked on water.

Iraq never attacked the US in the first place, thusly how could Iraq "further attack' America?

I just a Neg Rep from Kiss My telling me that Iraq had attacked American soldiers in so many words but not the specifics. I don't recall Iraq instigating the US invasion of Iraq by firing on US troops.
Can someone point out when and where that happened?
Liberals act like Obama pulled the trigger himself, he didn' was a bunch of SEALs that put their lives on the line. Obama isn't the hero they are, Obama just did what he is supposed to do....get out of the way of the CIA and military to let them do their damn job.
You probably weren't alive when Saddam started the "war" by invading his neighbor Kuwait over debts he owed them and over disputed oil fields along their borders.

We kicked Saddam out and got the UN to so-called babysit Saddam for over a decade, while we enforced a UN No Fly Zone over parts of Iraq to ensure his military couldn't fly around killing various groups inside Iraq..."anymore."

Saddam and some of his friends in the UN then stole millions from the UN's Oil for Food program. Saddam funded islamic terrorists that attacked our ally Israel. Saddam played games with the IAEA inspectors looking for WMDs he would never prove he destroyed from the first Gulf War.

So after 9/11 Bush II decided to end this BS with Saddam over WMDs and Saddam's support for terrorists. Now that you've been kicked in the teeth, shut up.

]"Courageous" decisions include making a pre-emptive attack on Iraq and Afghanistan to prevent further attacks. [/B]Wars that were PROACTIVE not reactive, and knowing you'll suffer politically.

Ordering SEALS to kill Bin Laden? About as courageous as ordering a Big Mac.

I'm already tired of the left wing's worship of this president. Now, they are making it seem as if he's walked on water.

Iraq never attacked the US in the first place, thusly how could Iraq "further attack' America?

I just a Neg Rep from Kiss My telling me that Iraq had attacked American soldiers in so many words but not the specifics. I don't recall Iraq instigating the US invasion of Iraq by firing on US troops.
Can someone point out when and where that happened?
]"Courageous" decisions include making a pre-emptive attack on Iraq and Afghanistan to prevent further attacks. [/B]Wars that were PROACTIVE not reactive, and knowing you'll suffer politically.

Ordering SEALS to kill Bin Laden? About as courageous as ordering a Big Mac.

I'm already tired of the left wing's worship of this president. Now, they are making it seem as if he's walked on water.

Iraq never attacked the US in the first place, thusly how could Iraq "further attack' America?

I just a Neg Rep from Kiss My telling me that Iraq had attacked American soldiers in so many words but not the specifics. I don't recall Iraq instigating the US invasion of Iraq by firing on US troops.
Can someone point out when and where that happened?

Here are a just couple for you. They attacked our US aircraft enforcing the no fly zone. They also attacked Bush senior.

[ame=""]Clinton Bombs Iraq 1993[/ame]
Iraq never attacked the US in the first place, thusly how could Iraq "further attack' America?

I just a Neg Rep from Kiss My telling me that Iraq had attacked American soldiers in so many words but not the specifics. I don't recall Iraq instigating the US invasion of Iraq by firing on US troops.
Can someone point out when and where that happened?

Here are a just couple for you. They attacked our US aircraft enforcing the no fly zone. They also attacked Bush senior.

[ame=""]Clinton Bombs Iraq 1993[/ame]

Yo Vern, please explain clearly and succinctly, the reason our aircraft needed to be in Mesopotamia.

Gates on "courageous" bin Laden raid decision - 60 Minutes - CBS News of the most courageous decisions he's ever seen a president make.

This is coming from a very respected man who was appointed by a Republican President.

Watch the conservorubes go nutso.

Gate's is probably the best SECDEF we have ever had. He is going to be sorely missed.

It appears that anyone other than Rumsfeld is an improvement, to an extent I'd say that was true. But thats just surface noise imho.

Have you read the Quadrennial Defense Review? Interesting reading and like most gov. docs of this type what is interesting is what is not given emphasis and how they couch terms and what we actually see operationally and in the product purchasing and force leveraging as the rubber meets the road. Interesting to is the Ballistic Missile Defense Review.
You probably weren't alive when Saddam started the "war" by invading his neighbor Kuwait over debts he owed them and over disputed oil fields along their borders.

We kicked Saddam out and got the UN to so-called babysit Saddam for over a decade, while we enforced a UN No Fly Zone over parts of Iraq to ensure his military couldn't fly around killing various groups inside Iraq..."anymore."

Saddam and some of his friends in the UN then stole millions from the UN's Oil for Food program. Saddam funded islamic terrorists that attacked our ally Israel. Saddam played games with the IAEA inspectors looking for WMDs he would never prove he destroyed from the first Gulf War.

So after 9/11 Bush II decided to end this BS with Saddam over WMDs and Saddam's support for terrorists. Now that you've been kicked in the teeth, shut up.

Iraq never attacked the US in the first place, thusly how could Iraq "further attack' America?

I just a Neg Rep from Kiss My telling me that Iraq had attacked American soldiers in so many words but not the specifics. I don't recall Iraq instigating the US invasion of Iraq by firing on US troops.
Can someone point out when and where that happened?
Thanks! seems..were you.

Or you'd remember the whole April Glaspie debacle.

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